path: root/config/snort-dev/snort_rules.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/snort-dev/snort_rules.php')
1 files changed, 391 insertions, 533 deletions
diff --git a/config/snort-dev/snort_rules.php b/config/snort-dev/snort_rules.php
index fd102538..871eb39e 100644
--- a/config/snort-dev/snort_rules.php
+++ b/config/snort-dev/snort_rules.php
@@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
-/* $Id$ */
- part of pfSense
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper <mk@neon1.net>.
+ snort_rules.php
+ Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Scott Ullrich
+ Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Robert Zelaya
+ Copyright (C) 2011 Ermal Luci
All rights reserved.
- Pfsense Old snort GUI
- Copyright (C) 2006 Scott Ullrich.
- Pfsense snort GUI
- Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Robert Zelaya.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -24,10 +16,6 @@
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- 3. Neither the name of the pfSense nor the names of its contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- specific prior written permission.
@@ -38,563 +26,433 @@
+ */
-//Set no caching
-header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
-header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
-header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
-header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
-header("Pragma: no-cache");
+global $g;
-// set page vars
+if (!is_array($config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['rule']))
+ $config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['rule'] = array();
+$a_nat = &$config['installedpackages']['snortglobal']['rule'];
-if (isset($_GET['uuid']) && isset($_GET['rdbuuid'])) {
- echo 'Error: more than one uuid';
- exit(0);
+$id = $_GET['id'];
+if (isset($_POST['id']))
+ $id = $_POST['id'];
+if (is_null($id)) {
+ header("Location: /snort/snort_interfaces.php");
+ exit;
-if (isset($_GET['uuid'])) {
- $uuid = $_GET['uuid'];
+if (isset($id) && $a_nat[$id]) {
+ $pconfig['enable'] = $a_nat[$id]['enable'];
+ $pconfig['interface'] = $a_nat[$id]['interface'];
+ $pconfig['rulesets'] = $a_nat[$id]['rulesets'];
-if (isset($_GET['rdbuuid'])) {
- $rdbuuid = $_GET['rdbuuid'];
- $ruledbname_pre1 = snortSql_fetchAllSettings('snortDB', 'SnortIfaces', 'uuid', $uuid);
- $rdbuuid = $ruledbname_pre1['ruledbname'];
+/* convert fake interfaces to real */
+$if_real = snort_get_real_interface($pconfig['interface']);
+$iface_uuid = $a_nat[$id]['uuid'];
+/* Check if the rules dir is empy if so warn the user */
+/* TODO give the user the option to delete the installed rules rules */
+if (!is_dir("/usr/local/etc/snort/snort_{$iface_uuid}_{$if_real}/rules"))
+ exec("/bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/snort/snort_{$iface_uuid}_{$if_real}/rules");
+$isrulesfolderempty = exec("ls -A /usr/local/etc/snort/snort_{$iface_uuid}_{$if_real}/rules/*.rules");
+if ($isrulesfolderempty == "") {
+ $isrulesfolderempty = exec("ls -A /usr/local/etc/snort/rules/*.rules");
+ if ($isrulesfolderempty == "") {
+ include_once("head.inc");
+ include_once("fbegin.inc");
+ echo "<body link=\"#000000\" vlink=\"#000000\" alink=\"#000000\">";
+ if($pfsense_stable == 'yes'){echo '<p class="pgtitle">' . $pgtitle . '</p>';}
+ echo "<table width=\"99%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n
+ <tr>\n
+ <td>\n";
+ $tab_array = array();
+ $tabid = 0;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Snort Interfaces"), false, "/snort/snort_interfaces.php");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("If Settings"), false, "/snort/snort_interfaces_edit.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Categories"), false, "/snort/snort_rulesets.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Rules"), true, "/snort/snort_rules.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Servers"), false, "/snort/snort_define_servers.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Preprocessors"), false, "/snort/snort_preprocessors.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Barnyard2"), false, "/snort/snort_barnyard.php?id={$id}");
+ display_top_tabs($tab_array);
+ echo "</td>\n
+ </tr>\n
+ <tr>\n
+ <td>\n
+ <div id=\"mainarea\">\n
+ <table id=\"maintable\" class=\"tabcont\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n
+ <tr>\n
+ <td>\n
+ # The rules directory is empty.\n
+ </td>\n
+ </tr>\n
+ </table>\n
+ </div>\n
+ </td>\n
+ </tr>\n
+ </table>\n
+ \n
+ </form>\n
+ \n
+ <p>\n\n";
+ echo "Please click on the Update Rules tab to install your selected rule sets.";
+ include("fend.inc");
+ echo "</body>";
+ echo "</html>";
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ /* Make sure that we have the rules */
+ mwexec("/bin/cp /usr/local/etc/snort/rules/*.rules /usr/local/etc/snort/snort_{$iface_uuid}_{$if_real}/rules", true);
+ }
-// unset Session tmp on page load
+function get_middle($source, $beginning, $ending, $init_pos) {
+ $beginning_pos = strpos($source, $beginning, $init_pos);
+ $middle_pos = $beginning_pos + strlen($beginning);
+ $ending_pos = strpos($source, $ending, $beginning_pos);
+ $middle = substr($source, $middle_pos, $ending_pos - $middle_pos);
+ return $middle;
-// list rules in the default dir
-$a_list = snortSql_fetchAllSettings('snortDBrules', 'Snortrules', 'uuid', $rdbuuid);
+function write_rule_file($content_changed, $received_file)
+ @file_put_contents($received_file, implode("\n", $content_changed));
-$snortRuleDir = '/usr/local/etc/snort/snortDBrules/DB/' . $rdbuuid;
+function load_rule_file($incoming_file)
+ //read file into string, and get filesize
+ $contents = @file_get_contents($incoming_file);
- // list rules in the default dir
- $filterDirList = array();
- $filterDirList = snortScanDirFilter($snortRuleDir . '/rules', '\.rules');
+ //split the contents of the string file into an array using the delimiter
+ return explode("\n", $contents);
- // START read rule file
- if ($_GET['openruleset']) {
- $rulefile = $_GET['openruleset'];
- }else{
- $rulefile = $filterDirList[0];
+$ruledir = "/usr/local/etc/snort/snort_{$iface_uuid}_{$if_real}/rules/";
+//$ruledir = "/usr/local/etc/snort/rules/";
+$dh = opendir($ruledir);
+while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh)))
+ //only populate this array if its a rule file
+ $isrulefile = strstr($filename, ".rules");
+ if ($isrulefile !== false)
+ $files[] = basename($filename);
+if ($_GET['openruleset'])
+ $rulefile = $_GET['openruleset'];
+ $rulefile = $ruledir.$files[0];
+//Load the rule file
+$splitcontents = load_rule_file($rulefile);
+if ($_GET['act'] == "toggle" && $_GET['ids']) {
+ $lineid= $_GET['ids'];
+ //copy rule contents from array into string
+ $tempstring = $splitcontents[$lineid];
+ //explode rule contents into an array, (delimiter is space)
+ $rule_content = explode(' ', $tempstring);
+ $findme = "# alert"; //find string for disabled alerts
+ $disabled = strstr($tempstring, $findme);
+ //if find alert is false, then rule is disabled
+ if ($disabled !== false) {
+ //rule has been enabled
+ $tempstring = substr($tempstring, 2);
+ } else
+ $tempstring = "# ". $tempstring;
+ //copy string into array for writing
+ $splitcontents[$lineid] = $tempstring;
+ //write the new .rules file
+ write_rule_file($splitcontents, $rulefile);
+ //write disable/enable sid to config.xml
+ $sid = get_middle($tempstring, 'sid:', ';', 0);
+ if (is_numeric($sid)) {
+ // rule_sid_on registers
+ if (!empty($a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_on']))
+ $a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_on'] = str_replace("||enablesid $sid", "", $a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_on']);
+ if (!empty($a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_on']))
+ $a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_off'] = str_replace("||disablesid $sid", "", $a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_off']);
+ if ($disabled === false)
+ $a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_off'] = "||disablesid $sid_off" . $a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_off'];
+ else
+ $a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_on'] = "||enablesid $sid_on" . $a_nat[$id]['rule_sid_on'];
- // path of rule file
- $workingFile = $snortRuleDir . '/rules/' . $rulefile;
-function load_rule_file($incoming_file, $splitcontents)
- $pattern = '/(^alert |^# alert )/';
- foreach ( $splitcontents as $val )
- {
- // remove whitespaces
- $rmWhitespaces = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $val);
- // filter none alerts
- if (preg_match($pattern, $rmWhitespaces))
- {
- $splitcontents2[] = $val;
- }
- }
- unset($splitcontents);
- return $splitcontents2;
+ write_config();
+ header("Location: /snort/snort_rules.php?id={$id}&openruleset={$rulefile}");
+ exit;
- // Load the rule file
- // split the contents of the string file into an array using the delimiter
- // used by rule gui edit and table build code
- if (filesize($workingFile) > 0) {
- $splitcontents = split_rule_file($workingFile);
- $splitcontents2 = load_rule_file($workingFile, $splitcontents);
- $countSig = count($splitcontents2);
- if ($countSig > 0) {
- $newFilterRuleSigArray = newFilterRuleSig($splitcontents2);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Use SESSION instead POST for security because were writing to files.
- */
- $_SESSION['snort']['tmp']['snort_rules']['dbName'] = 'snortDBrules';
- $_SESSION['snort']['tmp']['snort_rules']['dbTable'] = 'SnortruleSigs';
- $_SESSION['snort']['tmp']['snort_rules']['rdbuuid'] = $rdbuuid;
- $_SESSION['snort']['tmp']['snort_rules']['rulefile'] = $rulefile;
-// find ./ -name test.txt | xargs grep "^disablesid 127 "
- $pgtitle = "Snort: Category: rule: $rulefile";
- include("/usr/local/pkg/snort/snort_head.inc");
+$currentruleset = basename($rulefile);
-<body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC">
-<!-- loading msg -->
-<div id="loadingWaiting">
- <div class="snortModal" style="top: 200px; left: 700px;">
- <div class="snortModalTop">
- <!-- <div class="snortModalTopClose"><a href="javascript:hideLoading('#loadingWaiting');"><img src="/snort/images/close_9x9.gif" border="0" height="9" width="9"></a></div> -->
- </div>
- <div class="snortModalTitle">
- <p><img src="./images/loading.gif" /><br><br>Please Wait...</p>
- </div>
- <div>
- <p class="loadingWaitingMessage"></p>
- </div>
- </div>
-<!-- hidden div -->
-<div id="loadingRuleEditGUI">
- <div class="loadingRuleEditGUIDiv">
- <form id="iform2" action="">
- <input type="hidden" name="snortSidRuleEdit" value="1" />
- <input type="hidden" name="snortSidRuleDBuuid" value="<?=$rdbuuid;?>" /> <!-- what to do, save -->
- <input type="hidden" name="snortSidRuleFile" value="<?=$rulefile; ?>" /> <!-- what to do, save -->
- <input type="hidden" name="snortSidNum" value="" /> <!-- what to do, save -->
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="9" cellspacing="9" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <input name="save" type="submit" class="formbtn" id="save" value="Save" />
- <input type="button" class="formbtn closeRuleEditGUI" value="Close" >
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <textarea id="sidstring" name="sidstring" wrap="off" style="width: 98%; margin: 7px;" rows="1" cols="" ></textarea> <!-- SID to EDIT -->
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <textarea wrap="off" style="width: 98%; margin: 7px;" rows="<?php if(count($splitcontents) > 24){echo 24;}else{echo count($splitcontents);} ?>" cols="" disabled >
- <?php
- echo "\n";
- foreach ($splitcontents as $sidLineGui)
- echo $sidLineGui . "\n";
- ?>
- </textarea> <!-- Display rule file -->
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="9" cellspacing="9" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <input name="save" type="submit" class="formbtn" id="save" value="Save" />
- <input type="button" class="formbtn closeRuleEditGUI" value="Close" >
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- </div>
+$ifname = strtoupper($pconfig['interface']);
+$pgtitle = "Snort: $id $iface_uuid $if_real Category: $currentruleset";
-<?php include("fbegin.inc"); ?>
+<body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC">
+if ($pfsense_stable == 'yes'){echo '<p class="pgtitle">' . $pgtitle . '</p>';}
-<div class="body2"><!-- hack to fix the hardcoed fbegin link in header -->
-<div id="header-left2"><a href="../index.php" id="status-link2"><img src="./images/transparent.gif" border="0"></img></a></div>
+echo "{$snort_general_css}\n";
+<form action="snort_rules.php" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
+<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
+function go()
+ var box = document.iform.selectbox;
+ destination = box.options[box.selectedIndex].value;
+ if (destination)
+ location.href = destination;
+function popup(url)
+ params = 'width='+screen.width;
+ params += ', height='+screen.height;
+ params += ', top=0, left=0'
+ params += ', fullscreen=yes';
+ newwin=window.open(url,'windowname4', params);
+ if (window.focus) {newwin.focus()}
+ return false;
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <?php
- if (!empty($uuid)) {
- echo '
+<table style="table-layout:fixed;" width="99%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ $tab_array = array();
+ $tabid = 0;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Snort Interfaces"), false, "/snort/snort_interfaces.php");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("If Settings"), false, "/snort/snort_interfaces_edit.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Categories"), false, "/snort/snort_rulesets.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Rules"), true, "/snort/snort_rules.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Servers"), false, "/snort/snort_define_servers.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Preprocessors"), false, "/snort/snort_preprocessors.php?id={$id}");
+ $tabid++;
+ $tab_array[$tabid] = array(gettext("Barnyard2"), false, "/snort/snort_barnyard.php?id={$id}");
+ display_top_tabs($tab_array);
+ <td>
+ <div id="mainarea2">
+ <table id="maintable" class="tabcont" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <td>
- <div class="newtabmenu" style="margin: 1px 0px; width: 775px;"><!-- Tabbed bar code-->
- <ul class="newtabmenu">
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_interfaces.php"><span>Snort Interfaces</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_interfaces_edit.php?uuid=' . $uuid . '"><span>If Settings</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_rulesets.php?uuid=' . $uuid . '"><span>Categories</span></a></li>
- <li class="newtabmenu_active"><a href="/snort/snort_rules.php?uuid=' . $uuid . '"><span>Rules</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_rulesets_ips.php?uuid=' . $uuid . '"><span>Ruleset Ips</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_define_servers.php?uuid=' . $uuid . '"><span>Servers</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_preprocessors.php?uuid=' . $uuid . '"><span>Preprocessors</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_barnyard.php?uuid=' . $uuid . '"><span>Barnyard2</span></a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
+ <td class="listt" colspan="8">
+ <br>Category:
+ <select id="selectbox" name="selectbox" class="formfld" onChange="go()">
+ <?php
+ foreach ($files as $value) {
+ echo "<option value='?id={$id}&openruleset={$ruledir}{$value}' ";
+ if ($value === $currentruleset)
+ echo "selected";
+ echo ">{$value}</option>\n";
+ }
+ ?>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr id="frheader">
+ <td width="3%" class="list">&nbsp;</td>
+ <td width="5%" class="listhdr">SID</td>
+ <td width="6%" class="listhdrr">Proto</td>
+ <td width="15%" class="listhdrr">Source</td>
+ <td width="10%" class="listhdrr">Port</td>
+ <td width="15%" class="listhdrr">Destination</td>
+ <td width="10%" class="listhdrr">Port</td>
+ <td width="32%" class="listhdrr">Message</td>
+ </tr>
+ <?php
+ foreach ( $splitcontents as $counter => $value )
+ {
+ $disabled = "False";
+ $comments = "False";
+ $findme = "# alert"; //find string for disabled alerts
+ $disabled_pos = strstr($value, $findme);
+ $counter2 = 1;
+ $sid = get_middle($value, 'sid:', ';', 0);
+ //check to see if the sid is numberical
+ if (!is_numeric($sid))
+ continue;
+ //if find alert is false, then rule is disabled
+ if ($disabled_pos !== false){
+ $counter2 = $counter2+1;
+ $textss = "<span class=\"gray\">";
+ $textse = "</span>";
+ $iconb = "icon_block_d.gif";
+ $ischecked = "";
+ } else {
+ $textss = $textse = "";
+ $iconb = "icon_block.gif";
+ $ischecked = "checked";
+ }
+ $rule_content = explode(' ', $value);
+ $protocol = $rule_content[$counter2];//protocol location
+ $counter2++;
+ $source = substr($rule_content[$counter2], 0, 20) . "...";//source location
+ $counter2++;
+ $source_port = $rule_content[$counter2];//source port location
+ $counter2 = $counter2+2;
+ $destination = substr($rule_content[$counter2], 0, 20) . "...";//destination location
+ $counter2++;
+ $destination_port = $rule_content[$counter2];//destination port location
+ if (strstr($value, 'msg: "'))
+ $message = get_middle($value, 'msg: "', '";', 0);
+ else if (strstr($value, 'msg:"'))
+ $message = get_middle($value, 'msg:"', '";', 0);
+ echo "<tr><td class=\"listt\"> $textss\n";
+ ?>
+ <a href="?id=<?=$id;?>&openruleset=<?=$rulefile;?>&act=toggle&ids=<?=$counter;?>"><img
+ src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/<?=$iconb;?>"
+ width="10" height="10" border="0"
+ title="click to toggle enabled/disabled status"></a>
+ <!-- <input name="enable" type="checkbox" value="yes" <?= $ischecked; ?> onClick="enable_change(false)"> -->
+ <!-- TODO: add checkbox and save so that that disabling is nicer -->
+ <?php
+ echo "$textse
+ </td>
+ <td width='5%' class=\"listlr\">
+ $textss
+ $sid
+ $textse
+ </td>
+ <td width='6%' class=\"listlr\">
+ $textss
+ $protocol";
+ echo "$textse
+ </td>
+ <td width='20%' class=\"listlr\">
+ $textss
+ $source
+ $textse
+ </td>
+ <td width='5%' class=\"listlr\">
+ $textss
+ $source_port
+ $textse
+ </td>
+ <td width='20%' class=\"listlr\">
+ $textss
+ $destination
+ $textse
+ </td>
+ <td width='5%' class=\"listlr\">
+ $textss
+ $destination_port
+ $textse
+ </td>
+ <td width='30%' class=\"listbg\"><font color=\"white\">
+ $textss
+ $message
+ $textse
+ </td>";
+ ?>
+ <td valign="middle" nowrap class="list">
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="javascript: void(0)"
+ onclick="popup('snort_rules_edit.php?id=<?=$id;?>&openruleset=<?=$rulefile;?>&ids=<?=$counter;?>')"><img
+ src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_e.gif"
+ title="edit rule" width="17" height="17" border="0"></a></td>
+ <!-- Codes by Quackit.com -->
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <?php
+ }
+ ?>
+ </table>
- ';
- }else{
- echo '
- <td>
- <div class="newtabmenu" style="margin: 1px 0px; width: 775px;"><!-- Tabbed bar code-->
- <ul class="newtabmenu">
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_interfaces.php"><span>Snort Interfaces</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_interfaces_global.php"><span>Global Settings</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_download_updates.php"><span>Updates</span></a></li>
- <li class="newtabmenu_active"><a href="/snort/snort_interfaces_rules.php"><span>RulesDB</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_alerts.php"><span>Alerts</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_blocked.php"><span>Blocked</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_interfaces_whitelist.php"><span>Whitelists</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_interfaces_suppress.php"><span>Suppress</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_help_info.php"><span>Help</span></a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
+ <td class="listlr">
+ <?php echo " <strong><span class='red'>There are {$counter} rules in this category. <br/><br/></span></strong>"; ?>
- <div class="newtabmenu" style="margin: 1px 0px; width: 775px;"><!-- Tabbed bar code-->
- <ul class="newtabmenu">
- <li class="hide_newtabmenu"><a href="/snort/snort_interfaces_rules_edit.php?rdbuuid=' . $rdbuuid . '"><span>Rules DB Edit</span></a></li>
- <li class="hide_newtabmenu"><a href="/snort/snort_rulesets.php?rdbuuid=' . $rdbuuid . '"><span>Categories</span></a></li>
- <li class="hide_newtabmenu newtabmenu_active"><a href="/snort/snort_rules.php?rdbuuid=' . $rdbuuid . '"><span>Rules</span></a></li>
- <li><a href="/snort/snort_rulesets_ips.php?rdbuuid=' . $rdbuuid . '"><span>Ruleset Ips</span></a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- ';
- }
- ?>
- <tr>
- <td id="tdbggrey">
- <div style="width:780px; margin-left: auto ; margin-right: auto ; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;">
- <!-- START MAIN AREA -->
- <!-- start Interface Satus -->
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr id="maintable77" >
- <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic2">
- Category:
- <select name="selectbox" class="formfld" >
- <?php
- if(isset($_GET['uuid'])) {
- $urlUuid = "&uuid=$uuid";
- }
- if(isset($_GET['rdbuuid'])) {
- $urlUuid = "&rdbuuid=$rdbuuid";
- }
- $i=0;
- foreach ($filterDirList as $value)
- {
- $selectedruleset = '';
- if ($value === $rulefile) {
- $selectedruleset = 'selected';
- }
- echo "\n" . '<option value="?&openruleset=' . $ruledir . $value . $urlUuid . '" ' . $selectedruleset . ' >' . $value . '</option>' . "\r";
- $i++;
- }
- ?>
- </select>
- There are <?=$countSig; ?> rules in this category.
- </td>
- <td width="6%" colspan="2" valign="middle" class="listtopic3" >
- <a href="snort_interfaces_edit.php?uuid=<?=$new_ruleUUID;?>">
- <img style="padding-left:3px;" src="/themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_plus.gif" width="17" height="17" border="0" title="add rule">
- </a>
- </td>
+ <table class="tabcont" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="16"><img
+ src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_block.gif"
+ width="11" height="11"></td>
+ <td>Rule Enabled</td>
- </table>
- <!-- Save all inputs -->
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <input id="select_all" type="button" class="formbtn" value="Select All" >
- <input id="deselect_all" type="button" class="formbtn" value="Deselect All" >
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <!-- start User Interface -->
- <form id="iform" action="">
- <input type="hidden" name="snortSaveRuleSets" value="1" /> <!-- what to do, save -->
- <input type="hidden" name="ifaceTab" value="snort_rules" /> <!-- what interface tab -->
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr id="maintable77" >
- <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Snort Signatures:</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td><img
+ src="../themes/<?= $g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_block_d.gif"
+ width="11" height="11"></td>
+ <td nowrap>Rule Disabled</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <!-- TODO: add save and cancel for checkbox options -->
+ <!-- <td><pre><input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="Save"> <input type="button" class="formbtn" value="Cancel" onclick="history.back()"><pre></td> -->
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="10">
+ <p><!--<strong><span class="red">Warning:<br/> </span></strong>Editing these r</p>-->
+ </td>
- </table>
- <table id="mainCreateTable" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr id="frheader" >
- <td class="listhdrr2">On</td>
- <td class="listhdrr2">Sid</td>
- <td class="listhdrr2">Proto</td>
- <td class="listhdrr2">Src</td>
- <td class="listhdrr2">Port</td>
- <td class="listhdrr2">Dst</td>
- <td class="listhdrr2">Port</td>
- <td class="listhdrr2">Message</td>
- <td class="listhdrr2">&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <!-- START javascript sid loop here -->
- <tbody class="rulesetloopblock">
- </tbody>
- <!-- STOP javascript sid loop here -->
- </tr>
- </table>
- <br>
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="Save">
- <input id="cancel" type="button" class="formbtn" value="Cancel">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </form>
- <br>
- <!-- stop snortsam -->
- <!-- STOP MAIN AREA -->
- </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
- </tr>
-<!-- start info box -->
-<div style="width:790px; background-color: #dddddd;" id="mainarea4">
-<div style="width:780px; margin-left: auto ; margin-right: auto ; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;">
-<table class="vncell2" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- <tr >
- <td width="100%">
- <span class="red"><strong>Note:</strong></span> <br>
- This is the <strong>Snort Rule Signature Viewer</strong>.
- Please make sure not to add a <strong>whitespace</strong> before <strong>alert</strong> or <strong>#alert</strong>.
- <br>
- <br>
- <span class="red"><strong>Warning:</strong></span>
- <br>
- <strong>New settings will not take effect until interface restart.</strong>
- <br><br>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-//prepare the form when the DOM is ready
-jQuery(document).ready(function() {
- // NOTE: needs to be watched
- // change url on selected dropdown rule
- jQuery('select[name=selectbox]').change(function() {
- window.location.replace(jQuery(this).val());
- });
- /*
- * NOTE:
- * I could have used a php loop to build the table but I wanted to see if off loading to client is faster.
- * Seems to be faster on embeded systems with low specs. On higher end systems there is no difference that I can see.
- * If Json string is to long browsers start asking to terminate javascript.
- * FIX:
- * Use julienlecomte()net/blog/2007/10/28/, the more reading I do about this subject it seems that off loading to a client is not recomended.
- */
- if (!empty($newFilterRuleSigArray))
- {
- $countSigList = count($newFilterRuleSigArray);
- echo "\n";
- echo 'var snortObjlist = [';
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($newFilterRuleSigArray as $val3)
- {
- $i++;
- // NOTE: escapeJsonString; foward slash has added spaces on each side, ie and chrome were giving issues with tablw widths
- if( $i !== $countSigList ) {
- echo '{"sid":"' . $val3['sid'] . '","enable":"' . $val3['enable'] . '","proto":"' . $val3['proto'] . '","src":"' . $val3['src'] . '","srcport":"' . $val3['srcport'] . '","dst":"' . $val3['dst'] . '", "dstport":"' . $val3['dstport'] . '","msg":"' . escapeJsonString($val3['msg']) . '"},';
- }else{
- echo '{"sid":"' . $val3['sid'] . '","enable":"' . $val3['enable'] . '","proto":"' . $val3['proto'] . '","src":"' . $val3['src'] . '","srcport":"' . $val3['srcport'] . '","dst":"' . $val3['dst'] . '", "dstport":"' . $val3['dstport'] . '","msg":"' . escapeJsonString($val3['msg']) . '"}';
- }
- }
- echo '];' . "\n";
- }
- if (!empty($countSig)) {
- echo 'var countRowAppend = ' . $countSig . ';' . "\n";
- }else{
- echo 'var countRowAppend = 0;' . "\n";
- }
-if(typeof escapeHtmlEntities == 'undefined') {
- escapeHtmlEntities = function (text) {
- return text.replace(/[\u00A0-\u2666<>\&]/g, function(c) { return '&' +
- escapeHtmlEntities.entityTable[c.charCodeAt(0)] || '#'+c.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; });
- };
- // all HTML4 entities as defined here: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html
- // added: amp, lt, gt, quot and apos
- escapeHtmlEntities.entityTable = { 34 : 'quot', 38 : 'amp', 39 : 'apos', 47 : 'slash', 60 : 'lt', 62 : 'gt', 160 : 'nbsp', 161 : 'iexcl', 162 : 'cent', 163 : 'pound', 164 : 'curren', 165 : 'yen', 166 : 'brvbar', 167 : 'sect', 168 : 'uml', 169 : 'copy', 170 : 'ordf', 171 : 'laquo', 172 : 'not', 173 : 'shy', 174 : 'reg', 175 : 'macr', 176 : 'deg', 177 : 'plusmn', 178 : 'sup2', 179 : 'sup3', 180 : 'acute', 181 : 'micro', 182 : 'para', 183 : 'middot', 184 : 'cedil', 185 : 'sup1', 186 : 'ordm', 187 : 'raquo', 188 : 'frac14', 189 : 'frac12', 190 : 'frac34', 191 : 'iquest', 192 : 'Agrave', 193 : 'Aacute', 194 : 'Acirc', 195 : 'Atilde', 196 : 'Auml', 197 : 'Aring', 198 : 'AElig', 199 : 'Ccedil', 200 : 'Egrave', 201 : 'Eacute', 202 : 'Ecirc', 203 : 'Euml', 204 : 'Igrave', 205 : 'Iacute', 206 : 'Icirc', 207 : 'Iuml', 208 : 'ETH', 209 : 'Ntilde', 210 : 'Ograve', 211 : 'Oacute', 212 : 'Ocirc', 213 : 'Otilde', 214 : 'Ouml', 215 : 'times', 216 : 'Oslash', 217 : 'Ugrave', 218 : 'Uacute', 219 : 'Ucirc', 220 : 'Uuml', 221 : 'Yacute', 222 : 'THORN', 223 : 'szlig', 224 : 'agrave', 225 : 'aacute', 226 : 'acirc', 227 : 'atilde', 228 : 'auml', 229 : 'aring', 230 : 'aelig', 231 : 'ccedil', 232 : 'egrave', 233 : 'eacute', 234 : 'ecirc', 235 : 'euml', 236 : 'igrave', 237 : 'iacute', 238 : 'icirc', 239 : 'iuml', 240 : 'eth', 241 : 'ntilde', 242 : 'ograve', 243 : 'oacute', 244 : 'ocirc', 245 : 'otilde', 246 : 'ouml', 247 : 'divide', 248 : 'oslash', 249 : 'ugrave', 250 : 'uacute', 251 : 'ucirc', 252 : 'uuml', 253 : 'yacute', 254 : 'thorn', 255 : 'yuml', 402 : 'fnof', 913 : 'Alpha', 914 : 'Beta', 915 : 'Gamma', 916 : 'Delta', 917 : 'Epsilon', 918 : 'Zeta', 919 : 'Eta', 920 : 'Theta', 921 : 'Iota', 922 : 'Kappa', 923 : 'Lambda', 924 : 'Mu', 925 : 'Nu', 926 : 'Xi', 927 : 'Omicron', 928 : 'Pi', 929 : 'Rho', 931 : 'Sigma', 932 : 'Tau', 933 : 'Upsilon', 934 : 'Phi', 935 : 'Chi', 936 : 'Psi', 937 : 'Omega', 945 : 'alpha', 946 : 'beta', 947 : 'gamma', 948 : 'delta', 949 : 'epsilon', 950 : 'zeta', 951 : 'eta', 952 : 'theta', 953 : 'iota', 954 : 'kappa', 955 : 'lambda', 956 : 'mu', 957 : 'nu', 958 : 'xi', 959 : 'omicron', 960 : 'pi', 961 : 'rho', 962 : 'sigmaf', 963 : 'sigma', 964 : 'tau', 965 : 'upsilon', 966 : 'phi', 967 : 'chi', 968 : 'psi', 969 : 'omega', 977 : 'thetasym', 978 : 'upsih', 982 : 'piv', 8226 : 'bull', 8230 : 'hellip', 8242 : 'prime', 8243 : 'Prime', 8254 : 'oline', 8260 : 'frasl', 8472 : 'weierp', 8465 : 'image', 8476 : 'real', 8482 : 'trade', 8501 : 'alefsym', 8592 : 'larr', 8593 : 'uarr', 8594 : 'rarr', 8595 : 'darr', 8596 : 'harr', 8629 : 'crarr', 8656 : 'lArr', 8657 : 'uArr', 8658 : 'rArr', 8659 : 'dArr', 8660 : 'hArr', 8704 : 'forall', 8706 : 'part', 8707 : 'exist', 8709 : 'empty', 8711 : 'nabla', 8712 : 'isin', 8713 : 'notin', 8715 : 'ni', 8719 : 'prod', 8721 : 'sum', 8722 : 'minus', 8727 : 'lowast', 8730 : 'radic', 8733 : 'prop', 8734 : 'infin', 8736 : 'ang', 8743 : 'and', 8744 : 'or', 8745 : 'cap', 8746 : 'cup', 8747 : 'int', 8756 : 'there4', 8764 : 'sim', 8773 : 'cong', 8776 : 'asymp', 8800 : 'ne', 8801 : 'equiv', 8804 : 'le', 8805 : 'ge', 8834 : 'sub', 8835 : 'sup', 8836 : 'nsub', 8838 : 'sube', 8839 : 'supe', 8853 : 'oplus', 8855 : 'otimes', 8869 : 'perp', 8901 : 'sdot', 8968 : 'lceil', 8969 : 'rceil', 8970 : 'lfloor', 8971 : 'rfloor', 9001 : 'lang', 9002 : 'rang', 9674 : 'loz', 9824 : 'spades', 9827 : 'clubs', 9829 : 'hearts', 9830 : 'diams', 34 : 'quot', 38 : 'amp', 60 : 'lt', 62 : 'gt', 338 : 'OElig', 339 : 'oelig', 352 : 'Scaron', 353 : 'scaron', 376 : 'Yuml', 710 : 'circ', 732 : 'tilde', 8194 : 'ensp', 8195 : 'emsp', 8201 : 'thinsp', 8204 : 'zwnj', 8205 : 'zwj', 8206 : 'lrm', 8207 : 'rlm', 8211 : 'ndash', 8212 : 'mdash', 8216 : 'lsquo', 8217 : 'rsquo', 8218 : 'sbquo', 8220 : 'ldquo', 8221 : 'rdquo', 8222 : 'bdquo', 8224 : 'dagger', 8225 : 'Dagger', 8240 : 'permil', 8249 : 'lsaquo', 8250 : 'rsaquo', 8364 : 'euro' };
- // if rowcount is not empty do this
- if (countRowAppend > 0){
- // if rowcount is more than 300
- if (countRowAppend > 200){
- // call to please wait
- showLoading('#loadingWaiting');
- }
- // Break up append row adds by chunks of 300
- // NOTE: ie9 is still giving me issues on deleted.rules 6000 sigs. I should break up the json code above into smaller parts.
- incrementallyProcess(function (i){
- // loop code goes in here
- //console.log('loop: ', i);
- if (isEven(i) === true){
- var rowIsEvenOdd = 'odd_ruleset2';
- }else{
- var rowIsEvenOdd = 'even_ruleset2';
- }
- if (snortObjlist[i].enable === 'on'){
- var rulesetChecked = 'checked';
- }else{
- var rulesetChecked = '';
- }
- jQuery('.rulesetloopblock').append(
- "\n" + '<tr valign="top" id="fr0">' + "\n" +
- '<td class="' + rowIsEvenOdd + '">' + "\n" +
- '<input class="domecheck" type="checkbox" name="filenamcheckbox2[]" value="' + snortObjlist[i].sid + '" ' + rulesetChecked + ' >' + "\n" +
- '</td>' + "\n" +
- '<td class="' + rowIsEvenOdd + '" id="frd0" >' + snortObjlist[i].sid + '</td>' + "\n" +
- '<td class="' + rowIsEvenOdd + '" id="frd0" >' + snortObjlist[i].proto + '</td>' + "\n" +
- '<td class="' + rowIsEvenOdd + '" id="frd0" >' + snortObjlist[i].src + '</td>' + "\n" +
- '<td class="' + rowIsEvenOdd + '" id="frd0" >' + snortObjlist[i].srcport + '</td>' + "\n" +
- '<td class="' + rowIsEvenOdd + '" id="frd0" >' + snortObjlist[i].dst + '</td>' + "\n" +
- '<td class="' + rowIsEvenOdd + '" id="frd0" >' + snortObjlist[i].dstport + '</td>' + "\n" +
- '<td class="listbg" id="frd0" ><font color="white">' + escapeHtmlEntities(snortObjlist[i].msg) + '</font></td>' + "\n" +
- '<td class="' + rowIsEvenOdd+ '">' + "\n" +
- '<img id="' + snortObjlist[i].sid + '" class="icon_click showeditrulegui" src="/themes/<?=$g['theme']; ?>/images/icons/icon_e.gif" width="17" height="17" border="0" title="edit rule">' + "\n" +
- '</td>' + "\n" +
- '</tr>' + "\n"
- );
- },
- snortObjlist, // Object to work with the case Json object
- 500, // chunk size
- 200, // how many secs to wait
- function (){
- // things that happen after the processing is done go here
- // console.log('done!');
- // if rowcount is more than 300
- if (countRowAppend > 200){
- // call to please wait
- hideLoading('#loadingWaiting');
- }
- });
- } // end of if stopRowAppend
- // On click show rule edit GUI
- jQuery('.showeditrulegui').live('click', function(){
- // Get sid
- jQuery.getJSON('/snort/snort_json_get.php',
- {
- "snortGetSidString": "1",
- "snortIface": "<?=$uuid . '_' . $a_list['interface']; ?>",
- "snortRuleFile": "<?=$rulefile; ?>",
- "sid": jQuery(this).attr('id')
- },
- function(data){
- jQuery("textarea#sidstring").val(data.sidstring); // add string to textarea
- jQuery("input[name=snortSidNum]").val(data.sid); // add sid to input
- showLoading('#loadingRuleEditGUI');
- });
- });
- jQuery('.closeRuleEditGUI').live('click', function(){
- hideLoading('#loadingRuleEditGUI');
- });
-}); // end of document ready
-<!-- stop info box -->
-<!-- footer do not touch below -->
-echo $snort_custom_rnd_box;
+<?php include("fend.inc"); ?>