{% extends "devices/index.html" %} {% load servo_tags %} {% load i18n %} {% block fourth_column %}
{% include "devices/summary.html" %}
{% if request.session.current_order_id and device.id %} {% trans "Use in" %} #{{ request.session.current_order_code }} {% else %} {% trans "Use in current order" %} {% endif %} {% if device.pk %} {% trans "Create Service Order" %} {% endif %}
{% if perms.servo.change_device %} {% trans "Edit" %} {% endif %}
{% include "orders/list.html" with orders=device.order_set.all %}

{% trans "Local GSX repairs" %}

{% for r in device.repair_set.all %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
{{ r.confirmation }} {{ r.created_at|date }} {{ r.created_by }} {{ r.get_status }}
{% trans "No local GSX repairs found" %}
{% if device.is_apple_device %}

{% trans "Fetching repairs..." %}

{% endif %}
{% endblock fourth_column %} {% block path %}
  • / {{ device.description }}
  • {% endblock path %}