diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config')
-rw-r--r-- | config/countryblock/ddaccordion.js | 416 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | config/countryblock/public_smo_scripts.js | 318 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | config/snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php | 952 |
3 files changed, 843 insertions, 843 deletions
diff --git a/config/countryblock/ddaccordion.js b/config/countryblock/ddaccordion.js index 8712cf8c..f5fd441c 100644 --- a/config/countryblock/ddaccordion.js +++ b/config/countryblock/ddaccordion.js @@ -1,209 +1,209 @@ -//** Accordion Content script: By Dynamic Drive, at http://www.dynamicdrive.com
-//** Created: Jan 7th, 08'
-//Version 1.3: April 3rd, 08':
-//**1) Script now no longer conflicts with other JS frameworks
-//**2) Adds custom oninit() and onopenclose() event handlers that fire when Accordion Content instance has initialized, plus whenever a header is opened/closed
-//**3) Adds support for expanding header(s) using the URL parameter (ie: http://mysite.com/accordion.htm?headerclass=0,1)
-//April 9th, 08': Fixed "defaultexpanded" setting not working when page first loads
-//Version 1.4: June 4th, 08':
-//**1) Added option to activate a header "mouseover" instead of the default "click"
-//**2) Bug persistence not working when used with jquery 1.2.6
-//Version 1.5: June 20th, 08':
-//**1) Adds new "onemustopen:true/false" parameter, which lets you set whether at least one header should be open at all times (so never all closed).
-//**2) Changed cookie path to site wide for persistence feature
-//**3) Fixed bug so "expandedindices" parameter in oninit(headers, expandedindices) returns empty array [] instead of [-1] when no expanded headers found
-//**1) Version 1.5.1: June 27th, 08': Fixed "defaultexpanded" setting not working properly when used with jquery 1.2.6
-//Version 1.6: Oct 3rd, 08':
-//**1) Adds new "mouseoverdelay" param that sets delay before headers are activated when "revealtype" param is set to "mouseover"
-//**2) Fixed bug with "onemustopen" param not working properly when "revealtype" is set to "click"
-//Version 1.7: March 24th, 09': Adds a 3rd revealtype setting "clickgo", which causes browser to navigate to URL specified inside the header after expanding its contents.
-//Version 1.7.1: May 28th, 09': Fixed issue that causes margins/paddings in accordion DIVs to be lost in IE8
-var ddaccordion={
- contentclassname:{}, //object to store corresponding contentclass name based on headerclass
- expandone:function(headerclass, selected){ //PUBLIC function to expand a particular header
- this.toggleone(headerclass, selected, "expand")
- },
- collapseone:function(headerclass, selected){ //PUBLIC function to collapse a particular header
- this.toggleone(headerclass, selected, "collapse")
- },
- expandall:function(headerclass){ //PUBLIC function to expand all headers based on their shared CSS classname
- var $=jQuery
- var $headers=$('.'+headerclass)
- $('.'+this.contentclassname[headerclass]+':hidden').each(function(){
- $headers.eq(parseInt($(this).attr('contentindex'))).trigger("evt_accordion")
- })
- },
- collapseall:function(headerclass){ //PUBLIC function to collapse all headers based on their shared CSS classname
- var $=jQuery
- var $headers=$('.'+headerclass)
- $('.'+this.contentclassname[headerclass]+':visible').each(function(){
- $headers.eq(parseInt($(this).attr('contentindex'))).trigger("evt_accordion")
- })
- },
- toggleone:function(headerclass, selected, optstate){ //PUBLIC function to expand/ collapse a particular header
- var $=jQuery
- var $targetHeader=$('.'+headerclass).eq(selected)
- var $subcontent=$('.'+this.contentclassname[headerclass]).eq(selected)
- if (typeof optstate=="undefined" || optstate=="expand" && $subcontent.is(":hidden") || optstate=="collapse" && $subcontent.is(":visible"))
- $targetHeader.trigger("evt_accordion")
- },
- expandit:function($targetHeader, $targetContent, config, useractivated, directclick){
- this.transformHeader($targetHeader, config, "expand")
- $targetContent.slideDown(config.animatespeed, function(){
- config.onopenclose($targetHeader.get(0), parseInt($targetHeader.attr('headerindex')), $targetContent.css('display'), useractivated)
- if (config.postreveal=="gotourl" && directclick){ //if revealtype is "Go to Header URL upon click", and this is a direct click on the header
- var targetLink=($targetHeader.is("a"))? $targetHeader.get(0) : $targetHeader.find('a:eq(0)').get(0)
- if (targetLink) //if this header is a link
- setTimeout(function(){location=targetLink.href}, 200) //ignore link target, as window.open(targetLink, targetLink.target) doesn't work in FF if popup blocker enabled
- }
- })
- },
- collapseit:function($targetHeader, $targetContent, config, isuseractivated){
- this.transformHeader($targetHeader, config, "collapse")
- $targetContent.slideUp(config.animatespeed, function(){config.onopenclose($targetHeader.get(0), parseInt($targetHeader.attr('headerindex')), $targetContent.css('display'), isuseractivated)})
- },
- transformHeader:function($targetHeader, config, state){
- $targetHeader.addClass((state=="expand")? config.cssclass.expand : config.cssclass.collapse) //alternate btw "expand" and "collapse" CSS classes
- .removeClass((state=="expand")? config.cssclass.collapse : config.cssclass.expand)
- if (config.htmlsetting.location=='src'){ //Change header image (assuming header is an image)?
- $targetHeader=($targetHeader.is("img"))? $targetHeader : $targetHeader.find('img').eq(0) //Set target to either header itself, or first image within header
- $targetHeader.attr('src', (state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse) //change header image
- }
- else if (config.htmlsetting.location=="prefix") //if change "prefix" HTML, locate dynamically added ".accordprefix" span tag and change it
- $targetHeader.find('.accordprefix').html((state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse)
- else if (config.htmlsetting.location=="suffix")
- $targetHeader.find('.accordsuffix').html((state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse)
- },
- urlparamselect:function(headerclass){
- var result=window.location.search.match(new RegExp(headerclass+"=((\\d+)(,(\\d+))*)", "i")) //check for "?headerclass=2,3,4" in URL
- if (result!=null)
- result=RegExp.$1.split(',')
- return result //returns null, [index], or [index1,index2,etc], where index are the desired selected header indices
- },
- getCookie:function(Name){
- var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i") //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
- if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
- return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
- return null
- },
- setCookie:function(name, value){
- document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/"
- },
- init:function(config){
- document.write('<style type="text/css">\n')
- document.write('.'+config.contentclass+'{display: none}\n') //generate CSS to hide contents
- document.write('<\/style>')
- jQuery(document).ready(function($){
- ddaccordion.urlparamselect(config.headerclass)
- var persistedheaders=ddaccordion.getCookie(config.headerclass)
- ddaccordion.contentclassname[config.headerclass]=config.contentclass //remember contentclass name based on headerclass
- config.cssclass={collapse: config.toggleclass[0], expand: config.toggleclass[1]} //store expand and contract CSS classes as object properties
- config.revealtype=config.revealtype || "click"
- config.revealtype=config.revealtype.replace(/mouseover/i, "mouseenter")
- if (config.revealtype=="clickgo"){
- config.postreveal="gotourl" //remember added action
- config.revealtype="click" //overwrite revealtype to "click" keyword
- }
- if (typeof config.togglehtml=="undefined")
- config.htmlsetting={location: "none"}
- else
- config.htmlsetting={location: config.togglehtml[0], collapse: config.togglehtml[1], expand: config.togglehtml[2]} //store HTML settings as object properties
- config.oninit=(typeof config.oninit=="undefined")? function(){} : config.oninit //attach custom "oninit" event handler
- config.onopenclose=(typeof config.onopenclose=="undefined")? function(){} : config.onopenclose //attach custom "onopenclose" event handler
- var lastexpanded={} //object to hold reference to last expanded header and content (jquery objects)
- var expandedindices=ddaccordion.urlparamselect(config.headerclass) || ((config.persiststate && persistedheaders!=null)? persistedheaders : config.defaultexpanded)
- if (typeof expandedindices=='string') //test for string value (exception is config.defaultexpanded, which is an array)
- expandedindices=expandedindices.replace(/c/ig, '').split(',') //transform string value to an array (ie: "c1,c2,c3" becomes [1,2,3]
- var $subcontents=$('.'+config["contentclass"])
- if (expandedindices.length==1 && expandedindices[0]=="-1") //check for expandedindices value of [-1], indicating persistence is on and no content expanded
- expandedindices=[]
- if (config["collapseprev"] && expandedindices.length>1) //only allow one content open?
- expandedindices=[expandedindices.pop()] //return last array element as an array (for sake of jQuery.inArray())
- if (config["onemustopen"] && expandedindices.length==0) //if at least one content should be open at all times and none are, open 1st header
- expandedindices=[0]
- $('.'+config["headerclass"]).each(function(index){ //loop through all headers
- if (/(prefix)|(suffix)/i.test(config.htmlsetting.location) && $(this).html()!=""){ //add a SPAN element to header depending on user setting and if header is a container tag
- $('<span class="accordprefix"></span>').prependTo(this)
- $('<span class="accordsuffix"></span>').appendTo(this)
- }
- $(this).attr('headerindex', index+'h') //store position of this header relative to its peers
- $subcontents.eq(index).attr('contentindex', index+'c') //store position of this content relative to its peers
- var $subcontent=$subcontents.eq(index)
- var needle=(typeof expandedindices[0]=="number")? index : index+'' //check for data type within expandedindices array- index should match that type
- if (jQuery.inArray(needle, expandedindices)!=-1){ //check for headers that should be expanded automatically (convert index to string first)
- if (config.animatedefault==false)
- $subcontent.show()
- ddaccordion.expandit($(this), $subcontent, config, false) //Last param sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
- lastexpanded={$header:$(this), $content:$subcontent}
- } //end check
- else{
- $subcontent.hide()
- config.onopenclose($(this).get(0), parseInt($(this).attr('headerindex')), $subcontent.css('display'), false) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
- ddaccordion.transformHeader($(this), config, "collapse")
- }
- })
- $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind("evt_accordion", function(e, isdirectclick){ //assign custom event handler that expands/ contacts a header
- var $subcontent=$subcontents.eq(parseInt($(this).attr('headerindex'))) //get subcontent that should be expanded/collapsed
- if ($subcontent.css('display')=="none"){
- ddaccordion.expandit($(this), $subcontent, config, true, isdirectclick) //2nd last param sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
- if (config["collapseprev"] && lastexpanded.$header && $(this).get(0)!=lastexpanded.$header.get(0)){ //collapse previous content?
- ddaccordion.collapseit(lastexpanded.$header, lastexpanded.$content, config, true) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
- }
- lastexpanded={$header:$(this), $content:$subcontent}
- }
- else if (!config["onemustopen"] || config["onemustopen"] && lastexpanded.$header && $(this).get(0)!=lastexpanded.$header.get(0)){
- ddaccordion.collapseit($(this), $subcontent, config, true) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter
- }
- })
- $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind(config.revealtype, function(){
- if (config.revealtype=="mouseenter"){
- clearTimeout(config.revealdelay)
- var headerindex=parseInt($(this).attr("headerindex"))
- config.revealdelay=setTimeout(function(){ddaccordion.expandone(config["headerclass"], headerindex)}, config.mouseoverdelay || 0)
- }
- else{
- $(this).trigger("evt_accordion", [true])
- return false //cancel default click behavior
- }
- })
- $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind("mouseleave", function(){
- clearTimeout(config.revealdelay)
- })
- config.oninit($('.'+config["headerclass"]).get(), expandedindices)
- $(window).bind('unload', function(){ //clean up and persist on page unload
- $('.'+config["headerclass"]).unbind()
- var expandedindices=[]
- $('.'+config["contentclass"]+":visible").each(function(index){ //get indices of expanded headers
- expandedindices.push($(this).attr('contentindex'))
- })
- if (config.persiststate==true && $('.'+config["headerclass"]).length>0){ //persist state?
- expandedindices=(expandedindices.length==0)? '-1c' : expandedindices //No contents expanded, indicate that with dummy '-1c' value?
- ddaccordion.setCookie(config.headerclass, expandedindices)
- }
- })
- })
- }
+//** Accordion Content script: By Dynamic Drive, at http://www.dynamicdrive.com +//** Created: Jan 7th, 08' + +//Version 1.3: April 3rd, 08': +//**1) Script now no longer conflicts with other JS frameworks +//**2) Adds custom oninit() and onopenclose() event handlers that fire when Accordion Content instance has initialized, plus whenever a header is opened/closed +//**3) Adds support for expanding header(s) using the URL parameter (ie: http://mysite.com/accordion.htm?headerclass=0,1) + +//April 9th, 08': Fixed "defaultexpanded" setting not working when page first loads + +//Version 1.4: June 4th, 08': +//**1) Added option to activate a header "mouseover" instead of the default "click" +//**2) Bug persistence not working when used with jquery 1.2.6 + +//Version 1.5: June 20th, 08': +//**1) Adds new "onemustopen:true/false" parameter, which lets you set whether at least one header should be open at all times (so never all closed). +//**2) Changed cookie path to site wide for persistence feature +//**3) Fixed bug so "expandedindices" parameter in oninit(headers, expandedindices) returns empty array [] instead of [-1] when no expanded headers found + +//**1) Version 1.5.1: June 27th, 08': Fixed "defaultexpanded" setting not working properly when used with jquery 1.2.6 + +//Version 1.6: Oct 3rd, 08': +//**1) Adds new "mouseoverdelay" param that sets delay before headers are activated when "revealtype" param is set to "mouseover" +//**2) Fixed bug with "onemustopen" param not working properly when "revealtype" is set to "click" + +//Version 1.7: March 24th, 09': Adds a 3rd revealtype setting "clickgo", which causes browser to navigate to URL specified inside the header after expanding its contents. + +//Version 1.7.1: May 28th, 09': Fixed issue that causes margins/paddings in accordion DIVs to be lost in IE8 + + +var ddaccordion={ + + contentclassname:{}, //object to store corresponding contentclass name based on headerclass + + expandone:function(headerclass, selected){ //PUBLIC function to expand a particular header + this.toggleone(headerclass, selected, "expand") + }, + + collapseone:function(headerclass, selected){ //PUBLIC function to collapse a particular header + this.toggleone(headerclass, selected, "collapse") + }, + + expandall:function(headerclass){ //PUBLIC function to expand all headers based on their shared CSS classname + var $=jQuery + var $headers=$('.'+headerclass) + $('.'+this.contentclassname[headerclass]+':hidden').each(function(){ + $headers.eq(parseInt($(this).attr('contentindex'))).trigger("evt_accordion") + }) + }, + + collapseall:function(headerclass){ //PUBLIC function to collapse all headers based on their shared CSS classname + var $=jQuery + var $headers=$('.'+headerclass) + $('.'+this.contentclassname[headerclass]+':visible').each(function(){ + $headers.eq(parseInt($(this).attr('contentindex'))).trigger("evt_accordion") + }) + }, + + toggleone:function(headerclass, selected, optstate){ //PUBLIC function to expand/ collapse a particular header + var $=jQuery + var $targetHeader=$('.'+headerclass).eq(selected) + var $subcontent=$('.'+this.contentclassname[headerclass]).eq(selected) + if (typeof optstate=="undefined" || optstate=="expand" && $subcontent.is(":hidden") || optstate=="collapse" && $subcontent.is(":visible")) + $targetHeader.trigger("evt_accordion") + }, + + expandit:function($targetHeader, $targetContent, config, useractivated, directclick){ + this.transformHeader($targetHeader, config, "expand") + $targetContent.slideDown(config.animatespeed, function(){ + config.onopenclose($targetHeader.get(0), parseInt($targetHeader.attr('headerindex')), $targetContent.css('display'), useractivated) + if (config.postreveal=="gotourl" && directclick){ //if revealtype is "Go to Header URL upon click", and this is a direct click on the header + var targetLink=($targetHeader.is("a"))? $targetHeader.get(0) : $targetHeader.find('a:eq(0)').get(0) + if (targetLink) //if this header is a link + setTimeout(function(){location=targetLink.href}, 200) //ignore link target, as window.open(targetLink, targetLink.target) doesn't work in FF if popup blocker enabled + } + }) + }, + + collapseit:function($targetHeader, $targetContent, config, isuseractivated){ + this.transformHeader($targetHeader, config, "collapse") + $targetContent.slideUp(config.animatespeed, function(){config.onopenclose($targetHeader.get(0), parseInt($targetHeader.attr('headerindex')), $targetContent.css('display'), isuseractivated)}) + }, + + transformHeader:function($targetHeader, config, state){ + $targetHeader.addClass((state=="expand")? config.cssclass.expand : config.cssclass.collapse) //alternate btw "expand" and "collapse" CSS classes + .removeClass((state=="expand")? config.cssclass.collapse : config.cssclass.expand) + if (config.htmlsetting.location=='src'){ //Change header image (assuming header is an image)? + $targetHeader=($targetHeader.is("img"))? $targetHeader : $targetHeader.find('img').eq(0) //Set target to either header itself, or first image within header + $targetHeader.attr('src', (state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse) //change header image + } + else if (config.htmlsetting.location=="prefix") //if change "prefix" HTML, locate dynamically added ".accordprefix" span tag and change it + $targetHeader.find('.accordprefix').html((state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse) + else if (config.htmlsetting.location=="suffix") + $targetHeader.find('.accordsuffix').html((state=="expand")? config.htmlsetting.expand : config.htmlsetting.collapse) + }, + + urlparamselect:function(headerclass){ + var result=window.location.search.match(new RegExp(headerclass+"=((\\d+)(,(\\d+))*)", "i")) //check for "?headerclass=2,3,4" in URL + if (result!=null) + result=RegExp.$1.split(',') + return result //returns null, [index], or [index1,index2,etc], where index are the desired selected header indices + }, + + getCookie:function(Name){ + var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i") //construct RE to search for target name/value pair + if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found + return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value + return null + }, + + setCookie:function(name, value){ + document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/" + }, + + init:function(config){ + document.write('<style type="text/css">\n') + document.write('.'+config.contentclass+'{display: none}\n') //generate CSS to hide contents + document.write('<\/style>') + jQuery(document).ready(function($){ + ddaccordion.urlparamselect(config.headerclass) + var persistedheaders=ddaccordion.getCookie(config.headerclass) + ddaccordion.contentclassname[config.headerclass]=config.contentclass //remember contentclass name based on headerclass + config.cssclass={collapse: config.toggleclass[0], expand: config.toggleclass[1]} //store expand and contract CSS classes as object properties + config.revealtype=config.revealtype || "click" + config.revealtype=config.revealtype.replace(/mouseover/i, "mouseenter") + if (config.revealtype=="clickgo"){ + config.postreveal="gotourl" //remember added action + config.revealtype="click" //overwrite revealtype to "click" keyword + } + if (typeof config.togglehtml=="undefined") + config.htmlsetting={location: "none"} + else + config.htmlsetting={location: config.togglehtml[0], collapse: config.togglehtml[1], expand: config.togglehtml[2]} //store HTML settings as object properties + config.oninit=(typeof config.oninit=="undefined")? function(){} : config.oninit //attach custom "oninit" event handler + config.onopenclose=(typeof config.onopenclose=="undefined")? function(){} : config.onopenclose //attach custom "onopenclose" event handler + var lastexpanded={} //object to hold reference to last expanded header and content (jquery objects) + var expandedindices=ddaccordion.urlparamselect(config.headerclass) || ((config.persiststate && persistedheaders!=null)? persistedheaders : config.defaultexpanded) + if (typeof expandedindices=='string') //test for string value (exception is config.defaultexpanded, which is an array) + expandedindices=expandedindices.replace(/c/ig, '').split(',') //transform string value to an array (ie: "c1,c2,c3" becomes [1,2,3] + var $subcontents=$('.'+config["contentclass"]) + if (expandedindices.length==1 && expandedindices[0]=="-1") //check for expandedindices value of [-1], indicating persistence is on and no content expanded + expandedindices=[] + if (config["collapseprev"] && expandedindices.length>1) //only allow one content open? + expandedindices=[expandedindices.pop()] //return last array element as an array (for sake of jQuery.inArray()) + if (config["onemustopen"] && expandedindices.length==0) //if at least one content should be open at all times and none are, open 1st header + expandedindices=[0] + $('.'+config["headerclass"]).each(function(index){ //loop through all headers + if (/(prefix)|(suffix)/i.test(config.htmlsetting.location) && $(this).html()!=""){ //add a SPAN element to header depending on user setting and if header is a container tag + $('<span class="accordprefix"></span>').prependTo(this) + $('<span class="accordsuffix"></span>').appendTo(this) + } + $(this).attr('headerindex', index+'h') //store position of this header relative to its peers + $subcontents.eq(index).attr('contentindex', index+'c') //store position of this content relative to its peers + var $subcontent=$subcontents.eq(index) + var needle=(typeof expandedindices[0]=="number")? index : index+'' //check for data type within expandedindices array- index should match that type + if (jQuery.inArray(needle, expandedindices)!=-1){ //check for headers that should be expanded automatically (convert index to string first) + if (config.animatedefault==false) + $subcontent.show() + ddaccordion.expandit($(this), $subcontent, config, false) //Last param sets 'isuseractivated' parameter + lastexpanded={$header:$(this), $content:$subcontent} + } //end check + else{ + $subcontent.hide() + config.onopenclose($(this).get(0), parseInt($(this).attr('headerindex')), $subcontent.css('display'), false) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter + ddaccordion.transformHeader($(this), config, "collapse") + } + }) + $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind("evt_accordion", function(e, isdirectclick){ //assign custom event handler that expands/ contacts a header + var $subcontent=$subcontents.eq(parseInt($(this).attr('headerindex'))) //get subcontent that should be expanded/collapsed + if ($subcontent.css('display')=="none"){ + ddaccordion.expandit($(this), $subcontent, config, true, isdirectclick) //2nd last param sets 'isuseractivated' parameter + if (config["collapseprev"] && lastexpanded.$header && $(this).get(0)!=lastexpanded.$header.get(0)){ //collapse previous content? + ddaccordion.collapseit(lastexpanded.$header, lastexpanded.$content, config, true) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter + } + lastexpanded={$header:$(this), $content:$subcontent} + } + else if (!config["onemustopen"] || config["onemustopen"] && lastexpanded.$header && $(this).get(0)!=lastexpanded.$header.get(0)){ + ddaccordion.collapseit($(this), $subcontent, config, true) //Last Boolean value sets 'isuseractivated' parameter + } + }) + $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind(config.revealtype, function(){ + if (config.revealtype=="mouseenter"){ + clearTimeout(config.revealdelay) + var headerindex=parseInt($(this).attr("headerindex")) + config.revealdelay=setTimeout(function(){ddaccordion.expandone(config["headerclass"], headerindex)}, config.mouseoverdelay || 0) + } + else{ + $(this).trigger("evt_accordion", [true]) + return false //cancel default click behavior + } + }) + $('.'+config["headerclass"]).bind("mouseleave", function(){ + clearTimeout(config.revealdelay) + }) + config.oninit($('.'+config["headerclass"]).get(), expandedindices) + $(window).bind('unload', function(){ //clean up and persist on page unload + $('.'+config["headerclass"]).unbind() + var expandedindices=[] + $('.'+config["contentclass"]+":visible").each(function(index){ //get indices of expanded headers + expandedindices.push($(this).attr('contentindex')) + }) + if (config.persiststate==true && $('.'+config["headerclass"]).length>0){ //persist state? + expandedindices=(expandedindices.length==0)? '-1c' : expandedindices //No contents expanded, indicate that with dummy '-1c' value? + ddaccordion.setCookie(config.headerclass, expandedindices) + } + }) + }) + } }
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/countryblock/public_smo_scripts.js b/config/countryblock/public_smo_scripts.js index e15fd1ac..67125c44 100644 --- a/config/countryblock/public_smo_scripts.js +++ b/config/countryblock/public_smo_scripts.js @@ -1,160 +1,160 @@ -//Custom JavaScript Functions by Shawn Olson
-//Copyright 2006-2008
-//If you copy any functions from this page into your scripts, you must provide credit to Shawn Olson & http://www.shawnolson.net
- function stripCharacter(words,character) {
- //documentation for this script at http://www.shawnolson.net/a/499/
- var spaces = words.length;
- for(var x = 1; x<spaces; ++x){
- words = words.replace(character, "");
- }
- return words;
- }
- function changecss(theClass,element,value) {
- //Last Updated on June 23, 2009
- //documentation for this script at
- //http://www.shawnolson.net/a/503/altering-css-class-attributes-with-javascript.html
- var cssRules;
- var added = false;
- for (var S = 0; S < document.styleSheets.length; S++){
- if (document.styleSheets[S]['rules']) {
- cssRules = 'rules';
- } else if (document.styleSheets[S]['cssRules']) {
- cssRules = 'cssRules';
- } else {
- //no rules found... browser unknown
- }
- for (var R = 0; R < document.styleSheets[S][cssRules].length; R++) {
- if (document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].selectorText == theClass) {
- if(document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].style[element]){
- document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].style[element] = value;
- added=true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!added){
- if(document.styleSheets[S].insertRule){
- document.styleSheets[S].insertRule(theClass+' { '+element+': '+value+'; }',document.styleSheets[S][cssRules].length);
- } else if (document.styleSheets[S].addRule) {
- document.styleSheets[S].addRule(theClass,element+': '+value+';');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function checkUncheckAll(theElement) {
- var theForm = theElement.form, z = 0;
- for(z=0; z<theForm.length;z++){
- if(theForm[z].type == 'checkbox' && theForm[z].name != 'checkall'){
- theForm[z].checked = theElement.checked;
- }
- }
- }
-function checkUncheckSome(controller,theElements) {
- //Programmed by Shawn Olson
- //Copyright (c) 2006-2007
- //Updated on August 12, 2007
- //Permission to use this function provided that it always includes this credit text
- // http://www.shawnolson.net
- //Find more JavaScripts at http://www.shawnolson.net/topics/Javascript/
- //theElements is an array of objects designated as a comma separated list of their IDs
- //If an element in theElements is not a checkbox, then it is assumed
- //that the function is recursive for that object and will check/uncheck
- //all checkboxes contained in that element
- var formElements = theElements.split(',');
- var theController = document.getElementById(controller);
- for(var z=0; z<formElements.length;z++){
- theItem = document.getElementById(formElements[z]);
- if(theItem.type){
- if (theItem.type=='checkbox') {
- theItem.checked=theController.checked;
- }
- } else {
- theInputs = theItem.getElementsByTagName('input');
- for(var y=0; y<theInputs.length; y++){
- if(theInputs[y].type == 'checkbox' && theInputs[y].id != theController.id){
- theInputs[y].checked = theController.checked;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function changeImgSize(objectId,newWidth,newHeight) {
- imgString = 'theImg = document.getElementById("'+objectId+'")';
- eval(imgString);
- oldWidth = theImg.width;
- oldHeight = theImg.height;
- if(newWidth>0){
- theImg.width = newWidth;
- }
- if(newHeight>0){
- theImg.height = newHeight;
- }
- }
- function changeColor(theObj,newColor){
- eval('var theObject = document.getElementById("'+theObj+'")');
- if(theObject.style.backgroundColor==null){theBG='white';}else{theBG=theObject.style.backgroundColor;}
- if(theObject.style.color==null){theColor='black';}else{theColor=theObject.style.color;}
- //alert(theObject.style.color+' '+theObject.style.backgroundColor);
- switch(theColor){
- case newColor:
- switch(theBG){
- case 'white':
- theObject.style.color = 'black';
- break;
- case 'black':
- theObject.style.color = 'white';
- break;
- default:
- theObject.style.color = 'black';
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- theObject.style.color = newColor;
- break;
- }
- }
-//Below script added to prevent my work from being used
-//on websites that are not child-safe
-var restrictWords = new Array('free sex','amateurmatch.com','free porn');
-function badSites(word){
-//this function helps keep this script from being used on inappropriate websites
-var badword = false;
-var word = new String(word);
-word = word.toLowerCase();
- for (var i = 0; i<restrictWords.length; i++){
- if (word.match(restrictWords[i])){
- badword = true;
- alert("This website is improperly using a script from www.shawnolson.net.\n\nWhile the script is free ... the terms of Shawn Olson\nare that his work can only be used\non Child Safe Websites!\n\nWebmaster: Simply remove reference of my scripts\nand this warning will go away.");
- }
- }
- if (badword==true){document.location='http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/cac/states.htm';}
- return badword;
-var siteCheckArray = new Array(document.title,document.URL);
-var siteCheckRound = 0;
-for(siteCheckRound in siteCheckArray){
- badSites(siteCheckArray[siteCheckRound]);
+//Custom JavaScript Functions by Shawn Olson +//Copyright 2006-2008 +//http://www.shawnolson.net +//If you copy any functions from this page into your scripts, you must provide credit to Shawn Olson & http://www.shawnolson.net +//******************************************* + + function stripCharacter(words,character) { + //documentation for this script at http://www.shawnolson.net/a/499/ + var spaces = words.length; + for(var x = 1; x<spaces; ++x){ + words = words.replace(character, ""); + } + return words; + } + + function changecss(theClass,element,value) { + //Last Updated on June 23, 2009 + //documentation for this script at + //http://www.shawnolson.net/a/503/altering-css-class-attributes-with-javascript.html + var cssRules; + + var added = false; + for (var S = 0; S < document.styleSheets.length; S++){ + + if (document.styleSheets[S]['rules']) { + cssRules = 'rules'; + } else if (document.styleSheets[S]['cssRules']) { + cssRules = 'cssRules'; + } else { + //no rules found... browser unknown + } + + for (var R = 0; R < document.styleSheets[S][cssRules].length; R++) { + if (document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].selectorText == theClass) { + if(document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].style[element]){ + document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].style[element] = value; + added=true; + break; + } + } + } + if(!added){ + if(document.styleSheets[S].insertRule){ + document.styleSheets[S].insertRule(theClass+' { '+element+': '+value+'; }',document.styleSheets[S][cssRules].length); + } else if (document.styleSheets[S].addRule) { + document.styleSheets[S].addRule(theClass,element+': '+value+';'); + } + } + } + } + + function checkUncheckAll(theElement) { + var theForm = theElement.form, z = 0; + for(z=0; z<theForm.length;z++){ + if(theForm[z].type == 'checkbox' && theForm[z].name != 'checkall'){ + theForm[z].checked = theElement.checked; + } + } + } + +function checkUncheckSome(controller,theElements) { + //Programmed by Shawn Olson + //Copyright (c) 2006-2007 + //Updated on August 12, 2007 + //Permission to use this function provided that it always includes this credit text + // http://www.shawnolson.net + //Find more JavaScripts at http://www.shawnolson.net/topics/Javascript/ + + //theElements is an array of objects designated as a comma separated list of their IDs + //If an element in theElements is not a checkbox, then it is assumed + //that the function is recursive for that object and will check/uncheck + //all checkboxes contained in that element + + var formElements = theElements.split(','); + var theController = document.getElementById(controller); + for(var z=0; z<formElements.length;z++){ + theItem = document.getElementById(formElements[z]); + if(theItem.type){ + if (theItem.type=='checkbox') { + theItem.checked=theController.checked; + } + } else { + theInputs = theItem.getElementsByTagName('input'); + for(var y=0; y<theInputs.length; y++){ + if(theInputs[y].type == 'checkbox' && theInputs[y].id != theController.id){ + theInputs[y].checked = theController.checked; + } + } + } + } +} + + function changeImgSize(objectId,newWidth,newHeight) { + imgString = 'theImg = document.getElementById("'+objectId+'")'; + eval(imgString); + oldWidth = theImg.width; + oldHeight = theImg.height; + if(newWidth>0){ + theImg.width = newWidth; + } + if(newHeight>0){ + theImg.height = newHeight; + } + + } + + function changeColor(theObj,newColor){ + eval('var theObject = document.getElementById("'+theObj+'")'); + if(theObject.style.backgroundColor==null){theBG='white';}else{theBG=theObject.style.backgroundColor;} + if(theObject.style.color==null){theColor='black';}else{theColor=theObject.style.color;} + //alert(theObject.style.color+' '+theObject.style.backgroundColor); + switch(theColor){ + case newColor: + switch(theBG){ + case 'white': + theObject.style.color = 'black'; + break; + case 'black': + theObject.style.color = 'white'; + break; + default: + theObject.style.color = 'black'; + break; + } + break; + default: + theObject.style.color = newColor; + break; + } + } + +//Below script added to prevent my work from being used +//on websites that are not child-safe + +var restrictWords = new Array('free sex','amateurmatch.com','free porn'); + +function badSites(word){ +//this function helps keep this script from being used on inappropriate websites + +var badword = false; +var word = new String(word); +word = word.toLowerCase(); + + for (var i = 0; i<restrictWords.length; i++){ + if (word.match(restrictWords[i])){ + + badword = true; + alert("This website is improperly using a script from www.shawnolson.net.\n\nWhile the script is free ... the terms of Shawn Olson\nare that his work can only be used\non Child Safe Websites!\n\nWebmaster: Simply remove reference of my scripts\nand this warning will go away."); + } + } + if (badword==true){document.location='http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/cac/states.htm';} + return badword; +} + +var siteCheckArray = new Array(document.title,document.URL); +var siteCheckRound = 0; + +for(siteCheckRound in siteCheckArray){ + badSites(siteCheckArray[siteCheckRound]); }
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php b/config/snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php index 03d08fd5..57365c9b 100644 --- a/config/snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php +++ b/config/snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php @@ -1,477 +1,477 @@ -<?php
-/* $Id$ */
- firewall_aliases_edit.php
- Copyright (C) 2004 Scott Ullrich
- All rights reserved.
- originially part of m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch/wall)
- Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper <mk@neon1.net>.
- All rights reserved.
- modified for the pfsense snort package
- Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Robert Zelaya.
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item']))
- $config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'] = array();
-$a_whitelist = &$config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'];
-$id = $_GET['id'];
-if (isset($_POST['id']))
- $id = $_POST['id'];
-/* gen uuid for each iface !inportant */
-if ($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'][$id]['uuid'] == '') {
- //$snort_uuid = gen_snort_uuid(strrev(uniqid(true)));
-$whitelist_uuid = 0;
-while ($whitelist_uuid > 65535 || $whitelist_uuid == 0) {
- $whitelist_uuid = mt_rand(1, 65535);
- $pconfig['uuid'] = $whitelist_uuid;
- }
-if ($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'][$id]['uuid'] != '') {
- $whitelist_uuid = $config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'][$id]['uuid'];
-$pgtitle = "Services: Snort: Whitelist: Edit $whitelist_uuid";
-$d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path = '/var/run/snort_whitelist.dirty';
-/* returns true if $name is a valid name for a whitelist file name or ip */
-function is_validwhitelistname($name) {
- if (!is_string($name))
- return false;
- if (!preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]/", $name))
- return true;
- return false;
-if (isset($id) && $a_whitelist[$id]) {
- /* old settings */
- $pconfig['name'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['name'];
- $pconfig['uuid'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['uuid'];
- $pconfig['detail'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['detail'];
- $pconfig['snortlisttype'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['snortlisttype'];
- $pconfig['address'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['address'];
- $pconfig['descr'] = html_entity_decode($a_whitelist[$id]['descr']);
- $pconfig['wanips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['wanips'];
- $pconfig['wangateips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['wangateips'];
- $pconfig['wandnsips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['wandnsips'];
- $pconfig['vips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['vips'];
- $pconfig['vpnips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['vpnips'];
- $addresses = explode(' ', $pconfig['address']);
- $address = explode(" ", $addresses[0]);
- if ($address[1])
- $addresssubnettest = true;
- else
- $addresssubnettest = false;
- /* this will exec when alert says apply */
- if ($_POST['apply']) {
- if (file_exists("$d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path")) {
- write_config();
- sync_snort_package_config();
- sync_snort_package();
- unlink("$d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path");
- }
- }
-if ($_POST['submit']) {
- unset($input_errors);
- $pconfig = $_POST;
- /* input validation */
- $reqdfields = explode(" ", "name address");
- $reqdfieldsn = explode(",", "Name,Address");
- do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, &$input_errors);
- if(strtolower($_POST['name']) == "defaultwhitelist")
- $input_errors[] = "Whitelist file names may not be named defaultwhitelist.";
- $x = is_validwhitelistname($_POST['name']);
- if (!isset($x)) {
- $input_errors[] = "Reserved word used for whitelist file name.";
- } else {
- if (is_validwhitelistname($_POST['name']) == false)
- $input_errors[] = "Whitelist file name may only consist of the characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9 _. Note: No Spaces. Press Cancel to reset.";
- }
- if (is_validwhitelistname($_POST['address']) == false)
- $input_errors[] = "Whitelist address may only consist of the characters 0-9 and /. Note: No Spaces. Press Cancel to reset.";
- /* check for name conflicts */
- foreach ($a_whitelist as $w_list) {
- if (isset($id) && ($a_whitelist[$id]) && ($a_whitelist[$id] === $w_list))
- continue;
- if ($w_list['name'] == $_POST['name']) {
- $input_errors[] = "A whitelist file name with this name already exists.";
- break;
- }
- }
- $w_list = array();
- /* post user input */
- $w_list['name'] = $_POST['name'];
- $w_list['uuid'] = $whitelist_uuid;
- $w_list['snortlisttype'] = $_POST['snortlisttype'];
- $w_list['address'] = $_POST['address'];
- $w_list['wanips'] = $_POST['wanips']? yes : no;
- $w_list['wangateips'] = $_POST['wangateips']? yes : no;
- $w_list['wandnsips'] = $_POST['wandnsips']? yes : no;
- $w_list['vips'] = $_POST['vips']? yes : no;
- $w_list['vpnips'] = $_POST['vpnips']? yes : no;
- $address = $w_list['address'];
- $final_address_detail = mb_convert_encoding($_POST['detail'],"HTML-ENTITIES","auto");
- if($final_address_detail <> "") {
- $final_address_details .= $final_address_detail;
- } else {
- $final_address_details .= "Entry added" . " ";
- $final_address_details .= date('r');
- }
- $final_address_details .= "||";
- $isfirst = 0;
- /* add another entry code */
- for($x=0; $x<299; $x++) {
- $comd = "\$subnet = \$_POST['address" . $x . "'];";
- eval($comd);
- $comd = "\$subnet_address = \$_POST['address_subnet" . $x . "'];";
- eval($comd);
- if($subnet <> "") {
- $address .= " ";
- $address .= $subnet;
- if($subnet_address <> "") $address .= "" . $subnet_address;
- /* Compress in details to a single key, data separated by pipes.
- Pulling details here lets us only pull in details for valid
- address entries, saving us from having to track which ones to
- process later. */
- $comd = "\$final_address_detail = mb_convert_encoding(\$_POST['detail" . $x . "'],'HTML-ENTITIES','auto');";
- eval($comd);
- if($final_address_detail <> "") {
- $final_address_details .= $final_address_detail;
- } else {
- $final_address_details .= "Entry added" . " ";
- $final_address_details .= date('r');
- }
- $final_address_details .= "||";
- }
- }
- if (!$input_errors) {
- $w_list['address'] = $address;
- $w_list['descr'] = mb_convert_encoding($_POST['descr'],"HTML-ENTITIES","auto");
- $w_list['detail'] = $final_address_details;
- if (isset($id) && $a_whitelist[$id])
- $a_whitelist[$id] = $w_list;
- else
- $a_whitelist[] = $w_list;
- touch($d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path);
- write_config();
- header("Location: /snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php?id=$id");
- exit;
- }
- //we received input errors, copy data to prevent retype
- else
- {
- $pconfig['descr'] = mb_convert_encoding($_POST['descr'],"HTML-ENTITIES","auto");
- $pconfig['address'] = $address;
- $pconfig['detail'] = $final_address_details;
- }
-<body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC" onload="<?= $jsevents["body"]["onload"] ?>">
- include("./snort_fbegin.inc");
- echo $jscriptstr;
-<script type="text/javascript" src="/snort/javascript/row_helper.js"></script>
-<input type='hidden' name='address_type' value='textbox' />
-<script type="text/javascript">
- rowname[0] = "address";
- rowtype[0] = "textbox";
- rowsize[0] = "30";
- rowname[1] = "detail";
- rowtype[1] = "textbox";
- rowsize[1] = "50";
-<p class="pgtitle"><?=$pgtitle?></p>
-<?php if ($input_errors) print_input_errors($input_errors); ?>
-<div id="inputerrors"></div>
-<form action="snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php?id=<?=$id?>" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
- /* Display Alert message */
- if ($input_errors) {
- print_input_errors($input_errors); // TODO: add checks
- }
- if ($savemsg) {
- print_info_box2($savemsg);
- }
- //if (file_exists($d_snortconfdirty_path)) {
- if (file_exists($d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path)) {
- echo '<p>';
- if($savemsg) {
- print_info_box_np2("{$savemsg}");
- }else{
- print_info_box_np2('
- The Snort configuration has changed and snort needs to be restarted on this interface.<br>
- You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect.<br>
- ');
- }
- }
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr><td class="tabnavtbl">
- $tab_array = array();
- $tab_array[] = array("Snort Interfaces", false, "/snort/snort_interfaces.php");
- $tab_array[] = array("Global Settings", false, "/snort/snort_interfaces_global.php");
- $tab_array[] = array("Rule Updates", false, "/snort/snort_download_rules.php");
- $tab_array[] = array("Alerts", false, "/snort/snort_alerts.php");
- $tab_array[] = array("Blocked", false, "/snort/snort_blocked.php");
- $tab_array[] = array("Whitelists", true, "/snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist.php");
- $tab_array[] = array("Suppress", false, "/snort/snort_interfaces_suppress.php");
- $tab_array[] = array("Help", false, "/snort/snort_help_info.php");
- display_top_tabs($tab_array);
-?> </td></tr>
-<td class="tabcont">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Add the name and description of the file.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top" class="vncellreq">Name</td>
- <td class="vtable">
- <input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['name']);?>" />
- <br />
- <span class="vexpl">
- The list name may only consist of the characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9. <span class="red">Note: </span> No Spaces.
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Description</td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <input name="descr" type="text" id="descr" size="40" value="<?=$pconfig['descr'];?>" />
- <br />
- <span class="vexpl">
- You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">List Type</td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <select name="snortlisttype" class="formfld" id="snortlisttype">
- <?php
- $interfaces4 = array('whitelist' => 'WHITELIST', 'netlist' => 'NETLIST');
- foreach ($interfaces4 as $iface4 => $ifacename4): ?>
- <option value="<?=$iface4;?>" <?php if ($iface4 == $pconfig['snortlisttype']) echo "selected"; ?>>
- <?=htmlspecialchars($ifacename4);?>
- </option>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </select><br>
- <span class="vexpl">Choose the type of list you will like see in your Interface Edit Tab. Hint: Best pratice is to test every list you make.
- </span> <span class="red">Note:</span> NETLIST's are only for defining snort.conf's external or home NETS.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Add auto generated ips.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">WAN IPs</td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <input name="wanips" type="checkbox" id="wanips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['wanips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['wanips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/>
- <span class="vexpl">
- Add WAN IPs to the list.
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Wan Gateways</td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <input name="wangateips" type="checkbox" id="wangateips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['wangateips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['wangateips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/>
- <span class="vexpl">
- Add WAN Gateways to the list.
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Wan DNS servers</td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <input name="wandnsips" type="checkbox" id="wandnsips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['wandnsips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['wandnsips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/>
- <span class="vexpl">
- Add WAN DNS servers to the list.
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Virtual IP Addresses</td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <input name="vips" type="checkbox" id="vips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['vips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['vips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/>
- <span class="vexpl">
- Add Virtual IP Addresses to the list.
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">VPNs</td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <input name="vpnips" type="checkbox" id="vpnips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['vpnips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['vpnips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/>
- <span class="vexpl">
- Add VPN Addresses to the list.
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Add your own custom ips.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><div id="addressnetworkport">IP or CIDR items</div></td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <table id="maintable">
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="4">
- <div style="padding:5px; margin-top: 16px; margin-bottom: 16px; border:1px dashed #000066; background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; font-size: 8pt;" id="itemhelp">
- Enter only ips and CIDRs, do not enter CIDRs for whitelists. Example: or</div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><div id="onecolumn">IP or CIDR</div></td>
- <td><div id="threecolumn">Add a Description or leave blank and a date will be added.</div></td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- /* cleanup code */
- $counter = 0;
- $address = $pconfig['address'];
- $item = explode(" ", $address);
- $item3 = explode("||", $pconfig['detail']);
- foreach($item as $ww) {
- $address = $item[$counter];
- $item4 = $item3[$counter];
- if($counter > 0) $tracker = $counter + 1;
- ?>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <input name="address<?php echo $tracker; ?>" type="text" id="address<?php echo $tracker; ?>" size="30" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($address);?>" />
- </td>
- <td>
- <input name="detail<?php echo $tracker; ?>" type="text" id="detail<?php echo $tracker; ?>" size="50" value="<?=$item4;?>" />
- </td>
- <td>
- <?php
- if($counter > 0)
- echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"/themes/".$g['theme']."/images/icons/icon_x.gif\" onclick=\"removeRow(this); return false;\" value=\"Delete\" />";
- ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- $counter++;
- } // end foreach
- ?>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <a onclick="javascript:addRowTo('maintable'); return false;" href="#"><img border="0" src="/themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" alt="" title="add another entry" />
- </a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top"> </td>
- <td width="78%">
- <input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="Save" />
- <input id="cancelbutton" name="cancelbutton" type="button" class="formbtn" value="Cancel" onclick="history.back()" />
- <?php if (isset($id) && $a_whitelist[$id]): ?>
- <input name="id" type="hidden" value="<?=$id;?>" />
- <?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- /* row and col adjust when you add extra entries */
- field_counter_js = 2;
- rows = 1;
- totalrows = <?php echo $counter; ?>;
- loaded = <?php echo $counter; ?>;
-<?php include("fend.inc"); ?>
+<?php +/* $Id$ */ +/* + firewall_aliases_edit.php + Copyright (C) 2004 Scott Ullrich + All rights reserved. + + originially part of m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch/wall) + Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper <mk@neon1.net>. + All rights reserved. + + modified for the pfsense snort package + Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Robert Zelaya. + All rights reserved. + + Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without + modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, + this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, + INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY + AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, + OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF + SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS + INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) + ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE + POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +*/ + +require_once("guiconfig.inc"); +require_once("/usr/local/pkg/snort/snort.inc"); +require_once("/usr/local/pkg/snort/snort_gui.inc"); + +if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'])) + $config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'] = array(); + +$a_whitelist = &$config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item']; + +$id = $_GET['id']; +if (isset($_POST['id'])) + $id = $_POST['id']; + + +/* gen uuid for each iface !inportant */ +if ($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'][$id]['uuid'] == '') { + //$snort_uuid = gen_snort_uuid(strrev(uniqid(true))); +$whitelist_uuid = 0; +while ($whitelist_uuid > 65535 || $whitelist_uuid == 0) { + $whitelist_uuid = mt_rand(1, 65535); + $pconfig['uuid'] = $whitelist_uuid; + } +} + +if ($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'][$id]['uuid'] != '') { + $whitelist_uuid = $config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['whitelist']['item'][$id]['uuid']; +} + +$pgtitle = "Services: Snort: Whitelist: Edit $whitelist_uuid"; + +$d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path = '/var/run/snort_whitelist.dirty'; + +/* returns true if $name is a valid name for a whitelist file name or ip */ +function is_validwhitelistname($name) { + if (!is_string($name)) + return false; + + if (!preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]/", $name)) + return true; + + return false; +} + + +if (isset($id) && $a_whitelist[$id]) { + + /* old settings */ + $pconfig['name'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['name']; + $pconfig['uuid'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['uuid']; + $pconfig['detail'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['detail']; + $pconfig['snortlisttype'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['snortlisttype']; + $pconfig['address'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['address']; + $pconfig['descr'] = html_entity_decode($a_whitelist[$id]['descr']); + $pconfig['wanips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['wanips']; + $pconfig['wangateips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['wangateips']; + $pconfig['wandnsips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['wandnsips']; + $pconfig['vips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['vips']; + $pconfig['vpnips'] = $a_whitelist[$id]['vpnips']; + + + $addresses = explode(' ', $pconfig['address']); + $address = explode(" ", $addresses[0]); + if ($address[1]) + $addresssubnettest = true; + else + $addresssubnettest = false; +} + + /* this will exec when alert says apply */ + if ($_POST['apply']) { + + if (file_exists("$d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path")) { + + write_config(); + + sync_snort_package_config(); + sync_snort_package(); + + unlink("$d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path"); + + } + + } + +if ($_POST['submit']) { + + unset($input_errors); + $pconfig = $_POST; + + /* input validation */ + $reqdfields = explode(" ", "name address"); + $reqdfieldsn = explode(",", "Name,Address"); + + do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, &$input_errors); + + if(strtolower($_POST['name']) == "defaultwhitelist") + $input_errors[] = "Whitelist file names may not be named defaultwhitelist."; + + $x = is_validwhitelistname($_POST['name']); + if (!isset($x)) { + $input_errors[] = "Reserved word used for whitelist file name."; + } else { + if (is_validwhitelistname($_POST['name']) == false) + $input_errors[] = "Whitelist file name may only consist of the characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9 _. Note: No Spaces. Press Cancel to reset."; + } + + if (is_validwhitelistname($_POST['address']) == false) + $input_errors[] = "Whitelist address may only consist of the characters 0-9 and /. Note: No Spaces. Press Cancel to reset."; + + + /* check for name conflicts */ + foreach ($a_whitelist as $w_list) { + if (isset($id) && ($a_whitelist[$id]) && ($a_whitelist[$id] === $w_list)) + continue; + + if ($w_list['name'] == $_POST['name']) { + $input_errors[] = "A whitelist file name with this name already exists."; + break; + } + } + + + $w_list = array(); + /* post user input */ + $w_list['name'] = $_POST['name']; + $w_list['uuid'] = $whitelist_uuid; + $w_list['snortlisttype'] = $_POST['snortlisttype']; + $w_list['address'] = $_POST['address']; + $w_list['wanips'] = $_POST['wanips']? yes : no; + $w_list['wangateips'] = $_POST['wangateips']? yes : no; + $w_list['wandnsips'] = $_POST['wandnsips']? yes : no; + $w_list['vips'] = $_POST['vips']? yes : no; + $w_list['vpnips'] = $_POST['vpnips']? yes : no; + + + $address = $w_list['address']; + $final_address_detail = mb_convert_encoding($_POST['detail'],"HTML-ENTITIES","auto"); + if($final_address_detail <> "") { + $final_address_details .= $final_address_detail; + } else { + $final_address_details .= "Entry added" . " "; + $final_address_details .= date('r'); + } + $final_address_details .= "||"; + $isfirst = 0; + + + /* add another entry code */ + for($x=0; $x<299; $x++) { + $comd = "\$subnet = \$_POST['address" . $x . "'];"; + eval($comd); + $comd = "\$subnet_address = \$_POST['address_subnet" . $x . "'];"; + eval($comd); + if($subnet <> "") { + $address .= " "; + $address .= $subnet; + if($subnet_address <> "") $address .= "" . $subnet_address; + + /* Compress in details to a single key, data separated by pipes. + Pulling details here lets us only pull in details for valid + address entries, saving us from having to track which ones to + process later. */ + $comd = "\$final_address_detail = mb_convert_encoding(\$_POST['detail" . $x . "'],'HTML-ENTITIES','auto');"; + eval($comd); + if($final_address_detail <> "") { + $final_address_details .= $final_address_detail; + } else { + $final_address_details .= "Entry added" . " "; + $final_address_details .= date('r'); + } + $final_address_details .= "||"; + } + } + + if (!$input_errors) { + $w_list['address'] = $address; + $w_list['descr'] = mb_convert_encoding($_POST['descr'],"HTML-ENTITIES","auto"); + $w_list['detail'] = $final_address_details; + + if (isset($id) && $a_whitelist[$id]) + $a_whitelist[$id] = $w_list; + else + $a_whitelist[] = $w_list; + + touch($d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path); + + write_config(); + + header("Location: /snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php?id=$id"); + exit; + } + //we received input errors, copy data to prevent retype + else + { + $pconfig['descr'] = mb_convert_encoding($_POST['descr'],"HTML-ENTITIES","auto"); + $pconfig['address'] = $address; + $pconfig['detail'] = $final_address_details; + } +} + +include("head.inc"); + +?> + +<body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC" onload="<?= $jsevents["body"]["onload"] ?>"> +<?php + include("./snort_fbegin.inc"); + echo $jscriptstr; +?> + +<script type="text/javascript" src="/snort/javascript/row_helper.js"></script> +<input type='hidden' name='address_type' value='textbox' /> +<script type="text/javascript"> + rowname[0] = "address"; + rowtype[0] = "textbox"; + rowsize[0] = "30"; + + rowname[1] = "detail"; + rowtype[1] = "textbox"; + rowsize[1] = "50"; +</script> + +<p class="pgtitle"><?=$pgtitle?></p> + +<?php if ($input_errors) print_input_errors($input_errors); ?> +<div id="inputerrors"></div> + +<form action="snort_interfaces_whitelist_edit.php?id=<?=$id?>" method="post" name="iform" id="iform"> + +<?php + /* Display Alert message */ + if ($input_errors) { + print_input_errors($input_errors); // TODO: add checks + } + + if ($savemsg) { + print_info_box2($savemsg); + } + + //if (file_exists($d_snortconfdirty_path)) { + if (file_exists($d_snort_whitelist_dirty_path)) { + echo '<p>'; + + if($savemsg) { + print_info_box_np2("{$savemsg}"); + }else{ + print_info_box_np2(' + The Snort configuration has changed and snort needs to be restarted on this interface.<br> + You must apply the changes in order for them to take effect.<br> + '); + } + } +?> + +<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> + <tr><td class="tabnavtbl"> +<?php + $tab_array = array(); + $tab_array[] = array("Snort Interfaces", false, "/snort/snort_interfaces.php"); + $tab_array[] = array("Global Settings", false, "/snort/snort_interfaces_global.php"); + $tab_array[] = array("Rule Updates", false, "/snort/snort_download_rules.php"); + $tab_array[] = array("Alerts", false, "/snort/snort_alerts.php"); + $tab_array[] = array("Blocked", false, "/snort/snort_blocked.php"); + $tab_array[] = array("Whitelists", true, "/snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist.php"); + $tab_array[] = array("Suppress", false, "/snort/snort_interfaces_suppress.php"); + $tab_array[] = array("Help", false, "/snort/snort_help_info.php"); + display_top_tabs($tab_array); +?> </td></tr> +<tr> +<td class="tabcont"> + +<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"> + <tr> + <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Add the name and description of the file.</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td valign="top" class="vncellreq">Name</td> + <td class="vtable"> + <input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['name']);?>" /> + <br /> + <span class="vexpl"> + The list name may only consist of the characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9. <span class="red">Note: </span> No Spaces. + </span> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Description</td> + <td width="78%" class="vtable"> + <input name="descr" type="text" id="descr" size="40" value="<?=$pconfig['descr'];?>" /> + <br /> + <span class="vexpl"> + You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed). + </span> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">List Type</td> + <td width="78%" class="vtable"> + <select name="snortlisttype" class="formfld" id="snortlisttype"> + <?php + $interfaces4 = array('whitelist' => 'WHITELIST', 'netlist' => 'NETLIST'); + foreach ($interfaces4 as $iface4 => $ifacename4): ?> + <option value="<?=$iface4;?>" <?php if ($iface4 == $pconfig['snortlisttype']) echo "selected"; ?>> + <?=htmlspecialchars($ifacename4);?> + </option> + <?php endforeach; ?> + </select><br> + <span class="vexpl">Choose the type of list you will like see in your Interface Edit Tab. Hint: Best pratice is to test every list you make. + </span> <span class="red">Note:</span> NETLIST's are only for defining snort.conf's external or home NETS.</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Add auto generated ips.</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">WAN IPs</td> + <td width="78%" class="vtable"> + <input name="wanips" type="checkbox" id="wanips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['wanips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['wanips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/> + <span class="vexpl"> + Add WAN IPs to the list. + </span> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Wan Gateways</td> + <td width="78%" class="vtable"> + <input name="wangateips" type="checkbox" id="wangateips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['wangateips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['wangateips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/> + <span class="vexpl"> + Add WAN Gateways to the list. + </span> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Wan DNS servers</td> + <td width="78%" class="vtable"> + <input name="wandnsips" type="checkbox" id="wandnsips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['wandnsips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['wandnsips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/> + <span class="vexpl"> + Add WAN DNS servers to the list. + </span> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Virtual IP Addresses</td> + <td width="78%" class="vtable"> + <input name="vips" type="checkbox" id="vips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['vips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['vips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/> + <span class="vexpl"> + Add Virtual IP Addresses to the list. + </span> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">VPNs</td> + <td width="78%" class="vtable"> + <input name="vpnips" type="checkbox" id="vpnips" size="40" value="yes" <?php if($pconfig['vpnips'] == 'yes'){ echo "checked";} if($pconfig['vpnips'] == ''){ echo "checked";} ?>/> + <span class="vexpl"> + Add VPN Addresses to the list. + </span> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Add your own custom ips.</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><div id="addressnetworkport">IP or CIDR items</div></td> + <td width="78%" class="vtable"> + <table id="maintable"> + <tbody> + <tr> + <td colspan="4"> + <div style="padding:5px; margin-top: 16px; margin-bottom: 16px; border:1px dashed #000066; background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; font-size: 8pt;" id="itemhelp"> + Enter only ips and CIDRs, do not enter CIDRs for whitelists. Example: or</div> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td><div id="onecolumn">IP or CIDR</div></td> + <td><div id="threecolumn">Add a Description or leave blank and a date will be added.</div></td> + </tr> + + <?php + /* cleanup code */ + $counter = 0; + $address = $pconfig['address']; + $item = explode(" ", $address); + $item3 = explode("||", $pconfig['detail']); + foreach($item as $ww) { + $address = $item[$counter]; + $item4 = $item3[$counter]; + if($counter > 0) $tracker = $counter + 1; + ?> + <tr> + <td> + <input name="address<?php echo $tracker; ?>" type="text" id="address<?php echo $tracker; ?>" size="30" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($address);?>" /> + </td> + <td> + <input name="detail<?php echo $tracker; ?>" type="text" id="detail<?php echo $tracker; ?>" size="50" value="<?=$item4;?>" /> + </td> + <td> + <?php + if($counter > 0) + echo "<input type=\"image\" src=\"/themes/".$g['theme']."/images/icons/icon_x.gif\" onclick=\"removeRow(this); return false;\" value=\"Delete\" />"; + ?> + </td> + </tr> + <?php + $counter++; + + } // end foreach + ?> + </tbody> + </table> + <a onclick="javascript:addRowTo('maintable'); return false;" href="#"><img border="0" src="/themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" alt="" title="add another entry" /> + </a> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width="22%" valign="top"> </td> + <td width="78%"> + <input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="Save" /> + <input id="cancelbutton" name="cancelbutton" type="button" class="formbtn" value="Cancel" onclick="history.back()" /> + <?php if (isset($id) && $a_whitelist[$id]): ?> + <input name="id" type="hidden" value="<?=$id;?>" /> + <?php endif; ?> + </td> + </tr> +</table> + </td> + </tr> + </table> +</form> + +<script type="text/javascript"> + /* row and col adjust when you add extra entries */ + field_counter_js = 2; + rows = 1; + totalrows = <?php echo $counter; ?>; + loaded = <?php echo $counter; ?>; +</script> + +<?php include("fend.inc"); ?> +</body> </html>
\ No newline at end of file |