from __future__ import absolute_import from copy import copy from functools import wraps from itertools import chain import os import sys import urllib from urlparse import urljoin from django.conf import settings from .subprocess import check_output def _options_to_args(**options): """Converts ``options`` into a list of command-line arguments.""" flags = [] for name in sorted(options): value = options[name] if value is None: continue flags.append('--' + name.replace('_', '-')) if value is not True: flags.append(unicode(value)) return flags def wkhtmltopdf(pages, output=None, **kwargs): """ Converts html to PDF using pages: List of file paths or URLs of the html to be converted. output: Optional output file path. If None, the output is returned. **kwargs: Passed to wkhtmltopdf via _extra_args() (See for acceptable args.) Kwargs is passed through as arguments. e.g.: {'footer_html': ''} becomes '--footer-html' Where there is no value passed, use True. e.g.: {'disable_javascript': True} becomes: '--disable-javascript' To disable a default option, use None. e.g: {'quiet': None'} becomes: '' example usage: wkhtmltopdf(pages=['/tmp/example.html'], dpi=300, orientation='Landscape', disable_javascript=True) """ if isinstance(pages, basestring): # Support a single page. pages = [pages] if output is None: # Standard output. output = '-' # Default options: options = getattr(settings, 'WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD_OPTIONS', None) if options is None: options = {'quiet': True} else: options = copy(options) options.update(kwargs) # Force --encoding utf8 unless the user has explicitly overridden this. options.setdefault('encoding', 'utf8') env = getattr(settings, 'WKHTMLTOPDF_ENV', None) if env is not None: env = dict(os.environ, **env) cmd = getattr(settings, 'WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD', 'wkhtmltopdf') args = list(chain([cmd], _options_to_args(**options), list(pages), [output])) return check_output(args, stderr=sys.stderr, env=env) def content_disposition_filename(filename): """ Sanitize a file name to be used in the Content-Disposition HTTP header. Even if the standard is quite permissive in terms of characters, there are a lot of edge cases that are not supported by different browsers. See for more details. """ filename = filename.replace(';', '').replace('"', '') return http_quote(filename) def http_quote(string): """ Given a unicode string, will do its dandiest to give you back a valid ascii charset string you can use in, say, http headers and the like. """ if isinstance(string, unicode): try: import unidecode string = unidecode.unidecode(string) except ImportError: string = string.encode('ascii', 'replace') # Wrap in double-quotes for ; , and the like return '"{0!s}"'.format(string.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')) def pathname2fileurl(pathname): """Returns a file:// URL for pathname. Handles OS-specific conversions.""" return urljoin('file:', urllib.pathname2url(pathname))