{% extends "devices/view.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block fourth_column %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.description %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.sn %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.warranty_status %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.username %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.password %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.purchased_on %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.brand %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.purchase_country %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.reseller %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.product_line %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.configuration %}
{% for t in device.tags.all %}
{{ t.tag }}
{% endfor %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.photo %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.notes %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.has_onsite %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.is_vintage %}
{% include "form_buttons.html" %}
{% endblock fourth_column %}