{% extends "default.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block content %}
{% block filter_block %}
{% csrf_token %} {% for field in form %}
{{ field }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock filter_block %}
{% block stats %}

{% trans "Orders Assigned" %}

{% trans "Shows how many new orders have been assigned to each technician over the given time period." %}

{% include "stats/plot_snippet.html" with url="/stats/data/orders/runrate/" %}

{% trans "Orders Created" %}

{% trans "This graph shows how many orders are checked in by each user." %}

{% include "stats/plot_snippet.html" with url="/stats/data/created/user/" %}

{% trans "Work Distribution" %}

{% trans "Shows you how the total number of service orders is distributed across the technicians at this location." %}

{% endblock stats %}
{% endblock content %} {% block crumbs %}
  • {% trans "Statistics" %}
  • {% endblock crumbs %} {% block media %} {% endblock media %}