{% load i18n %} {% load servo_tags %} {% with order.serviceorderitem_set.all as products %} {% if products.count %} {% endif %} {% for item in products %} {% with item.product as product %} {% endwith %} {% empty %}

{% trans "Order doesn't contain any products" %}

{% endfor %}
{% trans "Product" %} {% trans "Amount" %} {% trans "Price Category" %} {% trans "Price" %} {% trans "Total" %}
{{ product }} {{ product.code }}
{{ item.title }}
{% if item.sn or item.kbb_sn %}

{% trans "Serial Number" %}: {{ item.sn }}{% if item.kbb_sn %}, KBB: {{ item.kbb_sn }}{% endif %}

{% endif %} {% if product.is_apple_part %} {% for repair in order.get_repairs %}
{{ repair.confirmation }} {% if item in repair.get_products %} {% with item.get_part as part %} {% include "repairs/part_menu.html" %} {% endwith %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{{ item.amount }} {{ item.get_price_category_display }} {{ item.price|currency }} {{ item.total_gross|currency }} {% if order.is_editable %}
{% if item.should_report %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% trans "Reserve Products" %} {% trans "Add Product" %}
{% endwith %}

{% if order.serviceorderitem_set.count %}

{% trans "Order Total" %}: {{ order.gross_total|currency }}

{% endif %}