import unittest from markdown.test_tools import TestCase class TestSetextHeaders(TestCase): def test_setext_h1(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is an H1 ============= """ ), '

This is an H1

' ) def test_setext_h2(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is an H2 ------------- """ ), '

This is an H2

' ) def test_setext_h1_mismatched_length(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is an H1 === """ ), '

This is an H1

' ) def test_setext_h2_mismatched_length(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is an H2 --- """ ), '

This is an H2

' ) def test_setext_h1_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is an H1 ============= Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """

This is an H1

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) def test_setext_h2_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is an H2 ------------- Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """

This is an H2

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) # TODO: fix this # see @unittest.skip('This is broken in Python-Markdown') def test_p_followed_by_setext_h1(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is a Paragraph. Followed by an H1 with no blank line. ===================================== """ ), self.dedent( """

This is a Paragraph.

Followed by an H1 with no blank line.

""" ) ) # TODO: fix this # see @unittest.skip('This is broken in Python-Markdown') def test_p_followed_by_setext_h2(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is a Paragraph. Followed by an H2 with no blank line. ------------------------------------- """ ), self.dedent( """

This is a Paragraph.

Followed by an H2 with no blank line.

""" ) ) class TestHashHeaders(TestCase): def test_hash_h1_open(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is an H1', '

This is an H1

' ) def test_hash_h2_open(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '## This is an H2', '

This is an H2

' ) def test_hash_h3_open(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '### This is an H3', '

This is an H3

' ) def test_hash_h4_open(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#### This is an H4', '

This is an H4

' ) def test_hash_h5_open(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '##### This is an H5', '
This is an H5
' ) def test_hash_h6_open(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '###### This is an H6', '
This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_gt6_open(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '####### This is an H6', '
# This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_h1_open_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#This is an H1', '

This is an H1

' ) def test_hash_h2_open_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '##This is an H2', '

This is an H2

' ) def test_hash_h3_open_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '###This is an H3', '

This is an H3

' ) def test_hash_h4_open_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '####This is an H4', '

This is an H4

' ) def test_hash_h5_open_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#####This is an H5', '
This is an H5
' ) def test_hash_h6_open_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '######This is an H6', '
This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_gt6_open_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#######This is an H6', '
#This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_h1_closed(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is an H1 #', '

This is an H1

' ) def test_hash_h2_closed(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '## This is an H2 ##', '

This is an H2

' ) def test_hash_h3_closed(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '### This is an H3 ###', '

This is an H3

' ) def test_hash_h4_closed(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#### This is an H4 ####', '

This is an H4

' ) def test_hash_h5_closed(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '##### This is an H5 #####', '
This is an H5
' ) def test_hash_h6_closed(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '###### This is an H6 ######', '
This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_gt6_closed(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '####### This is an H6 #######', '
# This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_h1_closed_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#This is an H1#', '

This is an H1

' ) def test_hash_h2_closed_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '##This is an H2##', '

This is an H2

' ) def test_hash_h3_closed_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '###This is an H3###', '

This is an H3

' ) def test_hash_h4_closed_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '####This is an H4####', '

This is an H4

' ) def test_hash_h5_closed_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#####This is an H5#####', '
This is an H5
' ) def test_hash_h6_closed_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '######This is an H6######', '
This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_gt6_closed_missing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#######This is an H6#######', '
#This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_h1_closed_mismatch(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is an H1 ##', '

This is an H1

' ) def test_hash_h2_closed_mismatch(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '## This is an H2 #', '

This is an H2

' ) def test_hash_h3_closed_mismatch(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '### This is an H3 #', '

This is an H3

' ) def test_hash_h4_closed_mismatch(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#### This is an H4 #', '

This is an H4

' ) def test_hash_h5_closed_mismatch(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '##### This is an H5 #', '
This is an H5
' ) def test_hash_h6_closed_mismatch(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '###### This is an H6 #', '
This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_gt6_closed_mismatch(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '####### This is an H6 ##################', '
# This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_h1_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ # This is an H1 Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """

This is an H1

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) def test_hash_h2_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ ## This is an H2 Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """

This is an H2

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) def test_hash_h3_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ ### This is an H3 Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """

This is an H3

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) def test_hash_h4_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ #### This is an H4 Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """

This is an H4

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) def test_hash_h5_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ ##### This is an H5 Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """
This is an H5

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) def test_hash_h6_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ ###### This is an H6 Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """
This is an H6

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) def test_hash_h1_leading_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( ' # This is an H1', '

# This is an H1

' ) def test_hash_h2_leading_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( ' ## This is an H2', '

## This is an H2

' ) def test_hash_h3_leading_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( ' ### This is an H3', '

### This is an H3

' ) def test_hash_h4_leading_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( ' #### This is an H4', '

#### This is an H4

' ) def test_hash_h5_leading_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( ' ##### This is an H5', '

##### This is an H5

' ) def test_hash_h6_leading_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( ' ###### This is an H6', '

###### This is an H6

' ) def test_hash_h1_open_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is an H1 ', '

This is an H1

' ) def test_hash_h2_open_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '## This is an H2 ', '

This is an H2

' ) def test_hash_h3_open_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '### This is an H3 ', '

This is an H3

' ) def test_hash_h4_open_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#### This is an H4 ', '

This is an H4

' ) def test_hash_h5_open_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '##### This is an H5 ', '
This is an H5
' ) def test_hash_h6_open_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '###### This is an H6 ', '
This is an H6
' ) def test_hash_gt6_open_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '####### This is an H6 ', '
# This is an H6
' ) # TODO: Possably change the following behavior. While this follows the behavior # of, it is rather uncommon and not nessecarily intuitive. # See: def test_hash_h1_closed_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '# This is an H1 # ', '

This is an H1 #

' ) def test_hash_h2_closed_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '## This is an H2 ## ', '

This is an H2 ##

' ) def test_hash_h3_closed_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '### This is an H3 ### ', '

This is an H3 ###

' ) def test_hash_h4_closed_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '#### This is an H4 #### ', '

This is an H4 ####

' ) def test_hash_h5_closed_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '##### This is an H5 ##### ', '
This is an H5 #####
' ) def test_hash_h6_closed_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '###### This is an H6 ###### ', '
This is an H6 ######
' ) def test_hash_gt6_closed_trailing_space(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( '####### This is an H6 ####### ', '
# This is an H6 #######
' ) def test_no_blank_lines_between_hashs(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ # This is an H1 ## This is an H2 """ ), self.dedent( """

This is an H1

This is an H2

""" ) ) def test_random_hash_levels(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ ### H3 ###### H6 # H1 ##### H5 #### H4 ## H2 ### H3 """ ), self.dedent( """








""" ) ) def test_hash_followed_by_p(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ # This is an H1 Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """

This is an H1

Followed by a Paragraph with no blank line.

""" ) ) def test_p_followed_by_hash(self): self.assertMarkdownRenders( self.dedent( """ This is a Paragraph. # Followed by an H1 with no blank line. """ ), self.dedent( """

This is a Paragraph.

Followed by an H1 with no blank line.

""" ) )