title: WikiLinks Extension prev_title: Table of Contents Extension prev_url: toc.html next_title: Extension API next_url: api.html WikiLinks ========= Summary ------- The WikiLinks extension adds support for [WikiLinks][]. Specifically, any ``[[bracketed]]`` word is converted to a link. This extension is included in the standard Markdown library. [WikiLinks]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikilink Syntax ------ A ``[[bracketed]]`` word is any combination of upper or lower case letters, number, dashes, underscores and spaces surrounded by double brackets. Therefore [[Bracketed]] would produce the following html: Bracketed Note that wikilinks are automatically assigned `class="wikilink"` making it easy to style wikilinks differently from other links on a page if one so desires. See below for ways to alter the class. Also note that when a space is used, the space is converted to an underscore in the link but left as-is in the label. Perhaps an example would illustrate this best: [[Wiki Link]] becomes Wiki Link Usage ----- See [Extensions](index.html) for general extension usage, specify `markdown.extensions.wikilinks` as the name of the extension. See the [Library Reference](../reference.html#extensions) for information about configuring extensions. The default behavior is to point each link to the document root of the current domain and close with a trailing slash. Additionally, each link is assigned to the html class `wikilink`. The following options are provided to change the default behavior: * **`base_url`**: String to append to beginning of URL. Default: `'/'` * **`end_url`**: String to append to end of URL. Default: `'/'` * **`html_class`**: CSS class. Leave blank for none. Default: `'wikilink'` * **`build_url`**: Callable which formats the URL from its parts. ### Examples ### For an example, let us suppose links should always point to the subdirectory `/wiki/` and end with `.html` >>> html = markdown.markdown(text, ... ['markdown.extensions.wikilinks(base_url=/wiki/,end_url=.html)'] ... ) The above would result in the following link for `[[WikiLink]]`. WikiLink If you want to do more that just alter the base and/or end of the URL, you could also pass in a callable which must accept three arguments (``label``, ``base``, and ``end``). The callable must return the URL in it's entirety. def my_url_builder(label, base, end): # do stuff return url md = markdown.Markdown( extensions=['markdown.extensions.wikilinks], extension_configs={'markdown.extensions.wikilinks' : [('build_url', my_url_builder)]} ) The option is also provided to change or remove the class attribute. >>> html = markdown.markdown(text, ... ['markdown.extensions.wikilinks(html_class=myclass)'] ... ) Would cause all wikilinks to be assigned to the class `myclass`. WikiLink Using with Meta-Data extension ------------------------------ The WikiLink extension also supports the [Meta-Data](meta_data.html) extension. Please see the documentation for that extension for specifics. The supported meta-data keywords are: * `wiki_base_url` * `wiki_end_url` * `wiki_html_class` When used, the meta-data will override the settings provided through the `extension_configs` interface. This document: wiki_base_url: http://example.com/ wiki_end_url: .html wiki_html_class: A [[WikiLink]] in the first paragraph. would result in the following output (notice the blank `wiki_html_class`):

A WikiLink in the first paragraph.