#!/usr/bin/env bash # makeboot.sh # Create NetBoot Image from any OS X volume # Much of this is borrowed from DeployStudio/sys_builder.sh # usage makeboot..sh source destination if [ $USER != "root" ]; then echo "This must be run as root" exit 1 fi USAGE="$(basename $0) source destination" if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo $USAGE 2>&1 exit 1 fi RSYNC_VERSION=$(rsync --version | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 8) if [[ $RSYNC_VERSION -lt 30 ]]; then echo "Sorry, but your rsync is too old" 2>&1 exit 1 fi SOURCE=$1 VOL_NAME=NetBoot TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH=/tmp/NetBoot mkdir $TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH DMG_FILE=./boot.sparseimage echo "Creating disk image..." hdiutil create "${DMG_FILE}" -volname "${VOL_NAME}"\ -size 5G -type SPARSE -fs HFS+ -stretch 10G\ -uid 0 -gid 80 -mode 775 -layout NONE -ov > /dev/null 2>&1 chmod 777 "${DMG_FILE}" echo "Mounting disk image..." hdiutil attach "${DMG_FILE}" -mountpoint "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Preparing disk image..." mdutil -i off "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}" > /dev/null 2>&1 mdutil -E "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}" > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}"/Library/Caches defaults write "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}"/.Spotlight-V100/_IndexPolicy Policy -int 3 echo "Cloning system (this will take a while)..." /usr/local/bin/rsync\ --protect-args --fileflags --force-change -ahNHAXxr\ --files-from=./include.txt --exclude-from=./exclude.txt\ "${SOURCE}" $TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH echo "Doing boot things..." kextcache -a i386 -N -L -S -m "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}"/System/Library/Extensions.mkext\ "${SOURCE}"/System/Library/Extensions bless --folder "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}"/System/Library/CoreServices\ --label "${VOL_NAME}" --bootinfo --bootefi --verbose echo "Removing non-English localisations..." find "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}"/Applications\ "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}"/System/Library/Frameworks\ -type d -name '*.lproj' ! -iname 'en*' -delete diskutil eject "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}" rm -r "${TMP_MOUNT_POINT_PATH}" open .