HeaderId ======== Summary ------- An extension to Python-Markdown that adds an 'id' attribute to HTML header elements (h1-h6) in markdown's output. This extension is included in the standard Markdown library. Syntax ------ The basic syntax follows [PHP Markdown Extra][]'s implementation: [PHP Markdown Extra]: http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/#header-id Header 1 {#header1} ======== ## Header 2 ## {#header2} will result in the following HTML:

Header 1

Header 2

However, there is much more that this extension does. By default, all headers will automatically have unique "id" attributes generated based upon the text of the header (See below to turn this off). Note this example in which all three headers would have the same "id": #Header #Another Header {#header} #Header Results in:


Another Header

Third Header

Configuring the Output ---------------------- The HeaderId extension has two configuration settings: * **level**: Base level for headers. Default: `1` * **forceid**: Force all headers to have an id. Default: `True` The `level` setting allows you to automatically adjust the header levels to fit within the hierarchy of your html templates. For example, the markdown text for this page should not contain any headers higher than level 3 (`

`). Therefore, do the following: >>> text = ''' ... #Some Header ... ## Next Level''' >>> html = markdown.markdown(text, ['headerid(level=3)']) >>> print html

Some Header

Next Level

' The `forceid` setting turns on or off the automatically generated ids for headers that do not have one explicitly defined. >>> text = ''' ... # Some Header ... # Header with ID # { #foo }''' >>> html = markdown.markdown(text, ['headerid(forceid=False)']) >>> print html

Some Header

Header with ID

Using with Meta-Data -------------------- The HeaderId Extension also supports the [[Meta-Data]] Extension. Please see the documentation for that extension for specifics. The supported meta-data keywords are: * `header_level` * `header_forceid` When used, the meta-data will override the settings provided through the `extension_configs` interface. This document: header_level: 2 header_forceid: Off # A Header Will result in the following output:

A Header