path: root/config/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.inc
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Diffstat (limited to 'config/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.inc')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/config/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.inc b/config/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.inc
index bc2ccfe1..d612dbf1 100644
--- a/config/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.inc
+++ b/config/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.inc
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ function pfb_global() {
$pfb['aliasdir'] = "{$g['vardb_path']}/aliastables";
$pfb['logdir'] = "{$g['varlog_path']}/pfblockerng";
$pfb['etdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/ET";
- $pfb['ccdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/cc";
$pfb['nativedir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/native";
$pfb['denydir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/deny";
$pfb['matchdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/match";
$pfb['permitdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/permit";
$pfb['origdir'] = "{$pfb['dbdir']}/original";
+ $pfb['ccdir'] = "/usr/pbi/pfblockerng-" . php_uname("m") . "/share/GeoIP";
# Create Folders if not Exist.
$folder_array = array ("{$pfb['dbdir']}","{$pfb['logdir']}","{$pfb['ccdir']}","{$pfb['origdir']}","{$pfb['nativedir']}","{$pfb['denydir']}","{$pfb['matchdir']}","{$pfb['permitdir']}","{$pfb['aliasdir']}");
@@ -240,6 +240,101 @@ function pfb_create_suppression_file() {
+// IPv6 Range to CIDR function used courtesey from:
+// https://github.com/stilez/pfsense-leases/blob/50cc0fa81dba5fe91bcddaea016c245d1b8479cc/etc/inc/util.inc
+function ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp2($ip1, $ip2) {
+ if (is_ipaddrv4($ip1) && is_ipaddrv4($ip2)) {
+ $proto = 'ipv4'; // for clarity
+ $bits = 32;
+ $ip1bin = decbin(ip2long32($ip1));
+ $ip2bin = decbin(ip2long32($ip2));
+ } elseif (is_ipaddrv6($ip1) && is_ipaddrv6($ip2)) {
+ $proto = 'ipv6';
+ $bits = 128;
+ $ip1bin = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip1);
+ $ip2bin = Net_IPv6::_ip2Bin($ip2);
+ } else
+ return array();
+ // it's *crucial* that binary strings are guaranteed the expected length; do this for certainty even though for IPv6 it's redundant
+ $ip1bin = str_pad($ip1bin, $bits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
+ $ip2bin = str_pad($ip2bin, $bits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
+ if ($ip1bin === $ip2bin)
+ return array($ip1 . '/' . $bits);
+ if (strcmp($ip1bin, $ip2bin) > 0)
+ list ($ip1bin, $ip2bin) = array($ip2bin, $ip1bin); // swap contents of ip1 <= ip2
+ $rangesubnets = array();
+ $netsize = 0;
+ do {
+ // at loop start, $ip1 is guaranteed strictly less than $ip2 (important for edge case trapping and preventing accidental binary wrapround)
+ // which means the assignments $ip1 += 1 and $ip2 -= 1 will always be "binary-wrapround-safe"
+ // step #1 if start ip (as shifted) ends in any '1's, then it must have a single cidr to itself (any cidr would include the '0' below it)
+ if (substr($ip1bin, -1, 1) == '1') {
+ // the start ip must be in a separate one-IP cidr range
+ $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip1bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize);
+ $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize;
+ $n = strrpos($ip1bin, '0'); //can't be all 1's
+ $ip1bin = ($n == 0 ? '' : substr($ip1bin, 0, $n)) . '1' . str_repeat('0', $bits - $n - 1); // BINARY VERSION OF $ip1 += 1
+ }
+ // step #2, if end ip (as shifted) ends in any zeros then that must have a cidr to itself (as cidr cant span the 1->0 gap)
+ if (substr($ip2bin, -1, 1) == '0') {
+ // the end ip must be in a separate one-IP cidr range
+ $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip2bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize);
+ $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize;
+ $n = strrpos($ip2bin, '1'); //can't be all 0's
+ $ip2bin = ($n == 0 ? '' : substr($ip2bin, 0, $n)) . '0' . str_repeat('1', $bits - $n - 1); // BINARY VERSION OF $ip2 -= 1
+ // already checked for the edge case where end = start+1 and start ends in 0x1, above, so it's safe
+ }
+ // this is the only edge case arising from increment/decrement.
+ // it happens if the range at start of loop is exactly 2 adjacent ips, that spanned the 1->0 gap. (we will have enumerated both by now)
+ if (strcmp($ip2bin, $ip1bin) < 0)
+ continue;
+ // step #3 the start and end ip MUST now end in '0's and '1's respectively
+ // so we have a non-trivial range AND the last N bits are no longer important for CIDR purposes.
+ $shift = $bits - max(strrpos($ip1bin, '0'), strrpos($ip2bin, '1')); // num of low bits which are '0' in ip1 and '1' in ip2
+ $ip1bin = str_repeat('0', $shift) . substr($ip1bin, 0, $bits - $shift);
+ $ip2bin = str_repeat('0', $shift) . substr($ip2bin, 0, $bits - $shift);
+ $netsize += $shift;
+ if ($ip1bin === $ip2bin) {
+ // we're done.
+ $new_subnet_ip = substr($ip1bin, $netsize, $bits - $netsize) . str_repeat('0', $netsize);
+ $rangesubnets[$new_subnet_ip] = $bits - $netsize;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // at this point there's still a remaining range, and either startip ends with '1', or endip ends with '0'. So repeat cycle.
+ } while (strcmp($ip1bin, $ip2bin) < 0);
+ // subnets are ordered by bit size. Re sort by IP ("naturally") and convert back to IPv4/IPv6
+ ksort($rangesubnets, SORT_STRING);
+ $out = array();
+ foreach ($rangesubnets as $ip => $netmask) {
+ if ($proto == 'ipv4') {
+ $i = str_split($ip, 8);
+ $out[] = implode('.', array( bindec($i[0]),bindec($i[1]),bindec($i[2]),bindec($i[3]))) . '/' . $netmask;
+ } else
+ $out[] = Net_IPv6::compress(Net_IPv6::_bin2Ip($ip)) . '/' . $netmask;
+ }
+ return $out;
# Main pfBlockerNG Function
function sync_package_pfblockerng($cron = "") {
@@ -362,14 +457,15 @@ function sync_package_pfblockerng($cron = "") {
# Configure ARRAYS #
- $continents = array ( "Africa" => "pfB_Africa",
- "Antartica" => "pfB_Antartica",
- "Asia" => "pfB_Asia",
- "Europe" => "pfB_Europe",
- "North America" => "pfB_NAmerica",
- "Oceania" => "pfB_Oceania",
- "South America" => "pfB_SAmerica",
- "Top Spammers" => "pfB_Top"
+ $continents = array ( "Africa" => "pfB_Africa",
+ "Antartica" => "pfB_Antartica",
+ "Asia" => "pfB_Asia",
+ "Europe" => "pfB_Europe",
+ "North America" => "pfB_NAmerica",
+ "Oceania" => "pfB_Oceania",
+ "South America" => "pfB_SAmerica",
+ "Top Spammers" => "pfB_Top",
+ "Proxy and Satellite" => "pfB_PS"
#create rules vars and arrays
@@ -1097,16 +1193,16 @@ function sync_package_pfblockerng($cron = "") {
$log_tab = "\t\t";
- # Collect Active Alias List (Used for pfctl Update when 'Reputation' is enabled.
- $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$alias}";
// Empty Header Field Validation Check
- if (empty($header_url)) {
- $log = "\n [ {$row['url']} ] {$log_tab} Header Field cannot be Empty. *Skipping* \n";
+ if (empty($header_url) || preg_match("/\W/",$header_url)) {
+ $log = "\n [ {$row['url']} ]\n ** TERMINATED - Header contains Blank/International/Special or Spaces\n";
+ # Collect Active Alias List (Used for pfctl Update when 'Reputation' is enabled.
+ $pfb_alias_lists_all[] = "{$alias}";
if (file_exists($pfbfolder . '/' . $header_url . '.txt') && $pfb['reuse'] == "") {
if ($row['state'] == "Hold") {
$log = "\n[ {$header_url} ] {$log_tab} Static Hold [ NOW ]\n";
@@ -1280,7 +1376,7 @@ function sync_package_pfblockerng($cron = "") {
foreach ($url_list as $line) {
# Network range
if (preg_match($pfb['range'],$line,$matches)) {
- $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array($matches[1],$matches[2]);
+ $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp2($matches[1],$matches[2]);
if (!empty($a_cidr)) {
foreach ($a_cidr as $cidr) {
$new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg,'',$cidr) . "\n";
@@ -1498,7 +1594,7 @@ function sync_package_pfblockerng($cron = "") {
# Network range
elseif (preg_match($pfb['range'],$line,$matches)) {
- $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array($matches[1],$matches[2]);
+ $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array_temp2($matches[1],$matches[2]);
if (!empty($a_cidr)) {
foreach ($a_cidr as $cidr) {
$new_file .= preg_replace($pfb_ipreg, '',$cidr) . "\n";
@@ -2235,12 +2331,19 @@ function pfblockerng_php_install_command() {
global $config,$pfb;
+ // Remove previously used CC folder location if exists
+ @rmdir_recursive("{$pfb['dbdir']}/cc");
# Uncompress Country Code File and delete Archive after extraction.
exec("cd /{$pfb['ccdir']}; /usr/bin/tar -jxvf {$pfb['ccdir']}/countrycodes.tar.bz2");
# Download MaxMind Files and Create Country Code files and Build Continent XML Files
update_output_window(gettext("Downloading MaxMind Country Databases. This may take a minute..."));
exec("/bin/sh /usr/local/pkg/pfblockerng/geoipupdate.sh all >> {$pfb['geolog']} 2>&1");
+ @rename("{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIP.dat", "{$pfb['ccdir']}/GeoIP.dat");
+ @rename("{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPv6.dat", "{$pfb['ccdir']}/GeoIPv6.dat");
update_output_window(gettext("MaxMind Country Database downloads completed..."));
update_output_window(gettext("Converting MaxMind Country Databases for pfBlockerNG. This may take a few minutes..."));
@@ -2248,6 +2351,12 @@ function pfblockerng_php_install_command() {
update_output_window(gettext("Completed Creating pfBlockerNG Continenet XML Files..."));
+ // Remove Original Maxmind Database Files
+ @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip");
+ @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv");
+ @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/GeoIPv6.csv");
+ @unlink_if_exists("{$pfb['dbdir']}/country_continent.csv");
# Add Widget to Dashboard
update_output_window(gettext("Adding pfBlockerNG Widget to Dashboard."));
if ($pfb['keep'] == "on" && !empty($pfb['widgets'])) {
@@ -2312,6 +2421,8 @@ function pfblockerng_php_deinstall_command() {
if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngtopspammers']))
+ if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite']))
+ unset($config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngproxyandsatellite']);
# Remove Widget (code from Snort deinstall)