diff options
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/.osx b/.osx
index d38fb9e..080854b 100755
--- a/.osx
+++ b/.osx
@@ -564,14 +564,51 @@ sudo mdutil -E / > /dev/null
defaults write com.apple.terminal StringEncodings -array 4
# Use a modified version of the Solarized Dark theme by default in Terminal.app
-TERM_PROFILE='Solarized Dark xterm-256color';
-CURRENT_PROFILE="$(defaults read com.apple.terminal 'Default Window Settings')";
-if [ "${CURRENT_PROFILE}" != "${TERM_PROFILE}" ]; then
- open "${HOME}/init/${TERM_PROFILE}.terminal";
- sleep 1; # Wait a bit to make sure the theme is loaded
- defaults write com.apple.terminal 'Default Window Settings' -string "${TERM_PROFILE}";
- defaults write com.apple.terminal 'Startup Window Settings' -string "${TERM_PROFILE}";
+osascript <<EOD
+tell application "Terminal"
+ local allOpenedWindows
+ local initialOpenedWindows
+ local windowID
+ set themeName to "Solarized Dark xterm-256color"
+ (* Store the IDs of all the open terminal windows. *)
+ set initialOpenedWindows to id of every window
+ (* Open the custom theme so that it gets added to the list
+ of available terminal themes (note: this will open two
+ additional terminal windows). *)
+ do shell script "open '$HOME/init/" & themeName & ".terminal'"
+ (* Wait a little bit to ensure that the custom theme is added. *)
+ delay 1
+ (* Set the custom theme as the default terminal theme. *)
+ set default settings to settings set themeName
+ (* Get the IDs of all the currently opened terminal windows. *)
+ set allOpenedWindows to id of every window
+ repeat with windowID in allOpenedWindows
+ (* Close the additional windows that were opened in order
+ to add the custom theme to the list of terminal themes. *)
+ if initialOpenedWindows does not contain windowID then
+ close (every window whose id is windowID)
+ (* Change the theme for the initial opened terminal windows
+ to remove the need to close them in order for the custom
+ theme to be applied. *)
+ else
+ set current settings of tabs of (every window whose id is windowID) to settings set themeName
+ end if
+ end repeat
+end tell
# Enable “focus follows mouse” for Terminal.app and all X11 apps
# i.e. hover over a window and start typing in it without clicking first