path: root/packages/squidGuard
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/squidGuard')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 4930 deletions
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/.project b/packages/squidGuard/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 49cdc3c9..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <name>squidGuard</name>
- <comment></comment>
- <projects>
- </projects>
- <buildSpec>
- </buildSpec>
- <natures>
- </natures>
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/sgerror.php b/packages/squidGuard/sgerror.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8084c5c3..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/sgerror.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-$page_info = <<<EOD
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SquidGuard error page generator
-# (C)2006-2007 Serg Dvoriancev
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This programm processed redirection to specified URL or generated error page for standart HTTP error code.
-# Redirection supported http and https protocols.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Format:
-# sgerror.php?url=[http://myurl]or[https://myurl]or[error_code[space_code]output-message][incoming SquidGuard variables]
-# Incoming SquidGuard variables:
-# a=client_address
-# n=client_name
-# i=client_user
-# s=client_group
-# t=target_group
-# u=client_url
-# Example:
-# sgerror.php?url=http://myurl.com&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=..
-# sgerror.php?url=https://myurl.com&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=..
-# sgerror.php?url=404%20output-message&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=..
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Tags:
-# myurl and output messages can include Tags
-# [a] - client address
-# [n] - client name
-# [i] - client user
-# [s] - client group
-# [t] - target group
-# [u] - client url
-# Example:
-# sgerror.php?url=401 Unauthorized access to URL [u] for client [n]
-# sgerror.php?url=http://my_error_page.php?cladr=%5Ba%5D&clname=%5Bn%5D // %5b=[ %d=]
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Special Tags:
-# blank - get blank page
-# blank_img - get one-pixel transparent image (for replace banners and etc.)
-# Example:
-# sgerror.php?url=blank
-# sgerror.php?url=blank_img
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('ACTION_URL', 'url');
-define('ACTION_RES', 'res');
-define('ACTION_MSG', 'msg');
-define('TAG_BLANK', 'blank');
-define('TAG_BLANK_IMG', 'blank_img');
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ?url=EMPTY_IMG
-# Use this options for replace baners/ads to transparent picture. Thisbetter for viewing.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# NULL GIF file
-# HEX: 47 49 46 38 39 61 - - -
-# SYM: G I F 8 9 a 01 00 | 01 00 80 00 00 FF FF FF | 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 00 | 01 00 01 00 00 02 02 44 | 01 00 3B
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define(GIF_BODY, "GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x2C\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x44\x01\x00\x3B");
-$url = '';
-$msg = '';
-$cl = Array(); // squidGuard variables: %a %n %i %s %t %u
-$err_code = array();
-$err_code[301] = "301 Moved Permanently";
-$err_code[302] = "302 Found";
-$err_code[303] = "303 See Other";
-$err_code[305] = "305 Use Proxy";
-$err_code[400] = "400 Bad Request";
-$err_code[401] = "401 Unauthorized";
-$err_code[402] = "402 Payment Required";
-$err_code[403] = "403 Forbidden";
-$err_code[404] = "404 Not Found";
-$err_code[405] = "405 Method Not Allowed";
-$err_code[406] = "406 Not Acceptable";
-$err_code[407] = "407 Proxy Authentication Required";
-$err_code[408] = "408 Request Time-out";
-$err_code[409] = "409 Conflict";
-$err_code[410] = "410 Gone";
-$err_code[411] = "411 Length Required";
-$err_code[412] = "412 Precondition Failed";
-$err_code[413] = "413 Request Entity Too Large";
-$err_code[414] = "414 Request-URI Too Large";
-$err_code[415] = "415 Unsupported Media Type";
-$err_code[416] = "416 Requested range not satisfiable";
-$err_code[417] = "417 Expectation Failed";
-$err_code[500] = "500 Internal Server Error";
-$err_code[501] = "501 Not Implemented";
-$err_code[502] = "502 Bad Gateway";
-$err_code[503] = "503 Service Unavailable";
-$err_code[504] = "504 Gateway Time-out";
-$err_code[505] = "505 HTTP Version not supported";
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# check arg's
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if (count($_POST)) {
- $url = trim($_POST['url']);
- $msg = $_POST['msg'];
- $cl['a'] = $_POST['a'];
- $cl['n'] = $_POST['n'];
- $cl['i'] = $_POST['i'];
- $cl['s'] = $_POST['s'];
- $cl['t'] = $_POST['t'];
- $cl['u'] = $_POST['u'];
-elseif (count($_GET)) {
- $url = trim($_GET['url']);
- $msg = $_GET['msg'];
- $cl['a'] = $_GET['a'];
- $cl['n'] = $_GET['n'];
- $cl['i'] = $_GET['i'];
- $cl['s'] = $_GET['s'];
- $cl['t'] = $_GET['t'];
- $cl['u'] = $_GET['u'];
-else {
- # Show 'About page'
- echo get_page(get_about());
- exit();
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# url's
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if ($url) {
- $err_id = 0;
- // check error code
- foreach ($err_code as $key => $val) {
- if (strpos(strtolower($url), strval($key)) === 0) {
- $err_id = $key;
- break;
- }
- }
- # blank page
- if ($url === TAG_BLANK) {
- echo get_page('');
- }
- # blank image
- elseif ($url === TAG_BLANK_IMG) {
- $msg = trim($msg);
- if(strpos($msg, "maxlen_") !== false) {
- $maxlen = intval(trim(str_replace("maxlen_", "", $url)));
- filter_by_image_size($cl['u'], $maxlen);
- exit();
- }
- else {
- # --------------------------------------------------------------
- # return blank image
- # --------------------------------------------------------------
- header("Content-Type: image/gif;"); // charset=windows-1251");
- echo GIF_BODY;
- }
- }
- # error code
- elseif ($err_id !== 0) {
- $er_msg = strstr($_GET['url'], ' ');
- echo get_error_page($err_id, $er_msg);
- }
- # redirect url
- elseif ((strpos(strtolower($url), "http://") === 0) or (strpos(strtolower($url), "https://") === 0)) {
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # redirect to specified url
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- header("HTTP/1.0");
- header("Location: $url", '', 302);
- }
- // error arguments
- else {
- echo get_page("sgerror: error arguments $url");
- }
-else {
- echo get_page($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); //$url . implode(" ", $_GET));
-# echo get_error_page(500);
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# Exit
-# ~~~~~~~~~~
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# functions
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function get_page($body) {
- $str = Array();
- $str[] = '<html>';
- $str[] = "<body>\n$body\n</body>";
- $str[] = '</html>';
- return implode("\n", $str);
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-# IE displayed self-page, if them size > 1024
-# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-function get_error_page($er_code_id, $err_msg='') {
- global $err_code;
- global $cl;
- $str = Array();
- header("HTTP/1.1 " . $err_code[$er_code_id]);
- $str[] = '<html>';
- $str[] = '<body>';
- $str[] = '<h3>Request denied by pfSense proxy: ' . $err_code[$er_code_id] . '</h3>';
- if ($err_msg) $str[] = "<b> Reason: </b> $err_msg";
- $str[] = '<hr size="1" noshade>';
- if ($cl['a']) $str[] = "<b> Client address: </b> {$cl['a']} <br>";
- if ($cl['n']) $str[] = "<b> Client name: </b> {$cl['n']} <br>";
- if ($cl['i']) $str[] = "<b> Client user: </b> {$cl['i']} <br>";
- if ($cl['s']) $str[] = "<b> Client group: </b> {$cl['s']} <br>";
- if ($cl['t']) $str[] = "<b> Target group: </b> {$cl['t']} <br>";
- if ($cl['u']) $str[] = "<b> URL: </b> {$cl['u']} <br>";
- $str[] = '<hr size="1" noshade>';
- $str[] = "</body>";
- $str[] = "</html>";
- return implode("\n", $str);
-function get_about() {
- global $err_code;
- global $page_info;
- $str = Array();
- // about info
- $s = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $page_info);
- $str[] = $s;
- $str[] = "<br>";
- $str[] = '<table>';
- $str[] = ' <b>HTTP error codes (ERROR_CODE):</th></tr>';
- foreach($err_code as $val) {
- $str []= "<tr><td>$val";
- }
- $str[] = '</table>';
- return implode("\n", $str);
-function filter_by_image_size($url, $val_size) {
- # load url header
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- $hd = curl_exec($ch);
- curl_close($ch);
- $size = 0;
- $SKEY = "content-length:";
- $s_tmp = strtolower($hd);
- $s_tmp = str_replace("\n", " ", $s_tmp); # replace all "\n"
- if (strpos($s_tmp, $SKEY) !== false) {
- $s_tmp = trim(substr($s_tmp, strpos($s_tmp, $SKEY) + strlen($SKEY)));
- $s_tmp = trim(substr($s_tmp, 0, strpos($s_tmp, " ")));
- if (is_numeric($s_tmp))
- $size = intval($s_tmp);
- else $size = 0;
- }
- # === check url type and content size ===
- # redirect to specified url
- if (($size !== 0) && ($size < $val_size)) {
- header("HTTP/1.0");
- header("Location: $url", '', 302);
- }
- # return blank image
- else {
- header("Content-Type: image/gif;");
- echo GIF_BODY;
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard.inc b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ab4b7c..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1394 +0,0 @@
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* squidguard.inc
- (C)2006-2008 Serg Dvoriancev
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('SQUIDGUARD_CONFBASE', '/usr/local/etc/squid');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_CONFFILE', '/squidguard.conf');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_CONFXML', '/squidguard_conf.xml');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_BINPATH', '/usr/local/bin');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_WORKDIR', '/usr/local/etc/squidGuard');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_LOGDIR', '/var/squidGuard/log');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_DBHOME', '/var/db/squidGuard');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_WEBGUI_LOG', '/squidguard_gui.log');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_WEBGUI_HISTORY_LOG', '/squidguard_gui_history.log');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('F_NAME', 'name');
-define('F_DEST', 'dest');
-define('F_SOURCE', 'source');
-define('F_DESTINATION', 'dest');
-define('F_REWRITE', 'rewrite');
-define('F_REDIRECT', 'redirect');
-define('F_TIME', 'time');
-define('F_OVERDESTINATION', 'overdestination');
-define('F_OVERREWRITE', 'overrewrite');
-define('F_OVERREDIRECT', 'overredirect');
-define('F_TARGETURL', 'targeturl');
-define('F_REPLACETO', 'replaceto');
-define('F_TIMETYPE', 'timetype');
-define('F_TIMEDAYS', 'timedays');
-define('F_DATERANGE', 'daterange');
-define('F_TIMERANGE', 'sg_timerange');
-define('F_IPLIST', 'iplist');
-define('F_DESCRIPTION', 'description');
-define('F_EXPRESSIONS', 'expressions');
-define('F_DOMAINS', 'domains');
-define('F_URLS', 'urls');
-define('F_DISABLED', 'disabled');
-define('F_ENABLELOG', 'enablelog');
-define('F_BLACKLIST', 'blacklist');
-define('PREF_UPTIME', 'uptime_');
-define('PREF_UPTIME_DENY', 'uptimedeny_');
-define('PREF_OVERTIME', 'overtime_');
-define('PREF_OVERTIME_DENY', 'overtimedeny_');
-define('MODULE_GENERAL', 'squidguardgeneral');
-define('MODULE_DEFAULT', 'squidguarddefault');
-define('MODULE_ACL', 'squidguardacl');
-define('MODULE_DESTINATION', 'squidguarddest');
-define('MODULE_REWRITE', 'squidguardrewrite');
-define('MODULE_SOURCE', 'squidguardsrc');
-define('MODULE_TIME', 'squidguardtime');
-define('MODULE_LOG', 'squidguardlog');
-define('BLACKLIST_DEFAULT_URL', 'http://ftp.teledanmark.no/pub/www/proxy/squidGuard/contrib/blacklists.tar.gz'); # 360Kb
-define('BLACKLIST_DEFAULT_URL1', 'http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz'); # ~7Mb
-define('BLACKLIST_TMP_FILE', '/var/tmp/blacklists.tar.gz');
-define('BLACKLIST_BTN_URL', 'Upload Url');
-define('BLACKLIST_BTN_LAST', 'Restore last');
-define('BLACKLIST_LOGFILE', 'blacklist.log');
-define('APPLY_BTN', 'Apply');
-define('WEBGUI_HISTORY_LOG', 'on');
-define('TEST_LOG', '/var/tmp/sqtest.test');
-define('SAFESEARCH', 'safesearch');
-# ==============================================================================
-# Initialization
-# ==============================================================================
-# use global variable $squidguard_config, defined in squidguard_configurator.inc
-# ==============================================================================
-# Validations
-# ==============================================================================
-function squidguard_validate($post, $input_errors)
- $submit = isset($_GET['submit']) ? $_GET['submit'] : $_POST['submit'];
- # check config if 'Apply'
- if ($submit === APPLY_BTN) sg_check_config_data(&$input_errors);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# validate default
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_validate_default($post, $input_errors)
- squidguard_validate_acl($post, &$input_errors);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# validate acl
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_validate_acl($post, $input_errors)
- $pass_up = array();
- $deny_up = array();
- $pass_up_val = '';
- $pass_over = array();
- $deny_over = array();
- $pass_over_val = '';
- $id = get_item_id();
- # check name ('source')
- $name = trim($post[F_NAME]);
- if(!empty($name)) {
- # validate name format
- check_name_format($name, &$input_errors);
- # check unique name
- if (!sg_check_unique_name(F_ACLS, $name))
- $input_errors[] = "Name '$name' already exists.";
- # check source
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = $post[F_NAME];
- $sgx[F_SOURCE] = $post[F_SOURCE];
- sg_check_src($sgx, &$input_errors);
- }
- # store destinations to 'dest' value
- foreach ($post as $key => $val) {
- if (substr_count($key, PREF_UPTIME) != 0) {
- $name = str_replace(PREF_UPTIME, '', $key);
- if ($name) {
- switch($val) {
- case "allow": $pass_up_val .= " $name"; break;
- case "white": $pass_up_val .= " ^$name"; break;
- case "deny" : $pass_up_val .= " !$name"; break;
- }
- }
- }
- elseif (substr_count($key, PREF_OVERTIME) != 0) {
- $name = str_replace(PREF_OVERTIME, '', $key);
- if ($name) {
- switch($val) {
- case "allow": $pass_over_val .= " $name"; break;
- case "white": $pass_over_val .= " ^$name"; break;
- case "deny" : $pass_over_val .= " !$name"; break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # !ATTENTION! on pfSense XML config must be must(shell) be '!all' instead of 'none' - it is a must for correct work GUI
- # if not exists key 'all', then add 'none' - default 'deny all'
- if ((substr_count($pass_up_val, 'all') == 0)) {
- $pass_up_val .= ' !all';
- }
- if (!empty($pass_over_val) && (substr_count($pass_over_val, 'all') == 0)) {
- $pass_over_val .= ' !all';
- }
- if (empty($pass_over_val))
- $post[F_DEST] = "$pass_up_val";
- else $post[F_DEST] = "$pass_up_val [$pass_over_val]";
- # check redirect
- $errmsg = '';
- if (!sg_check_redirect($post[F_RMOD], $post[F_REDIRECT], &$errmsg)) {
- $input_errors[] = "Redirect info error. $errmsg";
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# validate times
-# Format:
-# date: <date(or range)><time (or range)> -- days not parsed (reset to *)
-# weekly: <day or *><time or range> -- dates not parsed (reset to '')
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_validate_times($post, $input_errors)
- $id = get_item_id();
- # check name
- $name = trim($post[F_NAME]);
- if(!empty($name)) {
- check_name_format($name, &$input_errors);
- # check unique name
- if (!sg_check_unique_name(F_TIMES, $name))
- $input_errors[] = "Name '$name' already exists";
- }
- # --- check format ---
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = $post[F_NAME];
- # fields of $post have 'fnameX' format
- for ($i=0; isset($post[F_TIMETYPE."$i"]); $i++) {
- # correct and update
- if (strtolower($post[F_TIMETYPE."$i"]) === "date") {
- $post[F_TIMEDAYS."$i"] = '*';
- # date cant be empty
- if (trim($post[F_DATERANGE."$i"]) == '') $post[F_DATERANGE."$i"] = "*.*.*";
- }
- else $post[F_DATERANGE."$i"] = '';
- if (trim($post[F_TIMERANGE."$i"]) == '') $post[F_TIMERANGE."$i"] = "00:00-23:59";
- # $post->xml
- $sgx_row = array();
- $sgx_row[F_TIMETYPE] = $post[F_TIMETYPE."$i"];
- $sgx_row[F_TIMEDAYS] = $post[F_TIMEDAYS."$i"];
- $sgx_row[F_DATERANGE] = $post[F_DATERANGE."$i"];
- $sgx_row[F_TIMERANGE] = $post[F_TIMERANGE."$i"];
- $sgx[F_ITEM][] = $sgx_row;
- }
- #
- sg_check_time($sgx, &$input_errors);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# validate destinations
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_validate_destination($post, $input_errors) {
- # check name
- $name = trim($post[F_NAME]);
- if(!empty($name)) {
- check_name_format($name, &$input_errors);
- # check unique name
- if (!sg_check_unique_name(F_DESTINATIONS, $name))
- $input_errors[] = "Name '$name' already exists";
- }
- # --- check format ---
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = $post[F_NAME];
- $sgx[F_URLS] = $post[F_URLS];
- $sgx[F_DOMAINS] = $post[F_DOMAINS];
- $sgx[F_RMOD] = $post[F_RMOD];
- $sgx[F_REDIRECT] = $post[F_REDIRECT];
- #
- sg_check_dest($sgx, &$input_errors);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# validate rewrites
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_validate_rewrite($post, $input_errors) {
- # check name
- $name = trim($post[F_NAME]);
- if(!empty($name)) {
- # check name format <char><symbols without space> - Ab123
- check_name_format($name, &$input_errors);
- # check unique name
- if (!sg_check_unique_name(F_REWRITES, $name))
- $input_errors[] = "Name '$name' already exists";
- }
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squidguard_resync
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_resync() {
- $upload_file = '';
- $submit = '';
- $url = '';
- $proxy = '';
- $submit = isset($_POST['submit']) ? $_POST['submit'] : $_GET['submit'];
- $url = isset($_POST['blacklist_url']) ? $_POST['blacklist_url'] : $_GET['blacklist_url'];
- $proxy = isset($_POST['blacklist_proxy']) ? $_POST['blacklist_proxy'] : $_GET['blacklist_proxy'];
- # blacklist upload
- if ($submit == BLACKLIST_BTN_URL) {
- if ($url)
- sg_reconfigure_blacklist($url, $proxy);
- }
- # blacklist restore last (if exists)
- if ($submit == BLACKLIST_BTN_LAST) {
- restore_arc_blacklist();
- }
- # apply changes
- if ($submit == APPLY_BTN) {
-# write_config('Update squidGuard options.'); # store, if not 'Save' button
-# перенести в validate для детектирования ошибок?
- sg_reconfigure();
- }
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squidguard_resync_acl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_resync_acl() {
- global $config; # !!! ORDER !!!
- $conf = $config['installedpackages'][MODULE_ACL]['config'];
- $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : $_GET['id'];
- # --- sources part ---
- # move current id by order
- if (($id !== '') and is_array($conf)) {
- $src_new = array();
- foreach ($conf as $key => $src) {
- $order = $src[F_ORDER];
- # n_key: no_move=$key+$order or move=$order+$key
- $n_key = is_numeric($order) ? sprintf("%04d%04d", $order, $key) : sprintf("%04d%04d", $key, 9999);
- unset($src[F_ORDER]); # ! must be unset for display correct default position in 'select'!
- $src_new[$n_key] = $src;
- }
- # sort by key
- ksort($src_new);
- reset($src_new);
- $src_new = array_values($src_new); # make keys '0, 1, 2, ...'
- # renew config
- unset ($config['installedpackages'][MODULE_ACL]['config']);
- $config['installedpackages'][MODULE_ACL]['config'] = $src_new;
- write_config('Update squidguardacl config');
- # renew global $squidguard_config
- sg_init(convert_pfxml_to_sgxml());
- }
-# =============================================================================
-# common functions
-# =============================================================================
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# get_pkgconf/sgconf_items_list
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function get_pkgconf_items_list($pkg_gui_name, $fieldname) {
- global $config;
- $res = '';
- $conf = $config['installedpackages'][$pkg_gui_name]['config'];
- if (is_array($conf))
- foreach($conf as $cf) $res[] = $cf[$fieldname];
- return $res;
-function get_sgconf_items_list($data_group, $fieldname) {
- global $squidguard_config;
- $res = '';
- $conf = $squidguard_config[$data_group]['item'];
- if (is_array($conf))
- foreach($conf as $cf) $res[] = $cf[$fieldname];
- return $res;
-# ==============================================================================
-# Before form
-# ==============================================================================
-# squidguard_before_form
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_before_form($pkg) {
- $i=0;
- foreach($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) {
- # blacklist controls
- switch ($field['fieldname']) {
- case 'blacklist_url':
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- $fld['description'] .= make_grid_blacklist(); # insert to description custom controls
- break;
- # Apply button
- case 'squidguard_enable':
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- $fld['description'] .= make_grid_general_items(); # insert to description custom controls
- break;
- # GUI log
- case 'view_gui_log':
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- $fld['description'] .= make_grid_general_items('gui_log'); # insert to description custom controls
- break;
- }
- $i++;
- }
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squidguard_before_form_acl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_before_form_acl($pkg, $is_acl=true) {
- global $g;
- global $squidguard_config;
- $current_id = '';
- $sources = '';
- $source_items = '';
- $destinations = '';
- $dest_items = '';
- $rewrites = '';
- $rewr_names = '';
- $times = '';
- $time_names = '';
- $acls_up = '';
- $acls_over = '';
- $current_id = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : $_GET['id'];
- $current_id = ($current_id) ? $current_id : 0;
- # sources
- $source_items = get_sgconf_items_list(F_SOURCES, 'name');
- # generate sources list TODO: exclude used names from list, source name used in ACL unique
- $i=0;
- foreach($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) {
- if ($field['fieldname'] == 'source') {
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- if (is_array($source_items)) {
- foreach($source_items as $nm)
- $fld['options']['option'][] = array('name'=>$nm, 'value'=>$nm);
- }
- }
- # order
- if (is_array($source_items) && $field['fieldname'] == 'order') {
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- foreach($source_items as $nmkey => $nm)
- $fld['options']['option'][] = array('name'=>$nm, 'value'=>$nmkey);
- $fld['options']['option'][] = array('name'=>'--- Last ---', 'value'=>'9999');
- $fld['options']['option'][] = array('name'=>'-----', 'value'=>''); # ! this is must be last !
- }
- $i++;
- }
- # destinations
- # acls pass ---> prepare data for destinations; dest format 'uptime_dests_list [overtime_dests_list]'
- $acl_dest = '';
- $acl_overdest = '';
- # acl & default
- if ($pkg['name'] !== MODULE_DEFAULT) {
- $acl_dest = $squidguard_config[F_ACLS]['item'][$current_id][F_DESTINATIONNAME];
- $acl_overdest = $squidguard_config[F_ACLS]['item'][$current_id][F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME];
- }
- else $acl_dest = $squidguard_config[F_DEFAULT][F_DESTINATIONNAME];
- # acl dest ontime
- if ($acl_dest) {
- # 'none' > to '!all'
- $acl_dest = str_replace('none', '!all', $acl_dest);
- $pss = explode(' ', $acl_dest);
- foreach($pss as $val) {
- $name = $val;
- $name = str_replace('!', '', $name);
- $name = str_replace('^', '', $name);
- if (!empty($val)) {
- switch($val[0]) {
- case '!': $acls_up[$name] = 'deny'; break;
- case '^': $acls_up[$name] = 'white'; break;
- default : $acls_up[$name] = 'allow'; break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # acl dest overtime
- if ($acl_overdest) {
- # 'none' > to '!all'
- $acl_overdest = str_replace('none', '!all', $acl_overdest);
- $pss = explode(' ', $acl_overdest);
- foreach($pss as $val) {
- $name = $val;
- $name = str_replace('!', '', $name);
- $name = str_replace('^', '', $name);
- if (!empty($val)) {
- switch($val[0]) {
- case '!': $acls_over[$name] = 'deny'; break;
- case '^': $acls_over[$name] = 'white'; break;
- default : $acls_over[$name] = 'allow'; break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # --- Destinations ---
- # Blacklist
- if ($squidguard_config[F_BLACKLISTENABLED] === 'on') {
- $blk_entries = sg_entries_blacklist();
- if (!empty($blk_entries)) {
- foreach($blk_entries as $dst)
- $dest_items[] = array ('name'=>$dst,
- 'upt_value'=>$acls_up[$dst],
- 'ovt_value'=>$acls_over[$dst],
- 'description'=>'');
- }
- }
- # User destinations
- if ($squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS]) {
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS]['item'] as $dst)
- $dest_items[] = array ('name'=>$dst[F_NAME],
- 'upt_value'=>$acls_up[$dst[F_NAME]],
- 'ovt_value'=>$acls_over[$dst[F_NAME]],
- 'description'=>$dst[F_DESCRIPTION]);
- }
- # Default all
- $dest_items[] = array('name'=>FLT_DEFAULT_ALL,
- 'upt_value'=>$acls_up[FLT_DEFAULT_ALL],
- 'ovt_value'=>$acls_over[FLT_DEFAULT_ALL],
- 'description'=>'Default access');
- $i=0;
- foreach($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) {
- if (($field['fieldname'] === 'dest')/* || ($field['fieldname'] == 'overdest')*/) {
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- $fld['description'] .= make_grid_controls('', $dest_items, $is_acl); # insert to description custom controls
- }
- $i++;
- }
- # rewrites
- $rewr_names = get_sgconf_items_list(F_REWRITES, 'name');
- $i=0;
- foreach($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) {
- if (($field['fieldname'] == 'rewrite') || ($field['fieldname'] == 'overrewrite')) {
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- $fld['options']['option'][] = array('name'=>'none (rewrite not defined)', 'value'=>'');
- if (is_array($rewr_names)) {
- foreach($rewr_names as $nm)
- $fld['options']['option'][] = array('name'=>$nm, 'value'=>$nm);
- }
- }
- $i++;
- }
- # - set times field -
- $time_names = get_sgconf_items_list(F_TIMES, 'name');
- $i=0;
- foreach($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) {
- if ($field['fieldname'] === 'time') {
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- $fld['options']['option'][] = array('name'=>'none (time not defined)', 'value'=>'');
- if (is_array($time_names)) {
- foreach($time_names as $nm)
- $fld['options']['option'][] = array('name'=>$nm, 'value'=>$nm);
- }
- break;
- }
- $i++;
- }
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squidguard_before_form_log
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('LOGSHOW_BUFSIZE', 16384);
-function squidguard_before_form_log($pkg) {
- # ! nothing for config - only report. Possible use global $config !
- global $config;
- $i=0;
- $move_pos = 0;
- $move_step = 50;
- foreach($pkg['fields']['field'] as $field) {
- if ($field['fieldname'] == 'logtype') {
- $slog = '';
- $mlog = $config['installedpackages'][MODULE_LOG]['config'][0];
- $filename = '';
- $fld = &$pkg['fields']['field'][$i];
- $move_pos = ($move_pos) ? $move_pos : 0;
- switch ($mlog['logtype']) {
- case 'block_log':
- {
- $fh = '';
- if (file_exists($filename)) {
- $fh = fopen($filename, "r");
- if ($fh) {
- $fsize = filesize($filename);
- # take LOGSHOW_BUFSIZE bytes from end
- if ($fsize > LOGSHOW_BUFSIZE)
- $s = fread($fh, LOGSHOW_BUFSIZE);
- fclose($fh);
- $slog .= "<tr><td colspan='7'>Block log '$filename'. Last 100:<td><tr>";
- $s = explode("\n", $s);
- unset($s[0]); # unset us'nt complete string
- $slog .= "<tr><th>Num</th><th>DateTime</th><th>IP</th><th>URL</th><th>Filter</th><th>ID</th><th>Mtd</th></tr>";
- foreach($s as $key => $vs) {
- $nkey = $move_pos + intval($key);
- $slog .= "<tr>";
- $sx = $vs;
- $sx = str_replace(array("/- -", "/-", "Request", "request","(", ")", "[", "]"), "", $sx);
- $sx = explode(" ", $sx);
- # formatting url
- $spos =0;
- $stmp = '';
- while($spos + 81 < strlen($sx[4])) {
- $stmp .= substr($sx[4], $spos, 81) . "<br>";
- $spos += 81;
- }
- $stmp .= substr($sx[4], $spos, strlen($sx[4]) - $spos);
- $sx[4] = $stmp;
- if (!empty($vs))
- $slog .= "<tr>
- <td style='vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap;'>" . strval($nkey) . "</td>
- <td style='vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap;'>$sx[0] $sx[1]</td>
- <td style='vertical-align: top;'>$sx[5]</td>
- <td style='vertical-align: top;'>$sx[4]</td>
- <td style='vertical-align: top;'>$sx[3]</td>
- <td style='vertical-align: top;'>$sx[2]</td>
- <td style='vertical-align: top;'>$sx[6]</td></tr>";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'configurator_log':
- {
- $slog .= "<b>$filename</b><br>";
- if (file_exists($filename)) {
- $slog .= file_get_contents($filename);
- $slog = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $slog);
- $slog = "<tr><td>$slog</td></tr>";
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'squidguard_log':
- {
- $slog .= 'squidguard_log report disabled';
- $filename = SQUIDGUARD_LOGDIR . '/squidGuard.log';
- $slog .= "<b>$filename</b><br>";
- if (file_exists($filename)) {
- $slog .= file_get_contents($filename);
- $slog = explode("\n", $slog);
- while (count($slog) > 500) array_shift($slog);
- $slog = implode("\n", $slog);
- $slog = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $slog);
- $slog = "<tr><td>$slog</td></tr>";
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'squid_config':
- {
- $filename = SQUID_CONFIGFILE;
- $slog .= "<b>$filename</b><br>";
- if (file_exists($filename)) {
- $slog .= file_get_contents($filename);
- $slog = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $slog);
- $slog = str_replace("\t", " ", $slog);
- $slog = "<tr><td>$slog</td></tr>";
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'squidguard_config':
- {
- $filename = SQUIDGUARD_WORKDIR . "/squidGuard.conf";
- $slog .= "<b>$filename</b><br>";
- if (file_exists($filename)) {
- $slog .= file_get_contents($filename);
- $slog = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $slog);
- $slog = str_replace("\t", " ", $slog);
- $slog = "<tr><td>$slog</td></tr>";
- }
- }
- break;
- } # switch
- $fld['description'] .=
- "<INPUT class=formbtn type=submit value='Get log' name=Submit>
- </tr><tr>
- <td colspan='2'><table width='100%' class=tabcont cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=1>$slog</table>";
- }
- $i++;
- }
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make_grid_general_items
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function make_grid_general_items($id = '')
- global $squidguard_config;
- $bg_color = "bgcolor='#dddddd'";
- $res = '';
- $res .= "<table width='100%'>";
- if ($id === '') {
- # Apply
- $res .= "<tr $bg_color><td><big>For saving configuration YOU need click button 'Save' on bottom of page</big></td></tr>
- <tr><td><big>After changing configuration squidGuard you must <b><span style='color: #800000;'>apply all changes</span></b></big></td></tr>
- <tr><td><input name='submit' type='submit' value='Apply'></td></tr>";
- # service state
- $sgstate = "<span style='color: #800000;'>STOPPED</span>";
- if (is_service_running("squidGuard"))
- $sgstate = "<span style='color: #008000;'>STARTED</span>";
- if (is_blacklist_update_started())
- $sgstate .= "<br><span style='color: #800000;'>Wait: began updating the blacklist.<br>New data will be available after some time.<br>After the upgrade, it is necessary to check the configuration.</span>";
- $res .= "<tr $bg_color><td><big>SquidGuard service state: <b>$sgstate</b></big></td></tr>";
- }
- elseif ($id === 'gui_log') {
- if ($squidguard_config['view_gui_log'] == 'on') {
- $log_content = sg_getlog(50);
- $log_content = str_replace("\n","<br>", $log_content);
- $res .= "<tr $bg_color><td><font size='-1'><b>Web GUI log (Latest 50)</b></font></td></tr>";
- $res .= "<tr $bg_color><td vAlign=top width='100%'><font size='-2'>$log_content</font></td></tr>";
- }
- }
- $res .= "</table>";
- return $res;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make_grid_blacklist
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function make_grid_blacklist() {
- $res = '';
- # button 'Upload URL' and button 'Restore last blacklist'
- $res = "<hr><input name='submit' value='" . BLACKLIST_BTN_URL . "' type='submit'>";
- $res .= "&nbsp;<input name='submit' value='" . BLACKLIST_BTN_LAST . "' type='submit'>";
- return $res;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make_grid_controls
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function make_grid_controls($type, $items, $enable_overtime = true) {
- global $g;
- $res = '';
- $tbl = '';
- $color = '';
- $color2 = '';
- $x = 0;
- foreach($items as $item) {
- if ($x === 0) {
- $color = '';
- $color2 = 'style="background-color: #dddddd;"';
- $x = 1;
- }
- else {
- $color = 'style="background-color: #dddddd;"';
- $color2 = '';
- $x = 0;
- }
- $name = $item['name'];
- $upt_val = $item['upt_value'];
- $ovt_val = $item['ovt_value'];
- $description = $item['description'];
- $sel = "selected=\"selected\"";
- $upt_A = $upt_B = $upt_C = $upt_D = '';
- switch($upt_val) {
- case "allow": $upt_B = $sel; break;
- case "white": $upt_C = $sel; break;
- case "deny" : $upt_D = $sel; break;
- default: $upt_A = $sel; break;
- }
- $ovt_A = $ovt_B = $ovt_C= $ovt_D = '';
- switch($ovt_val) {
- case "allow": $ovt_B = $sel; break;
- case "white": $ovt_C = $sel; break;
- case "deny" : $ovt_D = $sel; break;
- default: $ovt_A = $sel; break;
- }
- unset($sel);
- $tbl .= "<tr>";
- # uptime table
- $tnm = PREF_UPTIME . $name;
- $tbl .= "<td $color></td>";
- $tbl .= "<td $color>$description [$name]</td>";
- $tbl .= "<td $color>access</td>";
- $tbl .= "<td $color><select id=$tnm name=\"$tnm\">";
- if (substr_count($name, "all") === 0) {
- $tbl .= "<option value=none name=\"----\" $upt_A>----</option>";
- $tbl .= "<option value=white name=\"white\" $upt_C>white</option>";
- $tbl .= "<option value=deny name=\"deny\" $upt_D>deny </option>";
- $tbl .= "<option value=allow name=\"allow\" $upt_B>allow</option>";
- }
- else {
- $tbl .= "<option value=allow name=\"allow\" $upt_B>allow</option>";
- $tbl .= "<option value=deny name=\"deny\" $upt_D>deny </option>";
- }
- $tbl .= "</td>";
- # overtime table
- if ($enable_overtime) {
- $tnm = PREF_OVERTIME . $name;
- $tbl .= "<td $color></td>";
- $tbl .= "<td $color>$description [$name]</td>";
- $tbl .= "<td $color>access</td>";
- $tbl .= "<td $color><select id=$tnm name=\"$tnm\">";
- if (substr_count($name, "all") === 0) {
- $tbl .= "<option value=none name=\"----\" $ovt_A>----</option>";
- $tbl .= "<option value=white name=\"white\" $ovt_C>white</option>";
- $tbl .= "<option value=deny name=\"deny\" $ovt_D>deny </option>";
- $tbl .= "<option value=allow name=\"allow\" $ovt_B>allow</option>";
- }
- else {
- $tbl .= "<option value=allow name=\"allow\" $ovt_B>allow</option>";
- $tbl .= "<option value=deny name=\"deny\" $ovt_D>deny </option>";
- }
- $tbl .= "</td>";
- }
- $tbl .= "</tr>";
- }
- # header
- if (!empty($tbl)) {
- $color = 'style="background-color: #dddddd;"';
- $thdr = '';
- $hdr1up = "<big>Destination rules</big>";
- $hdr1ov = "<big>Destination rules in overtime</big>";
- $hds3 = "ACCESS: 'white' - always pass; 'deny' - block; 'allow' - pass, if not blocked.";
- if ($enable_overtime) {
- $thdr .= "<tr><td colspan='8' align=left>$hds3</td></tr>";
- $thdr .= "<tr $color><th colspan='4' align=middle>$hdr1up</th><th colspan='4' align=middle>$hdr1ov</th></tr>";
- $thdr .= "<tr $color><td colspan='4' align=middle></td><td colspan='4' align=middle>If <b>'Time'</b> not defined, this ruleset will be ignored</td></tr>";
- # formatting
- $thdr .= "<tr><td/><td width='35%'/><td/><td/><td/><td width='35%'/><td/><td/></tr>";
- }
- else {
- $thdr .= "<tr><td colspan='4' align=left>$hds3<hr></tr>";
- $thdr .= "<tr $color><th colspan='4' align=middle>$hdr1up</th></tr>";
- # formatting
- $thdr .= "<tr><td width='5%'/><td/><td width='5%'/><td width='10%'/></tr>";
- }
- $res .= "<table cellspacing='0' width='100%'> $thdr $tbl </table>";
- $rstyle = "";
- $ha = "<div $color>" .
- "<span onClick='document.getElementById(\"destrules\").style.display = \"block\";' style=\"cursor: pointer;\">" .
- "<font size='-12'><big>Destination ruleset (click)</big>&nbsp;" .
- "<img src='./themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_pass.gif' title='Show rules'>&nbsp;" .
- "</span>" .
- "<span style=\"cursor: pointer;\">" .
- "<img src='./themes/{$g['theme']}/images/icons/icon_block.gif' title='Hide rules' onClick='document.getElementById(\"destrules\").style.display = \"none\";'>" .
- "</span>" .
- "</div>";
- $res = "<hr>$ha<div id=\"destrules\" style='DISPLAY: none'>$res</div>";
- }
- return $res;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# check unique name
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_check_unique_name($module_id, $name, $log='') {
- $res = true;
- $id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? $_GET['id'] : $_POST['id'];
- $name_list = get_sgconf_items_list($module_id, 'name');
- $name_val = (is_array($name_list)) ? array_count_values($name_list) : array();
- $count_names = $name_val[$name];
- # if count names = 1, then check if add new record with this name(not valid) / or this is a self record(valid)
- # else if count names > 1 - not valid
- if ($count_names === 1) {
- $nm_key = array_search($name, $name_list);
- # if this new record
- if ($id >= count($name_list)) { $res = false; }
- # if not self record
- elseif ($nm_key && (intval($id) !== intval($nm_key))) { $res = false; }
- }
- elseif($count_names > 1) $res = false; # bad - not unique
- return $res;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Install & deinstall
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidguard_install_command() {
- if (!is_service_running("squidGuard")) {
- sg_init(convert_pfxml_to_sgxml());
- sg_check_system();
- # generate squidGuard blacklist entries file (check with squidGuard PORT)
- $entries = array("ads", "aggressive", "audio-video", "drugs", "gambling", "hacking",
- "mail", "porn", "proxy", "violence", "warez");
- file_put_contents(SQUIDGUARD_WORKDIR . SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES, implode("\n", $entries));
- set_file_access(SQUIDGUARD_WORKDIR, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- set_file_access(SQUIDGUARD_DBHOME, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_reconfigure();
- }
-function squidguard_deinstall_command() {
- # remove entries from squid config
- squid_reconfigure('remove redirector options');
- # remove package and his depends
- mwexec("pkg_delete squidGuard-1.2.0_1");
- mwexec("rm -rf " . SQUIDGUARD_WORKDIR);
- # i known't, really need delete blacklist base?
- mwexec("rm -rf " . SQUIDGUARD_DBHOME);
- mwexec("/bin/rm -f " . SQUIDGUARD_CONFBASE . "/squidGuard*");
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SquidGuard print JavaSrcript
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squidGuard_print_javascript() {
- $javascript = '';
- $xml = ($_GET["xml"] !== '') ? $_GET["xml"] : $_POST["xml"];
- # squidguard_default.xml
- if ($xml === "squidguard_default.xml") {
- $javascript .= "\n<script language='JavaScript'>";
- $javascript .= "\n<!--";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.dest.disabled=1;";
- $javascript .= "\n//-->";
- $javascript .= "\n</script>";
- } # if
- # squidguard_acl.xml
- if ($xml === "squidguard_acl.xml") {
- $javascript .= "\n<script language='JavaScript'>";
- $javascript .= "\n<!--";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.dest.disabled=1;";
- $javascript .= "\n//-->";
- $javascript .= "\n</script>";
- } # if
- if ($xml === "squidguard_time.xml") {
- $javascript .= "\n<script language='JavaScript'>";
- $javascript .= "\n<!--";
- $javascript .= "\n function on_updatecontrols() {";
- $javascript .= "\n for (var i=0; i<99; i++) {";
- $javascript .= "\n var elm = document.iform.elements['timetype' + i];";
- $javascript .= "\n if (elm) {";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['timetype' + i].onclick = on_updatecontrols;";
- $javascript .= "\n if (document.iform.elements['timetype' + i].value == 'weekly') {";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['timedays' + i].disabled = 0;";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['daterange' + i].disabled = 1;";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n else {";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['timedays' + i].disabled = 1;";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['daterange' + i].disabled = 0;";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n on_updatecontrols();";
- $javascript .= "\n ";
- $javascript .= "\n//-->";
- $javascript .= "\n</script>";
- }
- if ($xml === "squidguard_src.xml") { ### will deleted ###
- $javascript .= "\n<script language='JavaScript'>";
- $javascript .= "\n<!--";
- $javascript .= "\n function on_updatecontrols() {";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['order'].disabled = 0;";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['order'].onfocus = on_orderfocus;";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n function on_orderfocus() {";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['order'].blur();";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n function on_moveup() {";
- $javascript .= "\n var order = parseInt(document.iform.elements['order'].value)";
- $javascript .= "\n if (order > 0)";
- $javascript .= "\n order = order - 1;";
- $javascript .= "\n else order = 0;";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['order'].value = order;";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n function on_movedown() {";
- $javascript .= "\n var order = parseInt(document.iform.elements['order'].value)";
- $javascript .= "\n if (order >= 0)";
- $javascript .= "\n order = order + 1;";
- $javascript .= "\n else order = 0;";
- $javascript .= "\n document.iform.elements['order'].value = order;";
- $javascript .= "\n }";
- $javascript .= "\n on_updatecontrols();";
- $javascript .= "\n ";
- $javascript .= "\n//-->";
- $javascript .= "\n</script>";
- }
- print($javascript);
-# ==============================================================================
-# Converter
-# ==============================================================================
-# convert_pfxml_to_sgxml
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-function convert_pfxml_to_sgxml() {
- capability_update_source();
- global $config;
- $sgxml = array();
- $pfxml = $config['installedpackages'][MODULE_GENERAL]['config'][0];
- $sgxml[F_SOURCES] = convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_source($config);
- $sgxml[F_DESTINATIONS] = convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_destination($config);
- $sgxml[F_REWRITES] = convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_rewrite($config);
- $sgxml[F_TIMES] = convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_time($config);
- $sgxml[F_ACLS] = convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_acl($config);
- $sgxml[F_DEFAULT] = convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_default($config);
- # other
- $sgxml['view_gui_log'] = $pfxml['view_gui_log'];
- # transparent
- $squidxml = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0];
- if(isset($squidxml['transparent_proxy'])) {
- $lanip = $config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr'];
- $guiport = $config['system']['webgui']['port'];
- $guiprotocol = $config['system']['webgui']['protocol'];
- $sgxml[F_SQUID_TRANSPARENT_MODE] = 'on';
- $sgxml[F_CURRENT_LAN_IP] = $lanip;
- $sgxml[F_CURRENT_GUI_PORT] = $guiport;
- $sgxml[F_CURRENT_GUI_PROTO] = $guiprotocol;
- } else {
- unset($sgxml[F_SQUID_TRANSPARENT_MODE]);
- unset($sgxml[F_CURRENT_LAN_IP]);
- unset($sgxml[F_CURRENT_GUI_PORT]);
- unset($sgxml[F_CURRENT_GUI_PROTO]);
- }
- # store cfg cache
- $cfg_xml = dump_xml_config($sgxml, F_SQUIDGUARD);
- file_put_contents($sgxml[F_SGCONF_XML], $cfg_xml);
- return $sgxml;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_source
-# sgxml_source: [name][ip][desc][log]
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# Changes 04-01-2008 :
-# Source fields moved to ACL page. Source page - will remove
-# But in XML internal config nothing to change
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# Changes 21-07-2008 :
-# Source IP and domain move to one field, added 'username'.
-function convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_source($pfconfig) {
- $sgxml = array();
- $pfxml = $pfconfig['installedpackages'][MODULE_ACL]['config'];
- if (is_array($pfxml)) {
- foreach($pfxml as $pfx) {
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = $pfx['name'];
- $sgx[F_SOURCE] = $pfx[F_SOURCE];
- $sgx[F_LOG] = $pfx[F_ENABLELOG];
- $sgx[F_DESCRIPTION] = $pfx['description'];
- $sgxml[F_ITEM][] = $sgx;
- }
- }
- return $sgxml;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_destination
-# sgxml_destination: [name][domains][expr][urls][redir][desc][log]
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-function convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_destination($pfconfig) {
- $sgxml = array();
- $pfxml = $pfconfig['installedpackages'][MODULE_DESTINATION]['config'];
- if (is_array($pfxml)) {
- foreach($pfxml as $pfx) {
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = $pfx['name'];
- $sgx[F_URLS] = $pfx['urls'];
- $sgx[F_DOMAINS] = $pfx[F_DOMAINS];
- $sgx[F_EXPRESSIONS] = $pfx['expressions'];
- $sgx[F_RMOD] = isset($pfx[F_RMOD]) ? $pfx[F_RMOD] : RMOD_NONE;
- $sgx[F_REDIRECT] = $pfx[F_REDIRECT];
- $sgx[F_DESCRIPTION] = $pfx['description'];
- $sgx[F_LOG] = $pfx[F_ENABLELOG];
- $sgxml[F_ITEM][] = $sgx;
- }
- }
- return $sgxml;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_rewrite
-# sgxml_rewrite: [name][desc][log][items(array): [targeturl][replaceto]]
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-function convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_rewrite($pfconfig) {
- $sgxml = array();
- $pfxml = $pfconfig['installedpackages'][MODULE_REWRITE]['config'];
- if (is_array($pfxml)) {
- foreach($pfxml as $pfx) {
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = $pfx['name'];
- $sgx[F_DESCRIPTION] = $pfx['description'];
- $sgx[F_LOG] = $pfx[F_ENABLELOG];
- if (is_array($pfx['row'])) {
- foreach($pfx['row'] as $pfx_row) {
- $sgx_row = array();
- $sgx_row[F_TARGETURL] = $pfx_row['targeturl'];
- $sgx_row[F_REPLACETO] = $pfx_row['replaceto'];
- $mode = '';
- if (strpos($pfx_row[F_MODE], 'nocase') !== false) $mode .= 'i';
- if (strpos($pfx_row[F_MODE], 'redirect') !== false) $mode .= 'r';
- $sgx_row[F_MODE] = $mode; # ! sys options only - not for GUI !
- $sgx[F_ITEM][] = $sgx_row;
- }
- }
- $sgxml[F_ITEM][] = $sgx;
- }
- }
- # additional: google safeserach
- $sgxml[F_ITEM][] = squidguard_adt_rewrite_safesrch();
- return $sgxml;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_time
-# sgxml_time: [name][desc][items(array): [timetype][timedays][daterange][timerange]]
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-function convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_time($pfconfig) {
- $sgxml = array();
- $pfxml = $pfconfig['installedpackages'][MODULE_TIME]['config'];
- if (is_array($pfxml)) {
- foreach($pfxml as $pfx) {
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = $pfx[F_NAME];
- if (is_array($pfx['row'])) {
- foreach($pfx['row'] as $pfx_row) {
- $sgx_row = array();
- $sgx_row[F_TIMETYPE] = $pfx_row[F_TIMETYPE];
- $sgx_row[F_TIMEDAYS] = $pfx_row[F_TIMEDAYS];
- $sgx_row[F_DATERANGE] = $pfx_row[F_DATERANGE];
- $sgx_row[F_TIMERANGE] = $pfx_row[F_TIMERANGE];
- $sgx[F_ITEM][] = $sgx_row;
- }
- }
- $sgxml[F_ITEM][] = $sgx;
- }
- }
- return $sgxml;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_acl
-# sgxml_acl: [name][desc][disabled][timename][destname][redirect][rewritename][over_redirect][over_rewritename]
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-function convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_acl($pfconfig) {
- $sgxml = array();
- $pfxml = $pfconfig['installedpackages'][MODULE_ACL]['config'];
- if (is_array($pfxml)) {
- foreach($pfxml as $pfx) {
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = $pfx[F_NAME]; # [04-01-2008] new ver
- $sgx[F_DISABLED] = $pfx[F_DISABLED];
- $sgx[F_TIMENAME] = $pfx[F_TIME];
- $sgx[F_REDIRECT] = $pfx[F_REDIRECT];
- $sgx[F_RMOD] = isset($pfx[F_RMOD]) ? $pfx[F_RMOD] : RMOD_NONE;
- $sgx[F_REWRITENAME] = $pfx[F_REWRITE];
- $sgx[F_LOG] = $pfx[F_ENABLELOG];
- $sgx[F_ORDER] = $pfx[F_ORDER];
- # for overtime
- $sgx[F_OVERREDIRECT] = $pfx[F_REDIRECT]; # disabled ->- $pfx[F_OVERREDIRECT];
- # destinations
- if (strpos($pfx['dest'], '[') === false) {
- $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = trim($pfx['dest']);
- }
- else {
- $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = trim( substr($pfx['dest'], 0, strpos($pfx['dest'], '[')) );
- $sgx[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME] = trim( strstr($pfx['dest'], '[') );
- $sgx[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME] = trim( str_replace(']', '', $sgx[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME]) );
- $sgx[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME] = trim( str_replace('[', '', $sgx[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME]) );
- }
- # !ATTENTION! '!all' must be convert to 'none'
- $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = str_replace("!all", "none", $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME]);
- $sgx[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME] = str_replace("!all", "none", $sgx[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME]);
- # if empty - adding 'none'
- if (!$sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME]) $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = "none";
- # safesearch
- if ($pfx[SAFESEARCH] === 'on') {
- # assign safesearch rewrite
- }
- $sgxml[F_ITEM][] = $sgx;
- }
- }
- return $sgxml;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_default
-# sgxml_acl: [name][desc][disabled][timename][destname][redirect][rewritename][over_redirect][over_rewritename]
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------
-function convert_pfxml_to_sgxml_default($pfconfig) {
- $pfxml = $pfconfig['installedpackages'][MODULE_DEFAULT]['config'];
- $pfx = $pfxml[0];
- $sgx = array();
- $sgx[F_NAME] = 'default';
- $sgx[F_DESCRIPTION] = '';
- $sgx[F_DISABLED] = '';
- $sgx[F_TIMENAME] = $pfx[F_TIME];
- $sgx[F_RMOD] = isset($pfx[F_RMOD]) ? $pfx[F_RMOD] : RMOD_INT_ERRORPAGE;
- $sgx[F_REDIRECT] = $pfx[F_REDIRECT];
- $sgx[F_REWRITENAME] = $pfx[F_REWRITE];
- $sgx[F_LOG] = $pfx[F_ENABLELOG];
- # destinations
- if (strpos($pfx['dest'], '[') === false)
- $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = trim($pfx['dest']);
- else $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = trim( substr($pfx['dest'], 0, strpos($pfx['dest'], '[')) );
- # !ATTENTION! '!all' must be convert to 'none'
- $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = str_replace("!all", "none", $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME]);
- # if empty - adding 'none'
- if (!$sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME]) $sgx[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = "none";
- # safesearch
- if ($pfx[SAFESEARCH] === 'on') {
- # assign safesearch rewrite
- }
- return $sgx;
-# =================================================================
-# Capability
-# =================================================================
-# convert old ver. squidguard config.
-function capability_update_source() {
- # ! use global var $config ONLY !
- global $config;
- $conf_changed = false;
- if (isset($config['installedpackages'][MODULE_ACL]['config'])) {
- $tconf = &$config['installedpackages'][MODULE_ACL]['config'];
- foreach($tconf as $key => $cfg) {
- if (isset($cfg['iplist'])) {
- $tconf[$key][F_SOURCE] .= " " . $cfg['iplist'];
- unset($tconf[$key]['iplist']);
- $conf_changed = true;
- }
- if (isset($cfg[F_DOMAINS])) {
- $tconf[$key][F_SOURCE] .= " " . $cfg[F_DOMAINS];
- unset($tconf[$key][F_DOMAINS]);
- $conf_changed = true;
- }
- }
- if ($conf_changed) write_config('Convert old ver. squidguard config.');
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# get_item_id - get item 'id' from get/post
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-function get_item_id()
- return isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $_POST['id'];
-# ==================================================================
-# additional
-# ==================================================================
-# safesearch rewrite
-function squidguard_adt_rewrite_safesrch()
- $res = array();
- # safesearch
- $res[F_DESCRIPTION] = "Google, Yandex safesearch";
- $res[F_LOG] = 'on';
- squidguard_adt_safesrch_add(&$res[F_ITEM]);
- return $res;
-function squidguard_adt_safesrch_add($rewrite_item)
- if (!is_array($rewrite_item)) $rewrite_item = array();
- # Google
- $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(google\..*/search?.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&safe=active', F_MODE => 'i');
- $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(google\..*/images.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&safe=active', F_MODE => 'i');
- $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(google\..*/groups.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&safe=active', F_MODE => 'i');
- $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(google\..*/news.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&safe=active', F_MODE => 'i');
- # Yandex
- $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(yandex\..*/yandsearch?.*text=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&fyandex=1', F_MODE => 'i');
- # Yahoo
- $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(search\.yahoo\..*/search.*p=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&vm=r', F_MODE => 'i');
- # MSN Live search
- $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(search\.live\..*/.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&adlt=strict', F_MODE => 'i');
- $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(search\.msn\..*/.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&adlt=strict', F_MODE => 'i');
- return $rewrite_item;
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard.xml b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b00e9ed8..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/package.xsl"?>
- <description>Describe your package here</description>
- <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
- <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
- <name>squidguardgeneral</name>
- <version>1.2.0_1</version>
- <title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: General settings</title>
- <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc</include_file>
- <!-- Installation -->
- <menu>
- <name>Proxy Content filter</name>
- <tooltiptext>Modify the proxy server's filter settings</tooltiptext>
- <section>Services</section>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </menu>
- <tabs>
- <tab>
- <text>General settings</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- <active/>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Default</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>ACL</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Destinations</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Times</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Rewrites</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Log</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_log.xml</url>
- </tab>
- </tabs>
- <service>
- <name>squidGuard</name>
- <description>Proxy server filter Service</description>
- <executable>squidGuard</executable>
- </service>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/squidguard.inc</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/squidguard_configurator.inc</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/squidguard_acl.xml</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/squidguard_default.xml</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/squidguard_dest.xml</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/squidguard_rewr.xml</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/squidguard_time.xml</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/pkg/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/squidguard_log.xml</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <additional_files_needed>
- <prefix>/usr/local/www/</prefix>
- <chmod>0755</chmod>
- <item>http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squidGuard/sgerror.php</item>
- </additional_files_needed>
- <fields>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Enable</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>squidguard_enable</fieldname>
- <description>Check this for enable squidGuard</description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Blacklist</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>blacklist</fieldname>
- <description>Check this for enable blacklist</description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Blacklist proxy</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>blacklist_proxy</fieldname>
- <description>
- Blacklist upload proxy - enter here, or leave blank.
- Format: host:[port login:pass] . Default proxy port 1080.
- Example: ' user:pass'
- </description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Blacklist URL</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>blacklist_url</fieldname>
- <description>Enter FTP, HTTP or LOCAL (pfSense) URL blacklist archive, or leave blank.</description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>View GUI log</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>view_gui_log</fieldname>
- <description>Check this for view GUI log</description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- </fields>
- <custom_add_php_command/>
- <custom_php_validation_command>
- squidguard_validate(&amp;$_POST, &amp;$input_errors);
- </custom_php_validation_command>
- <custom_php_command_before_form>
- squidguard_before_form(&amp;$pkg);
- </custom_php_command_before_form>
- <custom_php_after_form_command>
- squidGuard_print_javascript();
- </custom_php_after_form_command>
- <custom_php_resync_config_command>
- squidguard_resync();
- </custom_php_resync_config_command>
- <custom_php_install_command>
- squidguard_install_command();
- squidguard_resync();
- </custom_php_install_command>
- <custom_php_deinstall_command>
- squidguard_deinstall_command();
- </custom_php_deinstall_command>
-</packagegui> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_acl.xml b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_acl.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a71979a3..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_acl.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/package.xsl"?>
- <description>Describe your package here</description>
- <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
- <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
- <name>squidguardacl</name>
- <version>none</version>
- <title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: Access Control List (ACL)</title>
- <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc</include_file>
- <delete_string>A proxy server user has been deleted.</delete_string>
- <addedit_string>A proxy server user has been created/modified.</addedit_string>
- <tabs>
- <tab>
- <text>General settings</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Default</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>ACL</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml</url>
- <active/>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Destinations</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Times</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Rewrites</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Log</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_log.xml</url>
- </tab>
- </tabs>
- <adddeleteeditpagefields>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Disabled</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>disabled</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Name</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>name</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Source</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>source</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <!--columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Destinations</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>dest</fieldname>
- </columnitem-->
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Time</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>time</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Description</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>description</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- </adddeleteeditpagefields>
- <fields>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Disabled</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>disabled</fieldname>
- <description>Check this for disable this ACL rule.</description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Name</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>name</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter the unique name here.
- Name must consist of minimum 2 symbols, first from which letter. &lt;br&gt;
- All other symbols must be [a-Z_0-9].
- </description>
- <type>input</type>
- <required/>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Order</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>order</fieldname>
- <description>
- Select the new position for ACL item. ACL are evaluated on a first-match source basis.&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;b&gt;Note:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;br&gt;
- Search for a suitable ACL by field 'source' will occur before the first match. If you want to define an exception for some sources (IP) from the IP range, put them on first of the list. &lt;br&gt;
- &lt;b&gt;For example:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;br&gt;
- ACL with single (or short range) source ip, must be placed before ACL with more large ip range &lt;br&gt;
- </description>
- <type>select</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Source IP adresses and domains</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>source</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter source IP address or domain or "username" here. For separate use space.
- &lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt;
- &lt;br&gt;ip: or subnet or subnet or range
- &lt;br&gt;domain: foo.bar match foo.bar or *.foo.bar
- &lt;br&gt;username: 'user1'
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>65</cols>
- <rows>3</rows>
- <required/>
- </field>
- <!--field>
- <fielddescr>Source IP addresses</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>iplist</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter source IP addresses here with space(' ') divider.
- IP addresses must have format:&lt;br&gt;
- single example: '' &lt;br&gt;
- range examples: '', '', ''
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>65</cols>
- <rows>3</rows>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Source Domains</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>domains</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter source domains names here with space(' ') divider.
- Example: &lt;b&gt;'foo.bar'&lt;/b&gt; match &lt;b&gt;'foo.bar'&lt;/b&gt; or &lt;b&gt;'*.foo.bar'&lt;/b&gt;.
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>65</cols>
- <rows>3</rows>
- </field-->
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Time</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>time</fieldname>
- <description>Enter time name in current which this rule permitted.</description>
- <type>select</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Destination</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>dest</fieldname>
- <description></description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Not to allow IP addresses in URL</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>notallowingip</fieldname>
- <description>
- To make sure that people don't bypass the URL filter.
- by simply using the IP addresses instead of the fully qualified domain names, you can check this option.
- </description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Redirect mode</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>redirect_mode</fieldname>
- <description>
- Select redirect mode here.
- &lt;br&gt; Note: if you use 'transparent proxy', then 'int' redirect mode will not accessible.
-<!-- &lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt; int size limit :&lt;/b&gt; if content size 0 or > 'size limit', then client moved to 'blank image' page; -->
- &lt;br&gt; Options:
- &lt;A title="To 'url' will added special client information;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt;ext url err page&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client view 'url' content without any notification about;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url redirect&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with displaying url in addres bar;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'move'&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with showing progress(only!) in status bar;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'found'.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt;
- &lt;/u&gt;
- </description>
- <type>select</type>
- <value>rmod_none</value>
- <options>
- <option><name>none</name> <value>rmod_none</value></option>
- <option><name>int error page (enter error message)</name> <value>rmod_int</value></option>
- <option><name>int blank page </name> <value>rmod_int_bpg</value></option>
-<!-- <option><name>int blank image</name> <value>rmod_int_bim</value></option> -->
-<!-- <option><name>int size limit (enter size in bytes)</name> <value>rmod_int_szl</value></option> -->
- <option><name>ext url err page (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_err</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url redirect (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_rdr</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url move (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_mov</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url found (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_fnd</value></option>
- </options>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Redirect</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>redirect</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter external redirection URL, error message or size (bytes) here.
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>65</cols>
- <rows>2</rows>
- </field>
-<!-- not need now
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Overtime redirect</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>overredirect</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter external redirection URL, error message or size (bytes) here.
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>65</cols>
- <rows>2</rows>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Spec: Use safe search engine</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>safesearch</fieldname>
- <description>
- To protect your children from adult content, you can use the protected mode of search engines.
- Now it is supported by Google, Yandex, Yahoo, MSN, Live Search. Make sure that the search engines can, and others, it is recommended to prohibit.
- &lt;br&gt;Note: ! This option overrides 'Rewrite' setting. !
- </description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Rewrite</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>rewrite</fieldname>
- <description>Enter rewrite condition name for this rule, or leave blank.</description>
- <type>select</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Overtime rewrite</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>overrewrite</fieldname>
- <description>Enter rewrite condition name for this rule, or leave blank.</description>
- <type>select</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Description</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>description</fieldname>
- <description>You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).</description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Enable log</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>enablelog</fieldname>
- <description>Check this for enable log.</description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- </fields>
- <custom_php_validation_command>
- squidguard_validate_acl(&amp;$_POST, &amp;$input_errors);
- </custom_php_validation_command>
- <custom_php_command_before_form>
- squidguard_before_form_acl(&amp;$pkg);
- </custom_php_command_before_form>
- <custom_php_after_form_command>
- squidGuard_print_javascript();
- </custom_php_after_form_command>
- <custom_php_resync_config_command>
- squidguard_resync_acl();
- </custom_php_resync_config_command>
- <custom_delete_php_command>
- squidguard_resync_acl();
- </custom_delete_php_command>
- <custom_add_php_command>
- </custom_add_php_command>
- <custom_add_php_command_late>
- </custom_add_php_command_late>
-</packagegui> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_configurator.inc b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_configurator.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index f683a19c..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_configurator.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2106 +0,0 @@
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* squidguard_configurator.inc
- (C)2006-2008 Serg Dvoriancev
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SquidGuard Configurator
-# email: dv_serg@mail.ru
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squidGuard inline options:
-# squidGuard -C all - update database
-# squidGuard -c <configfile> - create squidGuard with specified config file
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Notes:
-# for work squidGuard need present ALL destinations;
-# if dest not present in config - then this item will ignored in operations
-# (in rebuild DB for example)
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Directories:
-# work path - $workdir
-# log path - $workdir + $logdir
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* Allow additional execution time 0 = no limit. */
-ini_set('max_execution_time', '3600');
-ini_set('max_input_time', '3600');
-ini_set('memory_limit', '32M');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# files header
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('FILES_DB_HEADER', '
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# File created by squidGuard package GUI
-# (C)2006-2008 Serg Dvoriancev
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('CONFIG_SG_HEADER', "
-# ============================================================
-# SquidGuard configuration file
-# This file generated automaticly with SquidGuard configurator
-# (C)2006 Serg Dvoriancev
-# email: dv_serg@mail.ru
-# ============================================================
-define('ACL_WARNING_ABSENSE_PASS', "!WARNING! Absence PASS 'all' or 'none' added as 'none'");
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squid config options
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('REDIRECTOR_OPTIONS_REM', '# squidGuard options');
-define('REDIRECTOR_PROGRAM_OPT', 'redirect_program');
-define('REDIRECT_BYPASS_OPT', 'redirector_bypass');
-define('REDIRECT_CHILDREN_OPT', 'redirect_children');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# setup count redirector processes will started
-# * for big count users service increase this option, but you need use this on powerful system
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squidguard config options
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# define default redirection url (redirector get this url for all blocked url's)
-# * !ATTENTION! this url must be exists; IF url not exist, redirector will't block
-# (returned to squid some url, what blocked)
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('REDIRECT_BASE_URL', '/sgerror.php');
-define('REDIRECT_URL_ARGS', '&a=%a&n=%n&i=%i&s=%s&t=%t&u=%u');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squidguard system defines
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('SQUID_CONFIGFILE', '/usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf');
-define('TMP_DIR', '/var/tmp');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_CONFIGFILE', '/squidGuard.conf');
-define('SQUIDGUARDCONF_LOGFILE', '/sg_configurator.log');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_ACCESSBLOCK_FILE', 'block.log');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_CONFBASE_DEF', '/usr/local/etc/squid');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_LOGDIR_DEF', '/tmp');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_WORKDIR_DEF', '/usr/local/etc/squidGuard');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_BINPATH_DEF', '/usr/local/bin');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_TMP', '/var/tmp/squidGuard'); # SG temp
-define('SQUIDGUARD_VAR', '/var/squidGuard'); # SG variables
-define('SQUIDGUARD_STATE', '/squidGuard.state');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_REBUILD', '/squidGuard.rebuild');
-# DB home catalog contains 'Blacklist' and 'User' sub-catalogs
-define('SQUIDGUARD_DBHOME_DEF', '/var/db/squidGuard');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_DB_BLACKLIST', '/bl');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_DB_USER', '/usr');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_BL_UNPACK', '/unpack');
-define('SQUIDGUARD_BL_DB', '/db');
-# DB/Blacklist defines
-define('SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES', '/blacklist.files');
-define('BLACKLIST_ARCHIVE', '/blacklists.tar');
-define('BLK_LOCALFILE', '/tmp/sg_blacklists.tar');
-define('DB_REBUILD_SH', '/tmp/squidGuard_db_rebuild.sh');
-define('DB_REBUILD_CONF', '/tmp/squidGuard_db_rebuild.conf');
-define('DB_REBUILD_BLK_CONF', '/squidGuard_blk_rebuild.conf');
-define('BLK_TEMP', '/tmp/sg_blk');
-define('SG_BLK_ARC', '/arcdb'); # blk db archive
-define('SG_INFO_FILE', '/var/squidGuard/sg_db_upd.inf');
-# error_res
-define('SG_ERR0', "Error! Check squidGuard configuration data.");
-# redirect mode
-define('RMOD_NONE', 'rmod_none');
-define('RMOD_INT_ERRORPAGE', 'rmod_int');
-define('RMOD_INT_BLANKPAGE', 'rmod_int_bpg');
-define('RMOD_INT_BLANKIMG', 'rmod_int_bim');
-define('RMOD_INT_SIZELIMIT', 'rmod_int_szl');
-define('RMOD_EXT_ERR', 'rmod_ext_err');
-define('RMOD_EXT_RDR', 'rmod_ext_rdr');
-define('RMOD_EXT_MOVED', 'rmod_ext_mov');
-define('RMOD_EXT_FOUND', 'rmod_ext_fnd');
-# GUI options
-define('SQUIDGUARD_LOG_MAXCOUNT', 500); # max log lines
-# 0-all, 1-medium; 2-low
-define('FLT_DEFAULT_ALL', 'all');
-define('FLT_NOTALLOWIP', '!in-addr');
-# owner user name (squid system user - need for define rights access)
-define('OWNER_NAME', 'proxy');
-# Debug
-define('DEBUG_ON', 'true');
-# ==============================================================================
-# black list
-# ==============================================================================
-# known black list standard names
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('FLT_AD', 'ads');
-define('FLT_AGGRESSIVE', 'aggressive');
-define('FLT_AUDIOVIDEO', 'audio-video');
-define('FLT_DRUGGS', 'druggs');
-define('FLT_GAMBLING', 'gambling');
-define('FLT_HACKING', 'hacking');
-define('FLT_MAIL', 'mail');
-define('FLT_PORN', 'porn');
-define('FLT_PROXY', 'proxy');
-define('FLT_VIOLENCE', 'viol');
-define('FLT_WAREZ', 'warez');
-# ==============================================================================
-# SquidGuard Configurator
-# ==============================================================================
-$squidguard_config = array(); # squidGuard config array
-# call default init
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squidguard system fields
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define('F_SQUIDGUARD', 'squidGuard');
-define('F_LOGDIR', 'logdir');
-define('F_DBHOME', 'dbhome');
-define('F_WORKDIR', 'workdir');
-define('F_BINPATH', 'binpath');
-define('F_PROCCESSCOUNT', 'process_count');
-define('F_SQUIDCONFIGFILE', 'squid_configfile');
-define('F_ENABLED', 'enabled');
-define('F_BLACKLISTENABLED', 'blacklist_enabled');
-define('F_SGCONF_XML', 'sgxml_file');
-# other fields
-define('F_ITEM', 'item');
-define('F_TIMES', 'times');
-define('F_SOURCES', 'sources');
-define('F_DESTINATIONS', 'destinations');
-define('F_REWRITES', 'rewrites');
-define('F_ACLS', 'acls');
-define('F_DEFAULT', 'default');
-define('F_NAME', 'name');
-define('F_DESCRIPTION', 'description');
-define('F_IP', 'ip');
-define('F_URLS', 'urls');
-define('F_DOMAINS', 'domains');
-define('F_EXPRESSIONS', 'expressions');
-define('F_REDIRECT', 'redirect');
-define('F_TARGETURL', 'targeturl');
-define('F_REPLACETO', 'replaceto');
-define('F_LOG', 'log');
-define('F_ITEM', 'item');
-define('F_DISABLED', 'disabled');
-define('F_TIMENAME', 'timename');
-define('F_DESTINATIONNAME', 'destname');
-define('F_REDIRECT', 'redirect');
-define('F_REWRITE', 'rewrite');
-define('F_MODE', 'mode');
-define('F_REWRITENAME', 'rewritename');
-define('F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME', 'overdestname');
-define('F_OVERREDIRECT', 'overredirect');
-define('F_OVERREWRITE', 'overrewrite');
-define('F_OVERREWRITENAME', 'overrewritename');
-define('F_TIMETYPE', 'timetype');
-define('F_TIMEDAYS', 'timedays');
-define('F_DATRANGE', 'daterange');
-define('F_TIMERANGE', 'sg_timerange');
-define('F_RMOD', 'redirect_mode'); # [redirect_mode] = rmod_int <base- use sgerror.php>; rmod_301; rmod_302;
-define('F_NOTALLOWINGIP', 'notallowingip'); # not allowing ip in URL
-define('F_USERNAME', 'username');
-define('F_ORDER', 'order');
-# transparent mode
-define('F_SQUID_TRANSPARENT_MODE', 'squid_transparent_mode');
-define('F_CURRENT_LAN_IP', 'current_lan_ip');
-define('F_CURRENT_GUI_PORT', 'current_gui_port');
-define('F_CURRENT_GUI_PROTO', 'current_gui_protocol');
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_init - initialize config array
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_init($init = '')
- global $squidguard_config;
- $squidguard_config = array();
- if(empty($init) or !is_array($init) ) {
- # default init (for generate minimal config)
- $squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR] = SQUIDGUARD_LOGDIR_DEF;
- $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME] = SQUIDGUARD_DBHOME_DEF;
- $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR] = SQUIDGUARD_WORKDIR_DEF;
- $squidguard_config[F_BINPATH] = SQUIDGUARD_BINPATH_DEF;
- } else {
- $squidguard_config = $init;
- }
- return $squidguard_config;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_loadconfig_xml
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_load_configxml($filename)
- global $squidguard_config;
- sg_init();
- if (file_exists($filename)) {
- $xmlconf = file_get_contents($filename);
- if (!empty($xmlconf)) {
- $squidguard_config = $xmlconf[F_SQUIDGUARD];
- sg_addlog("sg_load_configxml: Success update from '$filename'.", 1);
- } else
- sg_addlog("sg_load_configxml: Error, file '$filename' is empty.", 2);
- } else
- sg_addlog("sg_load_configxml: Error, file '$filename' does not exists.", 2);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_saveconfig_xml
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_save_configxml($filename)
- global $squidguard_config;
- file_put_contents($filename, dump_xml_config($squidguard_config, F_SQUIDGUARD));
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_reconfigure - squidguard reconfiguration
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_reconfigure()
- global $squidguard_config;
- # 1. check system
- sg_check_system();
- # 2. reconfigure user db
- sg_reconfigure_user_db();
- # 3. generate squidGuard config
- $conf = sg_create_config();
- if ($conf) {
- if ($squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR])
- $conf_file = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR] . SQUIDGUARD_CONFIGFILE;
- file_put_contents($conf_file, $conf);
- file_put_contents('/usr/local/etc/squid' . SQUIDGUARD_CONFIGFILE, $conf); # << squidGuard want config '/usr/local/etc/squid' by default
- set_file_access($squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR], OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure: save squidGuard config to '$conf_file'.", 1);
- } else
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure: error make squidGuard config.", 2);
- # 4. reconfigure squid
- squid_reconfigure();
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# squid_reconfigure
-# Insert in '/usr/local/squid/etc/squid.conf' options:
-# redirector_bypass on
-# redirect_program /usr/local/squidGuard/bin/squidGuard -c /path_to_config_file
-# redirect_children 1
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function squid_reconfigure($remove_only = '')
- global $config;
- global $squidguard_config;
- $conf = '';
- $cust_opt = $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['custom_options'];
- # remove old options
- if (!empty($cust_opt)) {
- $conf = explode(";", $cust_opt);
- foreach ($conf as $key => $c_opt) {
- $t_opt = ltrim($c_opt);
- if ((strpos($t_opt, REDIRECTOR_PROGRAM_OPT) === 0) or
- (strpos($t_opt, REDIRECT_BYPASS_OPT) === 0) or
- (strpos($t_opt, REDIRECT_CHILDREN_OPT) === 0))
- unset($conf[$key]);
- }
- sg_addlog("squid_reconfigure: Remove old redirector options from Squid config.", 1);
- }
- # add new options - if squidGuard enabled
- if (empty($remove_only) && ($squidguard_config[F_ENABLED] === 'on')) {
- $redirector_path = $squidguard_config[F_BINPATH] . '/squidGuard';
- $redirector_conf = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR] . SQUIDGUARD_CONFIGFILE;
- $conf[] = REDIRECTOR_PROGRAM_OPT . " $redirector_path -c $redirector_conf";
- $conf[] = REDIRECT_BYPASS_OPT . " on";
- sg_addlog("squid_reconfigure: Add new redirector options to Squid config.", 1);
- }
- # update config
- if (is_array($conf)) $conf = implode(";", $conf);
- $config['installedpackages']['squid']['config'][0]['custom_options'] = $conf;
- write_config('Update redirector options to squid config.');
- squid_resync();
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_check_system - check squidguard catalog's and access right's
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_check_system()
- global $squidguard_config;
- # check work_dir & create if not exists
- $work_dir = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR];
- if (!empty($work_dir)) {
- # check dir's
- if (!file_exists($work_dir)) {
- mwexec("mkdir -p $work_dir");
- set_file_access($work_dir, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_addlog("sg_check_system: Create work dir '$work_dir'.", 1);
- }
- }
- unset($work_dir);
- # check log_dir & create if not exists
- $log_dir = $squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR];
- if (!empty($log_dir)) {
- if (!file_exists($log_dir)) {
- mwexec("mkdir -p $log_dir");
- sg_addlog("sg_check_system: Create log dir '$log_dir'.", 1);
- }
- # set access right - need start any time;
- # (SG possible start from console and log file will have only root access)
- set_file_access($log_dir, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- }
- unset($log_dir);
- # check db dir
- $db_dir = $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME];
- if (!empty($db_dir)) {
- if (!file_exists($db_dir)) {
- mwexec("mkdir -p $db_dir");
- sg_addlog("sg_check_system: Create db dir '$db_dir'.", 1);
- }
- # set access right
- set_file_access($db_dir, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- }
- unset($db_dir);
-# ==============================================================================
-# squidGuard DB
-# ==============================================================================
-# sg_reconfigure_user_db - reconfigure(update) db user entries
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_reconfigure_user_db()
- global $squidguard_config;
- $dbhome = $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME];
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: Begin with '$dbhome'", 1);
- # create user DB catalog, if not extsts
- if (!file_exists($dbhome)) {
- if (!mkdir($dbhome, 0755)) {
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: Error create user DB directory '$dbhome'.", 2);
- return;
- }
- set_file_access($dbhome, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: Create user DB directory '$dbhome'.", 1);
- }
- # update destinations to db
- $dests = $squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS];
- if(!empty($dests)){
- $dst_names = Array();
- $dst_list = Array();
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: Add user entries", 1);
- foreach($dests[F_ITEM] as $dst) {
- $path = "$dbhome/" . $dst[F_NAME];
- $dst_names[] = $path;
- $dst_list["usr_{$dst[F_NAME]}"] = $dst[F_NAME];
- # 1. check destination catalog and create them, if need
- if (!file_exists($path)) {
- if (!mkdir ($path, 0755)) {
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: Error create dir '$path'.", 2);
- return;
- }
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: Create dir '$path'.", 1);
- }
- # 2. build domains file
- $domains = $dst[F_DOMAINS];
- if (!empty($domains)) {
- $content = trim(str_replace(" ", "\n", $domains));
- file_put_contents($path . '/domains', $content);
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: -- add {$dst[F_NAME]} domains '$domains';", 1);
- }
- unset($domains);
- # 3. build urls file
- $urls = $dst[F_URLS];
- if (!empty($urls)) {
- $content = trim(str_replace(" ", "\n", $urls));
- file_put_contents($path . '/urls', $content);
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: -- add {$dst[F_NAME]} urls '$content';", 1);
- }
- unset($urls);
- # 4. build expression file
- $expr = $dst[F_EXPRESSIONS];
- if (!empty($expr)) {
- $content = trim(str_replace("|", " ", $expr)); # delete first and last unnecessary '|' symbol
- $content = str_replace(" ", "|", $content);
- file_put_contents($path . '/expressions', $content);
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: -- add {$dst[F_NAME]} expressions '$content';", 1);
- }
- unset($expr);
- }
- # 5. recursive set files access
- set_file_access($dbhome, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- # 6. rebuild user db ('/var/db/squidGuard')
- sg_rebuild_db("_usrdb", $dbhome, $dst_list);
- } else
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_user_db: Nothing. User destinations list empty.", 2);
- # 7. remove unused db entries
- sg_remove_unused_db_entries();
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_remove_unused_db_entries
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_remove_unused_db_entries()
- global $squidguard_config;
- $db_entries = array();
- $file_list = '';
- $dbhome = $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME];
- $workdir = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR];
- # black list entries
- # * worked only with 'blacklist entries list file - else may be deleted black list entry
- if (file_exists($workdir . SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES)) {
- $file_for_del = array();
- # load blk entries
- $db_entries = explode("\n", file_get_contents($workdir . SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES));
- # $db_entries + add user entries
- $dests = $squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS];
- if (!empty($dests)) {
- foreach($dests[F_ITEM] as $dst)
- $db_entries[] = $dst[F_NAME];
- }
- # diff between file list and entries list
- $file_list = scan_dir($dbhome);
- if (is_array($file_list) and is_array($db_entries)) {
- $file_for_del = array_diff($file_list, $db_entries);
- }
- # delete
- if (is_array($file_for_del) and !empty($file_for_del)) {
- foreach($file_for_del as $fd) {
- $file_fd = "$dbhome/$fd";
- if (!empty($fd) && ($fd != ".") && ($fd != "..")) {
- if (file_exists($file_fd)) {
- mwexec("rm -R $file_fd");
- sg_addlog("sg_remove_unused_db_entries: Removed file '$file_fd'.", 1);
- } else
- sg_addlog("sg_remove_unused_db_entries: File'$file_fd' not found.", 2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_rebuild_db Rebuild squidGuard DB from list items
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $shtag - rebuild SH script TAG
-# $rdb_dbhome - DB directory (default: '/var/db/squidGuard')
-# $rdb_itemslist - items list as ['dest_key']='dest_DB_path'
-# dest_DB_path - path without '$rdb_dbhome'
-# example: ['ads_ban']='ads/banners' -> '/var/db/squidGuard/ads/banners'
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_rebuild_db($shtag, $rdb_dbhome, $rdb_itemslist)
- global $squidguard_config;
- $conf = '';
- $conf_path = '';
- $logdir = $squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR];
- $dbhome = $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME];
- # current dbhome dir
- if (!empty($rdb_dbhome)) $dbhome = $rdb_dbhome;
- sg_addlog("sg_rebuild_db: Begin with path '$dbhome'.", 1);
- # define - where config will placed
- $conf_path = "/tmp/squidGuard_rebuild.conf" . $shtag;
- # make rebuild config; include all found dest items
- $conf = sg_create_simple_config($dbhome, $rdb_itemslist);
- file_put_contents($conf_path, $conf);
- set_file_access($conf_path, OWNER_NAME, 0750);
- sg_addlog("sg_rebuild_db: Create temporary config '$conf_path'.", 1);
- # *** SH script ***
- $sh_scr = Array();
- $sh_scr[] = "#!/bin/sh";
- $sh_scr[] = "cd $dbhome";
- $sh_scr[] = $squidguard_config[F_BINPATH] . "/squidGuard -c $conf_path -C all";
- $sh_scr[] = "wait"; # wait while SG rebuild DB
- # set DB owner and right access
- $sh_scr[] = "chown -R -v " . OWNER_NAME . " $dbhome";
- # restart squid for changes to take effects
- $sh_scr[] = "/usr/local/sbin/squid -k reconfigure";
- # store & exec sh
- $sh_scr = implode("\n", $sh_scr);
- $shfile = DB_REBUILD_SH . $shtag;
- file_put_contents($shfile, $sh_scr);
- set_file_access($shfile, OWNER_NAME, 0750);
- # ! not background exec !
- mwexec($shfile);
- sg_addlog("sg_rebuild_db: Started SH script '$shfile'.", 1);
-# ==============================================================================
-# Log
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_addlog
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_addlog($log, $level = 0)
- global $squidguard_config;
- # log level
- if ($level < SQUIDGUARD_LOG_LEVEL) return;
- $logfile = '';
- $log_content = array();
- setlocale(LC_TIME, '');
- $dt = date("d.m.Y H:i:s");
- # define logfile
- if (!empty($squidguard_config)) {
- if (file_exists($squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR]))
- $logfile = $squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR] . SQUIDGUARDCONF_LOGFILE;
- } else
- $log_content[] = "$dt : " . "sg_addlog: Error: squidguard_config is empty";
- $tmplog = '';
- if (file_exists($logfile))
- $tmplog = file_get_contents($logfile);
- $log_content = explode("\n", $tmplog);
- unset($tmplog);
- # shrink to MAXCOUNT log entries
- $log_content[] = "$dt : $log";
- if (count($log_content) > SQUIDGUARD_LOG_MAXCOUNT)
- array_splice($log_content, 0, SQUIDGUARD_LOG_MAXCOUNT - count($log_content));
- file_put_contents($logfile, implode("\n", $log_content));
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_getlog
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_getlog($last_entries_count)
- global $squidguard_config;
- $log_content = '';
- # define logfile
- if (!empty($squidguard_config) && file_exists($squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR]))
- $logfile = $squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR] . SQUIDGUARDCONF_LOGFILE;
- # get log last 100 entries
- if (file_exists($logfile)) {
- $log_content = explode("\n", file_get_contents($logfile));
- if (count($log_content) > $last_entries_count)
- array_splice($log_content, 0, $last_entries_count - count($log_content));
- # insert log file name on top
- $log_content[0] = $logfile;
- $log_content = implode("\n", $log_content);
- }
- return $log_content;
-# ==============================================================================
-# make config
-# ==============================================================================
-# sg_create_config
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_create_config()
- global $squidguard_config;
- $sgconf = array();
- $sg_tag = new TSgTag;
- $error_res = '';
- $temp_str = '';
- if(!is_array($squidguard_config) || empty($squidguard_config)) {
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: Error squidguard config data.", 2);
- return sg_create_simple_config('', '', SG_ERR0 . " (sg_create_config: [1]).");
- }
- # check configuration data
- if (!sg_check_config_data(&$error_res)) {
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: Error config data. It's all error_res: \n$error_res", 2);
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: Terminated.", 2);
- return sg_create_simple_config('', '', SG_ERR0 . " (sg_create_config: [2]).");
- }
- # --- Header ---
- $sgconf[] = CONFIG_SG_HEADER;
- $sgconf[] = "logdir {$squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR]}";
- $sgconf[] = "dbhome {$squidguard_config[F_DBHOME]}";
- # --- Times ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_TIMES]) {
- $temp_str = '';
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_TIMES][F_ITEM] as $tm) {
- $sg_tag->clear();
- $sg_tag->set("time", $tm[F_NAME], "", $tm[F_DESCRIPTION]);
- foreach($tm[F_ITEM] as $itm) {
- $dts = ($itm[F_TIMETYPE] === "weekly") ? $itm[F_TIMEDAYS] : $itm[F_DATERANGE];
- $sg_tag->items[] = "{$itm[F_TIMETYPE]} $dts {$itm[F_TIMERANGE]}";
- }
- $sgconf[] = "";
- $sgconf[] = $sg_tag->tag_text();
- # log
- $temp_str .= " {$tm[F_NAME]}";
- }
- # log
- $temp_str = !empty($temp_str) ? $temp_str : "Nothing.";
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: add times: \n $temp_str", 1);
- }
- # --- Sources ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_SOURCES]) {
- $temp_str = '';
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_SOURCES][F_ITEM] as $src) {
- $sg_tag->clear();
- $sg_tag->set("src", $src[F_NAME], "", $src[F_DESCRIPTION]);
- # separate IP, domains, usernames
- $tsrc = explode(" ", trim($src[F_SOURCE]));
- foreach($tsrc as $sr) {
- $sr = trim($sr);
- if (empty($sr)) continue;
- if (is_ipaddr_valid($sr)) $sg_tag->items[] = "ip $sr";
- elseif (is_domain_valid($sr)) $sg_tag->items[] = "domain $sr";
- elseif (is_username($sr)) $sg_tag->items[] = "user " . str_replace("'", "", $sr);
- }
- if ($src[F_LOG]) $sg_tag->items[] = "log " . SQUIDGUARD_ACCESSBLOCK_FILE;
- $sgconf[] = "";
- $sgconf[] = $sg_tag->tag_text();
- # log
- $temp_str .= " " . $src[F_NAME];
- }
- # log
- $temp_str = !empty($temp_str) ? $temp_str : "Nothing.";
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: add sources: \n $temp_str", 1);
- }
- # --- Blacklist ---
- # Note! Blacklist must be added to config permanently. It's need for rebuild DB now
- $db_entries = sg_entries_blacklist();
- if (($squidguard_config[F_BLACKLISTENABLED] === 'on') and $db_entries) {
- $log_entr_added = '';
- $log_entr_ignored = '';
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: add blacklist entries", 1);
- foreach($db_entries as $key => $ent) {
- $ent_state = array();
- $file_dms = "{$squidguard_config[F_DBHOME]}/$ent/domains";
- $file_urls = "{$squidguard_config[F_DBHOME]}/$ent/urls";
- $file_expr = "{$squidguard_config[F_DBHOME]}/$ent/expressions";
- # check blacklist acl state
- if (file_exists($file_dms)) {
- $ent_state['exists'] = 'on';
- $ent_state[F_DOMAINS] = 'on';
- }
- if (file_exists($file_urls)) {
- $ent_state['exists'] = 'on';
- $ent_state[F_URLS] = 'on';
- }
- if (file_exists($file_expr)) {
- $ent_state['exists'] = 'on';
- $ent_state[F_EXPRESSIONS] = 'on';
- }
- # create config if blacklist item exists
- if ($ent_state['exists']) {
- $sg_tag->clear();
- $sg_tag->set("dest", $ent, "", "");
- if ($ent_state[F_DOMAINS]) $sg_tag->items[] = "domainlist $ent/domains";
- if ($ent_state[F_EXPRESSIONS]) $sg_tag->items[] = "expressionlist $ent/expressions";
- if ($ent_state[F_URLS]) $sg_tag->items[] = "urllist $ent/urls";
- $sg_tag->items[] = "log ". SQUIDGUARD_ACCESSBLOCK_FILE;
- $sgconf[] = "";
- $sgconf[] = $sg_tag->tag_text();
- # log
- $log_entr_added .= " $ent;";
- } else {
- $sgconf[] = "\t# Config ERROR: Destination '$ent' not found in DB";
- $log_entr_ignored .= " $ent;";
- }
- }
- # log 'added' and 'ignored'
- if (!empty($log_entr_added)) sg_addlog("sg_create_config: added: \n $log_entr_added \n", 1);
- if (!empty($log_entr_ignored)) sg_addlog("sg_create_config: ignored: \n $log_entr_ignored \n", 2);
- }
- # --- Destinations ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS]) {
- $temp_str = '';
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS][F_ITEM] as $dst) {
- $dstname = $dst[F_NAME];
- $sg_tag->clear();
- $sg_tag->set("dest", $dst[F_NAME], "", $dst[F_DESCRIPTION]);
- if ($dst[F_DOMAINS])
- $sg_tag->items[] = "domainlist $dstname/domains";
- if ($dst[F_EXPRESSIONS])
- $sg_tag->items[] = "expressionlist $dstname/expressions";
- if ($dst[F_URLS])
- $sg_tag->items[] = "urllist $dstname/urls";
- if ($dst[F_RMOD] != RMOD_NONE)
- $sg_tag->items[] = "redirect " . sg_redirector_base_url($dst[F_REDIRECT], $dst[F_RMOD]);
- if ($dst[F_LOG])
- $sg_tag->items[] = "log " . SQUIDGUARD_ACCESSBLOCK_FILE;
- $sgconf[] = "";
- $sgconf[] = $sg_tag->tag_text();
- # log
- $temp_str .= " $dstname;";
- }
- # log
- $temp_str = !empty($temp_str) ? $temp_str : "Nothing.";
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: add destinations: \n $temp_str", 1);
- }
- # --- Rewrites ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_REWRITES]) {
- $temp_str = '';
- $log_entr_added = '';
- $log_entr_err = '';
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_REWRITES][F_ITEM] as $rew) {
- $sg_tag->clear();
- $sg_tag->set("rew", $rew[F_NAME], "", "");
- if (is_array($rew[F_ITEM])) {
- foreach ($rew[F_ITEM] as $rw)
- $sg_tag->items[] = "s@{$rw[F_TARGETURL]}@{$rw[F_REPLACETO]}@{$rw[F_MODE]}";
- if ($rew[F_LOG])
- $sg_tag->items[] = "log " . SQUIDGUARD_ACCESSBLOCK_FILE;
- $sgconf[] = "";
- $sgconf[] = $sg_tag->tag_text();
- # log
- $log_entr_added .= " {$rew[F_NAME]};";
- }
- else {
- $sgconf[] = "";
- $sgconf[] = "# Rewrite {$rew[F_NAME]} error.";
- # log
- $log_entr_err .= " {$rew[F_NAME]};";
- }
- }
- # log
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: add rewrites: \n success $log_entr_added \n error $log_entr_err", 1);
- }
- # ----------------------------------------
- $entry_blacklist = sg_entries_blacklist();
- # --- ACL ---
- $sg_tag->clear();
- $sg_tag->set("acl", "", "", "");
- if ($squidguard_config[F_ACLS]) {
- $temp_str = '';
- $log_entr_added = '';
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_ACLS][F_ITEM] as $acl) {
- if (!$acl[F_DISABLED]) {
- $sg_acltag = new TSgTag;
- $sg_acltag->set($acl[F_NAME], "", $acl[F_TIMENAME], $acl[F_DESCRIPTION]);
- # delete blacklist entries from 'pass' if blacklist disabled
- if ($squidguard_config[F_BLACKLISTENABLED] !== 'on') {
- acl_remove_blacklist_items(&$acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME]);
- acl_remove_blacklist_items(&$acl[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME]);
- }
- # not allowing IP in URL
- if ($acl[F_NOTALLOWINGIP]) {
- $acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = "!in-addr {$acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME]}";
- }
- # re-order acl pass (<allow><deny<all|none>)
- $acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = sg_aclpass_reorder($acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME]);
- $acl[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME] = sg_aclpass_reorder($acl[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME]);
- # ontime
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "pass {$acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME]}";
- if ($acl[F_RMOD] != RMOD_NONE)
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "redirect " . sg_redirector_base_url($acl[F_REDIRECT], $acl[F_RMOD]);
- if ($acl[F_REWRITENAME])
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "rewrite {$acl[F_REWRITENAME]}";
- if ($acl[F_LOG])
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "log " . SQUIDGUARD_ACCESSBLOCK_FILE;
- # overtime
- if ($acl[F_TIMENAME]) {
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "} else {";
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "pass {$acl[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME]}";
- if ($acl[F_REDIRECMODE] !== RMOD_NONE)
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "redirect " . sg_redirector_base_url($acl[F_OVERREDIRECT], $acl[F_RMOD]);
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "rewrite {$acl[F_OVERREWRITENAME]}";
- if ($acl[F_LOG])
- $sg_acltag->items[] = "log " . SQUIDGUARD_ACCESSBLOCK_FILE;
- }
- $sg_tag->items[] = $sg_acltag;
- }
- $log_entr_added .= " {$acl[F_NAME]};";
- }
- # log
- $log_entr_added = !empty($log_entr_added) ? $log_entr_added : "Nothing.";
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: add ACL's: \n $log_entr_added", 1);
- }
- # --- Default ---
- $sg_tag_def = new TSgTag;
- $sg_tag_def->set("default", "", "", "");
- $def = $squidguard_config[F_DEFAULT];
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: add Default", 1);
- if ($def) {
- $temp_str = '';
- # delete blacklist entries from 'pass' if blacklist disabled
- if ($squidguard_config[F_BLACKLISTENABLED] !== 'on')
- acl_remove_blacklist_items(&$def[F_DESTINATIONNAME]);
- # not allowing IP in URL
- if ($def[F_NOTALLOWINGIP])
- $def[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = "!in-addr " . $def[F_DESTINATIONNAME];
- # re-order acl pass (<allow><deny<all|none>)
- $def[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = sg_aclpass_reorder($def[F_DESTINATIONNAME]);
- # ! 'Default' must use without times !
- $sg_tag_def->items[] = "pass {$def[F_DESTINATIONNAME]}";
- if ($def[F_RMOD] !== RMOD_NONE)
- $sg_tag_def->items[] = "redirect " . sg_redirector_base_url($def[F_REDIRECT], $def[F_RMOD]);
- if ($def[F_REWRITENAME])
- $sg_tag_def->items[] = "rewrite {$def[F_REWRITENAME]}";
- if ($def[F_LOG])
- $sg_tag_def->items[] = "log " . SQUIDGUARD_ACCESSBLOCK_FILE;
- } # <- if def
- else {
- $msg = "Error: ACL 'default' is empty, will use default 'block all'";
- $sg_tag_def->items[] = "# $msg";
- $sg_tag_def->items[] = "pass none";
- $sg_tag_def->items[] = "redirect " . sg_redirector_base_url('', RMOD_INT_ERRORPAGE);
- sg_addlog("sg_create_config: $msg.", 2);
- }
- # --- ACL end ---
- $sg_tag->items[] = $sg_tag_def; # add 'default' ACL object
- $sgconf[] = "";
- $sgconf[] = $sg_tag->tag_text();
- # delete "\n" chars before each string - SG bug (first string of config must be not empty)
- foreach ($sgconf as $key => $val) $sgconf[$key] = ltrim($sgconf[$key], "\n");
- return implode("\n", $sgconf);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_create_simple_config
-# Create config for DB rebuilding
-# Default rule - block all
-# Variables:
-# $blk_dbhome - temporary DB home dir, may be different with DBHOME
-# $blk_destlist - is array as [dst_name] = 'path',
-# where path - catalog without dbhome path
-# For example: dbhome is '/var/db/squidGuard/',
-# path can be 'usr/ads' or 'bl/poxy'
-# $redirect_to - redirector string
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_create_simple_config($blk_dbhome, $blk_destlist, $redirect_to = "404")
- global $squidguard_config;
- $sgconf = array();
- $logdir = $squidguard_config[F_LOGDIR];
- $dbhome = $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME];
- # current dbhome dir
- if (!empty($blk_dbhome)) $dbhome = $blk_dbhome;
- sg_addlog("sg_create_simple_config: Begin with dbhome='$dbhome'.", 1);
- # header
- $sgconf[] = CONFIG_SG_HEADER;
- # init section
- $sgconf[] = "logdir $logdir";
- $sgconf[] = "dbhome $dbhome";
- $sgconf[] = "";
- # destination section
- if (is_array($blk_destlist)) {
- foreach($blk_destlist as $dst => $dpath) {
- $tmp_s = array();
- # check item elements
- if (file_exists("$dbhome/$dpath/domains")) $tmp_s[] = "\t domainlist $dpath/domains";
- if (file_exists("$dbhome/$dpath/urls")) $tmp_s[] = "\t urllist $dpath/urls";
- if (file_exists("$dbhome/$dpath/expressions")) $tmp_s[] = "\t expressionlist $dpath/expressions";
- # create only valid items
- if (!empty($tmp_s)) {
- $tmp_s = implode("\n", $tmp_s);
- $sgconf[] = "dest $dst {\n $tmp_s \n}\n";
- sg_addlog("sg_create_simple_config: -- added item '$dst' = '$dbhome/$dpath'.");
- } else
- sg_addlog("sg_create_simple_config: -- ignored empty item '$dst' = '$dbhome/$dpath'.");
- }
- }
- # acl section
- $sgconf[] = "acl {\n\t default {\n\t\t pass all ";
- $sgconf[] = "\t\t redirect " . sg_redirector_base_url($redirect_to, RMOD_INT_ERRORPAGE); # use sgerror only!
- $sgconf[] = "\t } \n}";
- # delete "\n" chars before each string - SG bug (first string of config must be not empty)
- foreach ($sgconf as $key => $val) $sgconf[$key] = ltrim($sgconf[$key], "\n");
- return implode("\n", $sgconf);
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_redirector_base_url
-# $url - url where redirect to
-# $use_internal - ignore 'Redirect mode' option, use internal (for rebuild config, for example)
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_redirector_base_url($rdr_info, $redirect_mode)
- global $squidguard_config;
- $rdr_path = '';
- # gui port, ip & proto
- $guiip = (!empty($squidguard_config[F_CURRENT_LAN_IP])) ? $squidguard_config[F_CURRENT_LAN_IP] : '';
- $guiport = (!empty($squidguard_config[F_CURRENT_GUI_PORT])) ? $squidguard_config[F_CURRENT_GUI_PORT] : '80';
- $guiproto = ($squidguard_config[F_CURRENT_GUI_PROTO] === "https") ? "https" : "http";
- $rdr_path = "$guiproto://$guiip:$guiport" . REDIRECT_BASE_URL;
- # check redirect
- $errmsg = '';
- if (!sg_check_redirect($redirect_mode, $rdr_info, &$errmsg)) {
- $redirect_mode = RMOD_INT_ERRORPAGE;
- $rdr_info = "Redirect settings error. $errmsg Check you configuration.";
- sg_addlog("sg_redirector_base_url: ERROR: $errmsg");
- }
- switch($redirect_mode) {
- case RMOD_EXT_ERR: $rdr_path = "$rdr_info" . REDIRECT_URL_ARGS; break;
- case RMOD_EXT_RDR: $rdr_path = "$rdr_info"; break;
- case RMOD_EXT_MOVED: $rdr_path = "301:$rdr_info"; break;
- case RMOD_EXT_FOUND: $rdr_path = "302:$rdr_info"; break;
- case RMOD_INT_BLANKPAGE: $rdr_path .= "?url=blank&msg=" . rawurlencode($rdr_info) . REDIRECT_URL_ARGS; break;
- case RMOD_INT_BLANKIMG: $rdr_path .= "?url=blank_img&msg=" . rawurlencode($rdr_info) . REDIRECT_URL_ARGS; break;
- case RMOD_INT_SIZELIMIT: $rdr_path .= "?url=maxlen_$rdr_info" . REDIRECT_URL_ARGS; break;
- default: $rdr_path .= "?url=" . rawurlencode("403 $rdr_info") . REDIRECT_URL_ARGS; break;
- }
- sg_addlog("sg_redirector_base_url: Select redirector base url ($rdr_path)");
- return $rdr_path;
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_aclpass_reorder
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_aclpass_reorder($pass)
- $ar_pass = explode(" ", $pass);
- # 'pass' order: <allow> <deny> <all|none>
- if (is_array($ar_pass)) {
- $pass_end = '';
- $pass_fst = array(); # whitelist - '^' prefix (will deleted)
- $pass_sec = array(); # blacklist - '!' prefix
- $pass_lst = array(); # allow
- foreach ($ar_pass as $val) {
- $tk = trim($val);
- if ($tk === 'all' or $tk === 'none')
- $pass_end = $val;
- elseif (strpos($tk, "^") !== false)
- # delete '^' prefix
- $pass_fst[] = str_replace('^', '', $val);
- elseif (strpos($tk, "!") !== false)
- $pass_sec[] = $val;
- else
- $pass_lst[] = $val;
- }
- $ar_pass = array_merge($pass_fst, $pass_sec, $pass_lst);
- $ar_pass[] = $pass_end;
- }
- return implode(" ", $ar_pass);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_check_config_data
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_check_config_data ($input_errors)
- global $squidguard_config;
- $elog = array();
- $times = sg_list_itemsfield($squidguard_config[F_TIMES], F_NAME);
- $sources = sg_list_itemsfield($squidguard_config[F_SOURCES], F_NAME);
- $destinations = sg_list_itemsfield($squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS], F_NAME);
- $rewrites = sg_list_itemsfield($squidguard_config[F_REWRITES], F_NAME);
- $acls = array();
- # --- Times ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_TIMES]) {
- $key_tm = array_count_values($times);
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_TIMES][F_ITEM] as $tm) {
- # check name as unique and name format
- $tm_name = $tm[F_NAME];
- $err_s = '';
- if (!check_name_format($tm_name, &$err_s))
- $elog[] = "(T1) TIME '$tm_name' error: >>> $err_s";
- if ($key_tm[$tm_name] > 1)
- $elog[] = "(T2) TIME '$tm_name' error: duplicate time name '$tm_name'";
- # check time items format
- sg_check_time($tm, &$elog);
- }
- }
- # --- Sources ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_SOURCES]) {
- $key_src = array_count_values($sources);
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_SOURCES][F_ITEM] as $src) {
- # check name as unique and name format
- $src_name = $src[F_NAME];
- $err_s = '';
- if (!check_name_format($src_name, &$err_s))
- $elog[] = "(A1) ACL '$src_name'error: $err_s";
- if ($key_src[$src_name] > 1)
- $elog[] = "(A2) ACL '$src_name' error: duplicate source name '$src_name'";
- sg_check_src($src, $elog);
- }
- }
- # --- Destinations ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS]) {
- $key_dst = array_count_values($destinations);
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_DESTINATIONS][F_ITEM] as $dst) {
- # check name as unique and name format
- $dst_name = $dst[F_NAME];
- $err_s = '';
- if (!check_name_format($dst_name, &$err_s))
- $elog[] = "(D1) DEST '$dst_name' error: $err_s";
- if ($key_dst[$dst_name] > 1)
- $elog[] = "(D2) DEST '$dst_name' error: duplicate destination name '$dst_name'";
- #
- sg_check_dest($dst, &$elog);
- }
- }
- # --- Blacklist ---
- $blk_entries_file = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR] . SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES;
- if (file_exists($blk_entries_file)) {
- $blk_entr = explode("\n", file_get_contents($blk_entries_file));
- foreach($blk_entr as $entr) {
- if ($entr) {
- $destinations[] = $entr;
- # check entry for exists
- $dbfile = $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME] . "/$entr";
- if (!file_exists($dbfile))
- $elog[] = "(B1) BLACKLIST '$entr' error: file '$dbfile' not found";
- }
- }
- }
- # --- Rewrites ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_REWRITES]) {
- $key_rw = array_count_values($rewrites);
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_REWRITES][F_ITEM] as $rw) {
- # check check name as unique and name format
- $rw_name = $rw[F_NAME];
- $err_s = '';
- if (!check_name_format($rw_name, &$err_s))
- $elog[] = "(R1) REWRITE '$rw_name' error: $err_s";
- if ($key_rw[$rw_name] > 1)
- $elog[] = "(R2) REWRITE '$rw_name' error: duplicate rewrite name '$rw_name'";
- }
- }
- $key_times = array_count_values($times);
- $key_sources = array_count_values($sources);
- $key_destinations = array_count_values($destinations);
- $key_rewrites = array_count_values($rewrites);
- # --- ACLs ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_ACLS]) {
- $acls = array();
- foreach($squidguard_config[F_ACLS][F_ITEM] as $acl) {
- # skip disabled acl
- if ($acls[F_DISABLED]) continue;
- $acl_name = $acl[F_NAME];
- # check acl name for unique and exists (as source items)
- if ($acl_name and !$key_sources[$acl_name])
- $elog[] = "(A1) ACL '$acl_name' error: acl name '$acl_name' not found";
- $acls[] = $acl_name;
- $key_acls = array_count_values($acls);
- if ($key_acls[$acl_name] > 1)
- $elog[] = "(A2) ACL '$acl_name' error: duplicate acl name '$acl_name'";
- # check time
- $time = $acl[F_TIMENAME];
- if ($time and !$key_times[$time]) # time name must exists
- $elog[] = "(A3) ACL '$acl_name' error: time name '$time' not found";
- # check destinations
- if ($acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME]) {
- $acldest = $acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME];
- $acldest = str_replace("!", "", $acldest);
- $acldest = str_replace("^", "", $acldest);
- $acldest = explode(" ", $acldest);
- $key_acldest = array_count_values($acldest);
- foreach($acldest as $adest) {
- # check duplicates destinations in acl
- if ($key_acldest[$adest] > 1)
- $elog[] = "(A4) ACL '$acl_name' error: duplicate destination name '$adest'. Any destination must included once.";
- # check destinations for exists
- if ($adest and ($adest != 'all') and ($adest != 'none') and !$key_destinations[$adest])
- $elog[] = "(A5) ACL '$acl_name' error: destination name '$adest' not found";
- }
- } else {
- $elog[] = "(A6) ACL '$acl_name' error: ontime pass list is empty. Added 'none'.";
- $acl[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = "none";
- }
- # check overtime destinations
- if ($time) {
- $acloverdest = $acl[F_OVERDESTINATIONNAME];
- $acloverdest = str_replace("!", "", $acloverdest);
- $acloverdest = str_replace("^", "", $acloverdest);
- $acloverdest = explode(" ", $acloverdest);
- $key_acloverdest = array_count_values($acloverdest);
- foreach($acloverdest as $adest) {
- # check duplicates destinations in acl
- if ($key_acloverdest[$adest] > 1)
- $elog[] = "(A7) ACL '$acl_name' error: duplicate overtime destination name '$adest'. Any destination must included once.";
- # check destinations for exists
- if ($adest and ($adest != 'all') and ($adest != 'none') and !$key_destinations[$adest])
- $elog[] = "(A8) ACL '$acl_name' error: overtime destination name '$adest' not found";
- }
- } else {
- $elog[] = "(A9) ACL '$acl_name' error: overtime pass list is empty. Added 'none'.";
- }
- }
- # check rewrite
- $rew = $acl[F_REWRITENAME];
- if ($rew and !$key_rewrites[$rew])
- $elog[] = "(AA) ACL '$acl_name' error: rewrite name '$rew' not found";
- # check overtime rewrite
- $overrew = $acl[F_OVERREWRITENAME];
- if ($time and $overrew and !$key_rewrites[$overrew])
- $elog[] = "(AB) ACL '$acl_name' error: overtime rewrite name '$overrew' not found";
- # check redirect
- $redir = $acl[F_REDIRECT];
- $overredir = $acl[F_OVERREDIRECT];
- }
- }
- # --- Default ---
- if ($squidguard_config[F_ACLS]) {
- $def = $squidguard_config[F_DEFAULT];
- # check time
- $time = $def[F_TIMENAME];
- if ($time and !$key_times[$time]) # time name must exists
- $elog[] = "(DF1) ACL 'default' error: time name '$time' not found";
- # check destinations
- if ($def[F_DESTINATIONNAME]) {
- $defdest = $def[F_DESTINATIONNAME];
- $defdest = str_replace("!", "", $defdest);
- $defdest = str_replace("^", "", $defdest);
- $defdest = explode(" ", $defdest);
- $key_defdest = array_count_values($defdest);
- foreach($defdest as $adest) {
- # check duplicates destinations in acl
- if ($key_defdest[$adest] > 1)
- $elog[] = "(DF2) ACL 'default' error: duplicate destination name '$adest'. Any destination must included once.";
- # check destinations for exists
- if ($adest and ($adest != 'all') and ($adest != 'none') and !$key_destinations[$adest])
- $elog[] = "(DF3) ACL 'default' error: destination name '$adest' not found";
- }
- } else {
- $elog[] = "(DF4) ACL 'default' error: ontime pass list is empty. Added 'none'.";
- $def[F_DESTINATIONNAME] = "none";
- }
- # check rewrite
- $rew = $def[F_REWRITENAME];
- if ($rew and !$key_rewrites[$rew])
- $elog[] = "(DF5) ACL 'default' error: rewrite name '$rew' not found";
- # check overtime rewrite
- $overrew = $def[F_OVERREWRITENAME];
- if ($time and $overrew and !$key_rewrites[$overrew])
- $elog[] = "(DF6) ACL 'default' error: overtime rewrite name '$overrew' not found";
- # check redirect
- $redir = $def[F_REDIRECT];
- $overredir = $def[F_OVERREDIRECT];
- }
- # update log
- if (!empty($elog)) {
- $input_errors = (is_array($input_errors)) ? array_merge($input_errors, $elog) : implode("\n", $elog);
- }
- return empty($elog);
-# =============================================================================
-# Blacklist
-# =============================================================================
-# sg_reconfigure_blacklist($source_filename, $opt)
-# $source_filename - file name or url
-# $opt - option:
-# '' or 'local' - update from local file
-# 'url' - update from url
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_reconfigure_blacklist($source_filename, $opt = '')
- global $squidguard_config;
- $sf = trim($source_filename);
- $sf_contents = '';
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_blacklist: Begin with '$sf'.", 1);
- # 1. check system
- sg_check_system();
- # 2. upload
- if ($sf[0] === "/") { # local file - example '/tmp/blacklists.tar'
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_blacklist: Update from file '$sf'.", 1);
- if (file_exists($sf)) {
- $sf_contents = file_get_contents($sf);
- } else {
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_blacklist: Error, file '$sf' not found.", 2);
- return;
- }
- }
- # from url
- else {
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_blacklist: Upload from url '$sf'.", 1);
- $sf_contents = sg_uploadfile_from_url($sf, BLK_LOCALFILE, $opt);
- }
- # 3. update
- if (empty($sf_contents)) {
- sg_addlog("sg_reconfigure_blacklist: Error content from '$sf'.", 2);
- return;
- }
- # save black list archive content to local file
- file_put_contents(BLK_LOCALFILE, $sf_contents);
- # 4. update blacklist
- sg_update_blacklist(BLK_LOCALFILE);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_update_blacklist - update blacklist from file
-# How it's work:
-# - unpack tar archive to temp dir
-# - copy subdir's tree to one-level temp DB
-# - copy unrebuilded temp db to work db (for user's can configure with new Blacklist)
-# - create Blacklist files listing and copy to values dir and temp DB dir
-# - background rebuild temp DB via sh script (longer proccess) and copy to work DB
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_update_blacklist($from_file)
- global $squidguard_config;
- $arc_db_dir = SQUIDGUARD_VAR . SG_BLK_ARC;
- sg_addlog("sg_update_blacklist: Begin with '$from_file'.", 1);
- if (file_exists($from_file)) {
- # check work and DB dir's
- if (file_exists($squidguard_config[F_DBHOME])) $dbhome = $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME];
- if (file_exists($squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR])) $workdir = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR];
- # delete old tmp dir's
- if (file_exists($tmp_unpack_dir)) mwexec("rm -R . $tmp_unpack_dir");
- if (file_exists($arc_db_dir)) mwexec("rm -R . $arc_db_dir");
- # create new tmp/arc dir's
- mwexec("mkdir -p -m 0755 $tmp_unpack_dir");
- mwexec("mkdir -p -m 0755 $arc_db_dir");
- # 1. unpack archive
- mwexec("tar zxvf $from_file -C $tmp_unpack_dir");
- set_file_access($tmp_unpack_dir, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_addlog("sg_update_blacklist: Unpack uploaded file '$from_file' -> '$tmp_unpack_dir'.", 1);
- # 2. copy blacklist to squidGuard base & create entries list
- if (file_exists($tmp_unpack_dir)) {
- $blk_items = array();
- $blk_list = array();
- # scan blacklist items
- scan_blacklist_cat($tmp_unpack_dir, "blk", & $blk_items);
- # move blacklist catalog structure to 'one level' (from tmp_DB to arch_DB)
- foreach ($blk_items as $key => $val) {
- $current_dbpath = "$arc_db_dir/$key";
- if (count($val)) {
- # make blk_list for config file
- $blk_list[$key] = $key;
- # delete '$current_dbpath' for correct moving
- # need moving $val['path'] to $current_dbpath
- # if $current_dbpath exists,
- # then $val['path'] will created as subdir - !it's worng!
- if (file_exists($current_dbpath))
- mwexec("rm -R $current_dbpath");
- mwexec("mv -f {$val['path']}/ $current_dbpath");
- sg_addlog("sg_update_blacklist: Move {$val['path']}/ -> $current_dbpath.", 1);
- }
- }
- set_file_access($arc_db_dir, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- # -- DISABLED -- copy unrebuilded blacklist from arch_DB_to work DB & set access rights
-# mwexec("cp -R $arc_db_dir/ $dbhome");
-# set_file_access($dbhome, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- # create entries list
- if (count($blk_items)) {
- # save to temp DB
- file_put_contents($blklist_file, implode("\n", array_keys($blk_items)));
- set_file_access ($blklist_file, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- # -- DISABLED -- save copy to squidGuard config dir
-# $blklist_file = "{$squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR]}/" . SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES;
-# file_put_contents($blklist_file, implode("\n", array_keys($blk_items)));
-# set_file_access ($blklist_file, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_addlog("sg_update_blacklist: Create DB entries list '$blklist_file'.", 1);
- }
- # make rebuild config (included all found dest items) & save to work dir
- $conf_path = SQUIDGUARD_VAR . DB_REBUILD_BLK_CONF; # "/tmp/squidGuard_rebuild_blk.conf";
- file_put_contents($conf_path, sg_create_simple_config($arc_db_dir, $blk_list));
- set_file_access($conf_path, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_addlog("sg_update_blacklist: Create rebuild config '$conf_path'.", 1);
- # *** SH script ***********************************************
- $sh_scr = Array();
- $sh_scr[] = "#!/bin/sh";
- $sh_scr[] = "cd $arc_db_dir";
- $sh_scr[] = $squidguard_config[F_BINPATH] . "/squidGuard -c $conf_path -C all";
- $sh_scr[] = "wait"; # wait while SG rebuild DB
- $sh_scr[] = "chown -R -v " . OWNER_NAME . " $arc_db_dir";
- $sh_scr[] = "chmod -R -v 0755 $arc_db_dir";
- # copy temp db to '/var/db/squidGuard (-R - recursive; -p - copy access rights)
- # '$bl_temp_dbhome/' - slash in end of path - copy only dir content (not self dir)
- $sh_scr[] = "cp -R -p $arc_db_dir/ $dbhome";
- $sh_scr[] = "cp -f -p $blklist_file " . SQUIDGUARD_WORKDIR_DEF;
- # set DB owner and right access
- $sh_scr[] = "chown -R -v " . OWNER_NAME . " $dbhome";
- $sh_scr[] = "chmod -R -v 0755 $dbhome";
- # if new blacklist some as already installed, then restart squid for changes to take effects
- $blk_items_old = '';
- $blk_file_old = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR] . SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES;
- if (file_exists($blk_items_old))
- $blk_items_old = file_get_contents($blk_file_old);
- if (!empty($blk_items_old) && ($blk_items_old === implode("\n", array_keys($blk_items)))) {
- $sh_scr[] = "/usr/local/sbin/squid -k reconfigure";
- $sh_scr[] = "wait"; # wait while process
- }
- unset($blk_file_old);
- unset($blk_items_old);
- # store & exec sh
- $sh_scr = implode("\n", $sh_scr);
- $shfile = DB_REBUILD_SH . "_blk";
- file_put_contents($shfile, $sh_scr);
- set_file_access($shfile, OWNER_NAME, 0755); # 0755 - script will execute
- # kill exists rebuild processes
-# mwexec("kill `ps auxw | grep \"$shfile\" | grep -v \"grep\" | awk '{print $2}'`"); # sh script
- mwexec("kill `ps auxw | grep \"squidGuard_blk_rebuild\" | grep -v \"grep\" | awk '{print $2}'`"); # squidGuard process
- mwexec_bg("nice -n 5 $shfile");
- sg_addlog("sg_update_blacklist: Started sh script '$shfile'.", 1);
- # clearing temp
-# mwexec("rm -R $bl_temp");
- }
- }
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_blacklist_rebuild_DB - update blacklist from file
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_entries_blacklist()
- global $squidguard_config;
- $contents = '';
- if (file_exists($squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR]))
- $fl = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR] . SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES;
- if (file_exists($fl))
- $contents = explode("\n", file_get_contents($fl));
- return $contents;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_blacklist_rebuild_db - rebuild current Blacklist DB (default: '/var/db/squidGuard')
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_blacklist_rebuild_db()
- global $squidguard_config;
- $dst_list = array();
- $dbhome = $squidguard_config[F_DBHOME];
- $workdir = $squidguard_config[F_WORKDIR];
- # current dbhome and work dir's
- sg_addlog("sg_blacklist_rebuild_db: Start with path '$dbhome'.", 1);
- # make dest list
- $blklist_file = "$workdir/" . SQUIDGUARD_BLK_ENTRIES;
- if (file_exists($blklist_file)) {
- $blklist = explode("\n", file_get_contents($blklist_file));
- if (is_array($blklist))
- foreach($blklist as $bl) { $dst_list[$bl] = $bl; }
- }
- # rebuild user db ('/var/db/squidGuard')
- sg_rebuild_db("_blkdb", $dbhome, $dst_list);
-# ========================== UTILS =============================================
-# sg_uploadfile_from_url
-# upload file and put them to $destination_file
-# return = upload content
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_uploadfile_from_url($url_file, $destination_file, $proxy = '')
- # open destination file
- sg_addlog("sg_uploadfile_from_url: begin url'$url_file' proxy'$proxy'", 1);
- $result = '';
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_file);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- if (!empty($proxy)) {
- $ip = '';
- $login = '';
- $s = trim($proxy);
- if (strpos($s, ' ')) {
- $ip = substr($s, 0, strpos($s, ' '));
- $login = substr($s, strpos($s, ' ') + 1);
- } else $ip = $s;
- if($ip != '') {
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $ip);
- if($login != '')
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $login);
- }
- }
- $result=curl_exec ($ch);
- curl_close ($ch);
- if (!empty($destination_file))
- file_put_contents($destination_file, $result);
- else sg_addlog("sg_uploadfile_from_url: Error upload file", 2);
- # for test
- file_put_contents(BLK_LOCALFILE, $result);
- return $result;
-# ==============================================================================
-# self utils
-# ==============================================================================
-# Set file access
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function set_file_access($dir, $owner, $mod)
- $mod = sprintf("%o", $mod);
- if (!file_exists($dir)) return;
- # recursive change access
- mwexec("chown -R -v $owner $dir");
- mwexec("chgrp -R -v $owner $dir");
- mwexec("chmod -R -v $mod $dir");
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# scan_dir - build files listing for $dir
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function scan_dir($dir)
- $files = array();
- if (file_exists($dir)) {
- $dh = opendir($dir);
- while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
- # skip '.' and '..' names
- if (($filename !== '.') and ($filename !== '..')) $files[] = $filename;
- }
- sort($files);
- }
- return $files;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# restore_arc_blacklist - copy arc blacklist to db
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function restore_arc_blacklist()
- global $squidguard_config;
- $arc_db_dir = SQUIDGUARD_VAR . SG_BLK_ARC;
- if (file_exists($arc_db_dir) and file_exists($arc_blklist_file)) {
- # copy arc blacklist to work DB with permissions
- mwexec("cp -R -p $arc_db_dir/ $dbhome");
- set_file_access($dbhome, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_addlog("restore_arc_blacklist: Restore blacklist archive from '$arc_db_dir'.", 1);
- # copy black list file
- copy($arc_blklist_file, $blklist_file);
- set_file_access($blklist_file, OWNER_NAME, 0755);
- sg_addlog("restore_arc_blacklist: Restore black list file from '$arc_blklist_file' to '$blklist_file'.", 1);
- } else {
- sg_addlog("restore_arc_blacklist: Error, file '$arc_db_dir' or '$blklist_file' not found.", 2);
- }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# scan_blacklist_cat - scan all dirs and subdirs tree and make blk enrties list
-# $cur_dir - start directory
-# $key_name - current key name
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# blk entry[key]:
-# ["domains"] domains file path
-# ["urls"] urls file path
-# ["expressions"] expressions file path
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function scan_blacklist_cat($curdir, $key_name, $cat_array)
- if (file_exists($curdir) and is_dir($curdir)) {
- $blk_entry = array();
- $files = scan_dir($curdir);
- foreach($files as $fls) {
- $fls_file = "$curdir/$fls";
- if (($fls != ".") and ($fls != "..")) {
- if (is_file($fls_file)) {
- # add files path
- switch(strtolower($fls)) {
- case "domains":
- $blk_entry["domains"] = $fls_file;
- $blk_entry["path"] = $curdir;
- break;
- case "urls":
- $blk_entry["urls"] = $fls_file;
- $blk_entry["path"] = $curdir;
- break;
- case "expressions":
- $blk_entry["expressions"] = $fls_file;
- $blk_entry["path"] = $curdir;
- break;
- }
- }
- elseif (is_dir($fls_file)) {
- $fls_key = $key_name . "_" . $fls;
- # recursive call
- scan_blacklist_cat($fls_file, $fls_key, & $cat_array);
- }
- }
- }
- if (count($blk_entry))
- $cat_array[$key_name] = $blk_entry;
- }
-# ******************************************************************************
-# squidguard utils
-# ******************************************************************************
-# sg_list_itemsfield - get items field list
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_list_itemsfield($xml_items, $fld_name)
- $ls = array();
- if (is_array($xml_items[F_ITEM]))
- foreach($xml_items[F_ITEM] as $it) {
- $ls[] = $it[$fld_name];
- }
- return $ls;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# is_url - check url an err_codes
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function is_url($url)
- if (empty($url)) return false;
- if (eregi("^http://", $url)) return true;
- if (eregi("^https://", $url)) return true;
- if (strstr("blank", $url)) return true;
- if (strstr("blank_img", $url)) return true;
- if (eregi("^((30[1235]{1})|(40[0-9]{1})|(41[0-7]{1})|(50[0-5]{1}))", $url)) return true; # http error code 30x, 4xx, 50x.
- return false;
-# url as 'domain/path': 'mydomain.com/index.php'
-function is_dest_url($url)
- $fmt = "[a-zA-Z0-9_-]";
- if (empty($url)) return false;
- if (eregi("^(($fmt){1,}\.){1,}($fmt){2,}(/(.[^\*][^ ])*)", $url)) return true;
- return false;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# is_masksubnet - check ip/mask
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function is_masksubnet($subnet)
- if (!is_string($subnet))
- return false;
- list($ip,$msk) = explode('/', $subnet);
- if (!is_ipaddr($ip) || !is_ipaddr($msk))
- return false;
- return true;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# is_iprange - check ip1-ip2
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function is_iprange($ip_range) {
- if (!is_string($ip_range)) return false;
- list($ip1,$ip2) = explode('-', $ip_range);
- if (!is_ipaddr($ip1) || !is_ipaddr($ip2)) return false;
- # ip2 < ip1 - wrong
- if (ipcmp(ip2, ip1) === -1) return false;
- return true;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# is_ipaddr_valid - validate IP, subnet, IP range
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function is_ipaddr_valid($val)
- return is_string($val) && (is_ipaddr($val) || is_masksubnet($val) || is_subnet($val) || is_iprange($val));
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# is_domain_valid - check domain format
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function is_domain_valid($domain)
- $dm_fmt = "([a-z0-9\-]{1,})";
- $dm_fmt = "^(($dm_fmt{1,}\.){1,}$dm_fmt{2,})+$"; # example: (my.)(super.)(domain.)com
- return is_string($domain) && eregi($dm_fmt, trim($domain));
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# is_username - check username
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function is_username($username)
- $unm_fmt = "^\'[a-zA-Z_0-9\-]{1,}\'$";
- return is_string($username) && eregi($unm_fmt, trim($username));
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# check name
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function check_name_format ($name, $input_errors)
- $elog = array();
- $val = trim($name);
- if ((strlen($val) < 2) || (strlen($val) > 16))
- $elog[] = " Size of name '$val' must be between [2..16].";
- # All symbols must be [a-zA-Z_0-9\-] First symbol = letter.
- if (!eregi("^([a-zA-Z]{1})([a-zA-Z_0-9\-]+)$", $val))
- $elog[] = " Invalid name $name. Valid name symbols: ['a-Z', '_', '0-9', '-']. First symbol must be a letter.";
- # update log
- if (!empty($elog)) {
- $input_errors = (is_array($input_errors)) ? array_merge($input_errors, $elog) : implode("\n", $elog);
- }
- return empty($elog);
-# ******************************************************************************
-# squidguard check
-# ******************************************************************************
-# check redirect
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_check_redirect($rdr_mode, $rdr_info, $err_msg)
- $res = true;
- switch($rdr_mode) {
- $res = is_url($rdr_info);
- if (!$res) $err_msg = "Valid URL expected, but '$rdr_info' found.";
- break;
- $res = is_numeric($rdr_path);
- if (!$res) $err_msg = "Valid number value expected, but '$rdr_info' found.";
- break;
- default:
- $res = true; break;
- }
- return $res;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_check_time
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_check_time($sgtime, $input_errors)
- $err = '';
- $days = array("*", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun");
- $timetypes = array("weekly", "date");
- if (is_array($sgtime[F_ITEM])) {
- # check date and time
- foreach ($sgtime[F_ITEM] as $item) {
- if (!in_array(trim($item[F_TIMETYPE]), $timetypes))
- $err .= " Invalid type '{$item[F_TIMETYPE]}'.";
- if (!in_array(trim($item[F_TIMEDAYS]), $days))
- $err .= " Invalid week day '{$item[F_TIMEDAYS]}'.";
- if (trim($item[F_DATERANGE])) $err .= check_date(trim($item[F_DATERANGE]));
- if (trim($item[F_TIMERANGE])) $err .= check_time(trim($item[F_TIMERANGE]));
- }
- }
- # errors update
- if (!empty($err)) $input_errors[] = "TIME '{$sgtime[F_NAME]}': $err";
- return empty($err);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_check_dest
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_check_dest($sgx, $input_errors)
- $elog = array();
- $dm = explode(" ", $sgx[F_DOMAINS]);
-# $ex = explode(" ", $sgx[F_EXPRESSIONS]);
- $ur = explode(" ", $sgx[F_URLS]);
- array_packitems(&$dm);
- array_packitems(&$ur);
- # domain
- foreach ($dm as $d_it)
- if ($d_it && !is_domain_valid($d_it)) $elog[] = "Item '$d_it' is not a domain.";
- # url
- foreach ($ur as $u_it)
- if ($u_it && !is_dest_url($u_it)) $elog[] = "Item '$u_it' is not a url.";
- # check redirect
- sg_check_redirect($sgx[F_RMOD], $sgx[F_REDIRECT], &$elog);
- # update log
- if (!empty($elog)) {
- $elog = "DEST '{$sgx[F_NAME]}': " . implode(" ", $elog);
- if (is_array($input_errors))
- $input_errors[] = $elog;
- else $input_errors = $elog;
- }
- return empty($elog);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sg_check_src
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function sg_check_src($sgx, $input_errors)
- $elog = array();
- # source may be as one ('source') field or as two ('ip' and 'domain') fields
- $src = (isset($sgx[F_SOURCE])) ? $sgx[F_SOURCE] : $sgx[F_IP] . " " . $sgx[F_DOMAINS];
- $src = explode(" ", $src);
- foreach ($src as $s_item) {
- if ($s_item) {
- if (!is_ipaddr_valid($s_item) and !is_domain_valid($s_item) and !is_username($s_item))
- $elog[] = "SRC '{$sgx[F_NAME]}': Item '$s_item' is not a ip address or a domain or a 'username'.";
- }
- }
- # update log
- if (!empty($elog)) {
- $input_errors = (is_array($input_errors)) ? array_merge($input_errors, $elog) : implode("\n", $elog);
- }
- return empty($elog);
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# check rebuild blacklist
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function is_blacklist_update_started()
- return exec("ps auxw | grep \"[s]quidGuard_blk_rebuild\" | awk '{print $2}' | wc -l | awk '{ print $1 }'");
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Strings
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# str_pack_spaces - replace two and more space to single
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function str_packspaces($str)
- while(strpos($str, ' ')) $str = str_replace(' ', ' ', $str);
-function array_packitems($arval)
- if (is_array($arval)) {
- $arval = array_map("trim", $arval); # trim all items
- $arval = array_diff($arval, array(' ', '')); # exclude ' ' abd '' elements
- $arval = array_unique($arval); # unique items
- $arval = array_values($arval); # pack array
- }
- return $arval;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# check date
-# date or date range format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'yyyy-m-d', 'yyyy.mm.dd' 'yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd'
-# date mask format: '*-mm-dd', 'yyyy-*-dd', 'yyyy.mm.*' (but not for range)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function check_date($date)
- $err = '';
- $val = trim($date);
- $dtfmt = "([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})";
- # check date range
- if (eregi("^{$dtfmt}-{$dtfmt}$", $val)) {
- $val = explode("-", str_replace(".", '', $val));
- if (intval($val[0]) >= intval($val[1]))
- $err .= "Invalid date range, begin range must be less than the end. {$val[0]} - {$val[1]}";
- }
- elseif (!eregi("^(([0-9]{4})|[*])\.(([0-9]{2})|[*])\.(([0-9]{2})|[*])$", $val)) {
- $err .= "Bad date format.";
- }
- if ($err)
- $err = " Invalid date '$date'.
- $err
- You mast use date or date range format: 'yyyy.mm.dd' and 'yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd'.
- Also possible use mask * (mean any). Example: '*-10-01', '1990-*-*'.";
- return $err;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# check time
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function check_time($time)
- $err = '';
- $time = trim($time);
- if (empty($time)) return '';
- # time range format: 'HH:MM-HH:MM'
- if (!eregi("^([0-2][0-9])\:([0-5][0-9])-([0-2][0-9])\:([0-5][0-9])$", $time))
- $err = "Invalid time range '$time'. You must use 'HH:MM-HH:MM' time range format. ";
- else {
- $tms = str_replace("-", "\n", $time);
- $tmsview = explode("\n", $tms);
- $tms = str_replace(":", "", $tms);
- $tms = explode("\n", $tms);
- if ($tms[0] >= 2400)
- $err .= "Invalid time range var1='{$tmsview[0]}' must be < '24:00'. ";
- if ($tms[1] > 2400)
- $err .= "Invalid time range var2='{$tmsview[1]}' must be <= '24:00'. ";
- if ($tms[0] >= $tms[1])
- $err .= "Invalid time range var1='{$tmsview[0]}' must be < var2='{$tmsview[1]}'. ";
- }
- return $err;
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# acl_remove_blacklist_items
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function acl_remove_blacklist_items($items)
- # add !items and ^items
- $db_entries = sg_entries_blacklist();
- $tdb_entries = array();
- foreach ($db_entries as $ent) {
- $tdb_entries[] = $ent;
- $tdb_entries[] = "!$ent";
- $tdb_entries[] = "^$ent";
- }
- $db_entries = $tdb_entries;
- unset($tdb_entries);
- # delete blacklist entries from 'pass' if blacklist disabled
- $items = explode(" ", $items);
- $items = implode(" ", array_diff($items, $db_entries));
- return $items;
-# @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-# classes
-# @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
-class TSgTag
- var $tag;
- var $name;
- var $time;
- var $items;
- var $desc;
- function __construct() {
- $this->clear();
- }
- function clear() {
- $this->tag = '';
- $this->name = '';
- $this->time = '';
- $this->items = array();
- $this->desc = '';
- }
- function set($tag, $name, $time, $desc) {
- $this->tag = $tag;
- $this->name = $name;
- $this->time = $time;
- $this->desc = $desc;
- }
- function tag_text($offset = 0) {
- $str = array();
- $off = str_repeat("\t", $offset);
- $str[] = $off . "# {$this->desc}";
- if (empty($this->time))
- $str[] = $off . "{$this->tag} {$this->name} {";
- else $str[] = $off . "{$this->tag} {$this->name} within {$this->time} {";
- # get items
- foreach($this->items as $it) {
- if (is_a($it, "TSgTag"))
- $str[] = $off . $it->tag_text($offset + 1); # sub tag
- else $str[] = $off . "\t{$it}"; # item
- }
- $str[] = $off . "}";
- return implode("\n", $str);
- }
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_default.xml b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_default.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 78401918..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_default.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/package.xsl"?>
- <description>Describe your package here</description>
- <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
- <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
- <name>squidguarddefault</name>
- <version>none</version>
- <title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: Default</title>
- <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc</include_file>
- <tabs>
- <tab>
- <text>General settings</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Default</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- <active/>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>ACL</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Destinations</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Times</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Rewrites</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Log</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_log.xml</url>
- </tab>
- </tabs>
- <fields>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Default destination</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>dest</fieldname>
- <description></description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Not to allow IP addresses in URL</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>notallowingip</fieldname>
- <description>
- To make sure that people don't bypass the URL filter
- by simply using the IP addresses instead of the fully qualified domain names, you can check this option.
- </description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Redirect mode</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>redirect_mode</fieldname>
- <description>
- Select redirect mode here.
- &lt;br&gt; Note: if you use 'transparent proxy', then 'int' redirect mode will not accessible.
-<!-- &lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt; int size limit :&lt;/b&gt; if content size 0 or > 'size limit', then client moved to 'blank image' page; -->
- &lt;br&gt; Options:
- &lt;A title="To 'url' will added special client information;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt;ext url err page&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client view 'url' content without any notification about;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url redirect&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with displaying url in addres bar;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'move'&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with showing progress(only!) in status bar;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'found'.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt;
- &lt;/u&gt;
- </description>
- <type>select</type>
- <value>rmod_none</value>
- <options>
- <!--option><name>none</name> <value>rmod_none</value></option-->
- <option><name>int error page (enter error message)</name> <value>rmod_int</value></option>
- <option><name>int blank page </name> <value>rmod_int_bpg</value></option>
- <!--option><name>int blank image</name> <value>rmod_int_bim</value></option-->
- <!--option><name>int size limit (enter size in bytes)</name> <value>rmod_int_szl</value></option-->
- <option><name>ext url err page (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_err</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url redirect (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_rdr</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url move (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_mov</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url found (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_fnd</value></option>
- </options>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Redirect info</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>redirect</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter external redirection URL, error message or size (bytes) here.
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>65</cols>
- <rows>2</rows>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Spec: Use safe search engine</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>safesearch</fieldname>
- <description>
- To protect your children from adult content, you can use the protected mode of search engines.
- Now it is supported by Google, Yandex, Yahoo, MSN, Live Search. Make sure that the search engines can, and others, it is recommended to prohibit.
- &lt;br&gt;Note: ! This option overrides 'Rewrite' setting. !
- </description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Rewrite</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>rewrite</fieldname>
- <description>Enter rewrite condition name for this rule, or leave blank.</description>
- <type>select</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Enable log</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>enablelog</fieldname>
- <description>Check this for enable log.</description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- </fields>
- <custom_php_validation_command>
- squidguard_validate_acl(&amp;$_POST, &amp;$input_errors);
- </custom_php_validation_command>
- <custom_php_command_before_form>
- squidguard_before_form_acl(&amp;$pkg, false);
- </custom_php_command_before_form>
- <custom_php_after_form_command>
- squidGuard_print_javascript();
- </custom_php_after_form_command>
- <custom_add_php_command/>
- <custom_php_resync_config_command>
-// squidguard_resync();
- </custom_php_resync_config_command>
-</packagegui> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_dest.xml b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_dest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fa9d4ac2..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_dest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/package.xsl"?>
- <description>Describe your package here</description>
- <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
- <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
- <name>squidguarddest</name>
- <version>none</version>
- <title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: Destinations</title>
- <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc</include_file>
- <delete_string>A proxy server user has been deleted.</delete_string>
- <addedit_string>A proxy server user has been created/modified.</addedit_string>
- <tabs>
- <tab>
- <text>General settings</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Default</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>ACL</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Destinations</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml</url>
- <active/>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Times</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Rewrites</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Log</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_log.xml</url>
- </tab>
- </tabs>
- <adddeleteeditpagefields>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Destination name</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>name</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Domain list</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>domains</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>URL list</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>urls</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Expressions</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>expressions</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Redirect</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>redirect</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Description</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>description</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- </adddeleteeditpagefields>
- <fields>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Name</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>name</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter the unique name here.
- Name must consist of minimum 2 symbols, first from which letter. &lt;br&gt;
- All other symbols must be [a-Z_0-9].
- </description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>100</size>
- <required/>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Domains list</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>domains</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter destination domains here. For separate domains names use ' '(space).
- &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt; 'mail.ru e-mail.ru yahoo.com' .
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>60</cols>
- <rows>10</rows>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Expressions</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>expressions</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter word fragments, what may be contains in destinations URL path.
- For separate expression words use '|'.
- &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt; 'mail|casino|game' .
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>60</cols>
- <rows>10</rows>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>URLs list</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>urls</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter url's here.
- For separate urls's use ' '(space).
- &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt; 'host.com/xxx' .
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>60</cols>
- <rows>10</rows>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Redirect mode</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>redirect_mode</fieldname>
- <description>
- Select redirect mode here.
- &lt;br&gt; Note: if you use 'transparent proxy', then 'int' redirect mode will not accessible.
-<!-- &lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt; int size limit :&lt;/b&gt; if content size 0 or > 'size limit', then client moved to 'blank image' page; -->
- &lt;br&gt; Options:
- &lt;A title="To 'url' will added special client information;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt;ext url err page&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client view 'url' content without any notification about;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url redirect&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with displaying url in addres bar;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'move'&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt; ,
- &lt;A title="Client will moved to specified url with showing progress(only!) in status bar;" &gt;
- &lt;span style="background-color: #dddddd;" &gt; ext url as 'found'.&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/A&gt;
- &lt;/u&gt;
- </description>
- <type>select</type>
- <value>rmod_none</value>
- <options>
- <option><name>none</name> <value>rmod_none</value></option>
- <option><name>int error page (enter error message)</name> <value>rmod_int</value></option>
- <option><name>int blank page </name> <value>rmod_int_bpg</value></option>
- <option><name>int blank image</name> <value>rmod_int_bim</value></option>
-<!-- <option><name>int size limit (enter size in bytes)</name> <value>rmod_int_szl</value></option> -->
- <option><name>ext url err page (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_err</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url redirect (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_rdr</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url move (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_mov</value></option>
- <option><name>ext url found (enter URL)</name> <value>rmod_ext_fnd</value></option>
- </options>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Redirect</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>redirect</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter external redirection URL, error message or size (bytes) here.
- </description>
- <type>textarea</type>
- <cols>60</cols>
- <rows>2</rows>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Enable log</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>enablelog</fieldname>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- <description>Check this for enable log.</description>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Description</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>description</fieldname>
- <description>You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).</description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>90</size>
- </field>
- </fields>
- <custom_delete_php_command/>
- <custom_php_validation_command>
- squidguard_validate_destination($_POST, &amp;$input_errors);
- </custom_php_validation_command>
- <custom_php_resync_config_command>
- </custom_php_resync_config_command>
- <custom_php_after_form_command>
- squidGuard_print_javascript();
- </custom_php_after_form_command>
-</packagegui> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_log.xml b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_log.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ae781562..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_log.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/package.xsl"?>
- <description>Describe your package here</description>
- <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
- <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
- <name>squidguardlog</name>
- <version>none</version>
- <title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: Log</title>
- <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc</include_file>
- <delete_string>A proxy server user has been deleted.</delete_string>
- <addedit_string>A proxy server user has been created/modified.</addedit_string>
- <tabs>
- <tab>
- <text>General settings</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Default</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>ACL</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Destinations</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Times</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Rewrites</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Log</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_log.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- <active/>
- </tab>
- </tabs>
- <fields>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Log type</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>logtype</fieldname>
- <description></description>
- <type>select</type>
- <value>access_log</value>
- <options>
- <option><name>Blocked URL's log</name><value>block_log</value></option>
- <option><name>Configurator log</name><value>configurator_log</value></option>
- <option><name>squidGuard log</name><value>squidguard_log</value></option>
- <option><name>squid config</name><value>squid_config</value></option>
- <option><name>squidGuard config</name><value>squidguard_config</value></option>
- </options>
- </field>
- </fields>
- <custom_php_command_before_form>
- squidguard_before_form_log(&amp;$pkg);
- </custom_php_command_before_form>
- <custom_php_after_form_command>
- squidGuard_print_javascript();
- </custom_php_after_form_command>
- <custom_php_validation_command>
- </custom_php_validation_command>
- <custom_php_resync_config_command>
- </custom_php_resync_config_command>
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_rewr.xml b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_rewr.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d126a9ae..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_rewr.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/package.xsl"?>
- <description>Describe your package here</description>
- <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
- <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
- <name>squidguardrewrite</name>
- <version>none</version>
- <title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: Rewrites</title>
- <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc</include_file>
- <tabs>
- <tab>
- <text>General settings</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Default</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>ACL</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Destinations</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Times</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Rewrites</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml</url>
- <active/>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Log</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_log.xml</url>
- </tab>
- </tabs>
- <adddeleteeditpagefields>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Name</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>name</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Description</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>description</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- </adddeleteeditpagefields>
- <fields>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Name</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>name</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter the unique name here.
- Name must consist of minimum 2 symbols, first from which letter. &lt;br&gt;
- All other symbols must be [a-Z_0-9].
- </description>
- <type>input</type>
- <required/>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>
- &lt;b&gt;Rewrite rule.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;
- Define how url will be replaced.</fielddescr>
- <type>rowhelper</type>
- <rowhelper>
- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Target URL or regular expression</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>targeturl</fieldname>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>45</size>
- </rowhelperfield>
- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Replace to URL</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>replaceto</fieldname>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>45</size>
- </rowhelperfield>
- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Opt.</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>mode</fieldname>
- <type>select</type>
- <value>no</value>
- <options>
- <option> <name>---------</name> <value>no</value> </option>
- <option> <name>no case </name> <value>nocase</value> </option>
- <option> <name>redirect </name> <value>redirect</value> </option>
- <option> <name>no case + redirect</name> <value>nocase_redirect</value> </option>
- </options>
- </rowhelperfield>
-<!-- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Http 301</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>http301</fieldname>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </rowhelperfield>
- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Http 302</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>http302</fieldname>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </rowhelperfield>
- </rowhelper>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Enable log</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>enablelog</fieldname>
- <description>Check this for enable log.</description>
- <type>checkbox</type>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Description</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>description</fieldname>
- <description>You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;b&gt; Note: &lt;/b&gt; &lt;br&gt;
- &lt;b&gt;Rewrite rule&lt;/b&gt; - define how url will are replaced.&lt;br&gt;
- &lt;b&gt;Target URL or regular expression&lt;/b&gt; - contains destination url or regular expression. Regular expression example: */cc32e46.exe &lt;br&gt;
- &lt;b&gt;Replace to&lt;/b&gt; - contains replacing url.
- </description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- </fields>
- <custom_php_after_form_command>
- squidGuard_print_javascript();
- </custom_php_after_form_command>
- <custom_php_validation_command>
- squidguard_validate_rewrite($_POST, &amp;$input_errors);
- </custom_php_validation_command>
- <custom_php_resync_config_command>
-// squidguard_resync_rewrite();
- </custom_php_resync_config_command>
diff --git a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_time.xml b/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_time.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 623f7d0a..00000000
--- a/packages/squidGuard/squidguard_time.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE packagegui SYSTEM "../schema/packages.dtd">
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/package.xsl"?>
- <description>Describe your package here</description>
- <requirements>Describe your package requirements here</requirements>
- <faq>Currently there are no FAQ items provided.</faq>
- <name>squidguardtime</name>
- <version>none</version>
- <title>Proxy Content filter SquidGuard: Times</title>
- <include_file>/usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc</include_file>
- <delete_string>A proxy server user has been deleted.</delete_string>
- <addedit_string>A proxy server user has been created/modified.</addedit_string>
- <tabs>
- <tab>
- <text>General settings</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Default</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_default.xml&amp;id=0</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>ACL</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_acl.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Destinations</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_dest.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Times</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_time.xml</url>
- <active/>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Rewrites</text>
- <url>/pkg.php?xml=squidguard_rewr.xml</url>
- </tab>
- <tab>
- <text>Log</text>
- <url>/pkg_edit.php?xml=squidguard_log.xml</url>
- </tab>
- </tabs>
- <adddeleteeditpagefields>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Timename</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>name</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- <columnitem>
- <fielddescr>Description</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>description</fieldname>
- </columnitem>
- </adddeleteeditpagefields>
- <fields>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Name</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>name</fieldname>
- <description>
- Enter the unique name here.
- Name must consist of minimum 2 symbols, first from which letter. &lt;br&gt;
- All other symbols must be [a-Z_0-9].
- </description>
- <type>input</type>
- <required/>
- <size>100</size>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Values</fielddescr>
- <type>rowhelper</type>
- <rowhelper>
- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Time type</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>timetype</fieldname>
- <description></description>
- <type>select</type>
- <value>weekly</value>
- <options>
- <option><name>Weekly</name><value>weekly</value></option>
- <option><name>Date</name><value>date</value></option>
- </options>
- </rowhelperfield>
- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Days</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>timedays</fieldname>
- <description></description>
- <type>select</type>
- <value>*</value>
- <options>
- <option><name>all</name><value>*</value></option>
- <option><name>mon</name><value>mon</value></option>
- <option><name>tue</name><value>tue</value></option>
- <option><name>wed</name><value>wed</value></option>
- <option><name>thu</name><value>thu</value></option>
- <option><name>fri</name><value>fri</value></option>
- <option><name>sat</name><value>sat</value></option>
- <option><name>sun</name><value>sun</value></option>
- </options>
- </rowhelperfield>
- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Date or Date range</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>daterange</fieldname>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>40</size>
- </rowhelperfield>
- <rowhelperfield>
- <fielddescr>Time range</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>sg_timerange</fieldname>
- <description>00:00-08:00</description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>20</size>
- <value>00:00-23:59</value>
- </rowhelperfield>
- </rowhelper>
- </field>
- <field>
- <fielddescr>Description</fielddescr>
- <fieldname>description</fieldname>
- <description>You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed). &lt;br&gt;
- &lt;b&gt; Note: &lt;/b&gt; &lt;br&gt;
- Field &lt;b&gt;'Date or date range'&lt;/b&gt; have format 'yyyy.mm.dd'; 'yyyy.mm.dd-yyyy.mm.dd'; or use '*' in format. &lt;br&gt;
- Example: '2007.05.01'; '2007.04.14-2007.04.17'; '*.12.24'; '2007.*.01'; &lt;br&gt;
- Field &lt;b&gt;'Time range'&lt;/b&gt; have format 'hh:mm-hh:mm'. Example: '08:00-18:00';
- </description>
- <type>input</type>
- <size>80</size>
- </field>
- </fields>
- <custom_php_after_form_command>
- squidGuard_print_javascript();
- </custom_php_after_form_command>
- <custom_php_validation_command>
- squidguard_validate_times(&amp;$_POST, &amp;$input_errors);
- </custom_php_validation_command>
- <custom_php_resync_config_command>
-// squidguard_resync_time();
- </custom_php_resync_config_command>