<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xsl/package.xsl"?>
    <description>Describe your package here</description>
    <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
    <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
			<description>Adds current date to front page</description>
			<description>Adds 3th network boot option</description>
			<fielddescr>After Filter Change</fielddescr>
			When using voip behind a multiwan failover setup, states needs to be cleared.&lt;br&gt;
			(Press save twice to activate and deactivate)
			<fielddescr>DNS Servers</fielddescr>
			<description>Adds option for a 3th and 4th DNS Server</description>