EOD; $pfSenseHead->addScript($jscriptstr); echo $pfSenseHead->getHTML(); ?>
Statistical SPAM Protection for...
Username />   />
DSPAM Version
DSPAM Copyright
DSPAM Copyright Text
DSPAM Website
DSPAM Configure Args
License User
License Key
License Validity  Renew License
Purchase Date
Expiry Date
Ni-ONE Website http://www.niefert.net/nione.php
Support Request Issue a support request
Ni-ONE Customer Forum Visit Ni-ONE Customer Forum
License File (nione.lic)
License Checksum (nione.lic.sha1)
License Disclaimer

The Ni-ONE appliance solution is based on open source software. Hence you are allowed to use the corresponding software components (i.e. DSPAM and its dependencies) under the terms of the accompanying open source license.

The Ni-ONE license provides 1st class priority support for a period of one year starting from the day you did purchase a valide license option. If the license is marked as expired, you may consider to purchase a renewal license option using the renew license button that will be provided by the web interface in such circumstances.

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