title:      Table Extension
prev_title: Footnotes Extension
prev_url:   footnotes.html
next_title: Smart Strong Extension
next_url:   smart_strong.html



The Table Extension adds the ability to create tables in Markdown documents.

This extension is included in the standard Markdown library.


Tables are defined using the syntax established in [PHP Markdown Extra][php].

[php]: http://www.michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/#table

Thus, the following text (taken from the above referenced PHP documentation):

    First Header  | Second Header
    ------------- | -------------
    Content Cell  | Content Cell
    Content Cell  | Content Cell

will be rendered as:

          <th>First Header</th>
          <th>Second Header</th>
          <td>Content Cell</td>
          <td>Content Cell</td>
          <td>Content Cell</td>
          <td>Content Cell</td>


From the Python interpreter:

    >>> html = markdown.markdown(text, ['tables'])