path: root/config/snort/bin/oinkmaster_contrib/oinkmaster.pl
diff options
authorrobiscool <robrob2626@yahoo.com>2009-09-30 03:25:18 -0700
committerrobiscool <robrob2626@yahoo.com>2009-09-30 03:27:32 -0700
commit71a3b727a3121c2bd081fe1f657f9dbe563e7064 (patch)
tree1de60531e544e0abd7ea466500d65d8f7d39d4f4 /config/snort/bin/oinkmaster_contrib/oinkmaster.pl
parent7792770b047efb0e3c6c6d134658d1344c940831 (diff)
Push snort 1.6 to stable, fix some startup issues
Diffstat (limited to 'config/snort/bin/oinkmaster_contrib/oinkmaster.pl')
1 files changed, 2754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/snort/bin/oinkmaster_contrib/oinkmaster.pl b/config/snort/bin/oinkmaster_contrib/oinkmaster.pl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9c4d215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/snort/bin/oinkmaster_contrib/oinkmaster.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2754 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: oinkmaster.pl,v 1.406 2006/02/10 13:02:44 andreas_o Exp $ #
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Andreas Östling <andreaso@it.su.se>
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+# without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+# conditions are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+# disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+# disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+# provided with the distribution.
+# 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+# derived from this software without specific prior written
+# permission.
+use 5.006001;
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Spec;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+sub show_usage();
+sub parse_cmdline($);
+sub read_config($ $);
+sub sanity_check();
+sub download_file($ $);
+sub unpack_rules_archive($ $ $);
+sub join_tmp_rules_dirs($ $ @);
+sub process_rules($ $ $ $ $ $);
+sub process_rule($ $ $ $ $ $ $ $);
+sub setup_rules_hash($ $);
+sub get_first_only($ $ $);
+sub print_changes($ $);
+sub print_changetype($ $ $ $);
+sub print_summary_change($ $);
+sub make_backup($ $);
+sub get_changes($ $ $);
+sub update_rules($ @);
+sub copy_rules($ $);
+sub is_in_path($);
+sub get_next_entry($ $ $ $ $ $);
+sub get_new_vars($ $ $ $);
+sub add_new_vars($ $);
+sub write_new_vars($ $);
+sub msdos_to_cygwin_path($);
+sub parse_mod_expr($ $ $ $);
+sub untaint_path($);
+sub approve_changes();
+sub parse_singleline_rule($ $ $);
+sub join_multilines($);
+sub minimize_diff($ $);
+sub catch_sigint();
+sub clean_exit($);
+my $VERSION = 'Oinkmaster v2.0, Copyright (C) 2001-2006 '.
+ 'Andreas Östling <andreaso@it.su.se>';
+my $OUTFILE = 'snortrules.tar.gz';
+my $RULES_DIR = 'rules';
+my $PRINT_NEW = 1;
+my $PRINT_OLD = 2;
+my $PRINT_BOTH = 3;
+my %config = (
+ careful => 0,
+ check_removed => 0,
+ config_test_mode => 0,
+ enable_all => 0,
+ interactive => 0,
+ make_backup => 0,
+ minimize_diff => 0,
+ min_files => 1,
+ min_rules => 1,
+ quiet => 0,
+ summary_output => 0,
+ super_quiet => 0,
+ update_vars => 0,
+ use_external_bins => 1,
+ verbose => 0,
+ use_path_checks => 1,
+ rule_actions => "alert|drop|log|pass|reject|sdrop|activate|dynamic",
+ tmp_basedir => $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{TEMPDIR} || '/tmp',
+# Regexp to match the start of a multi-line rule.
+# %ACTIONS% will be replaced with content of $config{actions} later.
+# sid and msg will then be looked for in parse_singleline_rule().
+my $MULTILINE_RULE_REGEXP = '^\s*#*\s*(?:%ACTIONS%)'.
+ '\s.*\\\\\s*\n$'; # ';
+# Regexp to match a single-line rule.
+# sid and msg will then be looked for in parse_singleline_rule().
+my $SINGLELINE_RULE_REGEXP = '^\s*#*\s*(?:%ACTIONS%)'.
+ '\s.+;\s*\)\s*$'; # ';
+# Match var line where var name goes into $1.
+my $VAR_REGEXP = '^\s*var\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)';
+# Allowed characters in misc paths/filenames, including the ones in the tarball.
+my $OK_PATH_CHARS = 'a-zA-Z\d\ _\(\)\[\]\.\-+:\\\/~@,=';
+# Default locations for configuration file.
+ /etc/oinkmaster.conf
+ /usr/local/etc/oinkmaster.conf
+ snort.conf
+my (%loaded, $tmpdir);
+#### MAIN ####
+# No buffering.
+$| = 1;
+$| = 1;
+my $start_date = scalar(localtime);
+# Assume the required Perl modules are available if we're on Windows.
+$config{use_external_bins} = 0 if ($^O eq "MSWin32");
+# Parse command line arguments and add at least %config{output_dir}.
+# If no config was specified on command line, look for one in default locations.
+if ($#{$config{config_files}} == -1) {
+ foreach my $config (@DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILES) {
+ if (-e "$config") {
+ push(@{${config{config_files}}}, $config);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+# If no dist var file was specified on command line, set to default file(s).
+if ($#{$config{dist_var_files}} == -1) {
+ foreach my $var_file (@DEFAULT_DIST_VAR_FILES) {
+ push(@{${config{dist_var_files}}}, $var_file);
+ }
+# If config is still not defined, we can't continue.
+if ($#{$config{config_files}} == -1) {
+ clean_exit("configuration file not found in default locations\n".
+ "Put it there or use the \"-C <file>\" argument.");
+read_config($_, \%config) for @{$config{config_files}};
+# Now substitute "%ACTIONS%" with $config{rule_actions}, which may have
+# been modified after reading the config file.
+$SINGLELINE_RULE_REGEXP =~ s/%ACTIONS%/$config{rule_actions}/;
+$MULTILINE_RULE_REGEXP =~ s/%ACTIONS%/$config{rule_actions}/;
+# If we're told not to use external binaries, load the Perl modules now.
+unless ($config{use_external_bins}) {
+ print STDERR "Loading Perl modules.\n" if ($config{verbose});
+ eval {
+ require IO::Zlib;
+ require Archive::Tar;
+ require LWP::UserAgent;
+ };
+ clean_exit("failed to load required Perl modules:\n\n$@\n".
+ "Install them or set use_external_bins to 1 ".
+ "if you want to use external binaries instead.")
+ if ($@);
+# Do some basic sanity checking and exit if something fails.
+# A new PATH will be set.
+$SIG{INT} = \&catch_sigint;
+# Create temporary dir.
+$tmpdir = tempdir("oinkmaster.XXXXXXXXXX", DIR => File::Spec->rel2abs($config{tmp_basedir}))
+ or clean_exit("could not create temporary directory in $config{tmp_basedir}: $!");
+# If we're in config test mode and have come this far, we're done.
+if ($config{config_test_mode}) {
+ print "No fatal errors in configuration.\n";
+ clean_exit("");
+umask($config{umask}) if exists($config{umask});
+# Download and unpack all the rules archives into separate tmp dirs.
+my @url_tmpdirs;
+foreach my $url (@{$config{url}}) {
+ my $url_tmpdir = tempdir("url.XXXXXXXXXX", DIR => $tmpdir)
+ or clean_exit("could not create temporary directory in $tmpdir: $!");
+ push(@url_tmpdirs, "$url_tmpdir/$RULES_DIR");
+ if ($url =~ /^dir:\/\/(.+)/) {
+ mkdir("$url_tmpdir/$RULES_DIR")
+ or clean_exit("Could not create $url_tmpdir/$RULES_DIR");
+ copy_rules($1, "$url_tmpdir/$RULES_DIR");
+ } else {
+ download_file($url, "$url_tmpdir/$OUTFILE");
+ unpack_rules_archive("$url", "$url_tmpdir/$OUTFILE", $RULES_DIR);
+ }
+# Copy all rules files from the tmp dirs into $RULES_DIR in the tmp directory.
+# File matching 'skipfile' a directive will not be copied.
+# Filenames (with full path) will be stored as %new_files{filename}.
+# Will exit in case of duplicate filenames.
+my $num_files = join_tmp_rules_dirs("$tmpdir/$RULES_DIR", \my %new_files, @url_tmpdirs);
+# Make sure we have at least the minimum number of files.
+clean_exit("not enough rules files in downloaded rules archive(s).\n".
+ "Number of rules files is $num_files but minimum is set to $config{min_files}.")
+ if ($num_files < $config{min_files});
+# This is to read in possible 'localsid' rules.
+my %rh_tmp = setup_rules_hash(\%new_files, $config{output_dir});
+# Disable/modify/clean downloaded rules.
+my $num_rules = process_rules(\@{$config{sid_modify_list}},
+ \%{$config{sid_disable_list}},
+ \%{$config{sid_enable_list}},
+ \%{$config{sid_local_list}},
+ \%rh_tmp,
+ \%new_files);
+# Make sure we have at least the minimum number of rules.
+clean_exit("not enough rules in downloaded archive(s).\n".
+ "Number of rules is $num_rules but minimum is set to $config{min_rules}.")
+ if ($num_rules < $config{min_rules});
+# Setup a hash containing the content of all processed rules files.
+my %rh = setup_rules_hash(\%new_files, $config{output_dir});
+# Compare the new rules to the old ones.
+my %changes = get_changes(\%rh, \%new_files, $RULES_DIR);
+# Check for variables that exist in dist snort.conf(s) but not in local snort.conf.
+get_new_vars(\%changes, \@{$config{dist_var_files}}, $config{varfile}, \@url_tmpdirs)
+ if ($config{update_vars});
+# Find out if something had changed.
+my $something_changed = 0;
+$something_changed = 1
+ if (keys(%{$changes{modified_files}}) ||
+ keys(%{$changes{added_files}}) ||
+ keys(%{$changes{removed_files}}) ||
+ $#{$changes{new_vars}} > -1);
+# Update files listed in %changes{modified_files} (copy the new files
+# from the temporary directory into our output directory) and add new
+# variables to the local snort.conf if requested, unless we're running in
+# careful mode. Create backup first if running with -b.
+my $printed = 0;
+if ($something_changed) {
+ if ($config{careful}) {
+ print STDERR "Skipping backup since we are running in careful mode.\n"
+ if ($config{make_backup} && (!$config{quiet}));
+ } else {
+ if ($config{interactive}) {
+ print_changes(\%changes, \%rh);
+ $printed = 1;
+ }
+ if (!$config{interactive} || ($config{interactive} && approve_changes)) {
+ make_backup($config{output_dir}, $config{backup_dir})
+ if ($config{make_backup});
+ add_new_vars(\%changes, $config{varfile})
+ if ($config{update_vars});
+ update_rules($config{output_dir}, keys(%{$changes{modified_files}}));
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ print STDERR "No files modified - no need to backup old files, skipping.\n"
+ if ($config{make_backup} && !$config{quiet});
+print "\nOinkmaster is running in careful mode - not updating anything.\n"
+ if ($something_changed && $config{careful});
+print_changes(\%changes, \%rh)
+ if (!$printed && ($something_changed || !$config{quiet}));
+# Everything worked. Do a clean exit without any error message.
+# Show usage information and exit.
+sub show_usage()
+ my $progname = basename($0);
+ print STDERR << "RTFM";
+Usage: $progname -o <outdir> [options]
+<outdir> is where to put the new files.
+This should be the directory where you store your Snort rules.
+-b <dir> Backup your old rules into <dir> before overwriting them
+-c Careful mode (dry run) - check for changes but do not update anything
+-C <file> Use this configuration file instead of the default
+ May be specified multiple times to load multiple files
+-e Enable all rules that are disabled by default
+-h Show this usage information
+-i Interactive mode - you will be asked to approve the changes (if any)
+-m Minimize diff when printing result by removing common parts in rules
+-q Quiet mode - no output unless changes were found
+-Q Super-quiet mode - like -q but even more quiet
+-r Check for rules files that exist in the output directory
+ but not in the downloaded rules archive
+-s Leave out details in rules results, just print SID, msg and filename
+-S <file> Look for new variables in this file in the downloaded archive instead
+ of the default (@DEFAULT_DIST_VAR_FILES). Used in conjunction with -U.
+ May be specified multiple times to search multiple files.
+-T Config test - just check configuration file(s) for errors/warnings
+-u <url> Download from this URL instead of URL(s) in the configuration file
+ (http|https|ftp|file|scp:// ... .tar.gz|.gz, or dir://<dir>)
+ May be specified multiple times to grab multiple rules archives
+-U <file> Merge new variables from downloaded snort.conf(s) into <file>
+-v Verbose mode (debug)
+-V Show version and exit
+ exit;
+# Parse the command line arguments and exit if we don't like them.
+sub parse_cmdline($)
+ my $cfg_ref = shift;
+ Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling");
+ my $cmdline_ok = GetOptions(
+ "b=s" => \$$cfg_ref{backup_dir},
+ "c" => \$$cfg_ref{careful},
+ "C=s" => \@{$$cfg_ref{config_files}},
+ "e" => \$$cfg_ref{enable_all},
+ "h" => \&show_usage,
+ "i" => \$$cfg_ref{interactive},
+ "m" => \$$cfg_ref{minimize_diff},
+ "o=s" => \$$cfg_ref{output_dir},
+ "q" => \$$cfg_ref{quiet},
+ "Q" => \$$cfg_ref{super_quiet},
+ "r" => \$$cfg_ref{check_removed},
+ "s" => \$$cfg_ref{summary_output},
+ "S=s" => \@{$$cfg_ref{dist_var_files}},
+ "T" => \$$cfg_ref{config_test_mode},
+ "u=s" => \@{$$cfg_ref{url}},
+ "U=s" => \$$cfg_ref{varfile},
+ "v" => \$$cfg_ref{verbose},
+ "V" => sub {
+ print "$VERSION\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ );
+ show_usage unless ($cmdline_ok && $#ARGV == -1);
+ $$cfg_ref{quiet} = 1 if ($$cfg_ref{super_quiet});
+ $$cfg_ref{update_vars} = 1 if ($$cfg_ref{varfile});
+ if ($$cfg_ref{backup_dir}) {
+ $$cfg_ref{backup_dir} = File::Spec->canonpath($$cfg_ref{backup_dir});
+ $$cfg_ref{make_backup} = 1;
+ }
+ # Cannot specify dist var files without specifying var target file.
+ if (@{$$cfg_ref{dist_var_files}} && !$$cfg_ref{update_vars}) {
+ clean_exit("You can not specify distribution variable file(s) without ".
+ "also specifying local file to merge into");
+ }
+ # -o <dir> is the only required option in normal usage.
+ if ($$cfg_ref{output_dir}) {
+ $$cfg_ref{output_dir} = File::Spec->canonpath($$cfg_ref{output_dir});
+ } else {
+ warn("Error: no output directory specified.\n");
+ show_usage();
+ }
+ # Mark that url was set on command line (so we don't override it later).
+ $$cfg_ref{cmdline_url} = 1 if ($#{$config{url}} > -1);
+# Read in stuff from the configuration file.
+sub read_config($ $)
+ my $config_file = shift;
+ my $cfg_ref = shift;
+ my $linenum = 0;
+ my $multi;
+ my %templates;
+ $config_file = File::Spec->canonpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($config_file));
+ clean_exit("configuration file \"$config_file\" does not exist.\n")
+ unless (-e "$config_file");
+ clean_exit("\"$config_file\" is not a file.\n")
+ unless (-f "$config_file");
+ print STDERR "Loading $config_file\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ # Avoid loading the same file multiple times to avoid infinite recursion etc.
+ if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
+ clean_exit("attempt to load \"$config_file\" twice.")
+ if ($loaded{$config_file}++);
+ } else {
+ my ($dev, $ino) = (stat($config_file))[0,1]
+ or clean_exit("unable to stat $config_file: $!");
+ clean_exit("attempt to load \"$config_file\" twice.")
+ if ($loaded{$dev, $ino}++);
+ }
+ open(CONF, "<", "$config_file")
+ or clean_exit("could not open configuration file \"$config_file\": $!");
+ my @conf = <CONF>;
+ close(CONF);
+ LINE:while ($_ = shift(@conf)) {
+ $linenum++;
+ unless ($multi) {
+ s/^\s*//;
+ s/^#.*//;
+ }
+ # Multi-line start/continuation.
+ if (/\\\s*\n$/) {
+ s/\\\s*\n$//;
+ s/^\s*#.*//;
+ # Be strict about removing #comments in modifysid/define_template statements, as
+ # they may contain other '#' chars.
+ if (defined($multi) && ($multi =~ /^modifysid/i || $multi =~ /^define_template/i)) {
+ s/#.*// if (/^\s*\d+[,\s\d]+#/);
+ } else {
+ s/\s*\#.*// unless (/^modifysid/i || /^define_template/i);
+ }
+ $multi .= $_;
+ next LINE;
+ }
+ # Last line of multi-line directive.
+ if (defined($multi)) {
+ $multi .= $_;
+ $_ = $multi;
+ undef($multi);
+ }
+ # Remove traling whitespaces (*after* a possible multi-line is rebuilt).
+ s/\s*$//;
+ # Remove comments unless it's a modifysid/define_template line
+ # (the "#" may be part of the modifysid expression).
+ s/\s*\#.*// unless (/^modifysid/i || /^define_template/i);
+ # Skip blank lines.
+ next unless (/\S/);
+ # Use a template and make $_ a "modifysid" line.
+ if (/^use_template\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+[^"]*)\s*(".*")*(?:#.*)*/i) {
+ my ($template_name, $sid, $args) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ if (exists($templates{$template_name})) {
+ my $template = $templates{$template_name}; # so we don't substitute %ARGx% globally
+ # Evaluate each "%ARGx%" in the template to the corresponding value.
+ if (defined($args)) {
+ my @args = split(/"\s+"/, $args);
+ foreach my $i (1 .. @args) {
+ $args[$i - 1] =~ s/^"//;
+ $args[$i - 1] =~ s/"$//;
+ $template =~ s/%ARG$i%/$args[$i - 1]/g;
+ }
+ }
+ # There should be no %ARGx% stuff left now.
+ if ($template =~ /%ARG\d%/) {
+ warn("WARNING: too few arguments for template \"$template_name\"\n");
+ $_ = "error"; # so it will be reported as an invalid line later
+ }
+ unless ($_ eq "error") {
+ $_ = "modifysid $sid $template\n";
+ print STDERR "Template \"$template_name\" expanded to: $_"
+ if ($config{verbose});
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn("WARNING: template \"$template_name\" has not been defined\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # new template definition.
+ if (/^define_template\s+(\S+)\s+(".+"\s+\|\s+".*")\s*(?:#.*)*$/i) {
+ my ($template_name, $template) = ($1, $2);
+ if (exists($templates{$template_name})) {
+ warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file: ".
+ "template \"$template_name\" already defined, keeping old\n");
+ } else {
+ $templates{$template_name} = $template;
+ }
+ # modifysid <SIDORFILE[,SIDORFILE, ...]> "substthis" | "withthis"
+ } elsif (/^modifysids*\s+(\S+.*)\s+"(.+)"\s+\|\s+"(.*)"\s*(?:#.*)*$/i) {
+ my ($sid_list, $subst, $repl) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file is invalid, ignoring\n")
+ unless(parse_mod_expr(\@{$$cfg_ref{sid_modify_list}},
+ $sid_list, $subst, $repl));
+ # disablesid <SID[,SID, ...]>
+ } elsif (/^disablesids*\s+(\d.*)/i) {
+ my $sid_list = $1;
+ foreach my $sid (split(/\s*,\s*/, $sid_list)) {
+ if ($sid =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $$cfg_ref{sid_disable_list}{$sid}++;
+ } else {
+ warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file: ".
+ "\"$sid\" is not a valid SID, ignoring\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # localsid <SID[,SID, ...]>
+ } elsif (/^localsids*\s+(\d.*)/i) {
+ my $sid_list = $1;
+ foreach my $sid (split(/\s*,\s*/, $sid_list)) {
+ if ($sid =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $$cfg_ref{sid_local_list}{$sid}++;
+ } else {
+ warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file: ".
+ "\"$sid\" is not a valid SID, ignoring\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # enablesid <SID[,SID, ...]>
+ } elsif (/^enablesids*\s+(\d.*)/i) {
+ my $sid_list = $1;
+ foreach my $sid (split(/\s*,\s*/, $sid_list)) {
+ if ($sid =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $$cfg_ref{sid_enable_list}{$sid}++;
+ } else {
+ warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file: ".
+ "\"$sid\" is not a valid SID, ignoring\n");
+ }
+ }
+ # skipfile <file[,file, ...]>
+ } elsif (/^skipfiles*\s+(.*)/i) {
+ my $args = $1;
+ foreach my $file (split(/\s*,\s*/, $args)) {
+ if ($file =~ /^\S+$/) {
+ $config{verbose} && print STDERR "Adding file to ignore list: $file.\n";
+ $$cfg_ref{file_ignore_list}{$file}++;
+ } else {
+ warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file is invalid, ignoring\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (/^url\s*=\s*(.*)/i) {
+ push(@{$$cfg_ref{url}}, $1)
+ unless ($$cfg_ref{cmdline_url});
+ } elsif (/^path\s*=\s*(.+)/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{path} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^update_files\s*=\s*(.+)/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{update_files} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^rule_actions\s*=\s*(.+)/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{rule_actions} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^umask\s*=\s*([0-7]{4})$/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{umask} = oct($1);
+ } elsif (/^min_files\s*=\s*(\d+)/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{min_files} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^min_rules\s*=\s*(\d+)/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{min_rules} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^tmpdir\s*=\s*(.+)/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{tmp_basedir} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^use_external_bins\s*=\s*([01])/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{use_external_bins} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^scp_key\s*=\s*(.+)/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{scp_key} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^use_path_checks\s*=\s*([01])/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{use_path_checks} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^user_agent\s*=\s*(.+)/i) {
+ $$cfg_ref{user_agent} = $1;
+ } elsif (/^include\s+(\S+.*)/i) {
+ my $include = $1;
+ read_config($include, $cfg_ref);
+ } else {
+ warn("WARNING: line $linenum in $config_file is invalid, ignoring\n");
+ }
+ }
+# Make a few basic tests to make sure things look ok.
+# Will also set a new PATH as defined in the config file.
+sub sanity_check()
+ my @req_params = qw(path update_files); # required parameters in conf
+ my @req_binaries = qw(gzip tar); # required binaries (unless we use modules)
+ # Can't use both quiet mode and verbose mode.
+ clean_exit("quiet mode and verbose mode at the same time doesn't make sense.")
+ if ($config{quiet} && $config{verbose});
+ # Can't use multiple output modes.
+ clean_exit("can't use multiple output modes at the same time.")
+ if ($config{minimize_diff} && $config{summary_output});
+ # Make sure all required variables are defined in the config file.
+ foreach my $param (@req_params) {
+ clean_exit("the required parameter \"$param\" is not defined in the configuration file.")
+ unless (exists($config{$param}));
+ }
+ # We now know a path was defined in the config, so set it.
+ # If we're under cygwin and path was specified as msdos style, convert
+ # it to cygwin style to avoid problems.
+ if ($^O eq "cygwin" && $config{path} =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\]/) {
+ $ENV{PATH} = "";
+ foreach my $path (split(/;/, $config{path})) {
+ $ENV{PATH} .= "$path:" if (msdos_to_cygwin_path(\$path));
+ }
+ chop($ENV{PATH});
+ } else {
+ $ENV{PATH} = $config{path};
+ }
+ # Reset environment variables that may cause trouble.
+ delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
+ # Make sure $config{update_files} is a valid regexp.
+ eval {
+ "foo" =~ /$config{update_files}/;
+ };
+ clean_exit("update_files (\"$config{update_files}\") is not a valid regexp: $@")
+ if ($@);
+ # Make sure $config{rule_actions} is a valid regexp.
+ eval {
+ "foo" =~ /$config{rule_actions}/;
+ };
+ clean_exit("rule_actions (\"$config{rule_actions}\") is not a valid regexp: $@")
+ if ($@);
+ # If a variable file (probably local snort.conf) has been specified,
+ # it must exist. It must also be writable unless we're in careful mode.
+ if ($config{update_vars}) {
+ $config{varfile} = untaint_path($config{varfile});
+ clean_exit("variable file \"$config{varfile}\" does not exist.")
+ unless (-e "$config{varfile}");
+ clean_exit("variable file \"$config{varfile}\" is not a file.")
+ unless (-f "$config{varfile}");
+ clean_exit("variable file \"$config{varfile}\" is not writable by you.")
+ if (!$config{careful} && !-w "$config{varfile}");
+ # Make sure dist var files don't contain [back]slashes
+ # (probably means user confused it with local var file).
+ my %dist_var_files;
+ foreach my $dist_var_file (@{${config{dist_var_files}}}) {
+ clean_exit("variable file \"$dist_var_file\" specified multiple times")
+ if (exists($dist_var_files{$dist_var_file}));
+ $dist_var_files{$dist_var_file} = 1;
+ clean_exit("variable file \"$dist_var_file\" contains slashes or backslashes ".
+ "but it must be specified as a filename (without path) ".
+ "that exists in the downloaded rules, e.g. \"snort.conf\"")
+ if ($dist_var_file =~ /\// || $dist_var_file =~ /\\/);
+ }
+ }
+ # Make sure all required binaries can be found, unless
+ # we're used to use Perl modules instead.
+ # Wget is only required if url is http[s] or ftp.
+ if ($config{use_external_bins}) {
+ foreach my $binary (@req_binaries) {
+ clean_exit("$binary not found in PATH ($ENV{PATH}).")
+ unless (is_in_path($binary));
+ }
+ }
+ # Make sure $url is defined (either by -u <url> or url=... in the conf).
+ clean_exit("URL not specified. Specify at least one \"url=<url>\" in the \n".
+ "Oinkmaster configuration file or use the \"-u <url>\" argument")
+ if ($#{$config{url}} == -1);
+ # Make sure all urls look ok, and untaint them.
+ my @urls = @{$config{url}};
+ $#{$config{url}} = -1;
+ foreach my $url (@urls) {
+ clean_exit("incorrect URL: \"$url\"")
+ unless ($url =~ /^((?:https*|ftp|file|scp):\/\/.+\.(?:tar\.gz|tgz))$/
+ || $url =~ /^(dir:\/\/.+)/);
+ my $ok_url = $1;
+ if ($ok_url =~ /^dir:\/\/(.+)/) {
+ my $dir = untaint_path($1);
+ clean_exit("\"$dir\" does not exist or is not a directory")
+ unless (-d $dir);
+ # Simple check if the output dir is specified as url (probably a mistake).
+ if (File::Spec->canonpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($dir))
+ eq File::Spec->canonpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($config{output_dir}))) {
+ clean_exit("Download directory can not be same as output directory");
+ }
+ }
+ push(@{$config{url}}, $ok_url);
+ }
+ # Wget must be found if url is http[s]:// or ftp://.
+ if ($config{use_external_bins}) {
+ clean_exit("wget not found in PATH ($ENV{PATH}).")
+ if ($config{'url'} =~ /^(https*|ftp):/ && !is_in_path("wget"));
+ }
+ # scp must be found if scp://...
+ clean_exit("scp not found in PATH ($ENV{PATH}).")
+ if ($config{'url'} =~ /^scp:/ && !is_in_path("scp"));
+ # ssh key must exist if specified and url is scp://...
+ clean_exit("ssh key \"$config{scp_key}\" does not exist.")
+ if ($config{'url'} =~ /^scp:/ && exists($config{scp_key})
+ && !-e $config{scp_key});
+ # Untaint output directory string.
+ $config{output_dir} = untaint_path($config{output_dir});
+ # Make sure the output directory exists and is readable.
+ clean_exit("the output directory \"$config{output_dir}\" doesn't exist ".
+ "or isn't readable by you.")
+ if (!-d "$config{output_dir}" || !-x "$config{output_dir}");
+ # Make sure the output directory is writable unless running in careful mode.
+ clean_exit("the output directory \"$config{output_dir}\" isn't writable by you.")
+ if (!$config{careful} && !-w "$config{output_dir}");
+ # Make sure we have read permission on all rules files in the output dir,
+ # and also write permission unless we're in careful mode.
+ # This is to avoid bailing out in the middle of an execution if a copy
+ # fails because of permission problem.
+ opendir(OUTDIR, "$config{output_dir}")
+ or clean_exit("could not open directory $config{output_dir}: $!");
+ while ($_ = readdir(OUTDIR)) {
+ next if (/^\.\.?$/ || exists($config{file_ignore_list}{$_}));
+ if (/$config{update_files}/) {
+ unless (-r "$config{output_dir}/$_") {
+ closedir(OUTDIR);
+ clean_exit("no read permission on \"$config{output_dir}/$_\"\n".
+ "Read permission is required on all rules files ".
+ "inside the output directory.\n")
+ }
+ if (!$config{careful} && !-w "$config{output_dir}/$_") {
+ closedir(OUTDIR);
+ clean_exit("no write permission on \"$config{output_dir}/$_\"\n".
+ "Write permission is required on all rules files ".
+ "inside the output directory.\n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(OUTDIR);
+ # Make sure the backup directory exists and is writable if running with -b.
+ if ($config{make_backup}) {
+ $config{backup_dir} = untaint_path($config{backup_dir});
+ clean_exit("the backup directory \"$config{backup_dir}\" doesn't exist or ".
+ "isn't writable by you.")
+ if (!-d "$config{backup_dir}" || !-w "$config{backup_dir}");
+ }
+ # Convert tmp_basedir to cygwin style if running cygwin and msdos style was specified.
+ if ($^O eq "cygwin" && $config{tmp_basedir} =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\]/) {
+ msdos_to_cygwin_path(\$config{tmp_basedir})
+ or clean_exit("could not convert temporary dir to cygwin style");
+ }
+ # Make sure temporary directory exists.
+ clean_exit("the temporary directory \"$config{tmp_basedir}\" does not ".
+ "exist or isn't writable by you.")
+ if (!-d "$config{tmp_basedir}" || !-w "$config{tmp_basedir}");
+ # Also untaint it.
+ $config{tmp_basedir} = untaint_path($config{tmp_basedir});
+ # Make sure stdin and stdout are ttys if we're running in interactive mode.
+ clean_exit("you can not run in interactive mode when STDIN/STDOUT is not a TTY.")
+ if ($config{interactive} && !(-t STDIN && -t STDOUT));
+# Download the rules archive.
+sub download_file($ $)
+ my $url = shift;
+ my $localfile = shift;
+ my $log = "$tmpdir/wget.log";
+ my $ret;
+ # If there seems to be a password in the url, replace it with "*password*"
+ # and use new string when printing the url to screen.
+ my $obfuscated_url = $url;
+ $obfuscated_url = "$1:*password*\@$2"
+ if ($obfuscated_url =~ /^(\S+:\/\/.+?):.+?@(.+)/);
+ # Ofbuscate oinkcode as well.
+ $obfuscated_url = "$1*oinkcode*$2"
+ if ($obfuscated_url =~ /^(\S+:\/\/.+\.cgi\/)[0-9a-z]{32,64}(\/.+)/i);
+ my @user_agent_opt;
+ @user_agent_opt = ("-U", $config{user_agent}) if (exists($config{user_agent}));
+ # Use wget if URL starts with "http[s]" or "ftp" and we use external binaries.
+ if ($config{use_external_bins} && $url =~ /^(?:https*|ftp)/) {
+ print STDERR "Downloading file from $obfuscated_url... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ if ($config{verbose}) {
+ print STDERR "\n";
+ my @wget_cmd = ("wget", "-v", "-O", $localfile, $url, @user_agent_opt);
+ clean_exit("could not download from $obfuscated_url")
+ if (system(@wget_cmd));
+ } else {
+ my @wget_cmd = ("wget", "-v", "-o", $log, "-O", $localfile, $url, @user_agent_opt);
+ if (system(@wget_cmd)) {
+ my $log_output;
+ open(LOG, "<", "$log")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $log for reading: $!");
+ # Sanitize oinkcode in wget's log (password is automatically sanitized).
+ while (<LOG>) {
+ $_ = "$1*oinkcode*$2"
+ if (/(\S+:\/\/.+\.cgi\/)[0-9a-z]{32,64}(\/.+)/i);
+ $log_output .= $_;
+ }
+ close(LOG);
+ clean_exit("could not download from $obfuscated_url. ".
+ "Output from wget follows:\n\n $log_output");
+ }
+ print STDERR "done.\n" unless ($config{quiet});
+ }
+ # Use LWP if URL starts with "http[s]" or "ftp" and use_external_bins=0.
+ } elsif (!$config{use_external_bins} && $url =~ /^(?:https*|ftp)/) {
+ print STDERR "Downloading file from $obfuscated_url... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ my %lwp_opt;
+ $lwp_opt{agent} = $config{user_agent} if (exists($config{user_agent}));
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%lwp_opt);
+ $ua->env_proxy;
+ my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
+ my $response = $ua->request($request, $localfile);
+ clean_exit("could not download from $obfuscated_url: " . $response->status_line)
+ unless $response->is_success;
+ print "done.\n" unless ($config{quiet});
+ # Grab file from local filesystem if file://...
+ } elsif ($url =~ /^file/) {
+ $url =~ s/^file:\/\///;
+ clean_exit("the file $url does not exist.")
+ unless (-e "$url");
+ clean_exit("the file $url is empty.")
+ unless (-s "$url");
+ print STDERR "Copying file from $url... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ copy("$url", "$localfile")
+ or clean_exit("unable to copy $url to $localfile: $!");
+ print STDERR "done.\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ # Grab file using scp if scp://...
+ } elsif ($url =~ /^scp/) {
+ $url =~ s/^scp:\/\///;
+ my @cmd;
+ push(@cmd, "scp");
+ push(@cmd, "-i", "$config{scp_key}") if (exists($config{scp_key}));
+ push(@cmd, "-q") if ($config{quiet});
+ push(@cmd, "-v") if ($config{verbose});
+ push(@cmd, "$url", "$localfile");
+ print STDERR "Copying file from $url using scp:\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ clean_exit("scp returned error when trying to copy $url")
+ if (system(@cmd));
+ # Unknown download method.
+ } else {
+ clean_exit("unknown or unsupported download method\n");
+ }
+ # Make sure the downloaded file actually exists.
+ clean_exit("failed to download $url: ".
+ "local target file $localfile doesn't exist after download.")
+ unless (-e "$localfile");
+ # Also make sure it's at least non-empty.
+ clean_exit("failed to download $url: local target file $localfile is empty ".
+ "after download (perhaps you're out of diskspace or file in url is empty?)")
+ unless (-s "$localfile");
+# Copy all rules files from the tmp dirs (one for each url)
+# into a single directory inside the tmp dir, except for files
+# matching a 'skipfile' directive'.
+# Will exit in case of colliding filenames.
+sub join_tmp_rules_dirs($ $ @)
+ my $rules_dir = shift;
+ my $new_files_ref = shift;
+ my @url_tmpdirs = @_;
+ my %rules_files;
+ clean_exit("failed to create directory \"$rules_dir\": $!")
+ unless (mkdir($rules_dir));
+ foreach my $url_tmpdir (@url_tmpdirs) {
+ opendir(URL_TMPDIR, "$url_tmpdir")
+ or clean_exit("could not open directory \"$url_tmpdir\": $!");
+ while ($_ = readdir(URL_TMPDIR)) {
+ next if (/^\.\.?$/ || exists($config{file_ignore_list}{$_}) || !/$config{update_files}/);
+ if (exists($rules_files{$_})) {
+ closedir(URL_TMPDIR);
+ clean_exit("a file called \"$_\" exists in multiple rules archives")
+ }
+ # Make sure it's a regular file.
+ unless (-f "$url_tmpdir/$_" && !-l "$url_tmpdir/$_") {
+ closedir(URL_TMPDIR);
+ clean_exit("downloaded \"$_\" is not a regular file.")
+ }
+ $rules_files{$_} = 1;
+ $$new_files_ref{"$rules_dir/$_"} = 1;
+ my $src_file = untaint_path("$url_tmpdir/$_");
+ unless (copy("$src_file", "$rules_dir")) {
+ closedir(URL_TMPDIR);
+ clean_exit("could not copy \"$src_file\" to \"$rules_dir\": $!");
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(URL_TMPDIR);
+ }
+ return (keys(%$new_files_ref));
+# Make a few basic sanity checks on the rules archive and then
+# uncompress/untar it if everything looked ok.
+sub unpack_rules_archive($ $ $)
+ my $url = shift; # only used when printing warnings/errors
+ my $archive = shift;
+ my $rules_dir = shift;
+ my ($tar, @tar_content);
+ my $old_dir = untaint_path(File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->curdir()));
+ my $dir = dirname($archive);
+ chdir("$dir") or clean_exit("$url: could not change directory to \"$dir\": $!");
+ if ($config{use_external_bins}) {
+ # Run integrity check on the gzip file.
+ clean_exit("$url: integrity check on gzip file failed (file transfer failed or ".
+ "file in URL not in gzip format?).")
+ if (system("gzip", "-t", "$archive"));
+ # Decompress it.
+ system("gzip", "-d", "$archive")
+ and clean_exit("$url: unable to uncompress $archive.");
+ # Suffix has now changed from .tar.gz|.tgz to .tar.
+ $archive =~ s/\.gz$//;
+ # Make sure the .tar file now exists.
+ # (Gzip may not return an error if it was not a gzipped file...)
+ clean_exit("$url: failed to unpack gzip file (file transfer failed or ".
+ "file in URL not in tar'ed gzip format?).")
+ unless (-e "$archive");
+ my $stdout_file = "$tmpdir/tar_content.out";
+ open(OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT") or clean_exit("could not dup STDOUT: $!");
+ open(STDOUT, ">$stdout_file") or clean_exit("could not redirect STDOUT: $!");
+ my $ret = system("tar", "tf", "$archive");
+ close(STDOUT);
+ open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT") or clean_exit("could not dup STDOUT: $!");
+ close(OLDOUT);
+ clean_exit("$url: could not list files in tar archive (is it broken?)")
+ if ($ret);
+ open(TAR, "$stdout_file") or clean_exit("failed to open $stdout_file: $!");
+ @tar_content = <TAR>;
+ close(TAR);
+ # use_external_bins=0
+ } else {
+ $tar = Archive::Tar->new($archive, 1);
+ clean_exit("$url: failed to read $archive (file transfer failed or ".
+ "file in URL not in tar'ed gzip format?).")
+ unless (defined($tar));
+ @tar_content = $tar->list_files();
+ }
+ # Make sure we could grab some content from the tarball.
+ clean_exit("$url: could not list files in tar archive (is it broken?)")
+ if ($#tar_content < 0);
+ # For each filename in the archive, do some basic sanity checks.
+ foreach my $filename (@tar_content) {
+ chomp($filename);
+ # We don't want absolute filename.
+ clean_exit("$url: rules archive contains absolute filename. ".
+ "Offending file/line:\n$filename")
+ if ($filename =~ /^\//);
+ # We don't want to have any weird characters anywhere in the filename.
+ clean_exit("$url: illegal character in filename in tar archive. Allowed are ".
+ "$OK_PATH_CHARS\nOffending file/line:\n$filename")
+ if ($config{use_path_checks} && $filename =~ /[^$OK_PATH_CHARS]/);
+ # We don't want to unpack any "../../" junk (check is useless now though).
+ clean_exit("$url: filename in tar archive contains \"..\".\n".
+ "Offending file/line:\n$filename")
+ if ($filename =~ /\.\./);
+ }
+ # Looks good. Now we can untar it.
+ print STDERR "Archive successfully downloaded, unpacking... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ if ($config{use_external_bins}) {
+ clean_exit("failed to untar $archive.")
+ if system("tar", "xf", "$archive");
+ } else {
+ mkdir("$rules_dir") or clean_exit("could not create \"$rules_dir\" directory: $!\n");
+ foreach my $file ($tar->list_files) {
+ next unless ($file =~ /^$rules_dir\/[^\/]+$/); # only ^rules/<file>$
+ my $content = $tar->get_content($file);
+ # Symlinks in the archive will make get_content return undef.
+ clean_exit("could not get content from file \"$file\" in downloaded archive, ".
+ "make sure it is a regular file\n")
+ unless (defined($content));
+ open(RULEFILE, ">", "$file")
+ or clean_exit("could not open \"$file\" for writing: $!\n");
+ print RULEFILE $content;
+ close(RULEFILE);
+ }
+ }
+ # Make sure that non-empty rules directory existed in archive.
+ # We permit empty rules directory if min_files is set to 0 though.
+ clean_exit("$url: no \"$rules_dir\" directory found in tar file.")
+ unless (-d "$dir/$rules_dir");
+ my $num_files = 0;
+ opendir(RULESDIR, "$dir/$rules_dir")
+ or clean_exit("could not open directory \"$dir/$rules_dir\": $!");
+ while ($_ = readdir(RULESDIR)) {
+ next if (/^\.\.?$/);
+ $num_files++;
+ }
+ closedir(RULESDIR);
+ clean_exit("$url: directory \"$rules_dir\" in unpacked archive is empty")
+ if ($num_files == 0 && $config{min_files} != 0);
+ chdir($old_dir)
+ or clean_exit("could not change directory back to $old_dir: $!");
+ print STDERR "done.\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+# Open all rules files in the temporary directory and disable/modify all
+# rules/lines as requested in oinkmaster.conf, and then write back to the
+# same files. Also clean unwanted whitespaces and duplicate sids from them.
+sub process_rules($ $ $ $ $ $)
+ my $modify_sid_ref = shift;
+ my $disable_sid_ref = shift;
+ my $enable_sid_ref = shift;
+ my $local_sid_ref = shift;
+ my $rh_tmp_ref = shift;
+ my $newfiles_ref = shift;
+ my %sids;
+ my %stats = (
+ disabled => 0,
+ enabled => 0,
+ modified => 0,
+ total => 0,
+ );
+ warn("WARNING: all rules that are disabled by default will be enabled\n")
+ if ($config{enable_all} && !$config{quiet});
+ print STDERR "Processing downloaded rules... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ print STDERR "\n"
+ if ($config{verbose});
+ # Phase #1 - process all active rules and store in temporary hash.
+ # In case of dups, we use the one with the highest rev.
+ foreach my $file (sort(keys(%$newfiles_ref))) {
+ open(INFILE, "<", "$file")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $file for reading: $!");
+ my @infile = <INFILE>;
+ close(INFILE);
+ my ($single, $multi, $nonrule, $msg, $sid);
+ RULELOOP:while (get_next_entry(\@infile, \$single, \$multi, \$nonrule, \$msg, \$sid)) {
+ # We don't care about non-rules in this phase.
+ next RULELOOP if (defined($nonrule));
+ # Even if it was a single-line rule, we want a copy in $multi.
+ $multi = $single unless (defined($multi));
+ my %rule = (
+ single => $single,
+ multi => $multi,
+ );
+ # modify/disable/enable this rule as requested unless there is a matching
+ # localsid statement. Possible verbose messages and warnings will be printed.
+ unless (exists($$local_sid_ref{$sid})) {
+ process_rule($modify_sid_ref, $disable_sid_ref, $enable_sid_ref,
+ \%rule, $sid, \%stats, 1, basename($file));
+ }
+ $stats{total}++;
+ $single = $rule{single};
+ $multi = $rule{multi};
+ # Only care about active rules in this phase (the rule may have been
+ # disabled by a disablesid or a modifysid statement above, so we can't
+ # do this check earlier).
+ next RULELOOP if ($multi =~ /^#/);
+ # Is it a dup? If so, see if this seems to be more recent (higher rev).
+ if (exists($sids{$sid})) {
+ warn("\nWARNING: duplicate SID in downloaded archive, SID=$sid, ".
+ "only keeping rule with highest 'rev'\n")
+ unless($config{super_quiet});
+ my ($old_rev) = ($sids{$sid}{single} =~ /\brev\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*;/);
+ my ($new_rev) = ($single =~ /\brev\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*;/);
+ # This is so rules with a rev gets higher prio than
+ # rules without any rev.
+ $old_rev = -1 unless (defined($old_rev));
+ $new_rev = -1 unless (defined($new_rev));
+ # If this rev is higher than the one in the last stored rule with
+ # this sid, replace rule with this one. This is also done if the
+ # revs are equal because we assume the rule appearing last in the
+ # rules file is the more recent rule.
+ if ($new_rev >= $old_rev) {
+ $sids{$sid}{single} = $single;
+ $sids{$sid}{multi} = $multi;
+ }
+ # No dup.
+ } else {
+ $sids{$sid}{single} = $single;
+ $sids{$sid}{multi} = $multi;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Phase #2 - read all rules files again, but when writing active rules
+ # back to the files, use the one stored in the sid hash (which is free of dups).
+ foreach my $file (sort(keys(%$newfiles_ref))) {
+ open(INFILE, "<", "$file")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $file for reading: $!");
+ my @infile = <INFILE>;
+ close(INFILE);
+ # Write back to the same file.
+ open(OUTFILE, ">", "$file")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $file for writing: $!");
+ my ($single, $multi, $nonrule, $msg, $sid);
+ RULELOOP:while (get_next_entry(\@infile, \$single, \$multi, \$nonrule, \$msg, \$sid)) {
+ if (defined($nonrule)) {
+ print OUTFILE "$nonrule";
+ next RULELOOP;
+ }
+ # Even if it was a single-line rule, we want a copy in $multi.
+ $multi = $single unless (defined($multi));
+ # If this rule is marked as localized and has not yet been written,
+ # write the old version to the new rules file.
+ if (exists($$local_sid_ref{$sid}) && !exists($sids{$sid}{printed})) {
+ # Just ignore the rule in the downloaded file if it doesn't
+ # exist in the same local file.
+ unless(exists($$rh_tmp_ref{old}{rules}{basename($file)}{$sid})) {
+ warn("WARNING: SID $sid is marked as local and exists in ".
+ "downloaded " . basename($file) . " but the SID does not ".
+ "exist in the local file, ignoring rule\n")
+ if ($config{verbose});
+ next RULELOOP;
+ }
+ print OUTFILE $$rh_tmp_ref{old}{rules}{basename($file)}{$sid};
+ $sids{$sid}{printed} = 1;
+ warn("SID $sid is marked as local, keeping your version from ".
+ basename($file) . ".\n".
+ "Your version: $$rh_tmp_ref{old}{rules}{basename($file)}{$sid}".
+ "Downloaded version: $multi\n")
+ if ($config{verbose});
+ next RULELOOP;
+ }
+ my %rule = (
+ single => $single,
+ multi => $multi,
+ );
+ # modify/disable/enable this rule. Possible verbose messages and warnings
+ # will not be printed (again) as this was done in the first phase.
+ # We send the stats to a dummy var as this was collected on the
+ # first phase as well.
+ process_rule($modify_sid_ref, $disable_sid_ref, $enable_sid_ref,
+ \%rule, $sid, \my %unused_stats, 0, basename($file));
+ $single = $rule{single};
+ $multi = $rule{multi};
+ # Disabled rules are printed right back to the file, unless
+ # there also is an active rule with the same sid. Als o make
+ # sure we only print the sid once, even though it's disabled.
+ if ($multi =~ /^#/ && !exists($sids{$sid}) && !exists($sids{$sid}{printed})) {
+ print OUTFILE $multi;
+ $sids{$sid}{printed} = 1;
+ next RULELOOP;
+ }
+ # If this sid has not yet been printed and this is the place where
+ # the sid with the highest rev was, print the rule to the file.
+ # (There can be multiple totally different rules with the same sid
+ # and we don't want to put the wrong rule in the wrong place.
+ if (!exists($sids{$sid}{printed}) && $single eq $sids{$sid}{single}) {
+ print OUTFILE $multi;
+ $sids{$sid}{printed} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(OUTFILE);
+ }
+ print STDERR "disabled $stats{disabled}, enabled $stats{enabled}, ".
+ "modified $stats{modified}, total=$stats{total}\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ # Print warnings on attempt at enablesid/disablesid/localsid on non-existent
+ # rule if we're in verbose mode.
+ if ($config{verbose}) {
+ foreach my $sid (keys(%$enable_sid_ref)) {
+ warn("WARNING: attempt to use \"enablesid\" on non-existent SID $sid\n")
+ unless (exists($sids{$sid}));
+ }
+ foreach my $sid (keys(%$disable_sid_ref)) {
+ warn("WARNING: attempt to use \"disablesid\" on non-existent SID $sid\n")
+ unless (exists($sids{$sid}));
+ }
+ foreach my $sid (keys(%$local_sid_ref)) {
+ warn("WARNING: attempt to use \"localsid\" on non-existent SID $sid\n")
+ unless (exists($sids{$sid}));
+ }
+ }
+ # Print warnings on attempt at modifysid'ing non-existent stuff, unless quiet mode.
+ unless ($config{quiet}) {
+ my %new_files;
+ foreach my $file (sort(keys(%$newfiles_ref))) {
+ $new_files{basename($file)} = 1;
+ }
+ my %mod_tmp;
+ foreach my $mod_expr (@$modify_sid_ref) {
+ my ($type, $arg) = ($mod_expr->[2], $mod_expr->[3]);
+ $mod_tmp{$type}{$arg} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $sid (keys(%{$mod_tmp{sid}})) {
+ warn("WARNING: attempt to use \"modifysid\" on non-existent SID $sid\n")
+ unless (exists($sids{$sid}));
+ }
+ foreach my $file (keys(%{$mod_tmp{file}})) {
+ warn("WARNING: attempt to use \"modifysid\" on non-existent file $file\n")
+ unless(exists($new_files{$file}));
+ }
+ }
+ # Return total number of valid rules.
+ return ($stats{total});
+# Process (modify/enable/disable) a rule as requested.
+sub process_rule($ $ $ $ $ $ $ $)
+ my $modify_sid_ref = shift;
+ my $disable_sid_ref = shift;
+ my $enable_sid_ref = shift;
+ my $rule_ref = shift;
+ my $sid = shift;
+ my $stats_ref = shift;
+ my $print_messages = shift;
+ my $filename = shift;
+ # Just for easier access.
+ my $single = $$rule_ref{single};
+ my $multi = $$rule_ref{multi};
+ # Some rules may be commented out by default.
+ # Enable them if -e is specified (both single-line and multi-line,
+ # version, because we don't know which version one we're going to
+ # use below.
+ # Enable them if -e is specified.
+ if ($multi =~ /^#/ && $config{enable_all}) {
+ $multi =~ s/^#*//;
+ $multi =~ s/\n#*/\n/g;
+ $single =~ s/^#*//;
+ $$stats_ref{enabled}++;
+ }
+ # Modify rule if requested. For disablesid/enablesid we work
+ # on the multi-line version of the rule (if exists). For
+ # modifysid that's no good since we don't know where in the
+ # rule the trailing backslashes and newlines are going to be
+ # and we don't want them to affect the regexp.
+ MOD_EXP:foreach my $mod_expr (@$modify_sid_ref) {
+ my ($subst, $repl, $type, $arg) =
+ ($mod_expr->[0], $mod_expr->[1], $mod_expr->[2], $mod_expr->[3]);
+ my $print_modify_warnings = 0;
+ $print_modify_warnings = 1 if (!$config{super_quiet} && $print_messages && $type eq "sid");
+ if ($type eq "wildcard" || ($type eq "sid" && $sid eq $arg) ||
+ ($type eq "file" && $filename eq $arg)) {
+ if ($single =~ /$subst/si) {
+ print STDERR "Modifying rule, SID=$sid, filename=$filename, ".
+ "match type=$type, subst=$subst, ".
+ "repl=$repl\nBefore: $single"
+ if ($print_messages && $config{verbose});
+ # If user specified a backreference but the regexp did not set $1 - don't modify rule.
+ if (!defined($1) && ($repl =~ /[^\\]\$\d+/ || $repl =~ /[^\\]\$\{\d+\}/
+ || $repl =~ /^qq\/\$\d+/ || $repl =~ /^qq\/\$\{\d+\}/)) {
+ warn("WARNING: SID $sid matches modifysid expression \"$subst\" but ".
+ "backreference variable \$1 is undefined after match, ".
+ "keeping original rule\n")
+ if ($print_modify_warnings);
+ next MOD_EXP;
+ }
+ # Do the substitution on the single-line version and put it
+ # back in $multi.
+ $single =~ s/$subst/$repl/eei;
+ $multi = $single;
+ print STDERR "After: $single\n"
+ if ($print_messages && $config{verbose});
+ $$stats_ref{modified}++;
+ } else {
+ if ($print_modify_warnings) {
+ warn("WARNING: SID $sid does not match modifysid ".
+ "expression \"$subst\", keeping original rule\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Disable rule if requested and it's not already disabled.
+ if (exists($$disable_sid_ref{$sid}) && $multi !~ /^\s*#/) {
+ $multi = "#$multi";
+ $multi =~ s/\n([^#].+)/\n#$1/g;
+ $$stats_ref{disabled}++;
+ }
+ # Enable rule if requested and it's not already enabled.
+ if (exists($$enable_sid_ref{$sid}) && $multi =~ /^\s*#/) {
+ $multi =~ s/^#+//;
+ $multi =~ s/\n#+(.+)/\n$1/g;
+ $$stats_ref{enabled}++;
+ }
+ $$rule_ref{single} = $single;
+ $$rule_ref{multi} = $multi;
+# Setup rules hash.
+# Format for rules will be: rh{old|new}{rules{filename}{sid} = single-line rule
+# Format for non-rules will be: rh{old|new}{other}{filename} = array of lines
+# List of added files will be stored as rh{added_files}{filename}
+sub setup_rules_hash($ $)
+ my $new_files_ref = shift;
+ my $output_dir = shift;
+ my (%rh, %old_sids);
+ print STDERR "Setting up rules structures... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ foreach my $file (sort(keys(%$new_files_ref))) {
+ warn("\nWARNING: downloaded rules file $file is empty\n")
+ if (!-s "$file" && $config{verbose});
+ open(NEWFILE, "<", "$file")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $file for reading: $!");
+ my @newfile = <NEWFILE>;
+ close(NEWFILE);
+ # From now on we don't care about the path, so remove it.
+ $file = basename($file);
+ my ($single, $multi, $nonrule, $msg, $sid);
+ while (get_next_entry(\@newfile, \$single, \$multi, \$nonrule, \$msg, \$sid)) {
+ if (defined($single)) {
+ $rh{new}{rules}{"$file"}{"$sid"} = $single;
+ } else {
+ push(@{$rh{new}{other}{"$file"}}, $nonrule);
+ }
+ }
+ # Also read in old (aka local) file if it exists.
+ # We do a sid dup check in these files.
+ if (-f "$output_dir/$file") {
+ open(OLDFILE, "<", "$output_dir/$file")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $output_dir/$file for reading: $!");
+ my @oldfile = <OLDFILE>;
+ close(OLDFILE);
+ while (get_next_entry(\@oldfile, \$single, \$multi, \$nonrule, undef, \$sid)) {
+ if (defined($single)) {
+ warn("\nWARNING: duplicate SID in your local rules, SID ".
+ "$sid exists multiple times, you may need to fix this manually!\n")
+ if (exists($old_sids{$sid}));
+ $rh{old}{rules}{"$file"}{"$sid"} = $single;
+ $old_sids{$sid}++;
+ } else {
+ push(@{$rh{old}{other}{"$file"}}, $nonrule);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $rh{added_files}{"$file"}++;
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR "done.\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ return (%rh);
+# Return lines that exist only in first array but not in second one.
+sub get_first_only($ $ $)
+ my $first_only_ref = shift;
+ my $first_arr_ref = shift;
+ my $second_arr_ref = shift;
+ my %arr_hash;
+ @arr_hash{@$second_arr_ref} = ();
+ foreach my $line (@$first_arr_ref) {
+ # Skip blank lines and CVS Id tags.
+ next unless ($line =~ /\S/);
+ next if ($line =~ /^\s*#+\s*\$I\S:.+Exp\s*\$/);
+ push(@$first_only_ref, $line)
+ unless(exists($arr_hash{$line}));
+ }
+# Backup files in output dir matching $config{update_files} into the backup dir.
+sub make_backup($ $)
+ my $src_dir = shift; # dir with the rules to be backed up
+ my $dest_dir = shift; # where to put the backup tarball
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = (localtime)[0 .. 5];
+ my $date = sprintf("%4d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d",
+ $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
+ my $backup_tarball = "rules-backup-$date.tar";
+ my $backup_tmp_dir = File::Spec->catdir("$tmpdir", "rules-backup-$date");
+ my $dest_file = File::Spec->catfile("$dest_dir", "$backup_tarball.gz");
+ print STDERR "Creating backup of old rules..."
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ mkdir("$backup_tmp_dir", 0700)
+ or clean_exit("could not create temporary backup directory $backup_tmp_dir: $!");
+ # Copy all rules files from the rules dir to the temporary backup dir.
+ opendir(OLDRULES, "$src_dir")
+ or clean_exit("could not open directory $src_dir: $!");
+ while ($_ = readdir(OLDRULES)) {
+ next if (/^\.\.?$/);
+ if (/$config{update_files}/) {
+ my $src_file = untaint_path("$src_dir/$_");
+ copy("$src_file", "$backup_tmp_dir/")
+ or warn("WARNING: could not copy $src_file to $backup_tmp_dir/: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(OLDRULES);
+ # Also backup the -U <file> (as "variable-file.conf") if specified.
+ if ($config{update_vars}) {
+ copy("$config{varfile}", "$backup_tmp_dir/variable-file.conf")
+ or warn("WARNING: could not copy $config{varfile} to $backup_tmp_dir: $!")
+ }
+ my $old_dir = untaint_path(File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->curdir()));
+ # Change directory to $tmpdir (so we'll be right below the directory where
+ # we have our rules to be backed up).
+ chdir("$tmpdir") or clean_exit("could not change directory to $tmpdir: $!");
+ if ($config{use_external_bins}) {
+ clean_exit("tar command returned error when archiving backup files.\n")
+ if (system("tar","cf","$backup_tarball","rules-backup-$date"));
+ clean_exit("gzip command returned error when compressing backup file.\n")
+ if (system("gzip","$backup_tarball"));
+ $backup_tarball .= ".gz";
+ } else {
+ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ opendir(RULES, "rules-backup-$date")
+ or clean_exit("unable to open directory \"rules-backup-$date\": $!");
+ while ($_ = readdir(RULES)) {
+ next if (/^\.\.?$/);
+ $tar->add_files("rules-backup-$date/$_");
+ }
+ closedir(RULES);
+ $backup_tarball .= ".gz";
+ # Write tarball. Print stupid error message if it fails as
+ # we can't use $tar->error or Tar::error on all platforms.
+ $tar->write("$backup_tarball", 1);
+ clean_exit("could not create backup archive: tarball empty after creation\n")
+ unless (-s "$backup_tarball");
+ }
+ # Change back to old directory (so it will work with -b <directory> as either
+ # an absolute or a relative path.
+ chdir("$old_dir")
+ or clean_exit("could not change directory back to $old_dir: $!");
+ copy("$tmpdir/$backup_tarball", "$dest_file")
+ or clean_exit("unable to copy $tmpdir/$backup_tarball to $dest_file/: $!\n");
+ print STDERR " saved as $dest_file.\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+# Print the results.
+sub print_changes($ $)
+ my $ch_ref = shift;
+ my $rh_ref = shift;
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = (localtime)[0 .. 5];
+ my $date = sprintf("%4d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
+ $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
+ print "\n[***] Results from Oinkmaster started $date [***]\n";
+ # Print new variables.
+ if ($config{update_vars}) {
+ if ($#{$$ch_ref{new_vars}} > -1) {
+ print "\n[*] New variables: [*]\n";
+ foreach my $var (@{$$ch_ref{new_vars}}) {
+ print " $var";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "\n[*] New variables: [*]\n None.\n"
+ unless ($config{super_quiet});
+ }
+ }
+ # Print rules modifications.
+ print "\n[*] Rules modifications: [*]\n None.\n"
+ if (!keys(%{$$ch_ref{rules}}) && !$config{super_quiet});
+ # Print added rules.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{added})) {
+ print "\n[+++] Added rules: [+++]\n";
+ if ($config{summary_output}) {
+ print_summary_change(\%{$$ch_ref{rules}{added}}, $rh_ref);
+ } else {
+ print_changetype($PRINT_NEW, "Added to",
+ \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{added}}, $rh_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ # Print enabled rules.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{ena})) {
+ print "\n[+++] Enabled rules: [+++]\n";
+ if ($config{summary_output}) {
+ print_summary_change(\%{$$ch_ref{rules}{ena}}, $rh_ref);
+ } else {
+ print_changetype($PRINT_NEW, "Enabled in",
+ \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{ena}}, $rh_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ # Print enabled + modified rules.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{ena_mod})) {
+ print "\n[+++] Enabled and modified rules: [+++]\n";
+ if ($config{summary_output}) {
+ print_summary_change(\%{$$ch_ref{rules}{ena_mod}}, $rh_ref);
+ } else {
+ print_changetype($PRINT_BOTH, "Enabled and modified in",
+ \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{ena_mod}}, $rh_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ # Print modified active rules.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{mod_act})) {
+ print "\n[///] Modified active rules: [///]\n";
+ if ($config{summary_output}) {
+ print_summary_change(\%{$$ch_ref{rules}{mod_act}}, $rh_ref);
+ } else {
+ print_changetype($PRINT_BOTH, "Modified active in",
+ \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{mod_act}}, $rh_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ # Print modified inactive rules.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{mod_ina})) {
+ print "\n[///] Modified inactive rules: [///]\n";
+ if ($config{summary_output}) {
+ print_summary_change(\%{$$ch_ref{rules}{mod_ina}}, $rh_ref);
+ } else {
+ print_changetype($PRINT_BOTH, "Modified inactive in",
+ \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{mod_ina}}, $rh_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ # Print disabled + modified rules.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{dis_mod})) {
+ print "\n[---] Disabled and modified rules: [---]\n";
+ if ($config{summary_output}) {
+ print_summary_change(\%{$$ch_ref{rules}{dis_mod}}, $rh_ref);
+ } else {
+ print_changetype($PRINT_BOTH, "Disabled and modified in",
+ \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{dis_mod}}, $rh_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ # Print disabled rules.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{dis})) {
+ print "\n[---] Disabled rules: [---]\n";
+ if ($config{summary_output}) {
+ print_summary_change(\%{$$ch_ref{rules}{dis}}, $rh_ref);
+ } else {
+ print_changetype($PRINT_NEW, "Disabled in",
+ \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{dis}}, $rh_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ # Print removed rules.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{rules}{removed})) {
+ print "\n[---] Removed rules: [---]\n";
+ if ($config{summary_output}) {
+ print_summary_change(\%{$$ch_ref{rules}{removed}}, $rh_ref);
+ } else {
+ print_changetype($PRINT_OLD, "Removed from",
+ \%{$$ch_ref{rules}{removed}}, $rh_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ # Print non-rule modifications.
+ print "\n[*] Non-rule line modifications: [*]\n None.\n"
+ if (!keys(%{$$ch_ref{other}}) && !$config{super_quiet});
+ # Print added non-rule lines.
+ if (exists($$ch_ref{other}{added})) {
+ print "\n[+++] Added non-rule lines: [+++]\n";
+ foreach my $file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%{$$ch_ref{other}{added}}))) {
+ my $num = $#{$$ch_ref{other}{added}{$file}} + 1;
+ print "\n -> Added to $file ($num):\n";
+ foreach my $line (@{$$ch_ref{other}{added}{$file}}) {
+ print " $line";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print removed non-rule lines.
+ if (keys(%{$$ch_ref{other}{removed}}) > 0) {
+ print "\n[---] Removed non-rule lines: [---]\n";
+ foreach my $file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%{$$ch_ref{other}{removed}}))) {
+ my $num = $#{$$ch_ref{other}{removed}{$file}} + 1;
+ print "\n -> Removed from $file ($num):\n";
+ foreach my $other (@{$$ch_ref{other}{removed}{$file}}) {
+ print " $other";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print list of added files.
+ if (keys(%{$$ch_ref{added_files}})) {
+ print "\n[+] Added files (consider updating your snort.conf to include them if needed): [+]\n\n";
+ foreach my $added_file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%{$$ch_ref{added_files}}))) {
+ print " -> $added_file\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "\n[*] Added files: [*]\n None.\n"
+ unless ($config{super_quiet} || $config{summary_output});
+ }
+ # Print list of possibly removed files if requested.
+ if ($config{check_removed}) {
+ if (keys(%{$$ch_ref{removed_files}})) {
+ print "\n[-] Files possibly removed from the archive ".
+ "(consider removing them from your snort.conf if needed): [-]\n\n";
+ foreach my $removed_file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%{$$ch_ref{removed_files}}))) {
+ print " -> $removed_file\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "\n[*] Files possibly removed from the archive: [*]\n None.\n"
+ unless ($config{super_quiet} || $config{summary_output});
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# Helper for print_changes().
+sub print_changetype($ $ $ $)
+ my $type = shift; # $PRINT_OLD|$PRINT_NEW|$PRINT_BOTH
+ my $string = shift; # string to print before filename
+ my $ch_ref = shift; # reference to an entry in the rules changes hash
+ my $rh_ref = shift; # reference to rules hash
+ foreach my $file (sort({uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys(%$ch_ref))) {
+ my $num = keys(%{$$ch_ref{$file}});
+ print "\n -> $string $file ($num):\n";
+ foreach my $sid (keys(%{$$ch_ref{$file}})) {
+ if ($type == $PRINT_OLD) {
+ print " $$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid}"
+ } elsif ($type == $PRINT_NEW) {
+ print " $$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid}"
+ } elsif ($type == $PRINT_BOTH) {
+ my $old = $$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid};
+ my $new = $$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid};
+ if ($config{minimize_diff}) {
+ my ($old, $new) = minimize_diff($old, $new);
+ print "\n old SID $sid: $old";
+ print " new SID $sid: $new";
+ } else {
+ print "\n old: $old";
+ print " new: $new";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Print changes in bmc style, i.e. only sid and msg, no full details.
+sub print_summary_change($ $)
+ my $ch_ref = shift; # reference to an entry in the rules changes hash
+ my $rh_ref = shift; # reference to rules hash
+ my (@sids, %sidmap);
+ print "\n";
+ # First get all the sids (may be spread across multiple files.
+ foreach my $file (keys(%$ch_ref)) {
+ foreach my $sid (keys(%{$$ch_ref{$file}})) {
+ push(@sids, $sid);
+ if (exists($$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid})) {
+ $sidmap{$sid}{rule} = $$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid};
+ } else {
+ $sidmap{$sid}{rule} = $$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid};
+ }
+ $sidmap{$sid}{file} = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ # Print rules, sorted by sid.
+ foreach my $sid (sort {$a <=> $b} (@sids)) {
+ my @rule = $sidmap{$sid}{rule};
+ my $file = $sidmap{$sid}{file};
+ get_next_entry(\@rule, undef, undef, undef, \(my $msg), undef);
+ printf("%8d - %s (%s)\n", $sid, $msg, $file);
+ }
+ print "\n";
+# Compare the new rules to the old ones.
+sub get_changes($ $ $)
+ my $rh_ref = shift;
+ my $new_files_ref = shift;
+ my $rules_dir = shift;
+ my %changes;
+ print STDERR "Comparing new files to the old ones... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ # We have the list of added files (without full path) in $rh_ref{added_files}
+ # but we'd rather want to have it in $changes{added_files} now.
+ $changes{added_files} = $$rh_ref{added_files};
+ # New files are also regarded as modified since we want to update
+ # (i.e. add) those as well. Here we want them with full path.
+ foreach my $file (keys(%{$changes{added_files}})) {
+ $changes{modified_files}{"$tmpdir/$rules_dir/$file"}++;
+ }
+ # Add list of possibly removed files if requested.
+ if ($config{check_removed}) {
+ opendir(OLDRULES, "$config{output_dir}")
+ or clean_exit("could not open directory $config{output_dir}: $!");
+ while ($_ = readdir(OLDRULES)) {
+ next if (/^\.\.?$/);
+ $changes{removed_files}{"$_"} = 1
+ if (/$config{update_files}/ &&
+ !exists($config{file_ignore_list}{$_}) &&
+ !-e "$tmpdir/$rules_dir/$_");
+ }
+ closedir(OLDRULES);
+ }
+ # For each new rules file...
+ FILELOOP:foreach my $file_w_path (sort(keys(%$new_files_ref))) {
+ my $file = basename($file_w_path);
+ # Skip comparison if it's an added file.
+ next FILELOOP if (exists($$rh_ref{added_files}{$file}));
+ # For each sid in the new file...
+ foreach my $sid (keys(%{$$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}})) {
+ my $new_rule = $$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid};
+ # Sid also exists in the old file?
+ if (exists($$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid})) {
+ my $old_rule = $$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}{$sid};
+ # Are they identical?
+ unless ($new_rule eq $old_rule) {
+ $changes{modified_files}{$file_w_path}++;
+ # Find out in which way the rules are different.
+ if ("#$old_rule" eq $new_rule) {
+ $changes{rules}{dis}{$file}{$sid}++;
+ } elsif ($old_rule eq "#$new_rule") {
+ $changes{rules}{ena}{$file}{$sid}++;
+ } elsif ($old_rule =~ /^\s*#/ && $new_rule !~ /^\s*#/) {
+ $changes{rules}{ena_mod}{$file}{$sid}++;
+ } elsif ($old_rule !~ /^\s*#/ && $new_rule =~ /^\s*#/) {
+ $changes{rules}{dis_mod}{$file}{$sid}++;
+ } elsif ($old_rule =~ /^\s*#/ && $new_rule =~ /^\s*#/) {
+ $changes{rules}{mod_ina}{$file}{$sid}++;
+ } else {
+ $changes{rules}{mod_act}{$file}{$sid}++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { # sid not found in old file, i.e. it's added
+ $changes{modified_files}{$file_w_path}++;
+ $changes{rules}{added}{$file}{$sid}++;
+ }
+ } # foreach sid
+ # Check for removed rules, i.e. sids that exist in the old file but
+ # not in the new one.
+ foreach my $sid (keys(%{$$rh_ref{old}{rules}{$file}})) {
+ unless (exists($$rh_ref{new}{rules}{$file}{$sid})) {
+ $changes{modified_files}{$file_w_path}++;
+ $changes{rules}{removed}{$file}{$sid}++;
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for added non-rule lines.
+ get_first_only(\my @added,
+ \@{$$rh_ref{new}{other}{$file}},
+ \@{$$rh_ref{old}{other}{$file}});
+ if (scalar(@added)) {
+ @{$changes{other}{added}{$file}} = @added;
+ $changes{modified_files}{$file_w_path}++;
+ }
+ # Check for removed non-rule lines.
+ get_first_only(\my @removed,
+ \@{$$rh_ref{old}{other}{$file}},
+ \@{$$rh_ref{new}{other}{$file}});
+ if (scalar(@removed)) {
+ @{$changes{other}{removed}{$file}} = @removed;
+ $changes{modified_files}{$file_w_path}++;
+ }
+ } # foreach new file
+ print STDERR "done.\n" unless ($config{quiet});
+ return (%changes);
+# Simply copy the modified rules files to the output directory.
+sub update_rules($ @)
+ my $dst_dir = shift;
+ my @modified_files = @_;
+ print STDERR "Updating local rules files... "
+ if (!$config{quiet} || $config{interactive});
+ foreach my $file_w_path (@modified_files) {
+ copy("$file_w_path", "$dst_dir")
+ or clean_exit("could not copy $file_w_path to $dst_dir: $!");
+ }
+ print STDERR "done.\n"
+ if (!$config{quiet} || $config{interactive});
+# Simply copy rules files from one dir to another.
+# Links are not allowed.
+sub copy_rules($ $)
+ my $src_dir = shift;
+ my $dst_dir = shift;
+ print STDERR "Copying rules from $src_dir... "
+ if (!$config{quiet} || $config{interactive});
+ opendir(SRC_DIR, $src_dir)
+ or clean_exit("could not open directory $src_dir: $!");
+ my $num_files = 0;
+ while ($_ = readdir(SRC_DIR)) {
+ next if (/^\.\.?$/ || exists($config{file_ignore_list}{$_})
+ || !/$config{update_files}/);
+ my $src_file = untaint_path("$src_dir/$_");
+ # Make sure it's a regular file.
+ unless (-f "$src_file" && !-l "$src_file") {
+ closedir(SRC_DIR);
+ clean_exit("\"$src_file\" is not a regular file.")
+ }
+ unless (copy($src_file, $dst_dir)) {
+ closedir(SRC_DIR);
+ clean_exit("could not copy \"$src_file\" to \"$dst_dir\"/: $!");
+ }
+ $num_files++;
+ }
+ closedir(SRC_DIR);
+ print STDERR "$num_files files copied.\n"
+ if (!$config{quiet} || $config{interactive});
+# Return true if file is in PATH and is executable.
+sub is_in_path($)
+ my $file = shift;
+ foreach my $dir (File::Spec->path()) {
+ if ((-f "$dir/$file" && -x "$dir/$file")
+ || (-f "$dir/$file.exe" && -x "$dir/$file.exe")) {
+ print STDERR "Found $file binary in $dir\n"
+ if ($config{verbose});
+ return (1);
+ }
+ }
+ return (0);
+# get_next_entry() will parse the array referenced in the first arg
+# and return the next entry. The array should contain a rules file,
+# and the returned entry will be removed from the array.
+# An entry is one of:
+# - single-line rule (put in 2nd ref)
+# - multi-line rule (put in 3rd ref)
+# - non-rule line (put in 4th ref)
+# If the entry is a multi-line rule, its single-line version is also
+# returned (put in the 2nd ref).
+# If it's a rule, the msg string will be put in 4th ref and sid in 5th.
+sub get_next_entry($ $ $ $ $ $)
+ my $arr_ref = shift;
+ my $single_ref = shift;
+ my $multi_ref = shift;
+ my $nonrule_ref = shift;
+ my $msg_ref = shift;
+ my $sid_ref = shift;
+ undef($$single_ref);
+ undef($$multi_ref);
+ undef($$nonrule_ref);
+ undef($$msg_ref);
+ undef($$sid_ref);
+ my $line = shift(@$arr_ref) || return(0);
+ my $disabled = 0;
+ my $broken = 0;
+ chomp($line);
+ $line .= "\n";
+ # Possible beginning of multi-line rule?
+ if ($line =~ /$MULTILINE_RULE_REGEXP/oi) {
+ $$single_ref = $line;
+ $$multi_ref = $line;
+ $disabled = 1 if ($line =~ /^\s*#/);
+ # Keep on reading as long as line ends with "\".
+ while (!$broken && $line =~ /\\\s*\n$/) {
+ # Remove trailing "\" and newline for single-line version.
+ $$single_ref =~ s/\\\s*\n//;
+ # If there are no more lines, this can not be a valid multi-line rule.
+ if (!($line = shift(@$arr_ref))) {
+ warn("\nWARNING: got EOF while parsing multi-line rule: $$multi_ref\n")
+ if ($config{verbose});
+ @_ = split(/\n/, $$multi_ref);
+ undef($$multi_ref);
+ undef($$single_ref);
+ # First line of broken multi-line rule will be returned as a non-rule line.
+ $$nonrule_ref = shift(@_) . "\n";
+ $$nonrule_ref =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/; # remove trailing whitespaces
+ # The rest is put back to the array again.
+ foreach $_ (reverse((@_))) {
+ unshift(@$arr_ref, "$_\n");
+ }
+ return (1); # return non-rule
+ }
+ # Multi-line continuation.
+ $$multi_ref .= $line;
+ # If there are non-comment lines in the middle of a disabled rule,
+ # mark the rule as broken to return as non-rule lines.
+ if ($line !~ /^\s*#/ && $disabled) {
+ $broken = 1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*#/ && !$disabled) {
+ # comment line (with trailing slash) in the middle of an active rule - ignore it
+ } else {
+ $line =~ s/^\s*#*\s*//; # remove leading # in single-line version
+ $$single_ref .= $line;
+ }
+ } # while line ends with "\"
+ # Single-line version should now be a valid rule.
+ # If not, it wasn't a valid multi-line rule after all.
+ if (!$broken && parse_singleline_rule($$single_ref, $msg_ref, $sid_ref)) {
+ $$single_ref =~ s/^\s*//; # remove leading whitespaces
+ $$single_ref =~ s/^#+\s*/#/; # remove whitespaces next to leading #
+ $$single_ref =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/; # remove trailing whitespaces
+ $$multi_ref =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $$multi_ref =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/;
+ $$multi_ref =~ s/^#+\s*/#/;
+ return (1); # return multi
+ # Invalid multi-line rule.
+ } else {
+ warn("\nWARNING: invalid multi-line rule: $$single_ref\n")
+ if ($config{verbose} && $$multi_ref !~ /^\s*#/);
+ @_ = split(/\n/, $$multi_ref);
+ undef($$multi_ref);
+ undef($$single_ref);
+ # First line of broken multi-line rule will be returned as a non-rule line.
+ $$nonrule_ref = shift(@_) . "\n";
+ $$nonrule_ref =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/; # remove trailing whitespaces
+ # The rest is put back to the array again.
+ foreach $_ (reverse((@_))) {
+ unshift(@$arr_ref, "$_\n");
+ }
+ return (1); # return non-rule
+ }
+ # Check if it's a regular single-line rule.
+ } elsif (parse_singleline_rule($line, $msg_ref, $sid_ref)) {
+ $$single_ref = $line;
+ $$single_ref =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $$single_ref =~ s/^#+\s*/#/;
+ $$single_ref =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/;
+ return (1); # return single
+ # Non-rule line.
+ } else {
+ # Do extra check and warn if it *might* be a rule anyway,
+ # but that we just couldn't parse for some reason.
+ warn("\nWARNING: line may be a rule but it could not be parsed ".
+ "(missing sid?): $line\n")
+ if ($config{verbose} && $line =~ /^\s*alert .+msg\s*:\s*".+"\s*;/);
+ $$nonrule_ref = $line;
+ $$nonrule_ref =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/;
+ return (1); # return non-rule
+ }
+# Look for variables that exist in dist var files but not in local var file.
+sub get_new_vars($ $ $ $)
+ my $ch_ref = shift;
+ my $dist_var_files_ref = shift;
+ my $local_var_file = shift;
+ my $url_tmpdirs_ref = shift;
+ my %new_vars;
+ my (%old_vars, %dist_var_files, %found_dist_var_files);
+ my $confs_found = 0;
+ # Warn in case we can't find a specified dist file.
+ foreach my $dir (@$url_tmpdirs_ref) {
+ foreach my $dist_var_file (@$dist_var_files_ref) {
+ if (-e "$dir/$dist_var_file") {
+ $found_dist_var_files{$dist_var_file} = 1;
+ $confs_found++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $dist_var_file (@$dist_var_files_ref) {
+ unless (exists($found_dist_var_files{$dist_var_file})) {
+ warn("WARNING: did not find variable file \"$dist_var_file\" in ".
+ "downloaded archive(s)\n")
+ unless($config{quiet});
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($confs_found) {
+ unless ($config{quiet}) {
+ warn("WARNING: no variable files found in downloaded archive(s), ".
+ "aborting check for new variables\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Read in variable names from old (target) var file.
+ open(LOCAL_VAR_FILE, "<", "$local_var_file")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $local_var_file for reading: $!");
+ my @local_var_conf = <LOCAL_VAR_FILE>;
+ foreach $_ (join_multilines(\@local_var_conf)) {
+ $old_vars{lc($1)}++ if (/$VAR_REGEXP/i);
+ }
+ close(LOCAL_VAR_FILE);
+ # Read in variables from new file(s).
+ foreach my $dir (@$url_tmpdirs_ref) {
+ foreach my $dist_var_file (@$dist_var_files_ref) {
+ my $conf = "$dir/$dist_var_file";
+ if (-e "$conf") {
+ my $num_new = 0;
+ print STDERR "Checking downloaded $dist_var_file for new variables... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ open(DIST_CONF, "<", "$conf")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $conf for reading: $!");
+ my @dist_var_conf = <DIST_CONF>;
+ close(DIST_CONF);
+ foreach $_ (join_multilines(\@dist_var_conf)) {
+ if (/$VAR_REGEXP/i && !exists($old_vars{lc($1)})) {
+ my ($varname, $varval) = (lc($1), $2);
+ if (exists($new_vars{$varname})) {
+ warn("\nWARNING: new variable \"$varname\" is defined multiple ".
+ "times in downloaded files\n");
+ }
+ s/^\s*//;
+ push(@{$$ch_ref{new_vars}}, "$_\n");
+ $new_vars{$varname} = $varval;
+ $num_new++;
+ }
+ }
+ close(DIST_CONF);
+ print STDERR "$num_new new found.\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Add new variables to local snort.conf.
+sub add_new_vars($ $)
+ my $ch_ref = shift;
+ my $varfile = shift;
+ my $tmp_varfile = "$tmpdir/tmp_varfile.conf";
+ my $new_content;
+ return unless ($#{$changes{new_vars}} > -1);
+ print STDERR "Adding new variables to $varfile... "
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+ open(OLD_LOCAL_CONF, "<", "$varfile")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $varfile for reading: $!");
+ my @old_content = <OLD_LOCAL_CONF>;
+ close(OLD_LOCAL_CONF);
+ open(NEW_LOCAL_CONF, ">", "$tmp_varfile")
+ or clean_exit("could not open $tmp_varfile for writing: $!");
+ my @old_vars = grep(/$VAR_REGEXP/i, @old_content);
+ # If any vars exist in old file, put new vars right after them.
+ if ($#old_vars > -1) {
+ while ($_ = shift(@old_content)) {
+ print NEW_LOCAL_CONF $_;
+ last if ($_ eq $old_vars[$#old_vars]);
+ }
+ }
+ print NEW_LOCAL_CONF @{$changes{new_vars}};
+ print NEW_LOCAL_CONF @old_content;
+ close(NEW_LOCAL_CONF);
+ clean_exit("could not copy $tmp_varfile to $varfile: $!")
+ unless (copy("$tmp_varfile", "$varfile"));
+ print STDERR "done.\n"
+ unless ($config{quiet});
+# Convert msdos style path to cygwin style, e.g.
+# c:\foo => /cygdrive/c/foo
+sub msdos_to_cygwin_path($)
+ my $path_ref = shift;
+ if ($$path_ref =~ /^([a-zA-Z]):[\/\\](.*)/) {
+ my ($drive, $dir) = ($1, $2);
+ $dir =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $$path_ref = "/cygdrive/$drive/$dir";
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+# Parse and process a modifysid expression.
+# Return 1 if valid, or otherwise 0.
+sub parse_mod_expr($ $ $ $)
+ my $mod_list_ref = shift; # where to store valid entries
+ my $sid_arg_list = shift; # comma-separated list of SIDs/files or wildcard
+ my $subst = shift; # regexp to look for
+ my $repl = shift; # regexp to replace it with
+ my @tmp_mod_list;
+ $sid_arg_list =~ s/\s+$//;
+ foreach my $sid_arg (split(/\s*,\s*/, $sid_arg_list)) {
+ my $type = "";
+ $type = "sid" if ($sid_arg =~ /^\d+$/);
+ $type = "file" if ($sid_arg =~ /^\S+.*\.\S+$/);
+ $type = "wildcard" if ($sid_arg eq "*");
+ return (0) unless ($type);
+ # Sanity check to make sure user escaped at least all the "$" in $subst.
+ if ($subst =~ /[^\\]\$./ || $subst =~ /^\$/) {
+ warn("WARNING: unescaped \$ in expression \"$subst\", all special ".
+ "characters must be escaped\n");
+ return (0);
+ }
+ # Only allow backreference variables. The check should at least catch some user typos.
+ if (($repl =~ /[^\\]\$(\D.)/ && $1 !~ /{\d/) || $repl =~ /[^\\]\$$/
+ || ($repl =~ /^\$(\D.)/ && $1 !~ /{\d/)) {
+ warn("WARNING: illegal replacement expression \"$repl\": unescaped \$ ".
+ "that isn't a backreference\n");
+ return (0);
+ }
+ # Don't permit unescaped @.
+ if ($repl =~ /[^\\]\@/ || $repl =~ /^\@/) {
+ warn("WARNING: illegal replacement expression \"$repl\": unescaped \@\n");
+ return (0);
+ }
+ # Make sure the regexp is valid.
+ my $repl_qq = "qq/$repl/";
+ my $dummy = "foo";
+ eval {
+ $dummy =~ s/$subst/$repl_qq/ee;
+ };
+ # We should probably check for warnings as well as errors...
+ if ($@) {
+ warn("Invalid regexp: $@");
+ return (0);
+ }
+ push(@tmp_mod_list, [$subst, $repl_qq, $type, $sid_arg]);
+ }
+ # If we come this far, all sids and the regexp were parsed successfully, so
+ # append them to real mod list array.
+ foreach my $mod_entry (@tmp_mod_list) {
+ push(@$mod_list_ref, $mod_entry);
+ }
+ return (1);
+# Untaint a path. Die if it contains illegal chars.
+sub untaint_path($)
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $orig_path = $path;
+ return $path unless ($config{use_path_checks});
+ (($path) = $path =~ /^([$OK_PATH_CHARS]+)$/)
+ or clean_exit("illegal character in path/filename ".
+ "\"$orig_path\", allowed are $OK_PATH_CHARS\n".
+ "Fix this or set use_path_checks=0 in oinkmaster.conf ".
+ "to disable this check completely if it is too strict.\n");
+ return ($path);
+# Ask user to approve changes. Return 1 for yes, 0 for no.
+sub approve_changes()
+ my $answer = "";
+ while ($answer !~ /^[yn]/i) {
+ print "Do you approve these changes? [Yn] ";
+ $answer = <STDIN>;
+ $answer = "y" unless ($answer =~ /\S/);
+ }
+ return ($answer =~ /^y/i);
+# Remove common leading and trailing stuff from two rules.
+sub minimize_diff($ $)
+ my $old_rule = shift;
+ my $new_rule = shift;
+ my $original_old = $old_rule;
+ my $original_new = $new_rule;
+ # Additional chars to print next to the diffing part.
+ my $additional_chars = 20;
+ # Remove the rev keyword from the rules, as it often
+ # makes the whole diff minimizing useless.
+ $old_rule =~ s/\s*\b(rev\s*:\s*\d+\s*;)\s*//;
+ my $old_rev = $1;
+ $new_rule =~ s/\s*\b(rev\s*:\s*\d+\s*;)\s*//;
+ my $new_rev = $1;
+ # If rev was the only thing that changed, we want to restore the rev
+ # before continuing so we don't remove common stuff from rules that
+ # are identical.
+ if ($old_rule eq $new_rule) {
+ $old_rule = $original_old;
+ $new_rule = $original_new;
+ }
+ # Temporarily remove possible leading # so it works nicely
+ # with modified rules that are also being either enabled or disabled.
+ my $old_is_disabled = 0;
+ my $new_is_disabled = 0;
+ $old_is_disabled = 1 if ($old_rule =~ s/^#//);
+ $new_is_disabled = 1 if ($new_rule =~ s/^#//);
+ # Go forward char by char until they aren't equeal.
+ # $i will bet set to the index where they diff.
+ my @old = split(//, $old_rule);
+ my @new = split(//, $new_rule);
+ my $i = 0;
+ while ($i <= $#old && $i <= $#new && $old[$i] eq $new[$i]) {
+ $i++;
+ }
+ # Now same thing but backwards.
+ # $j will bet set to the index where they diff.
+ @old = reverse(split(//, $old_rule));
+ @new = reverse(split(//, $new_rule));
+ my $j = 0;
+ while ($j <= $#old && $j <= $#new && $old[$j] eq $new[$j]) {
+ $j++;
+ }
+ # Print some additional chars on either side, if there is room for it.
+ $i -= $additional_chars;
+ $i = 0 if ($i < 0);
+ $j = -$j + $additional_chars;
+ $j = 0 if ($j > -1);
+ my ($old, $new);
+ # Print entire rules (i.e. they can not be shortened).
+ if (!$i && !$j) {
+ $old = $old_rule;
+ $new = $new_rule;
+ # Leading and trailing stuff can be removed.
+ } elsif ($i && $j) {
+ $old = "..." . substr($old_rule, $i, $j) . "...";
+ $new = "..." . substr($new_rule, $i, $j) . "...";
+ # Trailing stuff can be removed.
+ } elsif (!$i && $j) {
+ $old = substr($old_rule, $i, $j) . "...";
+ $new = substr($new_rule, $i, $j) . "...";
+ # Leading stuff can be removed.
+ } elsif ($i && !$j) {
+ $old = "..." . substr($old_rule, $i);
+ $new = "..." . substr($new_rule, $i);
+ }
+ chomp($old, $new);
+ $old .= "\n";
+ $new .= "\n";
+ # Restore possible leading # now.
+ $old = "#$old" if ($old_is_disabled);
+ $new = "#$new" if ($new_is_disabled);
+ return ($old, $new);
+# Check a string and return 1 if it's a valid single-line snort rule.
+# Msg string is put in second arg, sid in third (those are the only
+# required keywords, besides the leading rule actions).
+sub parse_singleline_rule($ $ $)
+ my $line = shift;
+ my $msg_ref = shift;
+ my $sid_ref = shift;
+ undef($$msg_ref);
+ undef($$sid_ref);
+ if ($line =~ /$SINGLELINE_RULE_REGEXP/oi) {
+ if ($line =~ /\bmsg\s*:\s*"(.+?)"\s*;/i) {
+ $$msg_ref = $1;
+ } else {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /\bsid\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*;/i) {
+ $$sid_ref = $1;
+ } else {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+# Merge multiline directives in an array by simply removing traling backslashes.
+sub join_multilines($)
+ my $multiline_conf_ref = shift;
+ my $joined_conf = "";
+ foreach $_ (@$multiline_conf_ref) {
+ s/\\\s*\n$//;
+ $joined_conf .= $_;
+ }
+ return (split/\n/, $joined_conf);
+# Catch SIGINT.
+sub catch_sigint()
+ print STDERR "\nInterrupted, cleaning up.\n";
+ sleep(1);
+ clean_exit("interrupted by signal");
+# Remove temporary directory and exit.
+# If a non-empty string is given as argument, it will be regarded
+# as an error message and we will use die() with the message instead
+# of just exit(0).
+sub clean_exit($)
+ my $err_msg = shift;
+ if (defined($tmpdir) && -d "$tmpdir") {
+ chdir(File::Spec->rootdir());
+ rmtree("$tmpdir", 0, 1);
+ undef($tmpdir);
+ }
+ if (!defined($err_msg) || $err_msg eq "") {
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ chomp($err_msg);
+ die("\n$0: Error: $err_msg\n\nOink, oink. Exiting...\n");
+ }
+#### EOF ####