bandwidthd 0.6 Diagnostics: Bandwidthd /pkg_edit.php?xml=bandwidthd.xml&id=0 /usr/local/pkg/ BandwidthD
BandwidthD Settings
bandwidthd bandwidthd BandwidthD bandwidth monitoring daemon Settings /pkg_edit.php?xml=bandwidthd.xml&id=0 Access BandwidthD /bandwidthd/index.html enabled installedpackages->package->bandwidthd /usr/local/pkg/ General Options listtopic Enable BandwidthD enable checkbox BandwidthD Web Interface active_interface Bind the BandwidthD web interface to IP address of the specified interface. interfaces_selection (loopback|wan) lan Subnet(s) for Statistics Collection interface_array Note: PPPoE interfaces are NOT supported! ]]> interfaces_selection loopback 3 true Promiscuous promiscuous Note: If the interface is connected to a switch then the interface will only see the traffic on its port. ]]> checkbox Sensor ID sensorid (Using the sensor's fully qualified domain name is recommended.) ]]> input Graph Options listtopic Draw Graphs drawgraphs BandwidthD will use very little RAM and CPU if this option is disabled. ]]> checkbox on Meta Refresh meta_refresh Default 150, use 0 to disable. ]]> input Skip Intervals skipintervals Default 0. (Each interval is 200 seconds = 3 min 20 sec.) ]]> input Graph Cutoff graphcutoff Default 1024. ]]> input Output to CDF outputcdf Log data to CDF files log*.cdf checkbox Recover CDF recovercdf Read back the CDF files on startup. checkbox Graph and Log Info graph_log_info If "Output to CDF" is on, then a cron job is added to rotate the log files at 00:01 each day. 6 log files are kept for each log frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).  At the respective rotation intervals, the oldest log is deleted, the others are shuffled back and a new log is created.

Data IntervalGraph SpanLog RotationLog File Name
Daily200 seconds2 days1 daylog.1.[0-5].cdf
Weekly10 minutes7 days7 dayslog.2.[0-5].cdf
Monthly1 hour35 days35 dayslog.3.[0-5].cdf
Yearly12 hours412.5 days412.5 days log.4.[0-5].cdf
PostgreSQL Options listtopic Output to PostgreSQL outputpostgresql Get the PostgreSQL schema and PHP files to display the results from ]]> postgresqlhost,postgresqldatabase,postgresqlusername,postgresqlpasswordenc checkbox Database Host postgresqlhost Hostname of the PostgreSQL database server. input Database Name postgresqldatabase Database on the PostgreSQL database server. input Database Username postgresqlusername Username of the PostgreSQL database server. input Database Password postgresqlpasswordenc Password of the PostgreSQL database server. password base64 Advanced Filter advfilter pcap-filter(7) for documentation.
NOTE: You should always specify "ip" in the filter to avoid strange results.

Example: We only want to account for a certain IP.
Filter expression: ip and host

WARNING: You are completely on your own with this! If misconfigured, BandwidthD will malfunction or even not start at all. ]]>
textarea base64 65 1
bandwidthd_install_config(); bandwidthd_upgrade_config(); bandwidthd_install_config(); bandwidthd_install_deinstall(); bandwidthd_validate_input($_POST, $input_errors);