#!/usr/bin/env python import os, difflib, time, gc, codecs, platform from pprint import pprint import textwrap markdown = None TEST_DIR = "tests" TMP_DIR = "./tmp/" WRITE_BENCHMARK = True WRITE_BENCHMARK = False ACTUALLY_MEASURE_MEMORY = True ###################################################################### if platform.system().lower() == "darwin": # Darwin _proc_status = '/proc/%d/stat' % os.getpid() else: # Linux _proc_status = '/proc/%d/status' % os.getpid() _scale = {'kB': 1024.0, 'mB': 1024.0*1024.0, 'KB': 1024.0, 'MB': 1024.0*1024.0} def _VmB(VmKey): '''Private. ''' global _proc_status, _scale # get pseudo file /proc//status try: t = open(_proc_status) v = t.read() t.close() except: return 0.0 # non-Linux? # get VmKey line e.g. 'VmRSS: 9999 kB\n ...' i = v.index(VmKey) v = v[i:].split(None, 3) # whitespace if len(v) < 3: return 0.0 # invalid format? # convert Vm value to bytes return float(v[1]) * _scale[v[2]] def memory(since=0.0): '''Return memory usage in bytes. ''' if ACTUALLY_MEASURE_MEMORY : return _VmB('VmSize:') - since def resident(since=0.0): '''Return resident memory usage in bytes. ''' return _VmB('VmRSS:') - since def stacksize(since=0.0): '''Return stack size in bytes. ''' return _VmB('VmStk:') - since ############################################################ DIFF_FILE_TEMPLATE = """

Results Summary

""" FOOTER = """ """ DIFF_TABLE_TEMPLATE = """
Seconds Memory
Expected Actual
""" def smart_split(text) : result = [] for x in text.splitlines() : for y in textwrap.wrap(textwrap.dedent(x), 40): result.append(y) return result def testDirectory(dir, measure_time=False, safe_mode=False) : encoding = "utf8" benchmark_file_name = os.path.join(dir, "benchmark.dat") saved_benchmarks = {} if measure_time : if os.path.exists(benchmark_file_name) : file = open(benchmark_file_name) for line in file.readlines() : test, str_time, str_mem = line.strip().split(":") saved_benchmarks[test] = (float(str_time), float(str_mem)) if measure_time : repeat = range(10) else : repeat = (0,) # First, determine from the name of the directory if any extensions # need to be loaded. parts = os.path.split(dir)[-1].split("-x-") if len(parts) > 1 : extensions = parts[1].split("-") print extensions else : extensions = [] mem = memory() t = time.clock() md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=extensions, safe_mode = safe_mode) construction_time = time.clock() - t construction_mem = memory(mem) benchmark_buffer = "construction:%f:%f\n" % (construction_time, construction_mem) tests = [x.replace(".txt", "") for x in os.listdir(dir) if x.endswith(".txt")] tests.sort() d = difflib.Differ() try : hd = difflib.HtmlDiff() except: hd = None if not os.path.exists(TMP_DIR): os.mkdir(TMP_DIR) htmlDiffFilePath = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, os.path.split(dir)[-1]) + ".html" htmlDiffFile = codecs.open(htmlDiffFilePath, "w", encoding=encoding) htmlDiffFile.write(DIFF_FILE_TEMPLATE) diffsBuffer = "" for test in tests : print "--- %s ---" % test htmlDiffFile.write("%s" % test) input_file = os.path.join(dir, test + ".txt") output_file = os.path.join(dir, test + ".html") expected_output = codecs.open(output_file, encoding=encoding).read() input = codecs.open(input_file, encoding=encoding).read() actual_output = "" actual_lines = [] md.source = "" gc.collect() mem = memory() t = time.clock() for x in repeat: actual_output = md.convert(input) conversion_time = time.clock() - t conversion_mem = memory(mem) md.reset() expected_lines = [x.encode("utf8") for x in smart_split(expected_output)] actual_lines = [x.encode("utf8") for x in smart_split(actual_output)] #diff = difflib.ndiff(expected_output.split("\n"), # actual_output.split("\n")) diff = [x for x in d.compare(expected_lines, actual_lines) if not x.startswith(" ")] if not diff: htmlDiffFile.write("OK") else : failedTests.append(test) htmlDiffFile.write("" + "FAILED" % test) print "MISMATCH on %s/%s.txt" % (dir, test) print for line in diff : print line if hd!=None : htmlDiff = hd.make_table(expected_lines, actual_lines, context=True) htmlDiff = "\n".join( [x for x in htmlDiff.splitlines() if x.strip().startswith("")] ) diffsBuffer += "


" % (test, test) diffsBuffer += DIFF_TABLE_TEMPLATE % htmlDiff expected_time, expected_mem = saved_benchmarks.get(test, ("na", "na")) htmlDiffFile.write(get_benchmark_html(conversion_time, expected_time)) htmlDiffFile.write(get_benchmark_html(conversion_mem, expected_mem)) htmlDiffFile.write("\n") benchmark_buffer += "%s:%f:%f\n" % (test, conversion_time, conversion_mem) htmlDiffFile.write("") htmlDiffFile.write(diffsBuffer.decode("utf8")) htmlDiffFile.write(FOOTER) htmlDiffFile.close() print "Diff written to %s" % htmlDiffFilePath benchmark_output_file_name = benchmark_file_name if not WRITE_BENCHMARK: benchmark_output_file_name += ".tmp" benchmark_file = open(benchmark_output_file_name, "w") benchmark_file.write(benchmark_buffer) benchmark_file.close() def get_benchmark_html (actual, expected) : buffer = "" if not expected == "na": if actual > expected * 1.5: tdiff = "failed" elif actual * 1.5 < expected : tdiff = "ok" else : tdiff = "same" if ( (actual <= 0 and expected < 0.015) or (expected <= 0 and actual < 0.015)) : tdiff = "same" else : tdiff = "same" buffer += "%.2f" % (tdiff, actual) if not expected == "na": buffer += "%.2f" % (expected) return buffer MARKDOWN_FILE = "markdown.py" if MARKDOWN_FILE.endswith(".py") : MARKDOWN_FILE = MARKDOWN_FILE[:-3] print MARKDOWN_FILE markdown = __import__(MARKDOWN_FILE) failedTests = [] #testDirectory("tests/basic") testDirectory("tests/markdown-test", measure_time=True) testDirectory("tests/misc", measure_time=True) testDirectory("tests/extensions-x-tables") testDirectory("tests/extensions-x-footnotes") #testDirectory("tests/extensions-x-ext1-ext2") testDirectory("tests/safe_mode", measure_time=True, safe_mode="escape") testDirectory("tests/extensions-x-codehilite") testDirectory("tests/extensions-x-wikilinks") testDirectory("tests/extensions-x-toc") print "\n### Final result ###" if len(failedTests): print "%d failed tests: %s" % (len(failedTests), str(failedTests)) else: print "All tests passed, no errors!"