'. 1440--80's 1440--'80s 1440---'80s 1960s 1960's one two '60s '60s It's fun. What's fun? "Isn't this fun"? --- she said... "'Quoted' words in a larger quote." 'Quoted "words" in a larger quote.' "quoted" text and **bold "quoted" text** 'quoted' text and **bold 'quoted' text** em-dashes (---) and ellipes (...) "[Link](http://example.com)" --- she said. "Ellipsis within quotes..." Кавычки-<<ёлочки>> Anführungszeichen->>Chevrons<< --- -- --- Escaped \-- ndash \'Escaped\' \"quotes\" Escaped ellipsis\... 'Escaped \"quotes\" in real ones' \'"Real" quotes in escaped ones\'