import os, codecs import markdown from import assert_equal import difflib from plugins import MdSyntaxError class SyntaxBase: """ Generator that steps through all files in a dir and runs each text file (*.txt) as a seperate unit test. Each subclass of SyntaxBase should define `dir` as a string containing the name of the directory which holds the test files. For example: dir = "path/to/mytests" A subclass may redefine the `setUp` method to create a custom `Markdown` instance specific to that batch of tests. """ dir = "" def __init__(self): self.files = [x.replace(".txt", "") for x in os.listdir(self.dir) if x.endswith(".txt")] def setUp(self): """ Create Markdown instance. Override this method to create a custom `Markdown` instance assigned to ``. For example: = markdown.Markdown(extensions=["footnotes"], safe_mode="replace") """ = markdown.Markdown() def tearDown(self): """ tearDown is not implemented. """ pass def test_syntax(self): for file in self.files: yield self.check_syntax, file def check_syntax(self, file): input_file = os.path.join(self.dir, file + ".txt") input =, encoding="utf-8").read() output_file = os.path.join(self.dir, file + ".html") expected_output =, encoding="utf-8").read() output = self.normalize( diff = [l for l in difflib.unified_diff(self.normalize(expected_output), output, output_file, 'actual_output.html', n=3)] if diff: #assert False, raise MdSyntaxError('Output from "%s" failed to match expected output.\n\n%s' % (input_file, ''.join(diff))) def normalize(self, text): return ['%s\n' % l for l in text.strip().split('\n')]