Table Tests

First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell
First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell
Item Value
Computer $1600
Phone $12
Pipe $1
Function name Description
help() Display the help window.
destroy() Destroy your computer!
foo bar baz
foo bar baz

Three spaces in front of a table:

First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell
First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell

Four spaces is a code block:

First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content Cell | Content Cell
Content Cell | Content Cell
First Header Second Header

More inline code block tests

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
word 1 word 2 word 3
word 1 word 2 word 3
word 1 `word 2 word 3
word 1 `word 2 word 3
word 1 word |2 word 3
words some | code more words
words some | code more words
words some | code more words
words some ` | ` code more words
words some ` | ` code more words
words some ` | ` code more words

A test for issue #440:

foo bar
foo (bar) and baz.

Lists are not tables

Add tests for issue #449

Odd backticks Even backticks
[!\"\#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~] [!\"\#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^`_`{|}~]
Escapes More Escapes
`\ \

Only the first backtick can be escaped

Escaped Bacticks
`\ ``

Test escaped pipes

Column 1 Column 2
| | Pipes are okay in code and escaped. |
Column 1 Column 2
row1 row1 |
row2 row2

Test header escapes

`\ | \ |
row1 row1
row2 row2

Escaped pipes in format row should not be a table

| Column1 | Column2 | | ------- || ------- | | row1 | row1 | | row2 | row2 |