from __future__ import absolute_import from copy import copy from itertools import chain import os import re import sys try: from urllib import pathname2url from urlparse import urljoin except ImportError: # py3k from urllib.request import pathname2url from urllib.parse import urljoin from django.conf import settings from django.utils import six from .subprocess import check_output def _options_to_args(**options): """Converts ``options`` into a list of command-line arguments.""" flags = [] for name in sorted(options): value = options[name] if value is None: continue flags.append('--' + name.replace('_', '-')) if value is not True: flags.append(six.text_type(value)) return flags def wkhtmltopdf(pages, output=None, **kwargs): """ Converts html to PDF using pages: List of file paths or URLs of the html to be converted. output: Optional output file path. If None, the output is returned. **kwargs: Passed to wkhtmltopdf via _extra_args() (See for acceptable args.) Kwargs is passed through as arguments. e.g.: {'footer_html': ''} becomes '--footer-html' Where there is no value passed, use True. e.g.: {'disable_javascript': True} becomes: '--disable-javascript' To disable a default option, use None. e.g: {'quiet': None'} becomes: '' example usage: wkhtmltopdf(pages=['/tmp/example.html'], dpi=300, orientation='Landscape', disable_javascript=True) """ if isinstance(pages, six.string_types): # Support a single page. pages = [pages] if output is None: # Standard output. output = '-' # Default options: options = getattr(settings, 'WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD_OPTIONS', None) if options is None: options = {'quiet': True} else: options = copy(options) options.update(kwargs) # Force --encoding utf8 unless the user has explicitly overridden this. options.setdefault('encoding', 'utf8') env = getattr(settings, 'WKHTMLTOPDF_ENV', None) if env is not None: env = dict(os.environ, **env) cmd = 'WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD' cmd = getattr(settings, cmd, os.environ.get(cmd, 'wkhtmltopdf')) ck_args = list(chain(cmd.split(), _options_to_args(**options), list(pages), [output])) ck_kwargs = {'env': env} if hasattr(sys.stderr, 'fileno'): ck_kwargs['stderr'] = sys.stderr return check_output(ck_args, **ck_kwargs) def content_disposition_filename(filename): """ Sanitize a file name to be used in the Content-Disposition HTTP header. Even if the standard is quite permissive in terms of characters, there are a lot of edge cases that are not supported by different browsers. See for more details. """ filename = filename.replace(';', '').replace('"', '') return http_quote(filename) def http_quote(string): """ Given a unicode string, will do its dandiest to give you back a valid ascii charset string you can use in, say, http headers and the like. """ if isinstance(string, six.text_type): try: import unidecode string = unidecode.unidecode(string) except ImportError: string = string.encode('ascii', 'replace') # Wrap in double-quotes for ; , and the like string = string.replace(b'\\', b'\\\\').replace(b'"', b'\\"') return '"{0!s}"'.format(string.decode()) def pathname2fileurl(pathname): """Returns a file:// URL for pathname. Handles OS-specific conversions.""" return urljoin('file:', pathname2url(pathname)) def make_absolute_paths(content): """Convert all MEDIA files into a file://URL paths in order to correctly get it displayed in PDFs.""" overrides = [ { 'root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'url': settings.MEDIA_URL, }, { 'root': settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'url': settings.STATIC_URL, } ] has_scheme = re.compile(r'^[^:/]+://') for x in overrides: if has_scheme.match(x['url']): continue if not x['root'].endswith('/'): x['root'] += '/' occur_pattern = '''["|']({0}.*?)["|']''' occurences = re.findall(occur_pattern.format(x['url']), content) occurences = list(set(occurences)) # Remove dups for occur in occurences: content = content.replace(occur, pathname2fileurl(x['root']) + occur[len(x['url']):]) return content