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<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
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    <description>Describe your package here</description>
    <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
    <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
			<fielddescr>Dynamic DNS</fielddescr>
			A more customize way to update dynamic dns and mainly for IP's that doesn't change very often.&lt;br&gt;
			Will check for ip change every 5 min via local shell script and will only contact provider on change.&lt;br&gt;
			<fielddescr>Enter string that should be phrased</fielddescr>
			String for OpenDNS should look like:&lt;br&gt;
			<fielddescr>Enter 2th string that should be phrased</fielddescr>
			<description>Leave empty if not used</description>
			<fielddescr>Enter 3th string that should be phrased</fielddescr>
			<description>Leave empty if not used</description>