path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
6 files changed, 242 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/tests/misc/image.html b/tests/misc/image.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1171e4e..0000000
--- a/tests/misc/image.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<p><img alt="Poster" src="http://humane_man.jpg" title="The most humane man." /></p>
-<p><img alt="Poster" src="http://humane_man.jpg" title="The most humane man." /></p>
-<p><img alt="Blank" src="" /></p>
-<p>![Fail](http://humane man.jpg "The most humane man.")</p>
-<p>![Fail](http://humane man.jpg)</p> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/misc/image.txt b/tests/misc/image.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fae16a..0000000
--- a/tests/misc/image.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-![Poster](http://humane_man.jpg "The most humane man.")
-[Poster]:http://humane_man.jpg "The most humane man."
-![Fail](http://humane man.jpg "The most humane man.")
-![Fail](http://humane man.jpg)
diff --git a/tests/test_apis.py b/tests/test_apis.py
index aa43e52..15ecc5b 100644
--- a/tests/test_apis.py
+++ b/tests/test_apis.py
@@ -753,16 +753,16 @@ class TestEscapeAppend(unittest.TestCase):
class TestAncestorExclusion(unittest.TestCase):
""" Tests exclusion of tags in ancestor list. """
- class AncestorExample(markdown.inlinepatterns.SimpleTagPattern):
+ class AncestorExample(markdown.inlinepatterns.SimpleTagInlineProcessor):
""" Ancestor Test. """
- def handleMatch(self, m):
+ def handleMatch(self, m, data):
""" Handle match. """
el = markdown.util.etree.Element(self.tag)
- el.text = m.group(3)
- return el
+ el.text = m.group(2)
+ return el, m.start(0), m.end(0)
class AncestorExtension(markdown.Extension):
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ class TestAncestorExclusion(unittest.TestCase):
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
"""Modify inline patterns."""
- pattern = r'(\+)([^\+]+)\2'
+ pattern = r'(\+)([^\+]+)\1'
md.inlinePatterns["ancestor-test"] = TestAncestorExclusion.AncestorExample(pattern, 'strong')
def setUp(self):
diff --git a/tests/test_syntax/inline/__init__.py b/tests/test_syntax/inline/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_syntax/inline/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/test_syntax/inline/images.py b/tests/test_syntax/inline/images.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c1dc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_syntax/inline/images.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+from markdown.test_tools import TestCase
+class TestAdvancedImages(TestCase):
+ def test_nested_square_brackets(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text[[[[[[[]]]]]]][]](http://link.com/image.png) more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text[[[[[[[]]]]]]][]" src="http://link.com/image.png" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_nested_round_brackets(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/(((((((()))))))()).png) more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/(((((((()))))))()).png" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles1(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/(.png"title") more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/(.png" title="title" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles2(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/('.png"title") more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/('.png" title="title" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles3(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/(.png"title)") more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/(.png" title="title)" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles4(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/(.png "title") more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/(.png" title="title" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles5(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/(.png "title)") more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/(.png" title="title)" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes1(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/'.png"title") more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/'.png" title="title" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes2(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/".png'title') more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/&quot;.png" title="title" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes3(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/with spaces.png'"and quotes" 'and title') more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/with spaces.png" title="&quot;and quotes&quot; 'and title" />"""
+ """ more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes4(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/with spaces'.png"and quotes" 'and title") more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/with spaces'.png" title="and quotes&quot; 'and title" />"""
+ """ more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes5(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/with spaces .png'"and quotes" 'and title') more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/with spaces .png" title="&quot;and quotes&quot;"""
+ """ 'and title" /> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes6(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](http://link.com/with spaces "and quotes".png 'and title') more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/with spaces &quot;and quotes&quot;.png" title="and title" />"""
+ """ more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_single_quote(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![test](link"notitle.png)""",
+ """<p><img alt="test" src="link&quot;notitle.png" /></p>"""
+ )
+ def test_angle_with_mixed_title_quotes(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Text](<http://link.com/with spaces '"and quotes".png> 'and title') more text""",
+ """<p><img alt="Text" src="http://link.com/with spaces '&quot;and quotes&quot;.png" title="and title" />"""
+ """ more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_misc(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Poster](http://humane_man.jpg "The most humane man.")""",
+ """<p><img alt="Poster" src="http://humane_man.jpg" title="The most humane man." /></p>"""
+ )
+ def test_misc_ref(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ self.dedent(
+ """
+ ![Poster][]
+ [Poster]:http://humane_man.jpg "The most humane man."
+ """
+ ),
+ self.dedent(
+ """
+ <p><img alt="Poster" src="http://humane_man.jpg" title="The most humane man." /></p>
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ def test_misc_blank(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Blank]()""",
+ """<p><img alt="Blank" src="" /></p>"""
+ )
+ def test_misc_img_title(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Image](http://humane man.jpg "The most humane man.")""",
+ """<p><img alt="Image" src="http://humane man.jpg" title="The most humane man." /></p>"""
+ )
+ def test_misc_img(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """![Image](http://humane man.jpg)""",
+ """<p><img alt="Image" src="http://humane man.jpg" /></p>"""
+ )
diff --git a/tests/test_syntax/inline/links.py b/tests/test_syntax/inline/links.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe58ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_syntax/inline/links.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+from markdown.test_tools import TestCase
+class TestAdvancedLinks(TestCase):
+ def test_nested_square_brackets(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text[[[[[[[]]]]]]][]](http://link.com) more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com">Text[[[[[[[]]]]]]][]</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_nested_round_brackets(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/(((((((()))))))())) more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/(((((((()))))))())">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles1(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/("title") more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/(" title="title">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles2(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/('"title") more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/('" title="title">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles3(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/("title)") more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/(" title="title)">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles4(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/( "title") more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/(" title="title">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_uneven_brackets_with_titles5(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/( "title)") more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/(" title="title)">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes1(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/'"title") more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/'" title="title">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes2(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/"'title') more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/&quot;" title="title">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes3(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/with spaces'"and quotes" 'and title') more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/with spaces" title="&quot;and quotes&quot; 'and title">"""
+ """Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes4(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/with spaces'"and quotes" 'and title") more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/with spaces'" title="and quotes&quot; 'and title">Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes5(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/with spaces '"and quotes" 'and title') more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/with spaces" title="&quot;and quotes&quot; 'and title">"""
+ """Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_mixed_title_quotes6(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](http://link.com/with spaces "and quotes" 'and title') more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/with spaces &quot;and quotes&quot;" title="and title">"""
+ """Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )
+ def test_single_quote(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[test](link"notitle)""",
+ """<p><a href="link&quot;notitle">test</a></p>"""
+ )
+ def test_angle_with_mixed_title_quotes(self):
+ self.assertMarkdownRenders(
+ """[Text](<http://link.com/with spaces '"and quotes"> 'and title') more text""",
+ """<p><a href="http://link.com/with spaces '&quot;and quotes&quot;" title="and title">"""
+ """Text</a> more text</p>"""
+ )