# Backslash-escapes: basics \*\*don't shout\*\* \*don't emphasize\* \_literal underscores\_ \_\_more literal underscores\_\_ ## This header has trailing hash marks \#\# # Backslash-escapes: links This is not a \[link](/url/). This is a link, not an image link: \![link](/url/). Should this be an or not? I'll ask on markdown-discuss. I suspect PHP markdown is considering this NOT an autolink. This is not a [link definition\][link1] but [this is][link1]. [link1]: /url/ # Backslash-escapse: code blocks In a code block: escapes should \*not\* be \_interpreted\_ even \`backticks\` # Backslash-escapse: code spans Getting backticks and backslash-escapes working correctly with code spans can be tricky: `a normal code span` ``need multiple backticks to include a literal ` backtick`` `` `use a leading space to start a code span with a backtick`` ``use a trailing space to end a code span with a backtick` `` ``backslash-escapes \(are\) \*not\* \`interpreted\` in a code span`` \``a code span prefixed with a literal backtick` \`not a code span\` *Note A*: The `` (?!`) `` after the `\1` group in the `_DoCodeSpans()/_do_code_spans()` regex is necessary to ensure that a backtick doesn't match at the start of the code block (group `\2`) in an example like this: - ``foo`