title: Installation prev_title: Summary prev_url: index.html next_title: Library Reference next_url: reference.html Installing Python-Markdown ========================== The Easy Way ------------ The easiest way to install Python-Markdown is simply to type one of the following commands from the command line as an Admin/Root user: pip install markdown or easy_install markdown That's it! Your ready to [use](reference.html) Python-Markdown. Enjoy! Installing on Windows {: #windows } ----------------------------------- Download the Windows installer (.exe) from [PyPI](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown) Double-click the file and follow the instructions. If you prefer to manually install Python-Markdown in Windows, download the Zip file, unzip it, and on the command line in the directory you unzipped to, run the following command: C://path/to/python.exe setup.py install If you plan to use the provided command line script, you need to make sure your script directory is on your system path. On a typical Python install of Windows the Scripts directory is `C:\PythonXX\Scripts\` (were "XX" is the Python version number, i.e., "27"). Adjust the path according to your system and add to your system path. Installing on *nix Systems {: #linux } -------------------------------------- From the command line do the following (where 2.x is the version number): wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/M/Markdown/Markdown-2.x.tar.gz tar xvzf Markdown-2.x.tar.gz cd markdown-2.x/ sudo python setup.py install See [PyPI](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown) for all available versions. Using the Git Repository {: #git } ---------------------------------- If you're the type that likes to live on the edge, you may want to keep up with the latest additions and bug fixes in the repository between releases. Python-Markdown is maintained in a Git repository on github.com. To get a copy of Python-Markdown from the repository do the following from the command line: git clone git://github.com/waylan/Python-Markdown.git python-markdown cd python-markdown python setup.py install