{% extends "orders/print_confirmation.html" %} {% load servo_tags %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %} {% blocktrans with invoice.pk as number %}Receipt {{ number }}{% endblocktrans %} {% endblock title %} {% block customer_details %} {{ invoice.customer_name }}
{% trans "Daytime Phone" %}: {{ invoice.customer_phone|default:"-" }}
{% trans "Email Address" %}: {{ invoice.customer_email|default:"-" }} {% if invoice.customer_address %}
{% trans "Address" %}: {{ invoice.customer_address }} {% endif %} {% endblock customer_details %} {% block list_products %} {% for i in invoice.invoiceitem_set.all %} {{ i.code }} {{ i.title }}{% if i.sn %}
{% trans "SN" %}: {{ i.sn }} {% if i.imei %}{% trans "IMEI" %}: {{ i.imei }}{% endif %}{% endif %} {{ i.product.get_warranty_display|default:"" }} {{ i.product.pct_vat|floatformat:"0" }}% {{ i.amount }} {{ i.price_notax|currency }} {{ i.price|currency }} {{ i.total_gross|currency }} {% endfor %} {% endblock list_products %} {% block order_total %} {{ invoice.total_gross|currency }} {% endblock order_total %} {% block customer_pickup %}

{% trans "Date of invoice" %}: {{ invoice.created_at|date:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT" }}
{% trans "Payment method" %}: {{ invoice.get_payment_methods|join:", " }}
{% trans "Sales Person" %}: {{ invoice.created_by.get_full_name }}

{% endblock customer_pickup %} {% block tos %}{% endblock tos %}