{% extends "customers/index.html" %} {% load servo_tags %} {% load i18n %} {% block third_column %}
{{ customer.name }} {% if customer.parent %}
{{ customer.parent.name }} {% endif %}
{% if customer.email %}
{% trans "Email" %}
{{ customer.email }}
{% endif %} {% if customer.phone %}
{% trans "Phone" %}
{{ customer.get_international_phone }}
{% endif %} {% if customer.street_address %}
{% trans "Address" %}
{{ customer.street_address }}
{{ customer.zip_code }} {{ customer.city }}
{% endif %} {% for ci in customer.contactinfo_set.all %}
{{ ci.key }}
{{ ci.value }}
{% endfor %} {% if customer.country %}
{% trans "Country" %}
{{ customer.get_country_display }}
{% endif %} {% if customer.notes %}
{% trans "Notes" %}
{{ customer.notes }}
{% endif %}
{% if customer.is_company %}
{% trans "Contacts" %}
{% for c in customer.get_contacts %}{{ c }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% with request.session.current_order_id as order_id %} {% if order_id and not request.session.current_order_customer %} {% trans "Use in " %} #{{ request.session.current_order_code }} {% else %} {% trans "Use in current order" %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% if perms.servo.change_customer %} {% trans "Edit" %} {% else %} {% trans "Edit" %} {% endif %}
{% include "orders/list.html" %}
{% include "devices/list.html" with devices=customer.devices.all tag_id=None %}
{% for i in customer.note_set.all %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
{{ i.code }} {{ i.subject }} {{ i.created_at|date:"SHORT_DATE_FORMAT" }} {{ i.sender }}
{% trans "No messages found" %}
{% endblock third_column %} {% block crumbs %}
  • {% trans "Customers" %} /
  • {{ customer.name }}
  • {% endblock crumbs %}