bind 0.4.0 BIND: DNS Settings /usr/local/pkg/ BIND DNS Server Modify BIND settings
named named Domain Name Service Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=bind.xml ACLs /pkg.php?xml=bind_acls.xml Views /pkg.php?xml=bind_views.xml Zones /pkg.php?xml=bind_zones.xml Sync /pkg_edit.php?xml=bind_sync.xml /usr/local/pkg/ /usr/local/pkg/ /usr/local/pkg/ /usr/local/pkg/ /usr/local/pkg/ /usr/local/pkg/ /usr/local/www/shortcuts/ /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/ listtopic Daemon Settings temp01 Enable BIND enable_bind Disable DNS Forwarder and Resolver services on selected interfaces before enabling BIND. ]]> checkbox IP Version bind_ip_version This controls which transports are used when resolving queries. ]]> select Listen on listenon Choose the interfaces on which to enable BIND. interfaces_selection Enable Notify bind_notify Notify slave server after any update on master. checkbox Hide Version bind_hide_version Hide the version of BIND (ignore queries for version.bind). checkbox Limit Memory Use bind_ram_limit Limits RAM use for DNS server (Recommended: 256M) input 10 256M listtopic Logging Options temp01 Enable Logging bind_logging System logs, Resolver tab. ]]> checkbox Logging Severity log_severity The value 'dynamic' means assume the global level defined by either the command line parameter -d or by running rndc trace. ]]> select Logging Options log_options (Use CTRL + click to select/unselect. ]]> select 18 listtopic Response Rate Limit temp01 Rate Limit rate_enabled A Quick Introduction to Response Rate Limiting  to prevent DOS attack. ]]> checkbox rate_limit,log_only Limit Action log_only Select what to do when a query reaches a limit. select Limit rate_limit Set rate limit. (Default: 15) input 10 listtopic Forwarder Configuration temp01 Enable Forwarding bind_forwarder Enable forwarding queries to other DNS servers listed below rather than this server performing its own recursion. checkbox bind_forwarder_ips Forwarder IPs bind_forwarder_ips Applies only if Enable Forwarding is chosen. ]]> input 80 listtopic Custom Options temp01 Custom Options bind_custom_options They need to be native settings. ]]> textarea 65 5 base64 listtopic Global Settings temp01 Global Settings bind_global_settings They need to be native settings. ]]> textarea 65 5 base64 bind_sync(); bind_write_rcfile();