Smart_Strong ------------ Summary The Markdown Smart_Strong Extension adds smarter handling of double underscores within words. This does for double underscores what 'smart_emphasis' does for single underscores. The Smart_Strong Extension is included in the standard Markdown library. Usage ----- >>> import markdown >>> markdown.markdown('Text with double__underscore__words.', \ extensions=['smart_strong']) u'

Text with double__underscore__words.

' >>> markdown.markdown('__Strong__ still works.', \ extensions=['smart_strong']) u'

Strong still works.

' >>> markdown.markdown('__this__works__too__.', \ extensions=['smart_strong']) u'


' This extension is also included with the [Extra](extra.html) Extension. You may call that extension to get this behavior with all the other features of 'Extra'. >>> markdown.markdown(text, extensions=['extra'])