# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013, First Party Software # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. import json import datetime from datetime import timedelta from django.utils import timezone from django import forms from django.db import connection from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page from servo.stats.forms import * from servo.stats.queries import * from servo.models import User, Order class ServoTimeDelta: def __init__(self, td): self.td = td def days(self): return self.td.days def workdays(self): pass def hours(self): return self.td.seconds//3600 def nonzero(self): return self.hours() > 0 def prep_view(request): """ Prepares the stats view """ title = _('Statistics') profile = request.user location = request.user.location initial = { 'location' : location.pk, 'end_date' : str(default_end_date), 'start_date': str(default_start_date), 'timescale' : default_timescale, } group = request.user.get_group() if group: initial['group'] = group.pk # Remember the previous stats filter if request.session.get('stats_filter'): initial.update(request.session['stats_filter']) request.session['stats_filter'] = initial return locals() def index(request): """ /stats/ """ data = prep_view(request) form = TechieStatsForm(initial=data['initial']) if request.method == 'POST': form = TechieStatsForm(request.POST, initial=data['initial']) if form.is_valid(): request.session['stats_filter'] = form.serialize() data['form'] = form return render(request, "stats/index.html", data) #@cache_page(15*60) def data(request, query): result = [] stats = StatsManager() cursor = connection.cursor() report, what = query.split('/') locations = request.user.locations params = request.session.get('stats_filter') timescale = params.get('timescale', default_timescale) location = params.get('location', request.user.location) if params.get('location'): location = Location.objects.get(pk=params['location']) else: location = request.user.location try: location_id = location.pk except AttributeError: location_id = 0 start_date = params.get('start_date', default_start_date) end_date = params.get('end_date', default_end_date) queues = request.user.queues.all() try: users = params.get('group').user_set except AttributeError: users = User.objects.filter(location=location) if report == "sales": if what == "invoices": for i in queues: data = stats.sales_invoices(timescale, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if what == "purchases": for i in queues: data = stats.sales_purchases(timescale, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if what == "parts": i = 0 data = [] labels = [] results = stats.sales_parts_per_labtier(start_date, end_date) for r in results: data.append([i, r[1]]) labels.append([i, r[0]]) i += 1 result.append({'label': labels, 'data': data}) if what == "personal": location_id = request.user.get_location().id users = User.objects.filter(pk=request.user.pk) for i in users.filter(is_active=True): data = stats.order_runrate(timescale, location_id, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.get_full_name(), 'data': data}) if what == "runrate": for i in users.filter(is_active=True): data = stats.order_runrate(timescale, location_id, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.get_full_name(), 'data': data}) if report == "created": if what == "user": for i in location.user_set.all(): data = stats.orders_created_by(timescale, location_id, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.get_full_name(), 'data': data}) if what == "location": for i in locations.all(): data = stats.orders_created_at(timescale, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if report == "closed": if what == "location": for i in locations.all(): data = stats.orders_closed_at(timescale, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if what == "queue": for i in queues: data = stats.orders_closed_in( timescale, location.pk, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if what == "count": for i in queues: data = stats.order_count(timescale, location_id, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if report == "status": status = params.get('status') if what == "location": for i in locations.all(): data = stats.statuses_per_location( timescale, i.pk, status, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if what == "tech": for i in User.objects.filter(location=location, is_active=True): data = stats.statuses_per_user( timescale, i.pk, status, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.get_name(), 'data': data}) if report == "turnaround": if what == "location": for i in locations.all(): data = stats.turnaround_per_location( timescale, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if report == "runrate": if what == "location": for i in locations.all(): data = stats.runrate_per_location( timescale, i.pk, start_date, end_date) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if report == "distribution": if what == "location": result = stats.distribution_per_location(start_date, end_date) if what == "turnaround": for i in queues: data = stats.order_turnaround( timescale, location_id, i.pk, start_date, end_date ) result.append({'label': i.title, 'data': data}) if what == "queues": cursor.execute("""SELECT q.title, COUNT(*) FROM servo_order o LEFT OUTER JOIN servo_queue q on (o.queue_id = q.id) WHERE (o.created_at, o.created_at) OVERLAPS (%s, %s) GROUP BY q.title""", [start_date, end_date]) for k, v in cursor.fetchall(): k = k or _('No Queue') result.append({'label': k, 'data': v}) if what == "techs": for i in users.filter(is_active=True): cursor.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) as p FROM servo_order o WHERE user_id = %s AND location_id = %s AND (created_at, created_at) OVERLAPS (%s, %s) GROUP BY user_id""", [i.pk, location_id, start_date, end_date]) for v in cursor.fetchall(): result.append({'label': i.username, 'data': v}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result)) def sales(request): data = prep_view(request) form = InvoiceStatsForm(initial=data['initial']) if request.method == 'POST': form = InvoiceStatsForm(request.POST, initial=data['initial']) if form.is_valid(): request.session['stats_filter'] = form.serialize() data['form'] = form return render(request, "stats/sales.html", data) def queues(request): data = prep_view(request) form = OrderStatsForm(initial=data['initial']) if request.method == 'POST': form = OrderStatsForm(request.POST, initial=data['initial']) if form.is_valid(): request.session['stats_filter'] = form.serialize() data['form'] = form return render(request, "stats/queues.html", data) def locations(request): data = prep_view(request) form = BasicStatsForm(initial=data['initial']) if request.method == 'POST': form = BasicStatsForm(request.POST, initial=data['initial']) if form.is_valid(): request.session['stats_filter'] = form.serialize() data['form'] = form return render(request, "stats/locations.html", data) def statuses(request): data = prep_view(request) form = StatusStatsForm(initial=data['initial']) if request.method == 'POST': form = StatusStatsForm(request.POST, initial=data['initial']) if form.is_valid(): # Store the name of the status since we don't have # IDs in events, yet status = form.cleaned_data['status'].title f = form.serialize() f['status'] = status request.session['stats_filter'] = f data['form'] = form return render(request, "stats/statuses.html", data) def repairs(request): title = _('Repair statistics') form = NewStatsForm(initial={ 'location': [request.user.location], 'queue': request.user.queues.all() }) if request.GET.get('location'): results = [] form = NewStatsForm(request.GET) totals = { 'created' : 0, 'assigned' : 0, 'repairs' : 0, 'dispatched' : 0, 'tmp_orders' : [], 'turnaround' : timedelta(), } if not form.is_valid(): return render(request, "stats/newstats.html", locals()) cdata = form.cleaned_data date_range = (cdata['start_date'], cdata['end_date']) for u in User.active.filter(location=cdata['location']): r = {'name': u.get_full_name()} # Look at invoices first because that data may be different from # assignment info (tech A startx, tech B finishes) dispatched = u.invoice_set.filter( order__queue=cdata['queue'], order__location=cdata['location'], created_at__range=date_range ) if len(cdata.get('label')): dispatched = dispatched.filter(order__tags=cdata['label']) # Count each case's dispatch only once r['dispatched'] = dispatched.values('order_id').distinct().count() created = u.created_orders.filter( queue=cdata['queue'], location=cdata['location'], created_at__range=date_range ) if len(cdata.get('label')): created = created.filter(tags=cdata['label']) r['created'] = created.count() totals['created'] += r['created'] # add amount to totals assigned = u.order_set.filter( queue=cdata['queue'], location=cdata['location'], started_at__range=date_range ) if len(cdata.get('label')): assigned = assigned.filter(tags=cdata['label']) r['assigned'] = assigned.count() if (r['assigned'] < 1) and (r['dispatched'] < 1): continue # ... only continue with actual techs repairs = u.created_repairs.filter( order__queue=cdata['queue'], order__location=cdata['location'], submitted_at__range=date_range ) if len(cdata.get('label')): repairs = repairs.filter(order__tags=cdata['label']) # Only count each case's GSX repair once r['repairs'] = repairs.values('order_id').distinct().count() totals['repairs'] += r['repairs'] totals['assigned'] += r['assigned'] totals['dispatched'] += r['dispatched'] results.append(r) turnaround = timedelta() # calculate turnaround time of dispatched cases for o in dispatched: totals['tmp_orders'].append(o.order) for s in o.order.orderstatus_set.filter(status=cdata['status']): if s.finished_at is None: s.finished_at = s.order.closed_at or timezone.now() totals['turnaround'] += (s.finished_at - s.started_at) totals['diff'] = totals['dispatched'] - totals['assigned'] if totals['dispatched'] > 0: totals['turnaround'] = ServoTimeDelta(totals['turnaround']/totals['dispatched']) return render(request, "stats/newstats.html", locals())