""" Extensions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ class Extension: """ Base class for extensions to subclass. """ def __init__(self, configs = {}): """Create an instance of an Extention. Keyword arguments: * configs: A dict of configuration setting used by an Extension. """ self.config = configs def getConfig(self, key): """ Return a setting for the given key or an empty string. """ if key in self.config: return self.config[key][0] else: return "" def getConfigInfo(self): """ Return all config settings as a list of tuples. """ return [(key, self.config[key][1]) for key in self.config.keys()] def setConfig(self, key, value): """ Set a config setting for `key` with the given `value`. """ self.config[key][0] = value def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals): """ Add the various proccesors and patterns to the Markdown Instance. This method must be overriden by every extension. Keyword arguments: * md: The Markdown instance. * md_globals: Global variables in the markdown module namespace. """ raise NotImplementedError, 'Extension "%s.%s" must define an "extendMarkdown"' \ 'method.' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) def load_extension(ext_name, configs = []): """Load extension by name, then return the module. The extension name may contain arguments as part of the string in the following format: "extname(key1=value1,key2=value2)" """ # Parse extensions config params (ignore the order) configs = dict(configs) pos = ext_name.find("(") # find the first "(" if pos > 0: ext_args = ext_name[pos+1:-1] ext_name = ext_name[:pos] pairs = [x.split("=") for x in ext_args.split(",")] configs.update([(x.strip(), y.strip()) for (x, y) in pairs]) # Setup the module names ext_module = 'markdown.extensions' module_name_new_style = '.'.join([ext_module, ext_name]) module_name_old_style = '_'.join(['mdx', ext_name]) # Try loading the extention first from one place, then another try: # New style (markdown.extensons.) module = __import__(module_name_new_style, {}, {}, [ext_module]) except ImportError: try: # Old style (mdx.) module = __import__(module_name_old_style) except ImportError: message(WARN, "Failed loading extension '%s' from '%s' or '%s'" % (ext_name, module_name_new_style, module_name_old_style)) # Return None so we don't try to initiate none-existant extension return None # If the module is loaded successfully, we expect it to define a # function called makeExtension() try: return module.makeExtension(configs.items()) except AttributeError, e: message(CRITICAL, "Failed to initiate extension '%s': %s" % (ext_name, e)) def load_extensions(ext_names): """Loads multiple extensions""" extensions = [] for ext_name in ext_names: extension = load_extension(ext_name) if extension: extensions.append(extension) return extensions