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<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "./schema/packages.dtd">
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    <description>Jail management</description>
    <requirements>Built world in /usr/obj</requirements>
    <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
	<title>Jails: Settings</title>
	<!-- configpath gets expanded out automatically and config items will be
	 stored in that location -->

			<text>Global settings</text>
<!--		<tab>
			<text>Jail defaults</text>
		</tab> -->

		<fielddescr>FTP mirror</fielddescr>
		<description>Select a FTP server (mirror) to use for sysinstall</description>
		<fielddescr>DNS servers</fielddescr>
		<description>DNS servers to be added to /etc/resolv.conf of jails, space separated IP addresses</description>
		<fielddescr>Location for jails</fielddescr>
		<description>Jails will be stored here</description>
		<fielddescr>Location for jail backups</fielddescr>
		<description>Backups are .tgz files of the jail directory</description>
		<fielddescr>Files to exclude from backup</fielddescr>
		<description>Files to exclude from backup</description>
		<default_value>--exclude ./usr/ports/* --exclude ./tmp/* --exclude ./var/tmp/* --exclude ./usr/src/*</default_value>
		<fielddescr>System configuration</fielddescr>
			<fielddescr>Lines to add to /etc/rc.conf</fielddescr>
		<fielddescr>Default password for jails</fielddescr>
		<description>Set to &quot;system&quot; by default.&lt;br&gt;
		&lt;b&gt;NOTE: Only type here if you want to change the current default password!&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;
		This field will show as empty even if a password has been set. Changing this will not affect existing jails.</description>
		<fielddescr>Debug mode</fielddescr>
		<description>Enable debug information do be shown by the GUI</description>


	<!-- php hooks -->