# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import shelve import logging import os.path import tempfile import datetime import plistlib import subprocess from datetime import datetime, timedelta DEFAULT_DT = 'Hardware' CACHE_EXPIRE = timedelta(seconds=60*60*1) PROFILER_PATH = '/usr/sbin/system_profiler' class SystemProfile(object): def __init__(self, dt=DEFAULT_DT): types = subprocess.check_output([PROFILER_PATH, '-listDataTypes']).strip() types = types.decode().split("\n") self.types = [x[2:].replace('DataType', '') for x in types if x.startswith('SP')] self.types.sort() if dt not in self.types: raise ValueError('Invalid type %s. Should be one of %s' % (dt, ', '.join(self.types))) tmp = tempfile.mkstemp() self.dt = 'SP%sDataType' % dt shelf_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s.system_profiler' % self.dt) shelf = shelve.open(shelf_path) if shelf.get(dt) and shelf.get('expires'): if shelf.get('expires') > datetime.now(): self._data = shelf[dt] return try: subprocess.call([PROFILER_PATH, self.dt, '-detaillevel', 'full', '-xml'], stdout=tmp[0]) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Failed to fetch system profile: %s' % e) xml = plistlib.readPlist(tmp[1]) self._data = xml[0]['_items'] logging.debug(self._data) shelf['expires'] = datetime.now() + CACHE_EXPIRE shelf[dt] = self._data shelf.close() def json(self): return json.dumps(self._data) def get_keys(self): keys = self._data[0].keys() keys.sort() return keys def get_types(self): return self.types def find(self, k, v): """ Return value(s) of property with key k containing v """ return [x for x in self._data if v in x[k]] def __str__(self): return str(self._data) def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return self._data[0][attr] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError('Property "%s" not found' % attr) def __getitem__(self, attr): return self._data[attr] def types(): return SystemProfile().get_types() def keys(dt=DEFAULT_DT): return SystemProfile(dt).get_keys() def get(dt, param): return getattr(SystemProfile(dt), param) def find(dt, k, v): return SystemProfile(dt).find(k, v)