title: Library Reference prev_title: Installation prev_url: install.html next_title: Command Line next_url: cli.html Using Markdown as a Python Library ================================== First and foremost, Python-Markdown is intended to be a python library module used by various projects to convert Markdown syntax into HTML. The Basics ---------- To use markdown as a module: import markdown html = markdown.markdown(your_text_string) The Details ----------- Python-Markdown provides two public functions ([`markdown.markdown`](#markdown) and [`markdown.markdownFromFile`](#markdownFromFile)) both of which wrap the public class [`markdown.Markdown`](#Markdown). If you're processing one document at a time, the functions will serve your needs. However, if you need to process multiple documents, it may be advantageous to create a single instance of the `markdown.Markdown` class and pass multiple documents through it. ### `markdown.markdown (text [, **kwargs])` {: #markdown } The following options are available on the `markdown.markdown` function: * __`text`__{: #text } (required): The source text string. Note that Python-Markdown expects **Unicode** as input (although a simple ASCII string may work) and returns output as Unicode. Do not pass encoded strings to it! If your input is encoded, (e.g. as UTF-8), it is your responsibility to decode it. For example: input_file = codecs.open("some_file.txt", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") text = input_file.read() html = markdown.markdown(text) If you want to write the output to disk, you must encode it yourself: output_file = codecs.open("some_file.html", "w", encoding="utf-8", errors="xmlcharrefreplace" ) output_file.write(html) * __`extensions`__{: #extensions }: A list of extensions. Python-Markdown provides an API for third parties to write extensions to the parser adding their own additions or changes to the syntax. A few commonly used extensions are shipped with the markdown library. See the [extension documentation](extensions/index.html) for a list of available extensions. The list of extensions may contain instances of extensions or stings of extension names. If an extension name is provided as a string, the extension must be importable as a python module either within the `markdown.extensions` package or on your PYTHONPATH with a name starting with `mdx_`, followed by the name of the extension. Thus, `extensions=['extra']` will first look for the module `markdown.extensions.extra`, then a module named `mdx_extra`. * __`extension_configs`__{: #extension_configs }: A dictionary of configuration settings for extensions. The dictionary must be of the following format: extension_configs = {'extension_name_1': [ ('option_1', 'value_1'), ('option_2', 'value_2') ], 'extension_name_2': [ ('option_1', 'value_1') ] } See the documentation specific to the extension you are using for help in specifying configuration settings for that extension. * __`output_format`__{: #output_format }: Format of output. Supported formats are: * `"xhtml1"`: Outputs XHTML 1.x. **Default**. * `"xhtml5"`: Outputs XHTML style tags of HTML 5 * `"xhtml"`: Outputs latest supported version of XHTML (currently XHTML 1.1). * `"html4"`: Outputs HTML 4 * `"html5"`: Outputs HTML style tags of HTML 5 * `"html"`: Outputs latest supported version of HTML (currently HTML 4). Note that it is suggested that the more specific formats ("xhtml1", "html5", & "html4") be used as "xhtml" or "html" may change in the future if it makes sense at that time. The values can either be lowercase or uppercase. * __`safe_mode`__{: #safe_mode }: Disallow raw html. If you are using Markdown on a web system which will transform text provided by untrusted users, you may want to use the "safe_mode" option which ensures that the user's HTML tags are either replaced, removed or escaped. (They can still create links using Markdown syntax.) The following values are accepted: * `False` (Default): Raw HTML is passed through unaltered. * `replace`: Replace all HTML blocks with the text assigned to `html_replacement_text` To maintain backward compatibility, setting `safe_mode=True` will have the same effect as `safe_mode='replace'`. To replace raw HTML with something other than the default, do: md = markdown.Markdown(safe_mode='replace', html_replacement_text='--RAW HTML NOT ALLOWED--') * `remove`: All raw HTML will be completely stripped from the text with no warning to the author. * `escape`: All raw HTML will be escaped and included in the document. For example, the following source: Foo bar. Will result in the following HTML:

Foo <b>bar</b>.

Note that "safe_mode" does not alter the `enable_attributes` option, which could allow someone to inject javascript (i.e., `{@onclick=alert(1)}`). You may also want to set `enable_attributes=False` when using "safe_mode". * __`html_replacement_text`__{: #html_replacement_text }: Text used when safe_mode is set to `replace`. Defaults to `[HTML_REMOVED]`. * __`tab_length`__{: #tab_length }: Length of tabs in the source. Default: 4 * __`enable_attributes`__{: #enable_attributes}: Enable the conversion of attributes. Default: True * __`smart_emphasis`__{: #smart_emphasis }: Treat `_connected_words_` intelligently Default: True * __`lazy_ol`__{: #lazy_ol }: Ignore number of first item of ordered lists. Default: True Given the following list: 4. Apples 5. Oranges 6. Pears By default markdown will ignore the fact the the first line started with item number "4" and the HTML list will start with a number "1". If `lazy_ol` is set to `True`, then markdown will output the following HTML:
  1. Apples
  2. Oranges
  3. Pears
### `markdown.markdownFromFile (**kwargs)` {: #markdownFromFile } With a few exceptions, `markdown.markdownFromFile` accepts the same options as `markdown.markdown`. It does **not** accept a `text` (or Unicode) string. Instead, it accepts the following required options: * __`input`__{: #input } (required): The source text file. `input` may be set to one of three options: * a string which contains a path to a readable file on the file system, * a readable file-like object, * or `None` (default) which will read from `stdin`. * __`output`__{: #output }: The target which output is written to. `output` may be set to one of three options: * a string which contains a path to a writable file on the file system, * a writable file-like object, * or `None` (default) which will write to `stdout`. * __`encoding`__{: #encoding }: The encoding of the source text file. Defaults to "utf-8". The same encoding will always be used for input and output. The 'xmlcharrefreplace' error handler is used when encoding the output. **Note:** This is the only place that decoding and encoding of unicode takes place in Python-Markdown. If this rather naive solution does not meet your specific needs, it is suggested that you write your own code to handle your encoding/decoding needs. ### `markdown.Markdown ([**kwargs])` {: #Markdown } The same options are available when initializing the `markdown.Markdown` class as on the [`markdown.markdown`](#markdown) function, except that the class does **not** accept a source text string on initialization. Rather, the source text string must be passed to one of two instance methods: * `Markdown.convert(source)`{: #convert } The `source` text must meet the same requirements as the [`text`](#text) argument of the [`markdown.markdown`](#markdown) function. You should also use this method if you want to process multiple strings without creating a new instance of the class for each string. md = markdown.Markdown() html1 = md.convert(text1) html2 = md.convert(text2) Note that depending on which options and/or extensions are being used, the parser may need its state reset between each call to `convert`. html1 = md.convert(text1) md.reset() html2 = md.convert(text2) You can also change calls to `reset` togeather: html3 = md.reset().convert(text3) * `Markdown.convertFile(**kwargs)`{: #convertFile } The arguments of this method are identical to the arguments of the same name on the `markdown.markdownFromFile` function ([`input`](#input), [`output`](#output), and [`encoding`](#encoding)). As with the [`convert`](#convert) method, this method should be used to process multiple files without creating a new instance of the class for each document. State may need to be `reset` between each call to `convertFile` as is the case with `convert`.