Settings ======== Available settings ------------------ Here's a full list of available settings, in alphabetical order, and their default values. WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default: ``'wkhtmltopdf'`` The name of the ``wkhtmltopdf`` binary. If there are no path components, this app will look for the binary using the default OS paths. WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD_OPTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default: ``{'quiet': True}`` A dictionary of command-line arguments to pass to the ``wkhtmltopdf`` binary. Keys are the name of the flag and values are arguments for the flag. To pass a simple flag, for example: ``wkhtmltopdf --disable-javascript``: .. code-block:: python WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD_OPTIONS = {'disable-javascript': True} To pass a flag with an argument, for example: ``wkhtmltopdf --title 'TPS Report'``: .. code-block:: python WKHTMLTOPDF_CMD_OPTIONS = {'title': 'TPS Report'} WKHTMLTOPDF_DEBUG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default: same as :py:data:`settings.DEBUG` A boolean that turns on/off debug mode. WKHTMLTOPDF_ENV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default: ``None`` An optional dictionary of environment variables to override, when running the ``wkhtmltopdf`` binary. Keys are the name of the environment variable. A common use of this is to set the ``DISPLAY`` environment variable to another X server, when using ``wkhtmltopdf --use-xserver``: .. code-block:: python WKHTMLTOPDF_ENV = {'DISPLAY': ':2'}