Usage ===== The :py:class:`PDFTemplateView` is a Django class-based view. By default, it uses :py:class:`PDFTemplateResponse` to render an HTML template to PDF. It accepts the following class attributes: :py:attr:`template_name` The full name of a template to use as the body of the PDF. :py:attr:`header_template` Optional. The full name of a template to use as the header on each page. :py:attr:`footer_template` Optional. The full name of a template to use as the footer on each page. :py:attr:`filename` The filename to use when responding with an attachment containing the PDF. Default is ``'rendered_pdf.pdf'``. If ``None``, the view returns the PDF output inline, not as an attachment. :py:attr:`response_class` The response class to be returned by :py:meth:`render_to_response` method. Default is :py:class:`PDFTemplateResponse`. :py:attr:`html_response_class` The response class to be returned by :py:meth:`render_to_response` method, when rendering as HTML. See note below. Default is :py:class:`TemplateResponse`. :py:attr:`cmd_options` The dictionary of command-line arguments passed to the underlying ``wkhtmltopdf`` binary. Default is ``{}``. wkhtmltopdf options can be found by running ``wkhtmltopdf --help``. Unfortunately they don't provide hosted documentation. .. note:: For convenience in development you can add the GET arg ``?as=html`` to the end of your URL to render the PDF as a web page. Simple Example -------------- Point a URL at :py:class:`PDFTemplateView`: .. code-block:: python from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from wkhtmltopdf.views import PDFTemplateView urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... url(r'^pdf/$', PDFTemplateView.as_view(template_name='my_template.html', filename='my_pdf.pdf'), name='pdf'), # ... ) Advanced Example ---------------- Point a URL (as above) at your own view that subclasses :py:class:`PDFTemplateView` and override the sections you need to. .. code-block:: python from django_wkhtmltopdf.views import PDFTemplateView class MyPDF(PDFTemplateView): filename = 'my_pdf.pdf' template_name = 'my_template.html' cmd_options = { 'margin-top': 3, }