This is a sextext header {: #setext} ==================================== A paragraph with some text. Line two of the paragraph. {: #par1 .myclass } This is another {: #sextext2 .someclass} ---------------------------------------- Test some _inline_{: .inline} text. A [link]({: .linkkyclass title="A title."} And a __nested [link][]{: .linky2}__{: .nest} [link]: "Some title" ### This is a hash Header ### {: #hash} And now some random attributes. {:foo bar='b az' baz="blah blah" title="I wasn't kidding!" } ### No closing hash header {: #hash2} Now test overrides {: #overrideme .andme id=overridden class='foo bar' .addme } # A code block which contains attr_list syntax # This should be ignored. {: #someid .someclass } ### No colon for compatability with Headerid ext { #hash3 } Also a codespan: `{: .someclass}`{: .foo}. {: #the_end} ### Bad Syntax { {: #hash5 } * Item1 {: .item } * Item2 {: .item } * Item2-1 {: .subitem } * _Item3_{: .emph } {: .item } * _Item3-1_{: .emph } {: .subitem } * Item4 * Item4-1 * Item5 # And ordered lists *too*{.inline} 1. Item1 {: .item } 2. Item2 {: .item } 1. Item2-1 {: .subitem } 3. _Item3_{: .emph } {: .item } 1. _Item3-1_{: .emph } {: .subitem } 4. Item4 1. Item4-1 5. Item5 # Definition *lists* {.block} DT1 {.term} DT2 {.term} : Some dd {.def} : *dd*{.inline} *DT3*{.inline} : Some dd