path: root/packages/freenas/www/services_nfs.php
diff options
authorDaniel Stefan Haischt <dsh@pfsense.org>2007-01-21 00:06:40 +0000
committerDaniel Stefan Haischt <dsh@pfsense.org>2007-01-21 00:06:40 +0000
commita4f7ab6ec229d15aa6b7606516090b73ba50ff2a (patch)
treeff18ccf1b6390df0a0c18048a0b20605d822ae66 /packages/freenas/www/services_nfs.php
parent7dc2b787ba8f5380774a00d10a0c75a4005f01be (diff)
* results of a coding binge ...
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/freenas/www/services_nfs.php')
1 files changed, 621 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/packages/freenas/www/services_nfs.php b/packages/freenas/www/services_nfs.php
index 092f71a6..ea5bbf92 100644
--- a/packages/freenas/www/services_nfs.php
+++ b/packages/freenas/www/services_nfs.php
@@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ if (!is_array($freenas_config['nfs']))
$pconfig['enable'] = isset($freenas_config['nfs']['enable']);
$pconfig['mapall'] = $freenas_config['nfs']['mapall'];
-list($pconfig['network'],$pconfig['network_subnet']) =
- explode('/', $freenas_config['nfs']['nfsnetwork']);
+$pconfig['bindto'] = $freenas_config['nfs']['bindto'];
if (! empty($_POST))
@@ -68,24 +66,29 @@ if (! empty($_POST))
$pconfig = $_POST;
/* input validation */
- $reqdfields = explode(" ", "network network_subnet");
- $reqdfieldsn = explode(",", "Destination network,Destination network bit count");
+ $reqdfields = explode(" ", "authnetworks bindto");
+ $reqdfieldsn = explode(",", "Destination network, IP address to bind to");
do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, &$input_errors);
- if (($_POST['network'] && !is_ipaddr($_POST['network']))) {
- $error_bucket[] = array("error" => gettext("A valid network must be specified."),
- "field" => "network");
- }
- if (($_POST['network_subnet'] && !is_numeric($_POST['network_subnet']))) {
- $error_bucket[] = array("error" => gettext("A valid network bit count must be specified."),
- "field" => "network_subnet");
+ if (isset($_POST['authnetworks']) && is_array($_POST['authnetworks'])) {
+ foreach ($_POST['authnetworks'] as $netel) {
+ list($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet']) = explode('/', $netel);
+ if (($_POST['network'] && !is_ipaddr($_POST['network']))) {
+ $error_bucket[] = array("error" => gettext("A valid network must be specified."),
+ "field" => "network");
+ }
+ if (($_POST['network_subnet'] && !is_numeric($_POST['network_subnet']))) {
+ $error_bucket[] = array("error" => gettext("A valid network bit count must be specified."),
+ "field" => "network_subnet");
+ }
+ $osn['nfsnetwork'][] = gen_subnet($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet']) . "/" . $_POST['network_subnet'];
+ }
- $osn = gen_subnet($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet']) . "/" . $_POST['network_subnet'];
if (is_array($error_bucket))
foreach($error_bucket as $elem)
$input_errors[] =& $elem["error"];
@@ -98,9 +101,10 @@ if (! empty($_POST))
if (!$input_errors)
+ $freenas_config['nfs'] = $osn;
$freenas_config['nfs']['enable'] = $_POST['enable'] ? true : false;
$freenas_config['nfs']['mapall'] = $_POST['mapall'];
- $freenas_config['nfs']['nfsnetwork'] = $osn;
+ $freenas_config['nfs']['bindto'] = $_POST['bindto'];
$retval = 0;
@@ -123,9 +127,537 @@ include("head.inc");
/* put your custom HTML head content here */
/* using some of the $pfSenseHead function calls */
+$addressTransString = gettext("Address");
+$plusimgDescTransString = gettext("add to network list");
+$minusimgDescTransString = gettext("remove from network list");
+$currentnetTransString = gettext("Current networks");
+$networksTypehintTransString = gettext("Network that is authorised to access NFS shares");
+$networkCount = count($freenas_config['nfs']['nfsnetwork']);
+$generatedWANSubnet = gen_subnet($config['interfaces']['wan']['ipaddr'],
+ $config['interfaces']['wan']['subnet']);
+$generatedLANSubnet = gen_subnet($config['interfaces']['lan']['ipaddr'],
+ $config['interfaces']['lan']['subnet']);
$jscriptstr = <<<EOD
<script type="text/javascript">
+function network_exists(myValue) {
+ for (i = 0; i < $('authnetworks').options.length; i++) {
+ if ($('authnetworks').options[i].value == myValue) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function selectnetel() {
+ for (i = 0; i < $('authnetworks').options.length; i++) {
+ $('authnetworks').options[i].selected = true;
+ }
+function get_selected_listitems() {
+ var selected = new Array();
+ if (!$('authnetworks')) { return; }
+ for (i = 0; i < $('authnetworks').options.length; i++) {
+ if ($('authnetworks').childNodes[i].selected == true) {
+ selected.push($('authnetworks').options[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return selected;
+function add_selnetwork(net, mask) {
+ var newOption = document.createElement("option");
+ var newOptionText = document.createTextNode(net + '/' + mask);
+ var selectSize = $('authnetworks').size;
+ if (!net || !mask) { return; }
+ if (network_exists(net + '/' + mask)) {
+ alert('Element already exist in the network list');
+ return;
+ }
+ newOption.setAttribute('value', net + '/' + mask);
+ newOption.appendChild(newOptionText);
+ /* add the option to the select element */
+ $('authnetworks').appendChild(newOption);
+ $('authnetworks').setAttribute('size', '3');
+ /* clear values from HTML fields */
+ if ($('network')) { $('network').value = ''; }
+ if ($('network_subnet')) { $('network_subnet').selectedIndex = 0; }
+function remove_selnetwork() {
+ var selectedItems = get_selected_listitems();
+ if (selectedItems.length <= 0) {
+ alert('No element selected!');
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
+ $('authnetworks').removeChild(selectedItems[i]);
+ }
+function create_authnetworks_tr() {
+ var newTR = document.createElement("tr");
+ newTR.setAttribute('id', 'authNetworksTR');
+ var newImageTR = document.createElement("tr");
+ newImageTR.setAttribute('id', 'authNetworksImageTR');
+ var descTD = document.createElement("td");
+ descTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ descTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ descTD.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; border-top: solid 1px grey;');
+ var selectTD = document.createElement("td");
+ selectTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ selectTD.setAttribute('valign', 'middle');
+ selectTD.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; border-top: solid 1px grey;');
+ var typehintTD = document.createElement("td");
+ typehintTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ typehintTD.setAttribute('valign', 'middle');
+ typehintTD.setAttribute('colspan', '2');
+ typehintTD.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; border-top: solid 1px grey;');
+ var blankTD = document.createElement("td");
+ blankTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ blankTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var imageTD = document.createElement("td");
+ imageTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('valign', 'middle');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('style', 'vertical-align: middle;');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('colspan', '3');
+ var newSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ newSpan.setAttribute('style', 'padding-left: 5px; vertical-align: middle;');
+ var newTypehintSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ newTypehintSpan.setAttribute('style', 'padding-left: 5px; vertical-align: middle;');
+ var newDescription = document.createTextNode('{$currentnetTransString}:');
+ var newImgDescription = document.createTextNode('{$minusimgDescTransString}');
+ var typehint = document.createTextNode('{$networksTypehintTransString}');
+ var newSelect = document.createElement("select");
+ newSelect.setAttribute('name', 'authnetworks[]');
+ newSelect.setAttribute('class', 'formselect');
+ newSelect.setAttribute('id', 'authnetworks');
+ newSelect.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple');
+ newSelect.setAttribute('size', '{$networkCount}');
+ /* divs are used to achieve proper alignement */
+ newImageDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDiv.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;');
+ newImageDescDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDescDiv.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 1px;');
+ /* try to add each network to the select element */
+if (is_array($freenas_config['nfs']['nfsnetwork'])) {
+ foreach ($freenas_config['nfs']['nfsnetwork'] as $networkel) {
+ list($netaddress, $netmask) = explode('/', $networkel);
+ $networkSanitized = htmlspecialchars($netaddress);
+ $jscriptstr .= <<<EOD
+ var newOption = document.createElement("option");
+ var newOptionText = document.createTextNode('{$networkSanitized}/{$netmask}');
+ newOption.setAttribute('value', '{$networkSanitized}/{$netmask}');
+ newOption.appendChild(newOptionText);
+ /* add the option to the select element */
+ newSelect.appendChild(newOption);
+ } // end if
+} // end foreach
+$jscriptstr .= <<<EOD
+ var newImage = document.createElement("img");
+ newImage.setAttribute('src', '/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/misc/bullet_toggle_minus.png');
+ newImage.setAttribute('alt', 'remove network');
+ newImage.setAttribute('border', '0');
+ newImage.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 5px; border: solid 1px silver; cursor: pointer;');
+ newImage.setAttribute('onclick', 'remove_selnetwork();');
+ /* assemble everything */
+ newTypehintSpan.appendChild(typehint);
+ descTD.appendChild(newDescription);
+ selectTD.appendChild(newSelect);
+ typehintTD.appendChild(newTypehintSpan);
+ newImageDiv.appendChild(newImage);
+ newImageDescDiv.appendChild(newImgDescription);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDiv);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDescDiv);
+ newTR.appendChild(descTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(selectTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(typehintTD);
+ newImageTR.appendChild(blankTD);
+ newImageTR.appendChild(imageTD);
+ $('networkopttab').appendChild(newTR);
+ $('networkopttab').appendChild(newImageTR);
+function create_network_tr() {
+ var newTR = document.createElement("tr");
+ newTR.setAttribute('id', 'typeDetailsTR');
+ var descTD = document.createElement("td");
+ descTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ descTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var inputTD = document.createElement("td");
+ inputTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ inputTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var selectTD = document.createElement("td");
+ selectTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ selectTD.setAttribute('valign', 'middle');
+ var imageTD = document.createElement("td");
+ imageTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('valign', 'middle');
+ var newDescription = document.createTextNode('{$addressTransString}:');
+ var newImgDescription = document.createTextNode('{$plusimgDescTransString}');
+ var newInput = document.createElement("input");
+ newInput.setAttribute('name', 'network');
+ newInput.setAttribute('type', 'text');
+ newInput.setAttribute('class', 'formfld host');
+ newInput.setAttribute('id', 'network');
+ newInput.setAttribute('size', '20');
+ newInput.setAttribute('value', '');
+ var newSelect = document.createElement("select");
+ newSelect.setAttribute('name', 'network_subnet');
+ newSelect.setAttribute('class', 'formselect');
+ newSelect.setAttribute('id', 'network_subnet');
+ var newImage = document.createElement("img");
+ newImage.setAttribute('src', '/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/misc/bullet_toggle_plus.png');
+ newImage.setAttribute('alt', 'add network');
+ newImage.setAttribute('border', '0');
+ newImage.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 5px; border: solid 1px silver; cursor: pointer;');
+ newImage.setAttribute('onclick', 'add_selnetwork($("network").value, $("network_subnet").value);');
+ /* divs are used to achieve proper alignement */
+ newImageDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDiv.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;');
+ newImageDescDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDescDiv.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 1px;');
+ /* add options to select */
+ for (i = 31; i > 0; i--) {
+ var newOption = document.createElement("option");
+ var newOptionText = document.createTextNode(i.toString());
+ newOption.setAttribute('value', i);
+ newOption.appendChild(newOptionText);
+ /* add the option to the select element */
+ newSelect.appendChild(newOption);
+ }
+ /* assemble everything */
+ descTD.appendChild(newDescription);
+ inputTD.appendChild(newInput);
+ selectTD.appendChild(newSelect);
+ newImageDiv.appendChild(newImage);
+ newImageDescDiv.appendChild(newImgDescription);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDiv);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDescDiv);
+ newTR.appendChild(descTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(inputTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(selectTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(imageTD);
+ $('networkopttab').appendChild(newTR);
+function create_wan_tr() {
+ var wanSubnet = '{$config['interfaces']['wan']['subnet']}';
+ var newTR = document.createElement("tr");
+ newTR.setAttribute('id', 'typeDetailsTR');
+ var descTD = document.createElement("td");
+ descTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ descTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var nettextTD = document.createElement("td");
+ nettextTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ nettextTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var imageTD = document.createElement("td");
+ imageTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('valign', 'middle');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('colspan', '2');
+ var newDescription = document.createTextNode('{$addressTransString}:');
+ var newWanDescription = document.createTextNode('{$generatedWANSubnet}/' + wanSubnet);
+ var newNetTextSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ newNetTextSpan.setAttribute('style', 'font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; vertical-align: middle;');
+ var newImage = document.createElement("img");
+ newImage.setAttribute('src', '/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/misc/bullet_toggle_plus.png');
+ newImage.setAttribute('alt', 'add network');
+ newImage.setAttribute('border', '0');
+ newImage.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 5px; border: solid 1px silver; cursor: pointer;');
+ newImage.setAttribute('onclick', 'add_selnetwork("{$generatedWANSubnet}", ' + wanSubnet + ');');
+ /* divs are used to achieve proper alignement */
+ newImageDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDiv.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;');
+ newImageDescDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDescDiv.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 1px;');
+ var newImgDescription = document.createTextNode('{$plusimgDescTransString}');
+ /* assemble everything */
+ newNetTextSpan.appendChild(newWanDescription);
+ descTD.appendChild(newDescription);
+ nettextTD.appendChild(newNetTextSpan);
+ newImageDiv.appendChild(newImage);
+ newImageDescDiv.appendChild(newImgDescription);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDiv);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDescDiv);
+ newTR.appendChild(descTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(nettextTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(imageTD);
+ $('networkopttab').appendChild(newTR);
+function create_lan_tr() {
+ var lanSubnet = '{$config['interfaces']['lan']['subnet']}';
+ var newTR = document.createElement("tr");
+ newTR.setAttribute('id', 'typeDetailsTR');
+ var descTD = document.createElement("td");
+ descTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ descTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var nettextTD = document.createElement("td");
+ nettextTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ nettextTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var imageTD = document.createElement("td");
+ imageTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('valign', 'middle');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('colspan', '2');
+ var newDescription = document.createTextNode('{$addressTransString}:');
+ var newLanDescription = document.createTextNode('{$generatedLANSubnet}/' + lanSubnet);
+ var newNetTextSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ newNetTextSpan.setAttribute('style', 'font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; vertical-align: middle;');
+ var newImage = document.createElement("img");
+ newImage.setAttribute('src', '/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/misc/bullet_toggle_plus.png');
+ newImage.setAttribute('alt', 'add network');
+ newImage.setAttribute('border', '0');
+ newImage.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 5px; border: solid 1px silver; cursor: pointer;');
+ newImage.setAttribute('onclick', 'add_selnetwork("{$generatedLANSubnet}", ' + lanSubnet + ');');
+ /* divs are used to achieve proper alignement */
+ newImageDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDiv.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;');
+ newImageDescDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDescDiv.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 1px;');
+ var newImgDescription = document.createTextNode('{$plusimgDescTransString}');
+ /* assemble everything */
+ newNetTextSpan.appendChild(newLanDescription);
+ descTD.appendChild(newDescription);
+ nettextTD.appendChild(newNetTextSpan);
+ newImageDiv.appendChild(newImage);
+ newImageDescDiv.appendChild(newImgDescription);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDiv);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDescDiv);
+ newTR.appendChild(descTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(nettextTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(imageTD);
+ $('networkopttab').appendChild(newTR);
+function get_optnetwork() {
+ var slashIndex= $('opt_iface_desc').firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf('/');
+ var myNetwork = $('opt_iface_desc').firstChild.nodeValue.substring(0, slashIndex);
+ return myNetwork;
+function get_optsubnet() {
+ var slashIndex= $('opt_iface_desc').firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf('/');
+ var mySubnet = $('opt_iface_desc').firstChild.nodeValue.substring(slashIndex + 1, $('opt_iface_desc').firstChild.nodeValue.length);
+ return mySubnet;
+function create_opt_tr() {
+ var newTR = document.createElement("tr");
+ newTR.setAttribute('id', 'typeDetailsTR');
+ var descTD = document.createElement("td");
+ descTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ descTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var nettextTD = document.createElement("td");
+ nettextTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ nettextTD.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
+ var imageTD = document.createElement("td");
+ imageTD.setAttribute('align', 'left');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('valign', 'middle');
+ imageTD.setAttribute('colspan', '2');
+ var newDescription = document.createTextNode('{$addressTransString}:');
+ var newImgDescription = document.createTextNode('{$plusimgDescTransString}');
+ var newImage = document.createElement("img");
+ newImage.setAttribute('src', '/themes/{$g['theme']}/images/misc/bullet_toggle_plus.png');
+ newImage.setAttribute('alt', 'add network');
+ newImage.setAttribute('border', '0');
+ newImage.setAttribute('style', 'margin-right: 5px; border: solid 1px silver; cursor: pointer;');
+ newImage.setAttribute('onclick', 'add_selnetwork(get_optnetwork(), get_optsubnet());');
+ /* divs are used to achieve proper alignement */
+ newImageDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDiv.setAttribute('style', 'float: left;');
+ newImageDescDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ newImageDescDiv.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 1px;');
+ /* add options to select */
+for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) {
+ $optSubnet = $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['subnet'];
+ $generatedOPTSubnet = gen_subnet($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['ipaddr'],
+ $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['subnet']);
+ if (empty($optSubnet) || empty($generatedOPTSubnet)) { continue; }
+ $jscriptstr .= <<<EOD
+ var selOptIndex = $('authnettype').selectedIndex;
+ var optNumber = $('authnettype').options[selOptIndex].value.substr(3, $('authnettype').options[selOptIndex].value.length);
+ var newOptDescription = null;
+ var newNetTextSpan = null;
+ if (optNumber == {$i}) {
+ newOptDescription = document.createTextNode('{$generatedOPTSubnet}/{$optSubnet}');
+ newNetTextSpan = document.createElement("span");
+ newNetTextSpan.setAttribute('id', 'opt_iface_desc');
+ newNetTextSpan.setAttribute('style', 'font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; vertical-align: middle;');
+ }
+$jscriptstr .= <<<EOD
+ /* assemble everything */
+ if (newNetTextSpan)
+ newNetTextSpan.appendChild(newOptDescription);
+ descTD.appendChild(newDescription);
+ if (newNetTextSpan)
+ nettextTD.appendChild(newNetTextSpan);
+ newImageDiv.appendChild(newImage);
+ newImageDescDiv.appendChild(newImgDescription);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDiv);
+ imageTD.appendChild(newImageDescDiv);
+ newTR.appendChild(descTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(nettextTD);
+ newTR.appendChild(imageTD);
+ $('networkopttab').appendChild(newTR);
+function authnet_change() {
+ if ($('typeDetailsTR')) { $('networkopttab').removeChild($('typeDetailsTR')); }
+ if ($('authNetworksTR')) { $('networkopttab').removeChild($('authNetworksTR')); }
+ if ($('authNetworksImageTR')) { $('networkopttab').removeChild($('authNetworksImageTR')); }
+ switch ($('authnettype').selectedIndex) {
+ case 0:
+ /* Network */
+ create_network_tr();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ /* WAN subnet */
+ create_wan_tr();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* LAN subnet */
+ create_lan_tr();
+ break;
+for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++) {
+ $case_count = 2 + $i;
+ $jscriptstr .= <<<EOD
+ case {$case_count}:
+ /* OPT subnet */
+ create_opt_tr();
+ break;
+} // end for
+$jscriptstr .= <<<EOD
+ } // end switch
+ create_authnetworks_tr();
+} // end function authnet_change
function enable_change(enable_change) {
var endis;
@@ -133,12 +665,10 @@ function enable_change(enable_change) {
endis ? color = '#D4D0C8' : color = '#FFFFFF';
document.iform.mapall.disabled = endis;
- document.iform.network.disabled = endis;
- document.iform.network_subnet.disabled = endis;
+ document.iform.authnettype.disabled = endis;
/* color adjustments */
document.iform.mapall.style.backgroundColor = color;
- document.iform.network.style.backgroundColor = color;
- document.iform.network_subnet.style.backgroundColor = color;
+ document.iform.authnettype.style.backgroundColor = color;
@@ -167,6 +697,28 @@ echo $pfSenseHead->getHTML();
+ <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?=gettext("Bind to IP address");?></td>
+ <td width="78%" class="vtable" align="left" valign="middle">
+ <select name="bindto" id="bindto" class="formselect">
+ <option value="<?= $config['interfaces']['lan'][ipaddr] ?>">
+ <?= $config['interfaces']['wan'][ipaddr] ?>
+ </option>
+ <option value="<?= $config['interfaces']['lan'][ipaddr] ?>">
+ <?= $config['interfaces']['lan'][ipaddr] ?>
+ </option>
+ <?php
+ for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++):
+ ?>
+ <option value="<?= $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i][ipaddr] ?>">
+ <?= $config['interfaces']['opt' . $i][ipaddr] ?>
+ </option>
+ <?php endfor; ?>
+ </select>
+ <br />
+ <?= gettext("Use an address from the list to make nfsd and rpcbind bind to a specific address."); ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?=gettext("map all user to root");?></td>
<td width="78%" class="vtable">
<select name="mapall" class="formselect" id="mapall">
@@ -189,34 +741,65 @@ echo $pfSenseHead->getHTML();
<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?=gettext("Authorised network");?></td>
<td width="78%" class="vtable" align="left" valign="middle">
- <input name="network" type="text" class="formfld host" id="network" size="20" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['network']);?>" />
- /
- <select name="network_subnet" class="formselect" id="network_subnet">
- <?php for ($i = 32; $i >= 1; $i--): ?>
- <option value="<?=$i;?>" <?php if ($i == $pconfig['network_subnet']) echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?>>
- <?=$i;?>
- </option>
- <?php endfor; ?>
- </select>
- <br />
- <?= gettext("Network that is authorised to access to NFS share"); ?>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" id="networkopttab">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" valign="middle"><?=gettext("Type");?>:</td>
+ <td align="left" valign="middle" colspan="4">
+ <select name="authnettype" id="authnettype" class="formselect" onchange="authnet_change();">
+ <option value="network">
+ <?=gettext("Network")?>
+ </option>
+ <option value="wan">
+ <?=gettext("WAN subnet");?>
+ </option>
+ <option value="lan">
+ <?=gettext("LAN subnet");?>
+ </option>
+ <?php
+ for ($i = 1; isset($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]); $i++):
+ ?>
+ <option value="opt<?=$i;?>">
+ <?=htmlspecialchars($config['interfaces']['opt' . $i]['descr']);?>
+ <?=gettext("subnet");?>
+ </option>
+ <?php endfor; ?>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
<td width="22%" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="78%">
- <input id="submit" name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Save");?>" />
+ <!-- Note: Cause Prototype is observing the onclick event, we are using onmousedown and onkeydown instead -->
+ <input id="submit" name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Save");?>" onmousedown="selectnetel();" onkeydown="selectnetel();" />
<td width="22%" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="78%">
<span class="red">
- <strong><?= gettext("WARNING"); ?></strong>
- </span>
- <span class="vexpl">
- <?= gettext("The name of the exported directories are : /mnt/sharename"); ?>
+ <strong><?= gettext("NOTE"); ?>:</strong>
+ <br />
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <span class="vexpl">
+ <?= gettext("The name of each exported directory is: /mnt/sharename"); ?>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <span class="vexpl">
+ <?= gettext("Try adding networks to the 'current networks' list to authorize each particular network."); ?>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <span class="vexpl">
+ <?= gettext("Use ctrl-click (or command-click on the Mac) to select and de-select elements from the 'current networks' list."); ?>
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
@@ -226,6 +809,7 @@ echo $pfSenseHead->getHTML();
<script type="text/javascript">