title: Command Line
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Using Python-Markdown on the Command Line

While Python-Markdown is primarily a python library, a command line script is 
included as well. While there are many other command line implementations 
of Markdown, you may not have them installed, or you may prefer to use 
Python-Markdown's various extensions.

Generally, you will want to have the Markdown library fully installed on your
system to run the command line script. See the 
[Installation instructions](install.html) for details.

Python-Markdown's command line script takes advantage of Python's `-m` flag.
Therefore, assuming the python executable is on your system path, use the 
following format:

    $ python -m markdown [options] [args]

That will run the module as a script with the options and args provided. 

!!! Note 
    Unfortunately, Python 2.6 does not fully support the `-m` flag. Therefore, you 
    may need to specify the module in which the command line script exists 

        $ python -m markdown.__main__ [options] [args]

At its most basic usage, one would simply pass in a file name as the only argument:

    $ python -m markdown input_file.txt

Piping input and output (on STDIN and STDOUT) is fully supported as well. 
For example:

    $ echo "Some **Markdown** text." | python -m markdown > output.html

Use the `--help` option for a list all available options and args:

    $ python -m markdown --help

If you don't want to call the python executable directly (using the `-m` flag), 
follow the instructions below to use a wrapper script:


Upon installation, the ``markdown_py`` script will have been copied to
your Python "Scripts" directory. Different systems require different methods to
ensure that any files in the Python "Scripts" directory are on your system 

* **Windows**:

    Assuming a default install of Python on Windows, your "Scripts" directory 
    is most likely something like ``C:\\Python26\Scripts``. Verify the location
    of your "Scripts" directory and add it to you system path.

    Calling ``markdown_py`` from the command line will call the wrapper batch 
    file ``markdown_py.bat`` in the "Scripts" directory created during install.

* __*nix__ (Linux, OSX, BSD, Unix, etc.):

    As each *nix distribution is different and we can't possibly document all 
    of them here, we'll provide a few helpful pointers:

    * Some systems will automatically install the script on your path. Try it 
      and see if it works. Just run ``markdown_py`` from the command line.

    * Other systems may maintain a separate "Scripts" ("bin") directory which 
      you need to add to your path. Find it (check with your distribution) and
      either add it to your path or make a symbolic link to it from your path.

    * If you are sure ``markdown_py`` is on your path, but it still isn't being
      found, check the permissions of the file and make sure it is executable.

    As an alternative, you could just ``cd`` into the directory which contains
    the source distribution, and run it from there. However, remember that your
    markdown text files will not likely be in that directory, so it is much 
    more convenient to have ``markdown_py`` on your path.

    Python-Markdown uses "markdown_py" as a script name because
    the Perl implementation has already taken the more obvious name "markdown".
    Additionally, the default Python configuration on some systems would cause a 
    script named "markdown.py" to fail by importing itself rather than the markdown
    library. Therefore, the script has been named "markdown_py" as a compromise. If
    you prefer a different name for the script on your system, it is suggested that
    you create a symbolic link to `markdown_py` with your preferred name.


To use ``markdown_py`` from the command line, run it as 

    $ markdown_py input_file.txt


    $ markdown_py input_file.txt > output_file.html

For a complete list of options, run

    $ markdown_py --help

Using Extensions

To load a Python-Markdown extension from the command line use the `-x` 
(or `--extension`) option. For extensions included with Python-Markdown, use 
the short "Name" [documented] for that extension. 

[documented]: index.html#officially-supported-extensions

    $ python -m markdown -x footnotes text_with_footnotes.txt

For third party extensions, the extension module must be on your `PYTHONPATH` 
(see the [Extension API](extensions/api.html) for details). The extension can 
then be invoked by the name of that module using Python's dot syntax:

	$ python -m markdown -x path.to.module input.txt

To load multiple extensions, specify an `-x` option for each extension:

	$ python -m markdown -x footnotes -x codehilite input.txt

If the extension supports configuration options (see the documentation for the 
extension you are using to determine what settings it supports, if any), you 
can pass them in as well:

	$ python -m markdown -x footnotes -c config.yml input.txt

The `-c` (or `--extension_configs`) option accepts a file name. The file must be in
either the [YAML] or [JSON] format and contain YAML or JSON data that would map to
a Python Dictionary in the format required by the [`extension_configs`][ec] keyword 
of the `markdown.Markdown` class. Therefore, the file `config.yaml` referenced in the 
above example might look like this:

		PLACE_MARKER: ~~~~~~~~

Note that while the `--extension_configs` option does specify the "footnotes" extension,
you still need to load the extension with the `-x` option, or the configs for that
extension will be ignored.

The `--extension_configs` option will only support YAML config files if [PyYaml] is
installed on your system. JSON should work with no additional dependencies. The format
of your config file is automatically detected.

As an alternative, you may append the extension configs as a string to the extension name 
that is provided to the `-x-` option in the following format:

	$ python -m markdown -x "footnotes(PLACE_MARKER=~~~~~~~~,UNIQUE_IDS=1)" input.txt

Note that there are no quotes or whitespace in the above format, which severely limits 
how it can be used. For more complex settings, it is suggested that the 
`--extension_configs` option be used.

[ec]: reference.html#extension_configs
[YAML]: http://yaml.org/
[JSON]: http://json.org/
[PyYAML]: http://pyyaml.org/