from os import fdopen, remove from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError from tempfile import mkstemp from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponse from django.template import loader WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD = getattr(settings, 'WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD', 'wkhtmltopdf') def wkhtmltopdf(pages, output=None, **kwargs): """ Converts html to PDF using pages: List of file paths or URLs of the html to be converted. output: Optionsal output file path. **kwargs: Passed to wkhtmltopdf via _extra_args() (See for acceptable args.) Kwargs is passed through as arguments. e.g.: {'footer_html': ''} becomes '--footer-html' Where there is no value passed, use a blank string. e.g.: {'disable_javascript': ''} becomes: '--disable-javascript ' example usage: wkhtmltopdf(html_path="~/example.html", dpi=300, orientation="Landscape", disable_javascript="") """ def _extra_args(**kwargs): """Converts kwargs into a string of flags to be passed to wkhtmltopdf.""" flags = '' for k, v in kwargs.items(): flags += ' --%s %s' % (k.replace('_', '-'), v) return flags if not isinstance(pages, list): pages = [pages] kwargs['quiet'] = '' args = '%s %s %s %s' % (WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD, _extra_args(**kwargs), ' '.join(pages), output or '-') process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise CalledProcessError(process.returncode, args) if output is None: output = stdoutdata return output def render_to_pdf(template_name, dictionary=None, context_instance=None, header_template=None, footer_template=None, **kwargs): """Renders a html template as a PDF response.""" filename = kwargs.pop('filename', None) page_path = template_to_temp_file(template_name, dictionary, context_instance) tmp_files = [] if header_template is not None: kwargs['header_html'] = template_to_temp_file(header_template, dictionary, context_instance) tmp_files.append(kwargs['header_html']) if footer_template is not None: kwargs['footer_html'] = template_to_temp_file(footer_template, dictionary, context_instance) tmp_files.append(kwargs['footer_html']) content = wkhtmltopdf([page_path], **kwargs) for path in tmp_files: remove(path) response = HttpResponse(content, mimetype='application/pdf') if filename is not None: response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;' + ' filename=%s' %filename return response def template_to_temp_file(*args, **kwargs): """Renders a template to a temp file, and returns the path of the file.""" fd, tmppath = mkstemp(suffix='.html') f = fdopen(fd, 'wt') f.write(loader.render_to_string(*args, **kwargs)) f.close() return tmppath