Introduction ============ Servo Checkin is a tool for checking in Apple hardware for service. It's designed for consumers, business customers and service providers. Should work on both desktop and mobile devices. The service will be a free public service for consumers to manage their Apple hardware and a paid service for Service Providers (SP) who can: - Link to the service from their homepage - Use the service at their stores as a self-service system Business customers should be able to check in their service cases with a certain SP as well as receive updates and give feedback on a case. Each "instance" is always tied to a specific SP. The customer always starts withs$sp Features ======== Customers should be able to: - Create an account and manage their Apple hardware - Check in a device for service without creating an account - Check the status of their current service cases (if they've created an account) Managing hardware ================= - Customers should be able to check the warranty of their device. - Upload purchase receipts and other relevant documents. Mark a device as stolen (?). - Check part prices (with proper service provider backend) - Check the specs of the machine (what type of RAM, supported OS, etc) - See current repair extension programs for the device Creating a Service Case ======================= - Choose language - Enter serial number - Enter problem description - Enter username and password - Enter whether data backup is necessary - Enter maximum price for repair (if OOW) - Troubleshooting During service ============== - Customers should be able to check the status of the repair - See the latest reported notes by the technician - See the totall cost of the repair - Authorize or decline a cost estimate After service ============= - Customers should be able to give feedback on the case - Rate the case (1-5 on speed, professionalism... check CSAT) - Overall time to repair completion - Professionalism of the service location employees - Quality of the repair and condition of the repaired product - Timeliness of updates provided, especially if the repair is delayed - Follow-up? (somehow checking that the problem is really gone?) Troubleshooting =============== - Help the customer describe the problem - Help the service provider get the information they need - Admin-configurable (question: choices) - Creates a "story" Backends ======== Servo Checkin should be a separate product from Servo. This would allow: - providing a public service for customers to manage their Apple hardware - sell the system separately to service providers who don't need/want Servo Checkin should have 3 possible backend choices: - Email (just dump all the entered text into an email) - HTTP post (JSON, authenticated) - Servo The Servo backend ================= - Associate the customer with a Servo customer with their email address (?) - Create the Service Order - Add the customer's notes (by the API user) - Update the service order with input from the customer duing the repair - The customer can print the work confirmation - The Service Provider gets a custom URL ( The Implementation ================== - Django app - PostgreSQL - south - Use as many generic class-based views as possible - Bootstrap 3 - warranty checkup through py-gsxws - Desktop, phone, tablet Checkin Admin ============= - Create AASP accounts (backend, urls, etc) - Show some customer stats? (no. of logins...)