path: root/MarkdownTest/MarkdownTest.pl
diff options
authorWaylan Limberg <waylan@gmail.com>2010-02-12 15:27:59 -0500
committerWaylan Limberg <waylan@gmail.com>2010-02-12 15:27:59 -0500
commit8f62bb0a6ce46055a2decbae6b33d53922c758b8 (patch)
tree7f7d71461ad32817a86d48083934fbb972df38ed /MarkdownTest/MarkdownTest.pl
parentee6fb73b160721e666e72a0921135d6abae19fa4 (diff)
parent6d30c9ff6b43be9f013e6ea129ff7611c4a6d55b (diff)
Merged tests branch
Diffstat (limited to 'MarkdownTest/MarkdownTest.pl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/MarkdownTest/MarkdownTest.pl b/MarkdownTest/MarkdownTest.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 8e7048f..0000000
--- a/MarkdownTest/MarkdownTest.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# MarkdownTester -- Run tests for Markdown implementations
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 John Gruber
-# <http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Benchmark;
-our $VERSION = '1.0.2';
-# Sat 24 Dec 2005
-my $time_start = new Benchmark;
-my $test_dir = "Tests";
-my $script = "./Markdown.pl";
-my $use_tidy = 0;
-my ($flag_version);
-GetOptions (
- "script=s" => \$script,
- "testdir=s" => \$test_dir,
- "tidy" => \$use_tidy,
- "version" => \$flag_version,
- );
-if($flag_version) {
- my $progname = $0;
- $progname =~ s{.*/}{};
- die "$progname version $VERSION\n";
-unless (-d $test_dir) { die "'$test_dir' is not a directory.\n"; }
-unless (-f $script) { die "$script does not exist.\n"; }
-unless (-x $script) { die "$script is not executable.\n"; }
-my $tests_passed = 0;
-my $tests_failed = 0;
-foreach my $testfile (glob "$test_dir/*.text") {
- my $testname = $testfile;
- $testname =~ s{.*/(.+)\.text$}{$1}i;
- print "$testname ... ";
- # Look for a corresponding .html file for each .text file:
- my $resultfile = $testfile;
- $resultfile =~ s{\.text$}{\.html}i;
- unless (-f $resultfile) {
- print "'$resultfile' does not exist.\n\n";
- next TEST;
- }
- # open(TEST, $testfile) || die("Can't open testfile: $!");
- open(RESULT, $resultfile) || die("Can't open resultfile: $!");
- undef $/;
- # my $t_input = <TEST>;
- my $t_result = <RESULT>;
- my $t_output = `'$script' '$testfile'`;
- # Normalize the output and expected result strings:
- $t_result =~ s/\s+\z//; # trim trailing whitespace
- $t_output =~ s/\s+\z//; # trim trailing whitespace
- if ($use_tidy) {
- # Escape the strings, pass them through to CLI tidy tool for tag-level equivalency
- $t_result =~ s{'}{'\\''}g; # escape ' chars for shell
- $t_output =~ s{'}{'\\''}g;
- $t_result = `echo '$t_result' | tidy -quiet --show-warnings n`;
- $t_output = `echo '$t_output' | tidy -quiet --show-warnings n`;
- }
- if ($t_output eq $t_result) {
- print "OK\n";
- $tests_passed++;
- }
- else {
- print "FAILED\n\n";
- $tests_failed++;
- }
-print "\n\n";
-print "$tests_passed passed; $tests_failed failed.\n";
-my $time_end = new Benchmark;
-my $time_diff = timediff($time_end, $time_start);
-print "Benchmark: ", timestr($time_diff), "\n";
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<MarkdownTest.pl> [ B<--options> ] [ I<file> ... ]
-=head1 OPTIONS
-Use "--" to end switch parsing. For example, to open a file named "-z", use:
- MarkdownTest.pl -- -z
-=over 4
-=item B<--script>
-Specify the path to the Markdown script to test. Defaults to
-"./Markdown.pl". Example:
- ./MarkdownTest.pl --script ./PHP-Markdown/php-markdown
-=item B<--testdir>
-Specify the path to a directory containing test data. Defaults to "Tests".
-=item B<--tidy>
-Flag to turn on using the command line 'tidy' tool to normalize HTML
-output before comparing script output to the expected test result.
-Assumes that the 'tidy' command is available in your PATH. Defaults to
-=head1 BUGS
-1.0 Mon 13 Dec 2004-2005
-1.0.1 Mon 19 Sep 2005
- + Better handling of case when foo.text exists, but foo.html doesn't.
- It now prints a message and moves on, rather than dying.
-Copyright (c) 2004-2005 John Gruber
-All rights reserved.
-This is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.