Available Extensions ==================== Officially Supported Extensions ------------------------------- These extensions are included with (at least) the most recent release and are officially supported by the Python-Markdown developers. Any documentation is maintained here and all bug reports should be made to the project. If you have a typical install of Python-Markdown, these extensions are already available to you. * [[Extra]] * [[Abbreviations]] * [[Definition_Lists]] * [[Fenced_Code_Blocks]] * [[Footnotes]] * [[HeaderId]] * [[Tables]] * [[CodeHilite]] * [[HTML_Tidy]] * [[ImageLinks]] * [[Meta-Data]] * [[RSS]] * [[Table of Contents]] * [[WikiLinks]] Unofficially Supported Extensions --------------------------------- These extensions have not yet been included in any official Python-Markdown release. However, the code is maintained in the projects [mainline git repository](http://gitorious.org/projects/python-markdown/repos/mainline) by the Python-Markdown developers and the official documentation is maintained here. All bug reports should be made to the project. It is anticipated that these extensions will be included with some future official release, at which time they will be moved to the above list of official extensions. * [[Legacy]]