2.0) { define('BIND_LOCALBASE', '/usr/pbi/bind-'.php_uname("m")); } else { define('BIND_LOCALBASE', '/usr/local'); } define('CHROOT_LOCALBASE', '/cf/named'); function bind_zone_validate($post, &$input_errors) { if (array_key_exists("mail", $_POST)) { $_POST['mail'] = preg_replace("/@/", ".", $post['mail']); } switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'slave': if ($_POST['slaveip'] == "") { $input_errors[] = 'The field \'Master Zone IP\' is required for slave zones.'; } break; case 'forward': if ($_POST['forwarders'] == "") { $input_errors[] = 'The field \'Forwarders\' is required for forward zones.'; } break; case 'redirect': $_POST['tll'] = 300; $_POST['refresh'] = 0; $_POST['serial'] = 0; $_POST['retry'] = 0; $_POST['expire'] = 0; $_POST['minimum'] = 0; if ($_POST['mail'] == '') { $input_errors[] = "The field 'Mail Admin Zone' is required for {$_POST['type']} zones."; } default: if ($_POST['nameserver'] == '') { $input_errors[] = "The field 'Name server' is required for {$_POST['type']} zones."; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST); $i++) { if (array_key_exists("hostname$i", $_POST)) { if ($_POST['reverso'] == "on") { $_POST["hostvalue$i"] = ""; if (!preg_match("/(PTR|NS)/", $_POST["hosttype$i"])) { $input_errors[] = 'On reverse zones, valid record types are NS or PTR'; } } if (preg_match("/(MX|NS)/", $_POST["hosttype$i"])) { $_POST["hostname$i"] = ""; } if (!preg_match("/(MX|NS)/", $_POST["hosttype$i"]) && $_POST["hostname$i"] == "") { $input_errors[] = 'Record cannot be empty for '.$_POST["hosttype$i"].' type '; } if ($_POST["hosttype$i"] == "MX" && $_POST["hostvalue$i"] == "") { $_POST["hostvalue$i"] = "10"; } if ($_POST["hosttype$i"] != "MX" && $_POST["hostvalue$i"] != "") { $_POST["hostvalue$i"] = ""; } if ($_POST["hostdst$i"] == "") { $input_errors[] = 'Alias or IP address cannot be empty.'; } } } break; } } function bind_sync() { global $config; conf_mount_rw(); //create rndc $rndc_confgen = "/usr/local/sbin/rndc-confgen"; if (!file_exists(BIND_LOCALBASE."/etc/rndc-confgen.pfsense") && file_exists($rndc_confgen)) { exec("$rndc_confgen ", $rndc_conf); foreach ($rndc_conf as $line) { $confgen_file .= "$line\n"; } file_put_contents(BIND_LOCALBASE."/etc/rndc-confgen.pfsense", $confgen_file); } if (file_exists(BIND_LOCALBASE."/etc/rndc-confgen.pfsense")) { $rndc_conf = file(BIND_LOCALBASE."/etc/rndc-confgen.pfsense"); $confgen = "rndc.conf"; $rndc_bindconf = ""; foreach ($rndc_conf as $line) { if ($confgen == "rndc.conf") { if (!preg_match("/^#/", $line)) { $rndc_file .= $line; } } else { if (!preg_match("/named.conf/", $line)) { $rndc_bindconf .= preg_replace('/#/', "", $line); } } if (preg_match("/named.conf/", $line)) { $confgen = "named.conf"; file_put_contents(BIND_LOCALBASE."/etc/rndc.conf", $rndc_file); } } } $bind = $config['installedpackages']['bind']['config'][0]; $bind_enable = $bind['enable_bind']; $bind_forwarder = $bind['bind_forwarder']; $forwarder_ips = $bind['bind_forwarder_ips']; $ram_limit = ($bind['bind_ram_limit'] ? $bind['bind_ram_limit'] : "256M"); $hide_version = $bind['bind_hide_version']; $bind_notify = $bind['bind_notify']; $custom_options = base64_decode($bind['bind_custom_options']); $bind_logging = $bind['bind_logging']; $bind_conf = "#Bind pfsense configuration\n"; $bind_conf .= "#Do not edit this file!!!\n\n"; $bind_conf .= "$rndc_bindconf\n"; $bind_conf .= <<$bind_listenonv6 $bind_listenon"; if (array_key_exists("ipv6allow", $config['system'])) { $bind_conf .= "\t\tlisten-on-v6 { $bind_listenonv6 };\n"; } $bind_conf .= "\tlisten-on { $bind_listenon };\n"; // forwarder config if ($bind_forwarder == 'on') { $bind_conf .= "\t\tforwarders { $forwarder_ips };\n"; } if ($bind_notify == 'on') { $bind_conf .= "\t\tnotify yes;\n"; } if ($hide_version == 'on') { $bind_conf .= "\t\tversion none;\n"; } $bind_conf .= preg_replace("/^/m", "\t", $custom_options); $bind_conf .= "\n\t};\n\n"; if ($bind_logging == 'on') { //check if bind is included on syslog $syslog_files = array("/etc/inc/system.inc", "/var/etc/syslog.conf"); $restart_syslog = 0; foreach ($syslog_files as $syslog_file) { $syslog_file_data = file_get_contents($syslog_file); if (!preg_match("/dnsmasq,named,filterdns/", $syslog_file_data) || !preg_match("/'dnsmasq','named','filterdns'/", $syslog_file_data)) { $syslog_file_data = preg_replace("/dnsmasq,filterdns/", "dnsmasq,named,filterdns", $syslog_file_data); $syslog_file_data = preg_replace("/'dnsmasq','filterdns'/", "'dnsmasq','named','filterdns'", $syslog_file_data); file_put_contents($syslog_file, $syslog_file_data); $restart_syslog++; } } if ($restart_syslog > 0) { system("/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd"); } $log_categories = explode(",", $bind['log_options']); $log_severity = ($bind['log_severity'] ? $bind['log_severity'] : 'default'); if (sizeof($log_categories) > 0 && $log_categories[0] != "") { $bind_conf .= << "none", "description" => "BIND Built-in ACL", "row" => array("value" => "", "description" => "")); $config['installedpackages']['bindacls']['config'][] = array("name" => "any", "description" => "BIND Built-in ACL", "row" => array("value" => "", "description" => "")); $config['installedpackages']['bindacls']['config'][] = array("name" => "localhost", "description" => "BIND Built-in ACL", "row" => array("value" => "", "description" => "")); $config['installedpackages']['bindacls']['config'][] = array("name" => "localnets", "description" => "BIND Built-in ACL", "row" => array("value" => "", "description" => "")); write_config("Create BIND Built-in ACLs"); } $bindacls = $config['installedpackages']['bindacls']['config']; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($bindacls); $i++) { $aclname = $bindacls[$i]['name']; $aclhost = $bindacls[$i]['row']; if ($aclname != "none" && $aclname != "any" && $aclname != "localhost" && $aclname != "localnets") { $bind_conf .= "acl \"$aclname\" {\n"; for ($u = 0; $u < sizeof($aclhost); $u++) { $aclhostvalue = $aclhost[$u]['value']; $bind_conf .= "\t$aclhostvalue;\n"; } $bind_conf .= "};\n\n"; } } // Add Views if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['bindviews'])) { $bindview = $config['installedpackages']['bindviews']['config']; } else { $bindview = array(); } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($bindview); $i++) { $views = $config['installedpackages']['bindviews']['config'][$i]; $viewname = $views['name']; $viewrecursion = $views['recursion']; if ($views['match-clients'] == '') { $viewmatchclients = "none"; } else { $viewmatchclients = str_replace(',', '; ', $views['match-clients']); } if ($views['allow-recursion'] == '') { $viewallowrecursion = "none"; } else { $viewallowrecursion = str_replace(',', '; ', $views['allow-recursion']); } $viewcustomoptions = base64_decode($views['bind_custom_options']); $bind_conf .= "view \"$viewname\" { \n\n"; $bind_conf .= "\trecursion $viewrecursion;\n"; $bind_conf .= "\tmatch-clients { $viewmatchclients; };\n"; $bind_conf .= "\tallow-recursion { $viewallowrecursion; };\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t$viewcustomoptions\n\n"; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['bindzone'])) { $bindzone = $config['installedpackages']['bindzone']['config']; } else { $bindzone = array(); } // Add Zones in View $write_config = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($bindzone); $x++) { $zone = $bindzone[$x]; if ($zone['disabled'] == "on") { continue; } $zonename = $zone['name']; if ($zonename == ".") { $custom_root_zone[$i] = true; } $zonetype = $zone['type']; $zoneview = $zone['view']; $zonecustom = base64_decode($zone['custom']); $zoneipslave = $zone['slaveip']; $zoneforwarders = $zone['forwarders']; $zonereverso = $zone['reverso']; // Ensure zone view folder exists if (!(is_dir(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview"))) { mkdir(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview", 0755, true); } if ($zone['allowupdate'] == '') { $zoneallowupdate = "none"; } else { $zoneallowupdate = str_replace(',', '; ', $zone['allowupdate']); } if ($zone['allowquery'] == '') { $zoneallowquery = "none"; } else { $zoneallowquery = str_replace(',', '; ', $zone['allowquery']); } if ($zone['allowtransfer'] == '') { $zoneallowtransfer = "none"; } else { $zoneallowtransfer = str_replace(',', '; ', $zone['allowtransfer']); } if ($zoneview == $viewname) { // Add zone name if ($zonereverso == "on") { $bind_conf .= "\tzone \"$zonename.in-addr.arpa\" {\n"; } else { $bind_conf .= "\tzone \"$zonename\" {\n"; } // Add zone file (if not forwarder) $bind_conf .= "\t\ttype $zonetype;\n"; if ($zonetype != "forward") { $bind_conf .= "\t\tfile \"/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview/$zonename.DB\";\n"; } // Add zone statements switch ($zonetype) { case 'slave': $bind_conf .= "\t\tmasters { $zoneipslave; };\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tallow-transfer { $zoneallowtransfer; };\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tnotify no;\n"; break; case 'forward': $bind_conf .= "\t\tforward only;\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tforwarders { $zoneforwarders; };\n"; break; case 'redirect': $bind_conf .= "\t\t# While using redirect zones,NXDOMAIN Redirection will not override DNSSEC\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\t# If the client has requested DNSSEC records (DO=1) and the NXDOMAIN response is signed then no substitution will occur\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\t# https://kb.isc.org/article/AA-00376/192/BIND-9.9-redirect-zones-for-NXDOMAIN-redirection.html\n"; break; default: $bind_conf .= "\t\tallow-update { $zoneallowupdate; };\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tallow-query { $zoneallowquery; };\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tallow-transfer { $zoneallowtransfer; };\n"; if ($zone['dnssec'] == "on") { //https://kb.isc.org/article/AA-00626/ $bind_conf .= "\n\t\t# look for dnssec keys here:\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tkey-directory \"/etc/namedb/keys\";\n\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\t# publish and activate dnssec keys:\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tauto-dnssec maintain;\n\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\t# use inline signing:\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tinline-signing yes;\n\n"; } break; } // Add custom zone statements if ($zonecustom != '') { $bind_conf .= "\t\t$zonecustom\n"; } $bind_conf .= "\t};\n\n"; // Create zone config DB file switch ($zonetype) { case 'master': case 'redirect': // check/update slave dir permission chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype", "bind"); chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview", "bind"); $zonetll = ($zone['tll'] ? $zone['tll'] : "43200"); $zonemail = ($zone['mail'] ? $zone['mail'] : "zonemaster.{$zonename}"); $zonemail = preg_replace("/@/", ".", $zonemail); $zoneserial = $zone['serial']; $zonerefresh = ($zone['refresh'] ? $zone['refresh'] : "3600"); $zoneretry = ($zone['retry'] ? $zone['retry'] : "600"); $zoneexpire = ($zone['expire'] ? $zone['expire'] : "86400"); $zoneminimum = ($zone['minimum'] ? $zone['minimum'] : "3600"); $zonenameserver = $zone['nameserver']; $zoneipns = $zone['ipns']; $zonereverso = $zone['reverso']; if ($zone['allowupdate'] == '') { $zoneallowupdate = "none"; } else { $zoneallowupdate = str_replace(',', '; ', $zone['allowupdate']); } if ($zone['allowquery'] == '') { $zoneallowquery = "none"; } else { $zoneallowquery = str_replace(',', '; ', $zone['allowquery']); } if ($zone['allowtransfer'] == '') { $zoneallowtransfer = "none"; } else { $zoneallowtransfer = str_replace(',', '; ', $zone['allowtransfer']); } $zone_conf = "\$TTL {$zonetll}\n;\n"; if ($zonereverso == "on") { $zone_conf .= "\$ORIGIN {$zonename}.in-addr.arpa.\n\n"; } else { $zone_conf .= "\$ORIGIN {$zonename}.\n\n"; } $zone_conf .= ";\tDatabase file {$zonename}.DB for {$zonename} zone.\n"; $zone_conf .= ";\tDo not edit this file!!!\n"; $zone_conf .= ";\tZone version {$zoneserial}\n;\n"; if ($zonereverso == "on" || $zonetype == "redirect") { $zone_conf .= "@\t IN SOA $zonenameserver. \t $zonemail. (\n"; } else { $zone_conf .= "$zonename.\t IN SOA $zonenameserver. \t $zonemail. (\n"; } $zone_conf .= "\t\t$zoneserial ; serial\n"; $zone_conf .= "\t\t$zonerefresh ; refresh\n"; $zone_conf .= "\t\t$zoneretry ; retry\n"; $zone_conf .= "\t\t$zoneexpire ; expire\n"; $zone_conf .= "\t\t$zoneminimum ; default_ttl\n\t\t)\n\n"; $zone_conf .= ";\n; Zone Records\n;\n"; if ($zonereverso == "on") { $zone_conf .= "\t IN NS \t$zonenameserver.\n"; } else { $zone_conf .= "@ \t IN NS \t$zonenameserver.\n"; if ($zoneipns != "") { $zone_conf .= "@ \t IN A \t$zoneipns\n"; } } for ($y = 0; $y < sizeof($zone['row']); $y++) { $hostname = (preg_match("/(MX|NS)/", $zone['row'][$y]['hosttype']) ? "@" : $zone['row'][$y]['hostname']); $hosttype = $zone['row'][$y]['hosttype']; $hostdst = $zone['row'][$y]['hostdst']; if (preg_match("/[a-zA-Z]/", $hostdst) && !preg_match("/(TXT|SPF|AAAA)/", $hosttype)) { $hostdst .= "."; } $hostvalue = $zone['row'][$y]['hostvalue']; $zone_conf .= "$hostname \t IN $hosttype $hostvalue \t$hostdst\n"; } // Register DHCP static mappings if (($zone['regdhcpstatic'] == 'on') && is_array($config['dhcpd'])) { $zoneparts = array_reverse(explode('.', $zonename)); foreach ($config['dhcpd'] as $dhcpif => $dhcpifconf) { if (!isset($dhcpifconf['enable']) || !is_array($dhcpifconf['staticmap'])) { continue; } foreach ($dhcpifconf['staticmap'] as $host) { if (is_domain($host['domain'])) { $domain = $host['domain']; } elseif (is_domain($dhcpifconf['domain'])) { $domain = $dhcpifconf['domain']; } elseif (is_domain($config['system']['domain'])) { $domain = $config['system']['domain']; } else { continue; } if (!is_hostname($host['hostname']) || !is_ipaddr($host['ipaddr'])) { continue; } if ($zonereverso == "on") { $parts = explode('.', $host['ipaddr']); $intersect = array_intersect_assoc($parts, $zoneparts); if (count($zoneparts) == count($intersect)) { $diff = array_diff_assoc($parts, $zoneparts); $shortaddr = implode('.', array_reverse($diff)); $zone_conf .= "{$shortaddr}\tIN PTR\t{$host['hostname']}.{$domain}.\n"; } } else { $parts = array_reverse(explode('.', $domain)); $diff = array_diff_assoc($parts, $zoneparts); if (count($diff) == 0) { $zone_conf .= "{$host['hostname']}\tIN A\t{$host['ipaddr']}\n"; } } } } } // Add custom zone records if ($zone['customzonerecords'] != "") { $zone_conf .= "\n\n;\n;custom zone records\n;\n".base64_decode($zone['customzonerecords'])."\n"; } // Save zone configuration DB file file_put_contents(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview/$zonename.DB", $zone_conf); $config['installedpackages']['bindzone']['config'][$x]['resultconfig'] = base64_encode($zone_conf); $write_config++; //check dnssec keys creation for master zones if ($zone['dnssec'] == "on") { $zone_found = 0; foreach (glob(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/keys/*{$zonename}*key", GLOB_NOSORT) as $filename) { $zone_found++; } if ($zone_found == 0) { $key_restored = 0; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys']) && is_array($config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys']['config'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys']['config'] as $filer) { if (preg_match("/K$zonename\.+/", $filer['fullfile'])) { file_put_contents($filer['fullfile'], base64_decode($filer['filedata']), LOCK_EX); chmod($filer['fullfile'], 0700); chown($filer['fullfile'], "bind"); $key_restored++; } } } if ($key_restored > 0) { log_error("[bind] {$key_restored} DNSSEC keys restored from XML backup for {$zonename} zone."); } $dnssec_bin = "/usr/local/sbin/dnssec-keygen"; if (file_exists($dnssec_bin) && $key_restored == 0) { exec("{$dnssec_bin} -K ".CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/keys {$zonename}", $kout); exec("{$dnssec_bin} -K ".CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/keys -fk {$zonename}", $kout); foreach ($kout as $filename) { chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/keys/{$filename}.key", "bind"); chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/keys/{$filename}.private", "bind"); } log_error("[bind] DNSSEC keys for {$zonename} created."); } } // get ds keys $dsfromkey = "/usr/local/sbin/dnssec-dsfromkey"; foreach (glob(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/keys/*{$zonename}*key", GLOB_NOSORT) as $filename) { $zone_key = file_get_contents($filename); if (preg_match("/IN DNSKEY 257 /", $zone_key) && file_exists($dsfromkey)) { exec("$dsfromkey $filename", $dsset); $config['installedpackages']['bindzone']['config'][$x]['dsset'] = base64_encode(array_pop($dsset)."\n".array_pop($dsset)); $write_config++; } } // save dnssec keys to xml if ($zone['backupkeys'] == "on") { $dnssec_keys = 0; foreach (glob(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/keys/*{$zonename}*", GLOB_NOSORT) as $filename) { $file_found = 0; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys']) && is_array($config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys']['config'])) { foreach ($config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys']['config'] as $filer) { if ($filer['fullfile'] == $filename) { $file_found++; } } } if ($file_found == 0) { $config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys']['config'][] = array('fullfile' => $filename, 'description' => "bind {$zonename} DNSSEC backup file", 'filedata' => base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename))); $write_config++; $dnssec_keys++; } } if ($dnssec_keys > 0) { log_error("[bind] {$dnssec_keys} DNSSEC keys for {$zonename} zone saved on XML config."); } } } break; case 'slave': // check/update slave dir permission chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype", "bind"); chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview", "bind"); // check if exists slave zone file $rsconfig = ""; if ($zone['dnssec'] == "on") { if (file_exists(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview/$zonename.DB.signed")) { exec("/usr/local/sbin/named-checkzone -D -f raw -o - {$zonename} ".CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview/$zonename.DB.signed", $slave_file); } } else { if (file_exists(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview/$zonename.DB")) { $slave_file = file(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/$zonetype/$zoneview/$zonename.DB"); } } // TODO is is_array() the best test to use? is it only checking for existence? if (is_array($slave_file)) { foreach ($slave_file as $zfile) { $rsconfig .= $zfile; } } $config['installedpackages']['bindzone']['config'][$x]['resultconfig'] = base64_encode($rsconfig); $write_config++; break; } } } if (!$custom_root_zone[$i]) { $bind_conf .= "\tzone \".\" {\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\ttype hint;\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t\tfile \"/etc/namedb/named.root\";\n"; $bind_conf .= "\t};\n\n"; } if ($write_config > 0) { write_config("save result config file for zone on xml"); } $bind_conf .= "};\n"; } $dirs = array("/etc/namedb/keys", "/var/run/named", "/var/dump", "/var/log", "/var/stats", "/dev"); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!is_dir(CHROOT_LOCALBASE.$dir)) { mkdir(CHROOT_LOCALBASE.$dir, 0755, true); } } // dev dirs for chroot $bind_dev_dir = CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/dev"; if (!file_exists("$bind_dev_dir/random")) { $dev_dirs = array("null", "zero", "random", "urandom"); exec("/sbin/mount -t devfs devfs {$bind_dev_dir}", $dout); exec("/sbin/devfs -m {$bind_dev_dir} ruleset 1", $dout); exec("/sbin/devfs -m {$bind_dev_dir} rule add hide", $dout); foreach ($dev_dirs as $dev_dir) { exec("/sbin/devfs -m {$bind_dev_dir} rule add path $dev_dir unhide", $dout); } exec("/sbin/devfs -m {$bind_dev_dir} rule applyset", $dout); } // http://www.unixwiz.net/techtips/bind9-chroot.html file_put_contents(CHROOT_LOCALBASE.'/etc/namedb/named.conf', $bind_conf); file_put_contents(CHROOT_LOCALBASE.'/etc/namedb/rndc.conf', $rndc_file); if (!file_exists(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/named.root")) { // dig +tcp @a.root-servers.net > CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/named.root" $named_root = file_get_contents("http://www.internic.net/domain/named.root"); file_put_contents(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/named.root", $named_root, LOCK_EX); } if (!file_exists(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/localtime")) { copy("/etc/localtime", CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/localtime"); } bind_write_rcfile(); chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb/keys", "bind"); chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/etc/namedb", "bind"); chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/var/log", "bind"); chown(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/var/run/named", "bind"); chgrp(CHROOT_LOCALBASE."/var/log", "bind"); $bind_sh = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/named.sh"; if ($bind_enable == "on") { chmod($bind_sh, 0755); mwexec("{$bind_sh} restart"); } elseif (is_service_running('named')) { mwexec("{$bind_sh} stop"); chmod($bind_sh, 0644); } // sync to backup servers bind_sync_on_changes(); conf_mount_ro(); } function bind_print_javascript_type_zone() { ?> on_type_zone_changed();document.iform.resultconfig.disabled = 1;document.iform.dsset.disabled = 1;\n"); } function bind_write_rcfile() { $rc = array(); $BIND_LOCALBASE = "/usr/local"; $rc['file'] = 'named.sh'; $rc['start'] = <</dev/null sleep 2 EOD; $rc['restart'] = <</dev/null sleep 3 {$BIND_LOCALBASE}/sbin/named -c /etc/namedb/named.conf -u bind -t /cf/named/ fi EOD; conf_mount_rw(); write_rcfile($rc); conf_mount_ro(); } /* Uses XMLRPC to synchronize the changes to a remote node */ function bind_sync_on_changes() { global $config, $g; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['bindsync']['config'])) { $bind_sync = $config['installedpackages']['bindsync']['config'][0]; $synconchanges = $bind_sync['synconchanges']; $synctimeout = $bind_sync['synctimeout']; $master_zone_ip = $bind_sync['masterip']; switch ($synconchanges) { case 'manual': if (is_array($bind_sync['row'])) { $rs = $bind_sync['row']; } else { log_error("[bind] xmlrpc sync is enabled but there is no hosts to push on bind config."); return; } break; case 'auto': if (is_array($config['hasync'])) { $hasync = $config['hasync'][0]; $rs[0]['ipaddress'] = $hasync['synchronizetoip']; $rs[0]['username'] = $hasync['username']; $rs[0]['password'] = $hasync['password']; } else { log_error("[bind] xmlrpc sync is enabled but there is no system backup hosts to push bind config."); return; } break; default: return; break; } if (is_array($rs)) { log_error("[bind] xmlrpc sync is starting."); foreach ($rs as $sh) { $sync_to_ip = $sh['ipaddress']; $password = $sh['password']; if ($sh['username']) { $username = $sh['username']; } else { $username = 'admin'; } if ($password && $sync_to_ip) { bind_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $username, $password, $synctimeout, $master_zone_ip); } } log_error("[bind] xmlrpc sync is ending."); } } } /* Do the actual XMLRPC sync */ function bind_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $username, $password, $synctimeout, $master_zone_ip) { global $config, $g; if (!$username) { return; } if (!$password) { return; } if (!$sync_to_ip) { return; } if (!$synctimeout) { $synctimeout = 25; } $xmlrpc_sync_neighbor = $sync_to_ip; if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] != "") { $synchronizetoip = $config['system']['webgui']['protocol']; $synchronizetoip .= "://"; } $port = $config['system']['webgui']['port']; /* if port is empty lets rely on the protocol selection */ if ($port == "") { if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "http") { $port = "80"; } else { $port = "443"; } } $synchronizetoip .= $sync_to_ip; /* xml will hold the sections to sync */ $xml = array(); $xml['bind'] = $config['installedpackages']['bind']; $xml['bindacls'] = $config['installedpackages']['bindacls']; $xml['bindviews'] = $config['installedpackages']['bindviews']; $xml['bindzone'] = $config['installedpackages']['bindzone']; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys'])) { $xml['dnsseckeys'] = $config['installedpackages']['dnsseckeys']; } //change master zone to slave on backup servers if (is_array($xml['bindzone']["config"])) { for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($xml['bindzone']["config"]); $x++) { if ($xml['bindzone']["config"][$x]['type'] == "master") { $xml['bindzone']["config"][$x]['type'] = "slave"; $xml['bindzone']["config"][$x]['slaveip'] = $master_zone_ip; } } } /* assemble xmlrpc payload */ $params = array( XML_RPC_encode($password), XML_RPC_encode($xml) ); /* set a few variables needed for sync code borrowed from filter.inc */ $url = $synchronizetoip; log_error("[bind] Beginning bind XMLRPC sync to {$url}:{$port}."); $method = 'pfsense.merge_installedpackages_section_xmlrpc'; $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($method, $params); $cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', $url, $port); $cli->setCredentials($username, $password); if ($g['debug']) { $cli->setDebug(1); } /* send our XMLRPC message and timeout after defined sync timeout value*/ $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); if (!$resp) { $error = "A communications error occurred while attempting BIND XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port}."; log_error($error); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "bind Settings Sync", ""); } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $cli->setDebug(1); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); $error = "An error code was received while attempting BIND XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} - Code ".$resp->faultCode().": ".$resp->faultString(); log_error($error); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "bind Settings Sync", ""); } else { log_error("[bind] XMLRPC sync successfully completed with {$url}:{$port}."); } /* tell bind to reload our settings on the destination sync host. */ $method = 'pfsense.exec_php'; $execcmd = "require_once('/usr/local/pkg/bind.inc');\n"; $execcmd .= "bind_sync('yes');"; /* assemble xmlrpc payload */ $params = array( XML_RPC_encode($password), XML_RPC_encode($execcmd) ); log_error("[bind] XMLRPC reload data {$url}:{$port}."); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($method, $params); $cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', $url, $port); $cli->setCredentials($username, $password); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); if (!$resp) { $error = "A communications error occurred while attempting BIND XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} (pfsense.exec_php)."; log_error($error); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "Bind Settings Sync", ""); } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $cli->setDebug(1); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); $error = "[Bind] An error code was received while attempting BIND XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} - Code ".$resp->faultCode().": ".$resp->faultString(); log_error($error); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "bind Settings Sync", ""); } else { log_error("BIND XMLRPC reload data success with {$url}:{$port} (pfsense.exec_php)."); } } ?>