The text of the `Example` element.
This text gets wrapped in `p` tags.
The tail of the `DefaultBlockMode` subelement.

This text *is not* wrapped in additional `p` tags.

The tail of the `DefaultSpanMode` subelement.
This `div` block is not wrapped in paragraph tags. Note: Subelements are not required to have tail text.

This `p` block *is* foolishly wrapped in further paragraph tags.

The tail of the `BlockModeOverride` subelement.
Raw html blocks may also be nested.
This text is after the markdown in html.
1 2
Markdown is *active* here.
Raw html blocks may also be nested.
Markdown is *still* active here.
Markdown is *active again* here.
foo bar bar
[link]: http://example.com
*[abbr]: Abbreviation
[^1]: 1. The top couple half figure, contrary sides and hands across with bottom couple, Half figure back on your own sides, and turn partner to places, Swing partners with right hands into straight line long-ways, as in a reel, and Set, Hey and return to places, The other three couples do the same. 2. Top and bottom couples meet and set, Then each gentleman leas the opposite lady to the couple on his left, and set, Aach four right and left, Swing side couples to places, and turn partners all eight, The other two couple o the same.
[link]: http://example.com
*[abbr]: Abbreviation
[^2]: 1. The top couple half figure, contrary sides and hands across with bottom couple, Half figure back on your own sides, and turn partner to places, Swing partners with right hands into straight line long-ways, as in a reel, and Set, Hey and return to places, The other three couples do the same. 2. Top and bottom couples meet and set, Then each gentleman leas the opposite lady to the couple on his left, and set, Aach four right and left, Swing side couples to places, and turn partners all eight, The other two couple o the same.