{% extends "stats/index.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block tabs %}
  • {% trans "Technicians" %}
  • {% trans "Locations" %}
  • {% trans "Queues" %}
  • {% trans "Repairs" %}
  • {% trans "Statuses" %}
  • {% trans "Sales" %}
  • {% trans "Devices" %}
  • {% endblock tabs %} {% block stats %}

    {% trans "Device statistics" %}

    {% trans "Shows the number of orders and GSX repairs created for each device model within the given timeframe." %}

    {% for r in results %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
    {% trans "Device" %} {% trans "Service Orders" %} {% trans "GSX Repairs" %}
    {{ r.0 }} {{ r.1 }} {{ r.2 }}
    {% trans "No results found" %}
    {% endblock stats %}