diff options
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.osx b/.osx
index 0007a24..3141d5d 100755
--- a/.osx
+++ b/.osx
@@ -228,6 +228,11 @@ defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool true
# Finder: disable window animations and Get Info animations
defaults write com.apple.finder DisableAllAnimations -bool true
+# Set Desktop as the default location for new Finder windows
+# For other paths, use `PfLo` and `file:///full/path/here/`
+defaults write com.apple.finder NewWindowTarget -string "PfDe"
+defaults write com.apple.finder NewWindowTargetPath -string "file://${HOME}/Desktop/"
# Show icons for hard drives, servers, and removable media on the desktop
defaults write com.apple.finder ShowExternalHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true
defaults write com.apple.finder ShowHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true